
  1. AHC - Poland is never reconstituted entirely. No Polish State after the 17-18th century

    After the fall of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, Poland was partitioned and tossed around between Germans(Austrians and Prussians) and Russians multiple times, for more than a century. Yet the Polish people, culture and language managed to survive and avoid total...
  2. Polish politics if the third partition borders stay?

    I'm writing a TL where the Napoleonic Wars end with France keeping the left bank of the Rhine as its eastern border. As a result, Prussia is given its old Polish territories as compensation for not getting the Rhineland, and Austria also keeps its share of the Third Partition (New Galicia). How...
  3. Polish Lithuanian Russian Swedish Commonwealth

    The Polish–Swedish union was a short-lived personal union between the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Kingdom of Sweden between 1592 and 1599. It began when Sigismund III Vasa, elected King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania, was crowned King of Sweden following the death of his father...
  4. No Nazism (and maybe no WWII) - What is the ultimate fate of the Second Polish Republic?

    Overall, most people on this forum think that should the Nazis either not exist or not succeed as a movement, the Weimar Republic would still fall to some kind of militaristic right-wing nationalist and revanchist regime (Notzis/Kaiserboos are not what I have in mind, these tropes are just lazy...
  5. What if the Polish occupation zone in West Germany remained and was established as an independent polish republic in the heartland of Germany?

    The Polish occupation zone in Germany was a military occupation area, under the administration of the Polish government-in-exile, located within the British Occupation Zone of the Allied-occupied Germany, that existed from 19 May 1945 to 10 September 1948. It was established from the territory...
  6. In a world with no WW1, could Finland, Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Turkestan, etc. ever gain independence from a surviving Russian Empire?

    For all talks about how the Ottoman Empire would inevitably collapse with or without WW1 (overall sentiment is no - its collapse was not inevitable, and it could survive if it took necessary steps to), a topic that I do not often see even in surviving Russian Empire discussions, is whenever if...
  7. How to reunite Poland?

    OTL reunification which resulted in Władysław Łokietek on the throne (he had insane amount of luck, but was was good for him wasn't necessarily good for the Kingdom) was far from optimal and ended with significant territorial loses. Challenge is to restore Poland in better shape after period...
  8. Horus Lupercal

    Jagiellonian miracle Or Queen Anna Jagiellon has an son
    Threadmarks: Chapter I miraculous birth

    Wawel Royal Castle-Krakow 12 November 1577 As the great comet passed over earth in the year 1577, there was a great deal of celebration in Krakow, the capital of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. All people of the city, whether they were mere common folk, priests, burgher...
  9. WI: What if Catherine of Hungary was male?

    What if Catherine of Hungary was born male, and let's say he lives an average lifespan? Who would in theory would he marry? What would happen with the union between Hungary-Poland? What sort of expansion would he do?
  10. eliamartin65

    Hedwig, Mother of Austria - A 14th Century TL
    Threadmarks: Intro

    Jadwiga (Hedwig) of Sagan and her second husband, Rudolf of Austria The unlikely survival of a duke and the unhappiness of a queen are two different things, but what happens when those two different things are brought together by fate? How would the world change? To answer those questions, we...
  11. Effects of a surviving Jagiellonian dynasty in Poland-Lithuania?

    What if the Jagiellonian dynasty didn't come to an end with Sigismund II Augustus' death? First of all, I know the Union of Lublin wouldn't be a thing, since there would be no need to create a real union between Poland and Lithuania for the two realms to remain connected. The Jagiellonians were...
  12. ThatOneAlbertanMapper

    The Fascist Poland uprising (and flag I designed)

    Poland was freed from the Warsaw Pact finally, but that was not enough for many angry citizens. Who's to say communism won't rise in Poland again? Who's to say Russia won't invade them for leaving? The Polish now have a strong desire to go farther to the right, and more want to get revenge on...
  13. Russia removed from Europe in Crimean war

    What if Russia was removed from Europe in crimean war ? POD is Napoleon III and Palmerston convince Austria to join the Crimean war and that a panslavic Russia is more dangerous for them than independent Poland and Ukraine. They create rebellions in Finland, Belarus, Poland and Ukraine while...
  14. Polish-Lithuanian-Bohemiam union

    Main PoDs are: -Matthias Corvinus has kids with Beatrice of Naples* -Sigismund Jagiellon dies before 1506. Result? According to Hungarian customs one Matthias' legitimate sons should be elected to the throne after his death. Meanwhile as Treaty of Olomouc from 1479 stated, Vladislaus...
  15. A 'Greater' Northern War

    I got inspired by this threads central topic: Link So apparently King Frederick William 1(The Soldier King) of Prussia was intended to marry Queen Ulrika Elenora of Sweden at the start of 1700, but on the verge of certification Charles XII pulled the plug on these plans for reasons unknown...
  16. WI Crimean Khanate destroyed in 17th century

    So, in his final years, King Wladyslaw IV of Poland dreamed of a great war with the Crimea and Turks, there were some alliances and foreign funding organized, Cossacks have been roused (which had very unfortunate results very soon) and the like. But Sejm was not interested in war, particularly...
  17. Salma Amer

    Louis the Great of Poland and Hungary and Elizabeth of Bosnia had a male heir
    Threadmarks: A long-awaited heir

    What if Catherine (1370-1378) had born a s son and lived until 1443? What is the suitable wife for Louis II, King of Hungary and Poland (1370-1443)? What are the appropriate marriages for his sisters? What is the probability of Louis seeking a third throne (Naples).
  18. Henry the Righteous unites Poland

    Henry the Righteous (Henryk Prawy/Probus), Duke of Wrocław, was one of late 13th century Piast dukes, who attempted to reunite fragmented Poland, but died (from poison?) at age 32. But what if he succeeded? As Duke of Wrocław, biggest and richest duchy of Silesia (which was, in turn, richest...
  19. jhuro

    Cold War politics with a free Poland

    Let’s imagine a different, more successful Warsaw Uprising, leading to the Polish resistance liberating itself akin to Tito’s Yugoslavia. The Polish government-in-exile returns, but is forced by the WAllies to agree to the OTL postwar borders in order to appease Stalin. What happens next? Would...
  20. kasumigenx

    Orthodox Lithuania
    Threadmarks: Baptism of Lithuania and the seize of Red Ruthenia

    On 1379, Andrei of Polotsk would be crowned as King of Lithuania with the support of Muscovy and prevailed against the younger Jogaila and the other sons of Uliana of Tver with Algirdas, this which would cause the conversion of Lithuania to Orthodoxy and the cohesion of the state of Lithuania...