Flower O'Scotland

Chapter 150: Princesses Talk


Chapter 150: Princesses Talk

September, 1578

Jane looked at her sister by marriage and smiled. Mary, Duchess of York and Albany was a pretty girl, and she was smart as well. Already they’d shared their poems and their stories and all manner of other things. Jane loved her husband-the thought no longer shocked her completely- but she could not talk to him about such things for he didn’t understand them, at least not beyond using them for political ends. But with Mary it was different, Mary understood her fascinating with these things.

“So,” Jane said. “How have you found being married?” Her English was still slightly accented and she didn’t always use the right words, but it seemed her sister by marriage understood her.

“I am enjoying it. Arthur is a good man, and a kind husband. But there are some things that I am still getting used to.” Mary said.

“Like people constantly wanting your attention and demanding things from you?” Jane asked.

“Yes.” Mary said. “It can be absolutely exhausting.”

Jane nodded sympathetically, she had been raised a Princess, but still found everything exhausting. “It can be a lot to take in. But it does seem as though Arthur is doing his best to ensure you are not too overwhelmed?”

Mary smiled. “Yes, he’s been very kind in organising all of the tours and everything else. I just worry that the King and Queen won’t approve.”

Jane wanted to say that the King and Queen wouldn’t mind so much because Arthur and Mary weren’t the heir and the heir’s wife, but she thought that might be rude, so instead she replied. “The King and Queen are usually go with such things; they know what it can be like. Besides,” Jane added smiling at the thought. “I am sure Arthur would have had a few choice words to say to them if they tried to force the matter.” Her husband’s younger brother could be very forceful when he wanted to be, something that James had often said would make him a good guard if he hadn’t been born a Prince.

Mary laughed. “That is true. He gave the Earl of Pembroke a right telling off for something the other day.”

Jane raised an eyebrow at that. The Earl of Pembroke was a proud man who she had thought would never take well to such a thing. “Oh? What was it about?”

Mary laughed again. “I think the Earl of Pembroke had made a comment about a horse that was supposed to ride at the races in a few weeks’ time, and how the rider hadn’t kept him properly. Arthur pointed out that the horse belonged to Pembroke so if it was anyone’s fault it was his.”

Jane snorted, she could just imagine the look on the Earl’s face at that. “How did he respond?” She asked then.

“He stuttered and stammered and then gave the rider a raise.” Mary said.

“Oh!” Jane replied surprised. “That’s good. Pembroke is notoriously tight with his money.”

Mary nodded. “I’d heard.” there was a pause for a moment then as they both digested that piece of information and then Mary asked. “And what of you, sister? How do you feel about being a mother?”

Jane smiled at the thought of her son, James who was a year old, and already starting to talk and walk. “I am enjoying it, thank you, sister. James is a smart baby and is always asking things in that way all young babes have.” She hesitated then not sure she had used the right word, but Mary seemed to understand what she was meaning.

“Motherhood suits you, sister. You are positively glowing.” Mary replied.

“And I am sure it will suit you.” Jane said, she could tell by the way Mary held herself that she was with child, after all, Jane held herself in the same manner in the early days of her pregnancy. She was due to enter confinement soon, before another child was born.

“I hope so.” Was what Mary said in response. There was a pause and then the other woman asked. “Do you have any advice you could give me about going to Scotland?”

Jane thought for a moment. “You are heading there later this month are you not?”

“Yes.” Mary replied. “Arthur wants to be there for the usual festivities and then he wants to visit the Isles.”

“Well, be sure to be courteous to the Duke and Duchess of Annandale, they are quite fickle people, and be sure to compliment them on the art that you see in the dining hall. The Duke is quite proud of it.” Jane said in a manner to suggest all was not it seemed.

Mary seemed to get what she was saying for she nodded. “Anything else?”

“Do not whatever she says, go on a walk with the Duchess alone without your husband. The Duchess will try and talk your ear to the ground.” Jane said remembering her own experience and wincing at the memory.

Mary laughed. “I will remember that. Anything else?”

“That is the main thing.” Jane said.

Mary smiled. “Thank you, sister.”

Jane smiled back. “Of course, what are sisters for?”
Chapter 151: Uncle To Nephew


Chapter 151: Uncle To Nephew

March, 1579

Robert cleared his throat. He knew what they said about him at court. He was odd, distant, completely different to Arthur and to everyone else. He had married a woman five years older than him and she had not given him any children. He had killed her brother and some other nonsense, all of which was untrue. Robert did not mind not having children, indeed he suspected he would make a fairly terrible parent, and besides his brother the King had enough sons and now grandchildren to allow things to continue on. And he also had a suspicion that he might be the reason he and Margaret had no children.

