Fate of Non-German Hapsburg Lands in Großdeutsche Germany?

Quite frankly, Galicia might be the compensation that Russia would demand for not getting involved. Letting this huge Germany form is not likely as is.
Not a chance in hell, without the border of the carphatian mountains, hungary is at mercy of Russia every time russia want somethig, Galicia exist as a shield of Magyar proper, meaning Hungary will have to annex it or puppetized and used it as vanguard as russia.
For all this talk about Russia doing something, wasn't it's army still pretty bad at this point? Sure, Russia will probably try to do something, but would it even succeed?
Would Germany, or Hungary, want to take the risk? The Carpathians, at least, are a relatively defensible mountain frontier.
For all this talk about Russia doing something, wasn't it's army still pretty bad at this point? Sure, Russia will probably try to do something, but would it even succeed?
Would Germany, or Hungary, want to take the risk? The Carpathians, at least, are a relatively defensible mountain frontier.
They've, if not they're surrender Magyar security to russia, maybe that is the conflict created Grossdeutscheland as force all work together?.
Grossdeutschland simply will not be able to exist if it is in a position of being the hegemonic power of first Central Europe, then Europe generally. A Grossdeutschland extending south to the Mediterranean that has the Lands of Saint Stephen organized as satellites and might even stretch into Poland and Italy is much too big. If it can form at all, it is because rivals like France and Russia are in no position to intervene.
Grossdeutschland simply will not be able to exist if it is in a position of being the hegemonic power of first Central Europe, then Europe generally. A Grossdeutschland extending south to the Mediterranean that has the Lands of Saint Stephen organized as satellites and might even stretch into Poland and Italy is much too big. If it can form at all, it is because rivals like France and Russia are in no position to intervene.
That can be done. Just give France more unstable and incompetent leadership, and Russia the same.