Flag Thread II

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I don't remember if I posted this or not, so yeah.

The flag of the Democratic People's Empire of Japan.

DPEJ Flag.png
Alright, I shall make those changes. My German is quite rusty, but I'm trying to get it better.

And is it me, or does any title for a country suddenly become awesome when translated into German?

I still feel really mean suggesting changes to other people's work, particularly when my graphics skills are so hugely eclipsed by yours, though you're most welcome to make use of my German and Dutch knowledge any time you like :)

As for country names/titles, beyond the marvellous full name for Switzerland you're already used how about

Volksrepublik China (PRC)
Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland (UK)
Völkerbund (League of Nations)
Heiliges Römisches Reich (HRE)
Vereinigte Mexikanische Staaten (Mexico)
Okay, I'm going to design some flags and I was looking for ideas. I'm not looking for any of you to come up with actual designs. I'll do the designing myself. I just wanted to get some ideas. I need flags for several nations from the same timeline (which I am still hashing out the details for before I write it). It contains a balkanised North America with a couple dozen countries on it (I haven't actually counted). I'm trying to make flags for all of them, but I'm having trouble with a few.

Canada - Started out with a similar history to OTL Canada, but due to the POD and further butterflies, it bears very little resemblence to OTL Canda. It doesn't have Quebec, the Maritimes, the Yukon, British Columbia, or the southern portion of Ontario. But it does have most of the Louisiana Territory, minus New Orleans and the surrounding area. It is completely landlocked except for Hudson Bay and the Artic. It was gradually granted independence similarly to OTL, but earlier. It was completely independent of the UK by the 1870s (although the exact dates and stuff I haven't worked out yet). So what would their flag be like? Would it have a maple leaf? I'm not exactly sure when the maple leaf became a prominent symbol of Canada, or whether it still would ITTL. I would assume that the Union Jack would probably be in the canton, but I'm not sure. What other Canadian symbols might be included? What other Canadian symbols might develop due to the different geography, and would any of those new symbols merit inclusion on the flag?

New Orleans - contains the southern parts of the US states of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, as well as the Florida panhandle. These areas declared themselves independent from France and Spain during this TL's Napoleonic Wars and formed the Kingdom of New Orleans. They brought a Bourbon from Europe tp put on the throne. After that they gradually transitioned to a British-style Constitutional Monarchy. In the late 1920s, after losing a WW1-analog (with completely different sides due to butterflies), the king was deposed by the conquering army and replaced with a Republic. I wanted flags from both the monarchy and the republic. I figured that the monarchy flag would probably contain a fleur-de-lis, since that was a Bourbon symbol (correct me if I'm wrong on that). Otherwise I was thinking about some sort of amalgamation of the "Bonnie Blue Flag" and the Flag of New France. For the flag of the republic, I wanted to keep it as similar as possible to the monarchy flag, but removing any explicit symbols of the monarchy (like the fleur-de-lis for example).

Columbia - consists of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, part of Montana, and the southern portion of British Columbia. It gained its independence in a similar way to Canada. But it was released as a separate nation due to cultural differences. While the population is mostly or British descent, there are large Russian and Spanish minorities. The mixing of the cultures has created a rather interesting national identity. I'm completely lost as to what to do with this one. I'll probably include the British flag in the canton, but I want to show the Spanish and Russian influences on the flag. I'm not sure what type of symbolism to use.

New Russia - I really want to come up with a better name for this, but the Russians called it "Russian America" rather than Alaska, so I'm tentatively calling it New Russia. ITTL, the Russians had a much stronger presence in the new world. New Russia consists of OTL Alaska, the Yukon, and Northern British Columbia. It was a Russian colony until this TL's Great War, when it was "liberated" and given independence. The people are mostly Russian, but there is a large native population as well. Not sure what to do on this flag either. I figure that gold would be an important part of their history, so I might include that color. Perhaps some Jewish symbolism (although nothing too overt, something real subtle) since a lot of Russian Jews immigrated to the colony (some voluntarily, some not so voluntarily) ITTL.

New Brunswick - This is another one that I'm not sure of the name on. I'm tentatively calling it New Brunswick just because I like that name better than any of the other maritime province names. ITTL, the UK conquered Maine in the early 1800s. The maritimes, along with Maine, became independent in the 1800s, just like Canada and Columbia. After the Great War, the UK sold Newfoundland and Labrador to this nation, making in much larger. I'm not sure what type of symbolism would fit this nation either. Perhaps something with fish or boats on it? I'm not really familiar with the culture of the maritimes and Maine.