As his nephew reigned his horse in next to him, Robert cleared his mind of such things and focused on the matter at hand. “Beautiful, isn’t it?” He asked referring to the countryside of Lochmaeben. He much preferred it to the stink and shit of Edinburgh.

“Yes.” His nephew, Arthur, Duke of York and Albany said. “Much nicer than London.”

Robert snorted. “A dockside whore would be nicer than London.” It was true, he had found London to be nothing more than a stinking shit heap the few times he had been there. How his brother managed there he did not know.

Arthur laughed. “That is true. I am of half a mind to buy you out of Lochmaeben, Uncle.”

Robert laughed as well, his nephew reminded him a lot of his older brother and the boy’s namesake. That Arthur had also had an easy way with people. “You would need to pay more than what I think your father would be willing to give you.”

Arthur laughed once more, and Robert was of half a mind to write to his brother in London and ask him to name the boy as the Lord Lieutenant of Scotland. Robert currently held the role but he hated it. He hated having to go to Edinburgh occasionally and deal with all those sycophantic nobles. Arthur, he suspected would love it. “I don’t think that would be quite the issue. I have my own funds now, from Ulster as well as from the estates in both England and Scotland.”

Robert raised an eyebrow. “You mean to say you prefer Lochmaeben to Edinburgh?”

He laughed at the expression on his nephew’s face. “You knew?”

Robert laughed again. “I am not an idiot, Arthur. I know you love Edinburgh, and I think you would be well suited to the role.”

Something changed in his nephew’s face then. Arthur saw the boy go from being a laughing prankster to serious. “But, that is your role, Uncle.” The boy said.

Robert laughed. “A role I took on because my brother who bore your name died. I am not made for such things. You however, are. I saw how the nobles reacted to you when we were in Edinburgh. And your wife is with child. You are the perfect sort of person for it.” He meant every word he said he genuinely did think that his nephew would do better than him.

“But…” Arthur trailed off.

“Come now, Arthur. Do not lie, you want it. You know you do.” Robert said simply.

His nephew sighed. “Let’s say that I did, what would you recommend I do? How would you recommend I handle this?”

Robert nodded, he knew that the boy would take the role if his father offered it to him. “You must know to play the balance. Arran and Atholl are both powerful men who harbour ambitions. Argyll is someone who wants his family to recover, and the others are involved in one way or another. Arran and Atholl are the two men you need to focus on however. You must ensure they both feel that they are important and included. But you cannot make them think they can take over.”

Robert looked at the boy and saw that he was looking at him intently. “So, perhaps balance them, but not push too hard?”

“Yes, exactly.” Robert said. “You have met Arran, you’ve also met Atholl. Ensure that they get the sense that you are on their side, but you are leaning the one way or another way and make it so that they need you, not the other way.”

The boy laughed then. “I see, not an easy thing then.”

Robert nodded. “Indeed not, but you have the skills and the capabilities to do it. and your wife is a writer, she will be able to spread the necessary propaganda for it.”

“And this is not something you want?” Arthur asked. “I am sure Mary would be willing to help you.”

Robert shook his head. “No, I am not suited it for it. I prefer Lochmaeben and the things I can do here. You are the one who must take the mantle.”

The boy looked thoughtful and then said. “Okay, thank you.”

Robert nodded. “Of course. I want only the best.” He knew then he needed to write to the King and then take it from there.
Chapter 152: Parents



Chapter 152: Parents

December, 1579

“Arthur seems to be enjoying his time in Edinburgh.” Jane said nodding to the letter that was at her husband’s side. It had come a few hours ago, and was written in their second son’s hand. After her brother by marriage’s resignation as Lord Lieutenant of Scotland, James had appointed Arthur as the new Lieutenant and from there well, it seemed things had improved.

“Indeed.” James said.

“You sound surprised.” Jane commented.

“It’s just, I never thought that playing politics was something that Arthur wanted to do. He never showed the same interest that James did, or that Katherine does.” James replied.

“Perhaps he just needed a bit more space to breathe?” Jane suggested. “After all, it is one thing to play host at St James, or Whitehall or even Windsor, when your father is there in the next room, and another to play host when you are the master of the house.”

She saw her husband consider this and then saw him snort. “I suppose you are right. I can be somewhat overbearing at times.”

Jane smiled, her husband was that rare species of man who could see his faults and not take it as an insult. If only others could be like that. “Arran and Atholl have been very complimentary to him as well.” She added nodding to the letter.

