How Silent Fall the Cherry Blossoms

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So the distance of that Carinhall to Swiss border is 677 km, 1050 km is range of Me 262 with fuel full loaded.
It would be safer to fly to Sweden from Carinhall. He had lived there in the 1920s and his first wife was Swedish.(Carin Göring)


Karinhall was in east prussia.

Carinhall was the country residence of Hermann Göring, built on a large hunting estate northeast of Berlin in the Schorfheide forest between the lakes Großdöllner See and Wuckersee in the north of Brandenburg.

To prevent Carinhall from falling into the hands of the advancing Red Army, the compound was dynamited on 28 April 1945 at Göring's orders by a Luftwaffe demolition squad. The art treasures were evacuated beforehand to Berchtesgaden.

He could have flown quickly for Berchtesgaden but would not have had the fuel for fly for Carinhall to Switzerland.

If I were him escaping I would have used a


Must easier to find a place to land in Switzerland and it could be painted in Swiss colours as the Swiss used the same aircraft..
also it is an easy aircraft to hide if needed for another escape.

I suspect the choice had more to do with Goering's ego than practicality. And the Swiss are going to be in very hot water when their latest dealings come to light. Their OTL activities were bad enough but this is really going to cost them.


Edit of last post

Belfast spotted several factual errors I have corrrected. As much as I would have liked to have Goering strike across the Swiss border in a German jet fighter, Belfast is correct that the plane he showed me is better for the purpose.

Belfast spotted several factual errors I have corrrected. As much as I would have liked to have Goering strike across the Swiss border in a German jet fighter, Belfast is correct that the plane he showed me is better for the purpose.


you missed a spot:

The jet fighter began to roll down the air strip, and in moments it was airborne


Take your time Geon - don't rush the end of that TL. You did a superb job, firing updates like a MG-42 machine gun.
Surely, Goering flying out of Germany aboard a Me-262 was one heck of a good idea. But a Fi-156 is the extreme opposite of a Me-262, and that also includes reliability of the engine. Very ironically you probably saved Goering life... :p
And Goering implements his escape plan!
Date: April 16, 1945
Location: Germany [Karinhall]
Time: 7:30 p.m.

It was past time to go Hermann Goering decided. For the past four months he had been putting the final touches to his escape plan. The destruction in December of most of the Luftwaffe in the air battle over Belgium had been the final straw. It was now clear the Reich would not last perhaps even until the summer. Thus Hermann Goering prepared to implement his escape plan.

Over the last few months he had secretly ordered that his horde of stolen art objects and treasure “collected,” from all over Europe be moved from its hiding places throughout Germany to Switzerland. He had contacted the Swiss and they had agreed to, for a fee, ensure that Goering’s fortune be protected within a Swiss bank. Millions of dollars worth of rare art objects and gold from the plundered countries would disappear into Swiss vaults under accounts which only had numbers, not names. The Swiss were the most careful and secure bankers on Earth. The fortune he now stored away would be enough to keep him and his family for the rest of their lives.

Now, as evening came Goering put on a flight/pressure suit specially made for him. For the thousandth time he blessed the Luftwaffe doctor who had helped him to lose the weight he needed and gotten him healthy enough for this. Then he and his valet drove out to an airfield that had been specially built on his mansion’s grounds for this moment. There on a field stood a Feisler 156 a small reconnaissance plane used by the Swiss and painted with Swiss markings.

Goering was an aviator first and last. He loved flight. He was determined not to simply slink into hiding across the border but to do so in a way that even if he was caught would be a fitting end for a World War I ace. The Feisler been stripped of all weaponry to make it all the faster. Goering would pilot the Feisler across the border and then land at a specially constructed air field prepared by his cohorts in Switzerland. The Swiss would undoubtedly spot him but they would think he was one of their own. Once he landed the plan was to destroy the aircraft and cover his tracks. New identity papers were all ready for him he was assured by the carefully bribed Swiss authorities who were helping in this deception. Within a few days he would be reunited with his wife and daughter and within a month if all went well they would all have new identities and be on their way to a new life elsewhere.

A final check by Goering showed everything was ready. The ground crew began to rev up the engines and Goering knew strapped into the cockpit tossed a last salute to his household staff and the ground crew. Goering had given orders that his home in Berchtesgaden was to remain open. He was certain the Americans would be the ones to take it and he decided that he would leave his vintage collection of wines for them. The soldiers just might appreciate such a gesture.

