Effects of a non-Traitor Benedict Arnold?

Ah, Benedict Arnold. The most infamous traitor in American history.
1. Is there a scenario where Benedict Arnold doesn't turn traitor?
2. If 1 is possible, what would the effects be of a non-traitor Benedict Arnold?
Of course it is possible if Congress isn't ungrateful to its best field commander or if he doesn't get wounded and/or retains field command away from Peggy Shippen.

Now if these things happen I could definitely see him as future first Secretary of War and possibly even President.
I think a two things that need for him not to be a traitor are there:

1. Have him either achieve more victories, like capturing Quebec, or/and give him credit for battles he fought in
2. Have him never meet his second wife.

If Benedict Arnold doesn’t turn traitor, I remember previous threads about the possibility of him running for politics
Of course it is possible if Congress isn't ungrateful to its best field commander or if he doesn't get wounded and/or retains field command away from Peggy Shippen.

Now if these things happen I could definitely see him as future first Secretary of War and possibly even President.
They weren't ungrateful, they were bankrupt and unable to show special favor to an idiot who was throwing lavish parties in wartime while America was being flooded with counterfeit Continental dollars to starve out the rebellion's funds.

And no, I can't see Arnold advancing very far. He had maybe one friend of rank, George Washington, who tolerated him because of his abilities but he went out of his way to alienate just about everyone he ever met, eventually including Washington for the most petty of reasons. He was run out of Canada after the war by an angry mob, that's how unlikable the man was.
How bad can one be?

How willing would other politicians be to accept this? Would there be some sort of coup in order to install or remove Arnold?
In Crossroads of Destiny by H Beam Piper Benedict Arnold became the leader of the American army after Washington was shot dead by a sniper. He went on to become the first President of the USA. :evilsmile:

No explanation though how he achieved it.
How bad can one be?
In Britain he was widely detested as a mercenary lacking any honor or scruples, to the point where the British East India Company rejected his application for a position with them on the grounds that he was too generally disliked and controversial. In Canada he moved to a small community and almost immediately began suing people left and right for petty reasons and getting engaged in fierce disputes with neighbors and business partners. He was even accused of burning a warehouse for the insurance money. He won a slander suit for that, but was awarded a meager 20 shillings and a crowd came to burn an effigy of him in front of his house. And that's only his post-war career in part, not even touching on the various scandals and controversies he was involved in on both sides of the conflict.
Yeah, Arnold had a remarkable talent for making enemies and alienating people. Even if he hadn't turned traitor, I can't imagine much of a political career for him.
For one, there'd probably be a lot of places named "Arnold County" or "Arnold" (and variations like "Arnoldville") all over the US.
Yeah, Arnold had a remarkable talent for making enemies and alienating people. Even if he hadn't turned traitor, I can't imagine much of a political career for him.

He can shoot someone in duel or bankrupt someone, marry, say Lighthorse Henry Lee's second wife and butterfly their otl son, Robert.

You can find all sorts non political fun for him.