“Indeed, though I half expected that, after all they’ve known him the longest. No, the ones that surprise me are Huntly, Bothwell and Maxwell. They are people who I didn’t think would ever share an inch of praise for a member of our family. You remember how they used to bemoan Arthur?” James said, and Jane knew he referred to his dearly departed brother, not their son.

“I do. Though I think it was more the fact that that Arthur was someone who was a reminder of everything else, whereas our Arthur is someone new and charming in another sense.” Jane said.

“True.” James conceded. “That and the fact he’s not trying to sleep with their wives and daughters probably helps.” Her husband chuckled then as did Jane, for she remembered how often her husband would complain to her about his brother’s whoring and wenching, there were perhaps a few bastards born by noble mothers who bore a resemblance to the late prince.

“Agreed, Arthur does appear devoted to Mary.” Jane said.

“I should bloody well hope so, he has a son by her and he wanted to marry her.” James replied.

Jane smiled then. “That reminds me, we need to start considering who our other children will be marrying.”

Her husband’s facial expression didn’t change but he shifted slightly and that was how she knew he was more serious. “I don’t want our daughters marrying any German Prince of the Empire, unless they are an Elector.”

“Agreed.” Jane said. She found the Empire to be a treacherous maze, only an Elector would bring benefits to the family.

James pulled out a list of papers and then looked through them, her husband shook his head. “There are none of the right age. I think we are going to have to look elsewhere for Katherine.”

“Where though?” Jane asked.

“If needs must we could always marry Katherine to Christian of Denmark, it would not do any harm to strengthen that alliance.” James said.

Jane shook her head. “No, I think that would be a waste. After all, James is married to Jane of Denmark and they’ve got children now, there would be no point sending Katherine there.”

“The only other plausible choice then is Spain. I believe that King Philip has finally been made to see sense. It would be a great way to end the tension between our two nations.” James said.

Jane had been against their firstborn son marrying into Spain, but perhaps the country would be less against their daughter marrying to Spain, now that both James and Arthur had had sons. “To his son Philip?” She asked just to make sure.

“Yes, the boy is to be given the Spanish Netherlands. I think that would make the most sense for us.” James said.

“Very well, I will support you in this.” Jane said.

“Good.” James replied. “That leaves Alexander.” Their youngest son who had recently turned fourteen. The boy had shown no interest in either girls or boys, and had seemed to care more for books than anything else.

Jane thought on that for a time, and then she said. “We could also put him into the church. It is not too late for him to take up the vestments and to progress from there.”

“Indeed, and there is nothing stopping him from marrying if the need arises.” James said.

“I’ll speak with him about it, to let him feel he has a say.” Jane added.

“Very well.” James replied. They both fell silent then for a time, each alone in their thoughts. Then her husband spoke. “I have had word from Condé.” The French exile was now residing in Hampton Court, away from everyone else at court, mainly because he and James had fallen out over something.

“What has he said?” Jane asked.

“He has said that his friends at court have confirmed that Anjou is willing to look the other way whilst our funds are put to good use. From there Anjou will then ask the King to end the hostilities between our two Kingdoms and bring peace to the channel.” James said.

“Excellent, so you are going to give the go ahead?” Jane asked.

“Yes, because once that is done, then Condé can finally go away and leave us in peace.” James said.

Jane laughed and said. “I am sure that will fill you with joy.”
Chapter 153: A Madness Lies


Chapter 153: A Madness Lies

March, 1580

Charles stared at the wall, and wondered when the pain in his head would stop. It was a constant source of agony for him, the only things that cured it were when his wife and son came to visit. But those visits had stopped now, and had done so for some time. Ever since the devil had lashed out at them, causing his wife to whimper and cower, whilst his brother Henri had struck the devil. Charles had cried when he had realised what had happened and now he just wanted it all to end. He knelt before the wall and prayed.

“Please God, bring about the ending to the whispers and the torments. Let me know peace. If you do this for me I shall give up my throne and allow my son to inherit and become the King I know he can be. Please God.”

He heard a laugh and winced, fearing that the devil was about to speak. He turned around and found his brother Francis looking at him. Oh, how he had hated Francis when they were children. Perfect Francis, who could never do any wrong. “Why are you praying to give up the throne? Are you not a man?” His brother demanded.

Charles snarled then. “It is because I am a man that I am willing to give up the throne. Unlike you who knew you could never even fuck a whore.”

Something flashed in his brother’s eyes and for a moment Charles feared he was about to be hit. “You know that is not true. Remember Marie?” His brother replied tauntingly.

Charles felt anger grow within him. “You raped her. She didn’t love you!” Charles shouted at his brother. Marie had been the first girl he had ever loved. He had wanted to marry her, but then he had found her lying in a corner somewhere in the Palace her clothes torn, her eyes wet. He’d asked her what had happened, and she’d said…he closed his eyes then.

“She loved me alright. She was ready and willing. And oh so wet.” Francis said tauntingly.

“You lie!” He screamed at his brother. He went to hit him but his fist went through him and he hit the wall.

“Haha, you can’t even hit me properly.” Francis said.

“Boys, that’s enough.” A stern voice said. Charles knew who it was, he would recognise that voice anywhere. He turned and found himself looking at his father. King Henry II of France.

“Why are you here?” Charles demanded. “Are you going to take his side again?”

His father snorted. “I am here to tell you that I am disappointed in you.”

Charles took a large slurp of wine and laughed. “That makes two of us.”

“You are going to give up the crown and for what?” Henri asked.

“For peace.” Charles said. “For forgiveness.”

His father laughed. “You will never get forgiveness.”

“How do you know?” Charles demanded.

“You are not worthy of forgiveness.” Francis said then.

“Neither are you.” Charles snapped.

“Charles, that is no way to speak to your brother.” Another voice said. Charles sighed, his mother had arrived.

“Well, it’s true!” He said then, hating how much like a child he sounded.

“Stop it.” His mother demanded. “You are of France, not a mewling infant.” There was a pause as his mother rummaged in her pockets before pulling out a small vial which contained a green liquid.

She handed it to him. “What’s this?” He asked.

“It is the thing that will cure you.” Mother said. “Drink it.”

Some part of him was screaming at him not to drink it, but his mother had never lied to him before and he trusted her. He unscrewed the vial, and then downed the contents in one. Immediately he was hit by a strange sensation. “I….I don’t feel so good.”

“It takes time, you will soon though.” Mother said.

“The world is going before me.” Charles said as his vision began to blur, he started coughing then, and felt his stomach grumble and his legs give way.

“Embrace it, close your eyes.” Mother commanded. He did as bid and felt peace wash over him.
Chapter 154: Wandsworth


Chapter 154: Wandsworth

December, 1580

“Say it again.” William Cecil, Earl of Exeter commanded.

“My lord, we’ve received credible reports that there are sections of the old Irish nobility who are plotting an insurrection against the Crown, and they are to be supported by the Earl of Westmorland.” John Dee said.

William looked at the man and asked. “What reason would Westmorland have to support such a thing? His daughters are married into some of the great families of the realm, and his son is married to Percy’s daughter.”

“I believe it has more to do with a supposed instruction he believes the rebels in Ireland have gotten from Rome. As you know, my lord, Westmorland is a most devout Catholic.” Dee said.

William said nothing. It was true, he had had men watching Westmorland for years now, indeed he’d been surprised that the man had not risen in rebellion before now. He supposed the fact that his rival Percy had converted recently was what had changed him. “What exactly are they planning then?” William asked.

“The Irish Rebels intend to head for royal strongholds and attack them, using what they believe to be dissident locals to sneak into the strongholds. They will then raise the banner of the old Kingdoms of Ireland and declare a High King.” John Dee said.

“And who is it that they have chosen as a High King?” William asked.

“They are debating between two O’Neil candidates, but I believe they will choose someone else. Their leader is masked in shadows.” Dee said.

William looked at Sir Francis Walsingham, the King’s chief spymaster and asked him. “Your men have not been able to find out the identity of this man?”

Walsingham nodded. “Unfortunately not, my lord. It appears that the Irish have learned from the last time they tried this. Their leader goes by various other names, usually drawn from their legends of times past. It is getting harder to clearly identify who is and isn’t within this inner circle.”

“But you know who is in the inner circle?” William asked.

“Yes, my lord.” Walsingham said. “George Gordon, William Shatner, Fergus MacDonald and Alexander Bruce. They are the main ones who consistently appear in the records.”

“None of them are prominent nobles then.” William said. He had made it a point to regularly check the rolls of the nobility to make sure he knew who was who and who was doing what.

“Indeed not, my lord. None of the senior nobility want anything to do with this.” Walsingham said.

“Indeed.” William replied. “And yet Westmorland has decided to take part in this little uprising.” He looked at Dee and asked. “What role is he going to have here?”

“It appears that he intends to raise his men and ferment rebellion here, to distract the King from what is happening in Ireland. During that time it is believed that the rebels in Ireland will have enough chance to get their plan properly in action.” Dee said.

William marvelled at how badly thought out this plan appeared. He took a moment to consider it and then looked at Walsingham. “You have men near these plotters in Ireland?”

“Of course, my lord.” Walsingham replied.

“Good. Keep me informed of what they do. We shall see how far they get.” William replied, he then looked at Dee and said. “You will write to Northumberland and inform him that if he can get Westmorland to act, he will be rewarded quite heavily.”

Dee nodded and then asked. “Is there anything else that we shall do?”

“No. I shall inform the King of this and then let it happen. Once they act we shall come down on them with the full might of the Crown.” William replied.

Chapter 155: It's A Beautiful Day


Chapter 155: It’s A Beautiful Day

March, 1581

“So, what you’re saying is that despite all the benefits we’ve given him and all the opportunities we’ve given his family, Lord Westmoreland still thought it fitting to join rebels in Ireland against us and the Kingdom?” James asked, wanting to make sure he’d heard this right.

“Yes, that is right, Sire.” William Cecil, Earl of Exeter and his main advisor replied.

“Why?” James demanded.

“Because Westmoreland felt that he was losing influence in the north. Ever since the union with Scotland his power and influence has shrunk mightily, Sire.” Cecil replied.

“So, he thought it okay to commit treason. Not only that, but to commit heresy?” James demanded.

“Yes, Sire.” Cecil responded. “He was a desperate man, and desperate men do foolish things.”

“I would say that confiscating his estates and making his titles forfeit would be the fitting punishment, Sire.” Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester said. “It would send a strong signal to anyone else who might be considering such foolish adventures.”

“It would also deprive his heir of his land and income.” James’ son the Prince of Wales pointed out. “Lord Neville did not take part in his father’s treason, indeed it is because of Lord Neville that we know largely what he was planning.”

“So, grant him a barony and have done with it.” Dudley said.

James snorted. “Granting him a barony after taking his lands and titles would be a farce. Better to let him apply to have them granted back to him once the sentence is passed on his father.” He would not cause more disruption to the Neville family, as he knew that doing so would only empower the Percies, and he didn’t want that. “Have the Irish rebels said anything?”

“No, Sire. Only what they said upon being arrested. They have not said who their leader is.” Cecil replied.

“So, he or she remains at large.” James said, though he doubted a woman was behind this, if they were anything like Jane they’d never have let themselves get into this position in the first place. “Very well, we want their heads placed along the spikes of the Tower and the bridge of the city. So, that the people might know what becomes of traitors.”

“Yes, Sire.” Cecil responded.

“And what of the other Catholics within our realm? Have they reacted badly to this?” James asked. He was not a fool, he knew that Catholics still existed within the realm, mainly in northern England and Scotland, but they would be stamped out before he died.

“They are largely doing what they normally do, Sire. They are keeping their heads down and saying nothing.” Cecil responded.

James nodded, he decided that the issue of Catholics within his realm was one he would deal with at a later date, for now there was another more pressing matter. “With the death of King Charles of France, what are the prospects of peace like for our two Kingdoms?” There had been word last year that King Charles had drunk something that had put him into a long lasting sleep, eventually he had slipped from this mortal coil, and now his son was on the throne, a mere boy.

“Very high, Sire.” Robert Dudley said. “The new King of France wishes to end the tensions that have been floating between our two Kingdoms and to seek a mutually beneficial alliance.”

“And is this something that he can guarantee, or will he renege on it later?” James asked.

“I believe it is something that he can guarantee, Sire. It would not serve him to renege on this. France has to recover from the decades of war it has fought.” Dudley replied.

James said nothing for a period, simply thinking this through. His daughter was due to marry a Prince of Spain within the next few months, after much haggling the old bastard in Spain had agreed to that, he had no desire to marry a daughter to France, but he supposed a trade agreement with them would be beneficial. “Very well, see to it that negotiations are done properly, and safeguard Calais.”

“Yes, Sire.” Dudley said.

“Very well, if there is nothing else, we have a daughter to prepare for marriage.” With that James rose and departed the room.
“So, he or she remains at large.” James said, though he doubted a woman was behind this, if they were anything like Jane they’d never have let themselves get into this position in the first place.

Wasn't there a famous female leader in 16th century Ireland IOTL? O'Malley or somesuch?
Chapter 156: Mother



Chapter 156: Mother

July, 1581

Jane looked at her daughter Katherine and smiled. The girl had just turned eighteen and was soon to depart for Spain for her marriage to Infante Philip. She was a smart girl, and beautiful as well. Her husband to be was a lucky man in Jane’s view. Still, she knew she had a duty as a Mother to prepare her daughter for what might come. Especially given the Spanish Royal Family’s reputation for seriousness.

