An Examination of Extra-Universal Systems of Government

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Deleted member 108228

What about a Congo Free state that ISN'T an absolute hellhole and Leopold was taught by the monks and stuff.
I worked with @Ernak to polish this up and change a few things.

Ken'ani Confederation
As I travel across the megalopolis of New Tyre, the city doesn't feel orthodox in its zoning, as with New Paris of the Free French, nor does it remind one of the bleak nature of existence, such as Runway One in Airstrip One of Oceania. It feels more human, more friendly, more welcoming. I couldn’t quite explain it, but the Ken’ani felt more human than the other cities in this world. The merchants don't feel as predatory, and while they did offer their wares to passers-by, they did not seem as dishonest as street vendors I encountered in other worlds. As I headed to my destination, I stopped by the Trade Sector. I saw people of all kinds: poor, rich, men and women, old and young. Many ethnicities were present: Ellan, Assyrian, Hatti, and Samaritan. No matter who they were, or where they came from, all were equal in what the Ken'ani took pride in: trade. As I passed through the bartering district, I saw men trading valuable electronics. In the financial district, men traded stocks, but wasn't the hectic trading of Wall Street, Alymanian Stock Bazaar or the Pearl River Delta Finance Prefecture. The trading reminded me of the ancient bartering systems of the Mediterranean, and my visit to the Anarchist Union of Workers and Communes.

I felt like I could get lost watching the tradesmen ply their craft. But as with the businessmen, I had to get to work.

As I headed to City Hall, I noticed that security was lacking; no guards, armed or unarmed. This worried me about a potential attack in the future, but I tabled this concern as I met my contact: the Governor of New Tyre.

New Tyre is named after the old Tyre, the center of Phoenicia, which began as a collection of trading city-states off the Mediterranean coast of Lebanon. The Phoenecians were known for their purple dye – Tyrian purple – and their skill in trade. In 1000 BCE, they traveled across the Mediterranean as a way to open up new markets and to find more wealth, creating the first colonies in the region. In 950 BCE, the Assyrians and Egyptians fought a brutal war to control Phoenicia, and while the cities declared neutrality, neither side respected this. Many fled, and the ones who stayed were slaughtered by the invaders, be they Assyrian or Egyptian. The five surviving cities – Tyre, Tripoli-Lebanon, and Byblos – were aware of the danger and moved everything west. Two hundred thousand Ken'ani boarded trading vessels, warships bought from the Hittites, and cargo ships from the Athenians, draining the treasuries of these cities. They made their way for the colonies of Qartḥadast, Estu, and Kania.

The Ken’ani made it to their colonies, but suffered tremendous losses on the way. The people were starving, distraught from losing their homes, and many wanted to return. The kings of the Ken’ani refused, understanding that they had no homes to return to. This began a period of unrest, seeing the overthrow of several governments, civil wars, and conquests. The Ken’ani people were starving and sick, and many died in the streets. The existing colonies could not manage the population, so in order to lessen the strain on their cities, the leaders of the Ken’ani decided to spread the population to twelve cities. This policy would be the national policy for the Ken’ani for centuries to come. They used their trading network to create colonies in distant lands, to guarantee their survival. They transferred thousands of their people to the cities of Qartḥadast-The-Furthest, Qartḥadast-Hyporea, and other cities across the Mediterranean.

"Ah, Mr. Chana, I was expecting you!" The man who greeted me was dressed in a striking purple suit, a reference to the snail dye that made this city famous. "Oh! Where are my manners! I'm Aqhat, the governor of this city."

I commended Aqhat on his command of the English language. While strongly accented, I could understand his speech perfectly.

"We Ken'ani must know the languages of the world, and other worlds, to become masters of our craft. One cannot dominate the seas without knowing the native tongue of every port in the world!" Aqhat said, while handing a bundle of documents to his secretary. I followed Aqhat to his office, where he gave me a quick rundown of how Ken’ani government operated.

The Ken'ani are a confederation of twenty-six different regions, each headed by "command cities," and numerous different provinces. Regions and provinces are grouped under what is called General Administration. Each command city heads a certain region, and depending of the region, specialized in agriculture, mining, trade, or fishing. This is to maximize efficiency in a sector, and each command city is granted benefits by Confederate law to devote that city to its particular industry. The General Administration is subdivided in three tiers: Provincial, Prefectural, and Communal. Command cities have five administrative divisions, and from largest to smallest they are the district, sector, sub-sector, block, and unit. Each division must have a certain population; districts, for example, must have 100,000 people. The districts are assigned special roles, such as government, finance and management, to ease administration. Each city also has a certain proportion of the population belonging to a certain class. Some cities are composed of majority traders, with all other classes of people working primarily for the traders. Other cities are composed mostly of industrial workers, others of farmers, and so on.