Greater Cuba- consists of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic. Again, looking for a better name. I'm thinking Spanish Antillies, the Cuban Federation, or the Caribbean Federation as alternate names. In the 1870s, Cuba and Puerto Rico were granted limited autonomy, and they became independent in 1897, during one of the many Haitian invasions of the Dominican Republic (there were a lot of them ITTL), the Dominicans petitioned for annexation by this Federation. I'm not sure what type of symbolism would be used here. I need lots of ideas.

Any help you could provide would be much appreciated. :)
Alright, this is why I don't do geometric stuff often, it puts me in an indefinate loop of making it more and more complex.

I actually have two versions that are somewhat less complex that are my serious contributions for something, but this was the result of me wanting to go really complex.

Westville Flag 3.png
I still feel really mean suggesting changes to other people's work, particularly when my graphics skills are so hugely eclipsed by yours, though you're most welcome to make use of my German and Dutch knowledge any time you like :)

As for country names/titles, beyond the marvellous full name for Switzerland you're already used how about

Volksrepublik China (PRC)
Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland (UK)
Völkerbund (League of Nations)
Heiliges Römisches Reich (HRE)
Vereinigte Mexikanische Staaten (Mexico)

What's America's name in German?
Good after-noon! :)

1|Which version(s) would you like me to modify?
2|What do you mean by 'the shield'? Where could I find such a thing?


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modify the previous version which i just posted please... with the shield from this posted behind the eagle and swords in the center of the flag...

Holy German Empire Hearldy.png

it would be exceptionally appreciated. :D

Holy German Empire Hearldy.png
Okay, I'm going to design some flags and I was looking for ideas. I'm not looking for any of you to come up with actual designs. I'll do the designing myself. I just wanted to get some ideas. I need flags for several nations from the same timeline (which I am still hashing out the details for before I write it). It contains a balkanised North America with a couple dozen countries on it (I haven't actually counted). I'm trying to make flags for all of them, but I'm having trouble with a few.
... New Brunswick - This is another one that I'm not sure of the name on. I'm tentatively calling it New Brunswick just because I like that name better than any of the other maritime province names. ITTL, the UK conquered Maine in the early 1800s. The maritimes, along with Maine, became independent in the 1800s, just like Canada and Columbia. After the Great War, the UK sold Newfoundland and Labrador to this nation, making in much larger. I'm not sure what type of symbolism would fit this nation either. Perhaps something with fish or boats on it? I'm not really familiar with the culture of the maritimes and Maine....
Any help you could provide would be much appreciated. :)

I'd suggest calling the nation Guelph or even perhaps (and I'm not trying to be goofy) Laurenia (In French it would be called Laurent).

Here's my thoughts for the flag:
Light blue field (background).
Green lodgepole pine in the center, upon and surounded by a yellow diamond.
Four silver fish (salmon) on the light blue field, surounding the yellow diamond, heads pointed inward. The heads represent the nation's four states/provinces (or whatever the political subdivisions are called): Maine, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland & Labrador.
Inspired by the weekly flag challenge, with a couple of changes made post-submission:
Flag of the Holy Reformed Empire of the Americas

During the Protestant reformations in europe, the American colonies became a religious refuge for people across all of Europe. The Pope in Rome actively encouraged the expulsion of heretics across the sea to remove their taint from Europe, saying "Let them congregate with the natural heathens of the far-side of the world". Kings and Queens of Europe took the opportunity to rid their lands of the protestants and troublemakers.

The HREofA is a loose congregation of protestant states currently centered on the Free Port of Nieuw Amsterdam. Every 24 years the Bishops Congregation changes home, and the flag changes so that the field reflects the culture of the housing state.



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State flag of an alternate *FRG. Civil Flag is the same without CoA, though the CoA on its own is without the silver/white border, which is used here so CoAs and flags colours wont clash.

Now onto the flags and CoAs of the states of this *FRG...



State flag of an alternate *FRG. Civil Flag is the same without CoA, though the CoA on its own is without the silver/white border, which is used here so CoAs and flags colours wont clash.

Now onto the flags and CoAs of the states of this *FRG...

It looks plausible, but the CoA is a bit big.
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