“How are you feeling?” She asked her daughter.

Katherine was unlike Jane or her older sister Mary in that she was unfailingly honest about everything. That would stand her in good stead, Jane hoped. “I am nervous, Mother. But I think I should be okay. I have prepared myself as best as I can to be a good wife. I have learned Spanish and Flemish. I know French and Latin. I do not know what else I can do.”

“Have you read the letter from the Spanish ambassador?” Jane asked. The ambassador had been kind enough to include some of the things that her daughter’s future husband liked.

“Yes, many times.” Katherine replied. “I’ve read as much as I can about commerce as I think is bearable.”

Jane smiled at that. “Commerce truly is a dragging subject. But yes, there are some other things that you must be prepared for that no book can tell you.”

Katherine looked at her intently. Jane remembered having this conversation with Mary before her eldest daughter had departed for Portugal, that had been an interesting conversation. She was more experienced now so hopefully this would not go as that had. “Such as what exactly, Mother?” Katherine asked her.

“Firstly, whilst your duty is to produce children for your husband, you must also make sure that you stand up for yourself. No man, no person for that matter likes someone who just meekly accepts everything that comes their way. You have a habit sometimes of doing that to avoid conflict. I know you do not like arguing, but arguing is necessary for a good marriage.” Jane said.

“But what if my husband says something that on some level I agree with, but on others I do not?” Katherine asked.

“Then you go with what your gut says. You must trust yourself, Katherine. Do Not just sit there and take whatever is hurled at you. You are a woman grown now, not a child.” Jane said.

“Okay. So, don’t do what my governess told me to do. Very well.” Katherine said.

Jane wanted to sigh, she’d argued with James about Katherine’s governess, but James had insisted the woman remain. And now they were dealing with the results. “Yes. And remember, you are going to be in Spain first, and then will be heading to the Netherlands. You have already done the necessary rites to convert to Catholicism, but do not forget to keep your views on religion quiet, unless directly asked.”

“Of course. I am not such a fool to mention that I think Catholicism is a direct contradiction of the original testament of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ.” Katherine replied.

Jane smiled at that. Of all her children, Katherine was the one who had taken to the Britonnic faith the most ardently. “Naturally.”

“Was there anything else?” Katherine asked.

Jane thought for a moment and then shook her head. “No, those were the only pressing bits of information I thought you would require. Other than that, I believe you are ready. Just remember to write regularly when you get the chance.”

Jane saw her daughter smile. “Of course, Mother.”

Jane kissed the top of her daughter’s head. “Good girl.” With that Jane nodded to her daughter and turned and walked out of the room, still feeling slightly nervous about this marriage but also somewhat relieved that it seemed her daughter was prepared for it.
Chapter 157: Spain's Hope


Chapter 157: Spain’s Hope

March, 1582

“You know the last time I saw the King this angry was when I was stupid enough to admit I hadn’t gone to my lessons. I was about ten at the time and he ensured that Pedro got good beating.” Carlos said referring to the latest thing to make his increasingly irritable father, angry.

“But why has he gotten so angry?” Anna asked. “It’s not as if Albuquerque has said anything bad. He merely made a comment during a council meeting, a comment he made after being asked his opinion by the King.”

“Surely you know by now that just because the King asks you to be honest, doesn’t mean you actually are honest.” Carlos replied to his wife. “The King is a notoriously prickle man.”

“But still, this does seem somewhat over the top.” Anna commented.

Carlos laughed. “Exactly, that’s the point. The King is doing this to make sure that nobody else ever thinks to make such a sensible comment ever again.”

Anna sighed. “Why?”

Carlos raised and lowered a shoulder. “Who knows. I’ve stopped trying to figure him out. And I think our lives would be so much better if you did as well.” His wife meant well, Carlos knew but there was only so much help one could offer someone like the King before it became a wasted effort.

“I…I…” his wife replied, Carlos took her hand and she slumped down. “Okay.”

Carlos kissed his wife’s hand and decided to take the conversation to another area. “Felipe wrote to me the other day. It seems he and his wife are getting on very well. And that they are being well received within the Netherlands.”

Anna brightened then, Carlos knew his wife was close with Felipe and that she had taken a shine to Catalina, the girl that Felipe had married. “That’s good. We both know how important it was that they be accepted.”

“Indeed.” Carlos replied. He knew just how important it was. The King had eventually conceded to granting the Netherlands to Felipe, in exchange for peace with Britain. Something that Carlos knew his father harboured doubts about, but which might be worth it all in the long term.

“And of course they are a family now with the birth of their little girl.” Anna said.

“That was surprising.” Carlos quipped. “I didn’t think my brother had it in him.”

Anna giggled and swatted at him. “Why just because he didn’t talk crudely like some of the nobles at court doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have the same feelings. And besides his wife is beautiful.”

Carlos grunted indifferently. “She’s still British.”

Anna tutted at him. “She’s kind, and she’s smart and Felipe cares for her a lot. Why do you not like her?”

“Because she’s British and I don’t trust them.” Carlos responded simply. “They are graspers and they want more than is their due.”

His wife sighed. “Well you won’t have to deal with her anymore.”

“Thankfully.” Carlos replied.

Anna laughed and then added. “The Queen has asked that I accompany her to Barcelona before the year is out. I think I will agree and take Maria and Catalina with me.”

Carlos thought on that for a moment and then said. “It would be good for them both. They need to see more than just Madrid.”

“I had thought so.” His wife replied smiling.

Carlos smiled in response. And they settled into a companionable silence though Carlos still worried over what the exiling of Albuquerque would do for the family domestically, given the man’s power.
Chapter 158: Netherlands



Chapter 158: Netherlands

September, 1582

William took a breath and then said. “Your Royal Highness, thank you for attending today, I know that you were exceptionally busy, but there was one important matter that I felt needed addressing.”

Infante Philip, Lord of the Netherlands looked at him and in that moment William saw the man’s father reflected back at him. It was somewhat terrifying. “Certainly, Prince William. Tell us what we can do to help.”

William knew that the Infante did not like looking through long documents so instead he simply said. “It is to do with the proposed free trade agreement with Britain and Spain, Your Royal Highness. Some of the merchants have come to me to express concerns that they might be cut out of the more lucrative contracts with the Spanish Colonies as a consequence.”

The Infante said nothing for a moment and William wondered if he might have to repeat what he had said. As he was about to do just that, the Infante spoke. “Why do they think that? The agreement is quite simple. IN return for no tariffs, all our merchants shall get access to the most important zones of trade from all of the signatories. I ensured that that was included.”

William nodded, he knew how long the Infante had spent looking over the document and suggesting amendments. “I know, Your Royal Highness. But the merchants are not completely convinced that the British will stick to the agreement.”

“Why?” The Infante asked.

William hesitated then, trying to think of how to explain the mistrust between the British and the Netherlands that had built up over time, whilst also trying not to insult the Prince’s wife. Eventually he realised he couldn’t and so he simply said. “The British have a reputation for cunning and saying one thing and doing another. There is a fear that they would do the same here, Your Royal Highness.”

He expected a protestation from the Infante, instead what the other man said shocked him. “If they did that they would face an embargo from us and from Spain. I do not think they would be foolish enough to do that.”

William did not know how to reply to that, and so instead he said. “Then perhaps Your Royal Highness could give a speech to the States General when it convenes in a few months time to reassure them?”

The Infante looked as if he wanted to protest that but then he said. “Very well, I shall do so.”

“Thank you, Your Royal Highness.” William replied bowing his head slightly.

“Now, given that I am here, you might as well tell me what the situation is with France? Have they respected the border arrangements?” The Infante asked.

William nodded. “They have, Your Royal Highness. King Charles is spending most of his time making cuts to the number of troops stationed in places which aren’t hotbeds of the Huguenots. The man is also looking elsewhere for trade, he has got an agreement with Britain, but that might be superseded by our own agreement.”

“Good.” The Infante said. “And what news of the expedition that was sent out to the New World?”

Here William smiled. “They discovered land close to the sea, and have settled on the coast. A small settlement has developed in what has been named San Filip, named after Your Royal Highness.”

The Infante blushed, at least William thought he did if the change in colour of his cheeks was anything to go by. “That is good. Keep me informed as to how that progresses, it will come in useful in due time.”
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New Philadelphia, named after Your Royal Highness
Am I missing something here? Philadelphia means 'brotherly love' from phileo (φιλεω)(to love) and adelphos (αδελφος)(brother). Philipstad or Philipville or San Filip maybe? Unless there's something about Philip and brotherly love - him preferring peace to war, or something like that?

I know, I'm being pedantic again, sorry!


Am I missing something here? Philadelphia means 'brotherly love' from phileo (φιλεω)(to love) and adelphos (αδελφος)(brother). Philipstad or Philipville or San Filip maybe? Unless there's something about Philip and brotherly love - him preferring peace to war, or something like that?

I know, I'm being pedantic again, sorry!
San Filip actually sounds cooler. I’ll change it to that :)


Am I missing something here? Philadelphia means 'brotherly love' from phileo (φιλεω)(to love) and adelphos (αδελφος)(brother). Philipstad or Philipville or San Filip maybe? Unless there's something about Philip and brotherly love - him preferring peace to war, or something like that?

I know, I'm being pedantic again, sorry!

Have changed it :)
Chapter 159: The Future



Chapter 159: The Future

April, 1583

Robert bowed before the Prince, then took the seat offered to him. “Thank you for agreeing to meet with me, Your Royal Highness. I understand that you are a busy man.”

“No busier than you are, Lord Robert. You are my father’s Secretary of State after all.” The Prince of Wales replied. “Though what was it that you wished to speak about?”

Robert knew he had to phrase his next few words carefully, the Prince was notoriously prickly about anything to do with his father and differing views therein. “Your Royal Highness had mentioned during the session of Parliament which has recently concluded, that the issue of France was one that would need to be revisited in due course. I wanted to know what made you say that.” Robert hoped that the Prince of Wales might be leaning more toward pursuing a martial path against the French, something the King seemed unwilling to do at present.

“At the moment France and Britain are at peace. It has been a long and hard fought peace, and one that we must ensure remains. However, we cannot simply allow for the French to resume their normal dominance. We believe that other methods must be taken.” The Prince of Wales responded.

“And what methods would you suggest, Your Royal Highness?” Robert found himself asking, though he suspected the methods the Prince suggested would not be methods that he himself would use.

“We must develop our navy. The French cannot be allowed control of the channel. Now that Ireland is more at peace, we must ensure that all those who have the ability are put to use. We must restructure the military and ensure that the best officers are put to the fore. And we must develop our arsenal. All of this will not only signal to the French that we are not to be trifled with, it will also show the people that we are moving forward.” The Prince of Wales said passionately.

“And what of actually challenging France, Your Royal Highness?” Robert asked.

“Only if they move on Calais.” The Prince said. “And as you know from the meetings of the Privy Council, they are unlikely to do such a thing for now.”

Robert latched onto the last thing that the Prince had said. “Ah, but that is only because the King of France is now trying to rebuild his nation after the depravities of his father. Once he is done there you can be sure that he will turn his attention to the last British holdout in France. To think otherwise would be foolish.”

“So, what do you suggest? The garrison in Calais has already increased, and the storing of arms and gun powder is almost in violation of the trade agreement that we signed with the French.” The Prince replied.

“I would suggest that we send one more regiment of troops to Calais. That would act as a true deterrent, especially if their commander was someone such as the Earl of Pembroke.” Robert stated.

The Prince of Wales looked at him for a moment, and Robert feared he might get a tongue lashing the likes of which the King was known for giving him in recent times. Instead, the Prince chuckled and replied. “You are coming from a good place, Lord Robert, but here I must disagree with you. As of now, the French are not aggressing against us. We cannot simply involve ourselves within their Kingdom simply as a means of protecting our own possessions. And they will see the sending of more men as exactly that. They will think as to why we are sending these men, when we agreed not to.”

Robert knew he would not get anywhere with the Prince so instead he merely bowed his head. “Of course, Your Royal Highness.”

“Regardless of that, now that you are here Lord Robert, there was something I wanted to talk to you about.” The Prince said.

“Your Royal Highness?” Robert asked.

“There is a woman who has come to meet the Queen claiming that she is your wife, and that the son she has is yours and is therefore your heir. Is this true?” The Prince asked.

Robert wondered what the Prince was talking about, he had no son, not that he was aware of, and he hadn’t had an affair with anyone in some time. “I do not know, Your Royal Highness.”

“The woman’s name is Douglas Sheffield.” The Prince added.

Robert sighed. “I had had an affair with Lady Sheffield perhaps a decade ago, Your Royal Highness, but it stopped after a year and a half. How old is she claiming the boy is?” After all, it wasn't possible that the boy was his. He'd not had a son with either of his two wives, after all.

“Nine.” The Prince said. “Which if what you say is right, means he is not yours. I want you to speak with her and sort this mess out.”

“Of course, Your Royal Highness.” Robert replied.
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Ten years less one and a half make eight a half. A nine years old boy is quite possible. You should change it to either before or after. And thanks a lot for your excellent work


Ten years less one and a half make eight a half. A nine years old boy is quite possible. You should change it to either before or after. And thanks a lot for your excellent work

This is true, though Robert's also working under the assumption that he can't have kids because he's not had any with his two wives.


Ten years less one and a half make eight a half. A nine years old boy is quite possible. You should change it to either before or after. And thanks a lot for your excellent work

Have added the part about Robert's lack of kids for clarity :)

And cheers :)