There are three classes of the Ken'ani society: Workers, Traders, and Experts. There are three assemblies for each of the classes, similar to the public assemblies of the Roman Republic. The Assembly of Workers elects and appoints the bureaucrats, engineers, and general management for blue-collar jobs. The Assembly of Experts appoints and manages ministers and directors of regulatory bodies, scientists, researchers, and other professionals. Then there are the Assembly of Traders, who elect committees, diplomats, masters of trading guilds, and foreign affairs. Each one is ascribed certain powers and can write laws for those classes; there is no general legislature. The Assembly of Workers also deals with military actions, as military duty is ascribed to it. Recruitment is managed by the Assembly of Workers, as each applicant, depending on his location, would be reviewed by a sub-committee, known as the Soldiers’ Union, to oversee the recruitment process. Soldiers who became officers and commanders fell under to oversight of the Assembly of Experts. Diplomats and those who were expected to deal with foreign states came under the oversight of the Assembly of Traders.

The class system is managed by the Class Secretariat. They deal with appointments issues and action on behalf of the classes in the national government. The Class Secretariat take a class issue and send it to the courts, or if legislation is needed for class, they can send recommendations to the appropriate assembly. Naturally, the Class Secretariat has subdivisions which correspond to the territorial and demographic divisions of the Ken'ani Confederation.

Each regional block has a sub-assembly for each class, and every class member is eligible for their sub-assembly. If a block has a large population of one class, then it has a Block Assembly for that class. On the commune level, citizens participate in a Communal Assembly for their class. Up to the commune level, class assemblies serve as an example of direct democracy: any member of a class in good standing can participate in a Communal Assembly and vote. Communal Assemblies implement laws that apply yo the entire commune, and they also call meetings to appoint judicial representatives. Minority classes in a commune are represented by separate minority assembles, which governs members of that class alone. If the commune is large enough, it is designated as a province, where the commune and block assemblies elect representatives to the Provincial Assembly. The Provisional Assemblies make laws for their province, but communal assemblies and block sub-assemblies can modify these laws as appropriate. These Provincial Assemblies attend only to the majority class; the minority classes participate in subdivisions of the majority’s Provincial Assembly. The only parts of life managed by the Ken’ani national government are education, the judiciary, foreign affairs, and colonial management. National education is also divided for the three classes.

For cities, it is more complicated, as each city is divided among the three classes to facilitate maximum efficiency. In addition to the political divisions, city is also divided into class regions, where the respective classes live and work, in order to ensure a structured and efficient system of managing the city. There are two tiers of assemblies, one for each class, and an overarching, non-class based assembly. General assemblies are needed to resolve social issues and other matters that transcend class, such as infrastructure. However, class assemblies can adjust the laws to fit their certain regions. Some general laws apply to the entire city, while some only apply to certain classes. Command cities are managed under a confederal model, where a confederate council, whose members were elected from each the class sectors, represent the command cities to the national government. Naturally, command cities are subservient to the national government on the matters of education, judicial review, foreign diplomacy, and colonization.

The segregated tripartite caste system struck me as dysfunctional and unequal. I voiced my concerns to Governor Aqhat, who dismissed them.

"Ridiculous! If a doctor botches an operation, he should be accountable to his level of skill and responsibility. A person who litters is held to his, and so forth. A government that takes into account these inherent differences is far more representative of the needs of all."

I asked who is ultimately responsible for decision-making in the Ken’ani Confederation. At the head of Confederation is the national government, composed of the executive and judicial branches. The head is the executive branch is the General Director, who is elected by a national popular election. The General Director has a few powers expressly delegated to him, such as calling a census, making trade agreements, and appointing ambassadors from any region. Below him are the three directorates. The three directors are representatives for the three classes, along with a Joint Coordinator appointed by the General Director. Under the Joint Coordinator, there are three Military Directorate chiefs, representing the three branches of the military: the Army, Navy, and Special Forces. The Air Force, Aqhat tells me, was dissolved after the advent of permanent space colonization in 1893 CE, and became a special part of the army and navy. The professional military of the Ken’ani Confederation is small, with most military power remaining in the hands of the member states. The General Commissioner has the powers to call the armies of each state, make treaties, and to call for special elections.

The Ken'ani judiciary system is divided by territory; there is a Supreme Confederal Court, and provincial subdivisions have their own courts. The Supreme Confederal Court is headed by three class judges, elected by the people, and two national judges, appointed by the General Director. The Supreme Confederal Court is also divided by subject matter jurisdiction into the Economic, Constitutional, Popular, and Administrative sections. Lower courts handle disputes and petty cases, along with mediation. Provincial courts handle issues related to that province. The court is further divided by class, with three class judges that have jurisdiction over cases particular to their class. Individual courts have jurisdiction specific to class and the cause of action. If a man who killed someone was a Worker, he would be tried in a different court from a defendant Expert. Governor Aqhat admits that this division of the judiciary leads to inconsistent verdicts, but these verdicts are checked by the Censorate, an independent part of the government whose job is to monitor, report and take administrative action against abuse and crimes. Some important cases lead to the creation of temporary committees, with members from all three classes weighing in. Governor Aqhat tells me that the Equalist movement hopes to do away with this separate system, but they have little support in Ken'ani society.

"This system reminds me of the caste system in Industan,” I replied.

"What an absurd claim!“ remarked Governor Aqhat, with detectable disgust in his voice. "We don't have the brutality and depravity of the Indus caste system. The Industani is inhumane; they have draconian punishments for those who breach the codes of conduct of their caste or have relations outside of it. Their entire system is so abhorrent, it gives the Equalists in our country legitimacy. We have no ‘untouchables.’ Workers, Traders, and Experts co-exist and interact as equals, leading to harmony and cooperation across society. People are not born into their class; our system is purely meritocratic. Children get tested for over eight years to determine their skillset, and from that, their class. Yet if they choose to do so, they can pay an administrative fee to join the class of their choice, although they must start as a novice regardless of whatever skills they attained in their old class. They can change classes every ten years. And everyone, regardless of class, is respected and serves a purpose. If you are a low-caste Dalit in Industan, you mean nothing, even if you are skilled and intelligent. Here, we respect merit."

I asked Governor Aqhat how the Ken’ani maintained a singular, homogenous culture, despite being dispersed over all over the world.

"The Ken’ani people live by this principle: don't put every egg in one basket. To assimilate into the cultures around us is self-defeating, so we ensure that every province in the Confederation perpetuates our culture. We have spread so far that no one can stop destroy us, like the Judeans, and the Xonu. We will always find a way."

"What about Action 4-K?" As soon as I finished my question, I felt the mood in the room shift. Governor Aqhat was silent for what felt like an eternity. His eyes shot daggers into my soul.

“The crimes of the Venedic people will be mourned by my people for twenty generations. Their actions have proved that our policy of national survival is not only correct, it is necessary.”

Action 4-K was the attempt by the Slavounionist regime of the Venedic Union to destroy the Ken’ani people in the early 20th century. The Venedic regime saw the Ken’ani as the “fathers and teachers of greed and degeneracy.” Venedic propaganda portrayed them as worse than cockroaches, and fit only for killing. This paved the way for a massive purge of Ken’ani in the Venedic Union, first by stripping their rights, and then subjecting them to forced labor, raids, purges, and eventually, mass murder. Enemies of the state were ordered to dig massive pits and were buried alive. During the War of the Venede, when the Venedic Union attempted to conquer all of Europe and the Near East, the First Venede ordered the 'Great Cleansing,' killing more than a hundred thousand Ken’ani in the first month of the war. Ken’ani cities in Europe fell to the Venedic armies, and were almost entirely depopulated. Nearly two million Ken'ani died during the war, nearly two fifths of the global Ken’ani population. The Venedic regime also purged any Germanic and non-Slavic culture within their country. While the Venedic Union was stopped from conquering Europe, the Slavounionists remain in power and present a constant threat to the Ken’ani.

While the Ken’ani people were traumatized, they survived, demonstrating the resilience their people have shown from the times of the Assyrians to the present day. As he regained his composure, Governor Aqhat spoke with pride about the ability of his people to survive, and even thrive.

"Like a rose in a charred forest, we have made beauty in destruction, and that beauty will never die out. Even if our people are wiped out, our memories will still inspire beauty, long after our deaths.”

An idea for the nationalist chapter: an expansionist, American black nationalist Liberia that was initially carved out from Liberia and various British and French territories post-*Great War[1], empowered by an influx of blacks recolonizing the place after the fall of the Confederacy, and justifying its wars of expansion and hierarchical system on the idea that they are getting reparations for those who sold them into slavery[2]. Naturally, a tremendously unpopular state, except perhaps with the United States, which has its own mixed bag of reasons for supporting Liberia[3].

[1] I'm imagining a bland Trent Affair PoD, with a Confederate victory that doesn't end well for anybody on either side of the Mason-Dixon in the long run.
[2] I don't think this is too much of a stretch, given OTL Liberia's dicey relationship between black ex-Americans and the locals.
[3] Namely, that they feel some responsibility to Liberia given their own history, but also because they themselves are racial separatists and are afraid that Liberians would go back to America if the regime ever fell.

Deleted member 108228

How unpopular? Would it conquer? Would the Amero-Liberians want to return to the americas?

An idea for the nationalist chapter: an expansionist, American black nationalist Liberia that was initially carved out from Liberia and various British and French territories post-*Great War[1], empowered by an influx of blacks recolonizing the place after the fall of the Confederacy, and justifying its wars of expansion and hierarchical system on the idea that they are getting reparations for those who sold them into slavery[2]. Naturally, a tremendously unpopular state, except perhaps with the United States, which has its own mixed bag of reasons for supporting Liberia[3].

[1] I'm imagining a bland Trent Affair PoD, with a Confederate victory that doesn't end well for anybody on either side of the Mason-Dixon in the long run.
[2] I don't think this is too much of a stretch, given OTL Liberia's dicey relationship between black ex-Americans and the locals.
[3] Namely, that they feel some responsibility to Liberia given their own history, but also because they themselves are racial separatists and are afraid that Liberians would go back to America if the regime ever fell.
An idea for the nationalist chapter: an expansionist, American black nationalist Liberia that was initially carved out from Liberia and various British and French territories post-*Great War[1], empowered by an influx of blacks recolonizing the place after the fall of the Confederacy, and justifying its wars of expansion and hierarchical system on the idea that they are getting reparations for those who sold them into slavery[2]. Naturally, a tremendously unpopular state, except perhaps with the United States, which has its own mixed bag of reasons for supporting Liberia[3].

[1] I'm imagining a bland Trent Affair PoD, with a Confederate victory that doesn't end well for anybody on either side of the Mason-Dixon in the long run.
[2] I don't think this is too much of a stretch, given OTL Liberia's dicey relationship between black ex-Americans and the locals.
[3] Namely, that they feel some responsibility to Liberia given their own history, but also because they themselves are racial separatists and are afraid that Liberians would go back to America if the regime ever fell.

I have an idea for a theocracy, although it might be suited for militaristic/non-traditional forms of government too...
Go ahead and post it.

The Enlightenment takes a different turn during the 1700/1800s and the reactionary/conservative forces prevail in some areas where they didn't IOTL in events such as the French Revolution or the Revolutions of 1848 (the latter sounds more likely). The unification of Italy is suppressed by a coalition of France, Spain and Austria with Papal backing and Rome goes on to give Holy Sanction to the reactionary Catholic states in Europe and South America. This leads to a Cold War-esque conflict between a 'Progressive' bloc made up of the Protestant states (Britain, USA, Japan, Christian!China and others) and a Catholic Reactionary bloc (France, Spain, Austria plus Southern Germany). Russia and Prussia would probably be neutral as the former fell apart and the latter was dismembered by the Catholic Bloc.

Amongst all of this chaos, the Papal States becomes more politically involved in Europe and manages to turn the tide of secularism in most of Catholic Europe/South America. The Papacy manages to bring back some of the old medieval holy orders and gives official monetary/theological backing to those that still exist. The Holy Orders are often nations within themselves and whatever land that they're occupying becomes the de-facto territory of the Catholic Church.

TL;DR Catholic Diamond Dogs working on behalf of the Papacy to spread the One True Faith™ to the heathens in Africa and the MidEast.

Consider this to be my personal nightmare world where the Enlightenment crashes and burns. :p

Deleted member 108228

Could I mingle that with a Gulag Republic timeline

The Enlightenment takes a different turn during the 1700/1800s and the reactionary/conservative forces prevail in some areas where they didn't IOTL in events such as the French Revolution or the Revolutions of 1848 (the latter sounds more likely). The unification of Italy is suppressed by a coalition of France, Spain and Austria with Papal backing and Rome goes on to give Holy Sanction to the reactionary Catholic states in Europe and South America. This leads to a Cold War-esque conflict between a 'Progressive' bloc made up of the Protestant states (Britain, USA, Japan, Christian!China and others) and a Catholic Reactionary bloc (France, