DBWI: Joe Biden doesn't die in '88?

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Just the other day, I was watching this Netflix documentary (which I wholeheartedly recommend) on the life of the late Sen. Beau Biden and his run in 2016. While watching it however, I couldn't help but think about the similarities between he and his father's run in 1988, how both of them were 40-something Delaware Senators who had appeared to be early frontrunners before abruptly dying of something only exacerbated by intense campaigning (despite Beau's claims he was cancer free) - and in the same hospital, no less!

This got me thinking: what if Joe Biden managed to get successful treatment for his aneurysm in 1988 and kept on running? Polls before his death showed he was leading for the Democratic nomination. Would he be able to beat Hart for the nomination with his whole moderate shtick, or at least put up a fight? Could he do better than Hart and actually win against George Bush? How would the campaigns of Dick Gephardt, Michael Dukakis and Al Gore react?

And what would a potential Biden presidency look like? What would he do in the domestic front? How would he run things on the foreign stage, especially with PM Kinnock? Could he even win a second term?

If this doesn't fit here, please move to chat. Posters, please try to keep this as far away from modern politics as possible.
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How is this going to avoid “current politics “?
We are talking about a recent Vice Presiden,t, who is a current Presidential candidate and is central in an impeachment that is going on right now.
I am sorry but this topic should just be locked now....


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How is this going to avoid “current politics “?
We are talking about a recent Vice Presiden,t, who is a current Presidential candidate and is central in an impeachment that is going on right now.
I am sorry but this topic should just be locked now....
It can't.

Closed per posted policy on Current politics.
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