The plane began to roll down the air strip, and in moments it was airborne. It disappeared toward the south into the clouds quickly. It was the last time anyone would see Reichsmarshall Hermann Goering for many years.

You need to change the location to Berchtesgaden and the Feisler does not need a prepared air strip to land or take off. He does not need a pressure suit for the Feisler.. The fewer people involved in the escape the better, so best avoid preparing air strips. Good cover stry about his loot being caputred by the Russians should get the allies looking in the work places for the loot.

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Take your time Geon - don't rush the end of that TL. You did a superb job, firing updates like a MG-42 machine gun.
Surely, Goering flying out of Germany aboard a Me-262 was one heck of a good idea. But a Fi-156 is the extreme opposite of a Me-262, and that also includes reliability of the engine. Very ironically you probably saved Goering life... :p

Me-262 could still be used for a decoy flight to Sweden possibly last seen crashing in flames in the see near Sweden due to engine flame out.
OTL one of these flew to Dublin at the end of the war.


Heinkel He 219 Uhu "Eagle/Owl nightfighter
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I suspect the choice had more to do with Goering's ego than practicality. And the Swiss are going to be in very hot water when their latest dealings come to light. Their OTL activities were bad enough but this is really going to cost them.

I'd say! Add in all the other notables bailing out during Phoenix and they're going to be facing a very stark ultimatum in a few months, Goering and co are literally too hot to handle and is imagine there will be even more pressure to return all that plunder.
Me-262 could still be used for a decoy flight to Sweden possibly last seen crashing in flames in the see near Sweden due to engine flame out.
OTL one of these flew to Dublin at the end of the war.

Heinkel He 219 Uhu "Eagle/Owl nightfighter

Dam i forgot the short life time of Jet engine around 30 minute
but so good the Fi-156 is, it's lame duck if allies fighter show up
and multi engine bomber like He 219 has better chance against them

but what if the Luftwaffe give Goering a Me 262 with two of older jet Engine Jumo 004 A with right steel alloys and not Jumo 004 B with 30 minute lifetime ?
Dam i forgot the short life time of Jet engine around 30 minute
but so good the Fi-156 is, it's lame duck if allies fighter show up
and multi engine bomber like He 219 has better chance against them

but what if the Luftwaffe give Goering a Me 262 with two of older jet Engine Jumo 004 A with right steel alloys and not Jumo 004 B with 30 minute lifetime ?

Attracts too much attention and needs too many people to prepare a landing strip and you need a 2 seater as he cannot fly a high speed jet.
less people involved means better security.

or he could escape in this with American markings and might be able to get a lot further away that Switzerland.
or maybe the b-17 is just another decoy

B-17 in service luftwaffe

The B-17F Badger's Beauty V. captured by the Luftwaffe
The American recaptured it OTL intact at the end of the war.
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Italian Front?

Is there any significant change on the Italian Front? December 1944 and January 1945 seem to have been somewhat of a pause, but now that we are into spring...
Dammit, I wanted to see Goering fly out of Germany in a jet fighter. :(:mad::p

Glad it was fixed. Goering was an accomplished aviator, but I seriously doubt he had any experience in a twin engined jet fighter. He'd have a hard time with it. No, the Storch was ideal for this purpose, since it could land almost anywhere whil a Me-262 would need a long prepared runway. Actually, I'm kind of glad Goering got away (at least for a while), although things will sure get interesting for the Swiss. At least in this TL, he seems like the most human of the Nazis.

I am also interested in how this Nazi resistance thing will work. Interesting to see if it will mirror Turtledove's ideas.


Phoenix Vault

Hitler is about to meet his destiny. One note about the last paragraph. This last paragraph reflects my beliefs on divine justice. I am fully aware many on this board do not share my views. I fully understand. However, I strongly believe that if a person does not receive justice for good or ill in this life he will receive that justice in the next.

Michel Van and I worked on the design for the Phoenix Vault and I will ask Michel now to kindly show what we came up with.

I hope this is enjoyable for everyone and thank you as always for your continued comments.
Date: April 20, 1945
Location: The Berghof
Time: 10:00 p.m. [German time]

At the Berghof Adolf Hitler and his new bride Eva Braun [Hitler] were saying good bye to the household staff. The Fuehrer’s birthday party had just concluded. Among those that had attended were General Jodl, Martin Bormann, Albert Speer, as well as Eva and the rest of Hitler’s household staff.

The party had begun at 5 p.m. when Hitler came down the steps with Eva on his arm who was wearing a black dress with a red rose embroidered on it, one of Hitler’s favorites. Hitler had announced then that he and Eva had been married in a private ceremony earlier that day witnessed by Bormann. The official who had been brought to the Berghof had followed strict guidelines asking both candidates to state that they were in their right minds and that they were of proper Aryan background then had asked them to sign the wedding certificate followed by Traudl Junge, Hitler’s personal secretary and his deputy Martin Bormann had both signed as witnesses.

Afterward Hitler and Eva had gone upstairs to prepare for the party. Now as they came down arm in arm Traudl saw Eva looking as she would say later, “happier then I have ever seen her in all the years I had known about her.” The Fuehrer also looked strangely excited, as Traudl would later say, “He seemed to be excited as if he knew something wonderful that no one else but he knew about.”

The birthday/wedding dinner had been a pleasant surprise for all. Hitler had ordered his vegetarian cook to prepare the meal. The main course was a salad with vegetables from the greenhouse built at Bormann’s instruction on the estate. In addition there was a baked potato with butter-just the way Hitler liked it-and surprisingly small slices of Bavarian ham. Hitler rarely touched meat but for this occasion he felt it was appropriate. He had even treated himself to one small slice of the ham. Afterward for dessert chocolate/mint cream cakes were served along with champagne. Again, Hitler allowed himself one small glass much to the surprise of many of his guests who knew him to be a complete teetotaler.

This was to be the last time anyone would see Hitler or Eva. Hitler had a few days before told the guests that he and Eva were preparing to disappear to a place where he would continue to lead the German people, a secret redoubt from where the Reich would rise once more like the phoenix of legend.

After dinner Eva had put on some records and all relaxed and enjoyed what was to be their last time together. Hitler reminisced about the old days and the times spent here at the Berghof. He regretted he had to go but promised to remember all of those who had stood by him.

Finally at ten the party began to break up. The guests formed a receiving line and the bride and groom proceeded down the line greeting everyone. Hitler offered each of the staff his hand which was now steady as a result of the ministrations of Goering’s doctor. The good doctor was not at the proceedings having been dismissed by the Fuehrer a day ago, but not before Hitler had given him several personal possessions of his, including a photo of him and his comrades taken in World War I and signed by Hitler himself. Eva looked pale as she passed Junge and gave her a jewel box with some of her jewelry and a fur coat and asked her to try to get back to her home if she could “And if you see my friends please give them my love.”

The last sight Traudl Junge had of her boss, Adolf Hitler was him waving from the top of the stairs of the Berghof as she and the rest of the staff were ferried down to the town of Berchtesgaden by car.

After all the guests had gone General Jodl. Martin Bormann and Albert Speer remained. Hitler wanted one last briefing with them before he departed. First, Hitler asked Jodl for a briefing on the situation on both fronts. In the Berghof’s map room Jodl quickly sketched the situation. In the East the Russians had launched their final thrust into Berlin from the Oder and were now on the outskirts of the city. Goebbels’s broadcasts had apparently fooled the Russians because it was clear from what scanty intelligence could now be received that they believed Hitler was in Berlin conducting the defense of the city. Bormann commented briefly that Goebbels had chosen well in the actor chosen to play the Fuehrer. Hitler turned to Bormann and asked, “Will he [referring to the actor] do everything that is required of him?” Bormann replied, “He is as loyal a man as we could find my Fuehrer and if he should prove to lack courage when the time comes then the SS guard we have assigned to him will ensure that he will play his final role.” Hitler smiled and nodded very satisfied. He then turned back to Jodl. Jodl continued the briefing. The Allies in the west were advancing albeit very slowly and were being made to pay dearly for every inch of land. According to earlier orders Wehrmacht commanders who showed any signs of surrender now or retreat would be shot by SS officers who now served as “minders” for them. From now on every foot of German soil would be contested. However the end was apparently inevitable. By the end of the week Montgomery’s army group would be entering Denmark to liberate that country. And by the first week of May it was likely American troops would be here in Berchtesgaden.

Hitler nodded and asked Speer if the “final preparations,” were ready. Speer nodded and told him the last of the items in question had been moved to the special location already. Satisfied Hitler turned to Bormann and handed him a document signed by Hitler. The document named Bormann acting deputy Fuehrer. After Hitler was gone Bormann’s duty would be to survive by whatever means and to begin Operation Phoenix. Bormann nodded without saying a word.

As Hitler finished his final briefing at 10:30 p.m. several cars pulled up outside the Berghof. Out of the cars came several SS officers in full uniform. They quickly entered the mansion and waited for the Fuehrer outside the map room. A few moments later Hitler emerged. Eva was waiting for him looking a bit intimidated by all the black uniforms around her.

Hitler looked at the commander and asked if everything was ready and he knew his instructions. The SS commander replied in the affirmative. These men had been hand picked by Hitler himself for their loyalty. “Proceed with your orders,” Hitler said simply.

Immediately one of the officers came forward to escort General Jodl and Bormann from the Berghof. Jodl already had orders given him by the Fuehrer a day before that would go out to all regional commanders. From now on all regional commanders would have effective command of the units in their areas. They were to resist to the last man in every sector. Jodl had no doubt that most of the commanders would and in some cases were already surrendering but at least gave them total approval for whatever action they decided on.

Albert Speer watched as Bormann and Jodl left. Deep down he knew what was coming. He had told his wife and children yesterday before he had come to the Berghof that he might not be back and had bid them farewell. He had hoped Hitler would spare him but he also knew he had too many secrets for the Fuehrer to do so. Hitler turned to him and said simply, “I am sorry Herr Speer.” He then turned to one of the SS men and said softly, “Do it quickly and cleanly.” Then Hitler turned and nodded to the other SS men. Ten of the SS men joined Hitler and his bride who was now holding onto Hitler’s arm as they walked out of the reception hall. The remaining SS men set about the task of setting up explosives throughout the Berghof. Even as they busied with this task the one Hitler had talked to a moment before turned to Speer and said simply, “Herr Speer.” Speer turned to see the officer pointing a Lugar at him and barely had time to register the flash and explosion of the Lugar as he was shot right between the eyes.

Meantime the remaining SS officers in the Berghof set about carefully mining the place. By midnight all was ready and they withdrew and detonated the charges placed around the building. Within moments the Berghof, Hitler’s retreat was a charred and blasted ruin. Speer’s blasted corpse would be discovered in the ruins later and for a time it would be thought that his body was that of Hitler.

The SS involved in the demolition work then withdrew and the eighteen officers drove to a nearby clearing in the woods surrounding Hitler’s former residence. There after drawing cards the officer who drew the highest card shot each of his comrades finally shooting himself. Their bodies would be discovered by the Allies later and would be one of the mysteries surrounding the disappearance of Adolf Hitler.

As their SS “brothers,” were tending to the death of Albert Speer and the destruction of the Berghof the other ten SS officers were accompanying Hitler on a last journey. The ten remaining officers that were with Hitler now were considered the cream of the crop. Hitler determined on nothing less for his departure. The group of SS men now formed a strange and ominous procession. In the front one of the SS men carried a flag with bloodstains on it. This was the flag that had been flown by Nazi loyalists at the Beer Hall Putsch so many years ago and carried the blood of many that had fallen. It was considered a secret symbol among the Nazis. All battle flags of the Reich were touched to this one before being distributed to their units and it was considered a holy relic. Next came one of the SS officers baring a leather bound book holding it with great reverence. This was the book Hitler had written that contained his twisted vision for the world known asMein Kampf. But this version had chapters that had not been written in the original. This one detailed Hitler’s views of the war. The new chapters like those before them painted Hitler as a martyr for his own dreams. There were no regrets, no mention of all the pain and blood he had shed. This was merely a continuation of the lies he had told both himself and the German people for so many years.

Behind the first two SS officers came the other eight escorting their Fuehrer and his bride down the stairs and into a narrow corridor. After going several hundred feet the corridor had a turn off that was much wider. The guards proceeded down this corridor.

The procession now entered a wide area and passed through a large vault door as thick as any bank vault. Beyond the vault door they passed a small squad of Wehrmacht soldiers who were guarding 20 men in pajama like garb. These were the last of the workers who had built the Phoenix Vault that they were now entering. The Wehrmacht officers had been told to hold the last of the prisoners here until the Fuehrer’s entourage was in the vault. Hundreds of prisoners from Dachau had worked on the vault for the last four months and had just finished a few days ago. Now most of those prisoners were dead, having been shot and buried in a mass grave a hundred miles away from the Berghof to ensure they would not reveal the secrets of the Phoenix Vault. These last 20 men had a different fate waiting for them.

The Fuehrer’s entourage passed the 20 doomed men and – though they didn’t know it yet – the doomed Wehrmacht squad that was guarding them. They passed through another vault door similar to the first and then a final door. Within the final door one of the SS officers fell out of the procession and waited until the Fuehrer and his bride had entered. He then went to a panel on the wall beside the innermost vault door and pushed the first of several switches. The three bank vault doors began to close much to the surprise and horror of both the prisoners and the Wehrmacht soldiers who after a minute of shock tried to push their past the doors before they closed – too late. Within moments they were trapped with the prisoners between the outer and middle doors to the Phoenix Vault. At a nod from Hitler the next switch was thrown. Explosive charges began to detonate, first in the ceiling and floor of the narrow corridor down which they had just come and then in the two antechambers between the first and third vault doors now sealed. The Wehrmacht and their prisoners would share the same fate being buried under tons of rock and debris and sealing the three doors.

Within the room they were in only a dull roar marked the detonation of the bombs beyond. The room they were in was lit by softly glowing electric lights from a self contained generator, was domed and in the center of it was a granite altar on which the only item so far was a silver SS dagger. Next to this the SS guard who had carried the revised copy of Mein Kampf now placed the leather bound book reverently on the altar. The individual carrying the “blood flag,” now planted the flag in a receptacle prepared for it in the floor beside the altar. Around them were sixteen bronze coffins arranged in rows of eight on either side. Each bore the name of one of the “Fallen Sixteen,” the fallen martyrs of the Beer Hall Putsch whose blood was considered sacred by the Reich. Hitler took a moment to survey the crypt and then the procession reformed and passed on through a second room which would become known as the Hall of Guardians with ten marble slabs on each side of the room bearing the name of one of the SS officers here.

Finally they entered the last room. This room also was domed. In the center was a solid marble sarcophagus. Steps led up to the sarcophagus on either side and the marble lid was set over head by a pulley system ready to be lowered into place. Within the sarcophagus were two resting places comfortably padded with pillows. Also within was a picture of Hitler’s mother on a small shelf to the side.

For a moment the grim group stood there. Hitler looked off to his left down an opening lit to reveal a large chamber and gallery beyond. Within he could see the glitter of gold. The chamber he was looking into contained some of the rarest treasures plundered by the Reich during its conquests of other lands and of its own. They included priceless works of art from various artists down through the years; the legendary golden artifacts removed by Schliemann from the fabled city of Troy years ago, the legendary panels from the Amber room stolen from the Soviet Union, and many other treasures. Here they would rest until they were needed to fund the Fourth Reich Hitler had no doubts would rise as a result of Operation Phoenix. When the time was right, providence and carefully dropped hints left behind by him in various places along with what Bormann knew would lead future generations to seek the Phoenix Vault out and use its treasures.

It was time. Hitler turned to Eva and asked simply, “Are you ready?” Eva swallowed briefly and then nodded. The SS honor guard gave one last salute as Hitler mounted the steps and helped Eva to enter their final resting place then both lay down in the sarcophagus. As the SS continued their salute Hitler looked at Eva and then quietly took the familiar glass capsule from his pocket even as she followed suit. Together they bit into their respective cyanide capsules and within moments both had stopped breathing.

The honor guard remained saluting silently for several minutes before one of them stepped forward to make certain both Fuehrer and bride had expired by taking their pulses. Satisfied he nodded to the others who then carefully lowered the marble lid into place. On top of the lid in silver were the words HITLER.

The guard marched back into the previous room and each moved to one of the ten slabs. There after a last salute between them each laid down on one of the slabs and followed their Fuehrer’s example taking a cyanide capsule. The vault was plunged into silence as the last one died even as the lights on a preset timer began to dim. The Phoenix Vault was secured.

Hitler felt his chest heave as he tried to take one last breath as the cyanide robbed his brain of oxygen. Light around him faded. It became dark…darker…pitch black…blacker still. He was surrounded by a darkness that could be felt. And there was pain…agonizing excruciating pain. He felt the pain of all whose death he had ordered over the years. He saw himself as his “friend,” Fromm who had founded the SA had last seen him before he was taken away and shot and he felt Fromm’s last death agonies. He saw his niece as she also died and felt her final moments, from the agonies of the first solder shot at the start of the Polish campaign to the death of Speer; every death he had caused by his orders or actions was his to experience fully and completely. He was made to sit in a flat in London as the ceiling collapsed in. He awoke in a bed in Philadelphia as he found himself unable to breathe as nerve gas robbed him of the ability to breath. He was a woman being fed alive into a crematory furnace for refusing to disrobe for sadistic guards. He was shot, stabbed, burned, crushed, all in one horrifying eternal moment, one that seemed to last on and on even as he tumbled into blackness, horrible flaming blackness that would hold him for all of time to come.
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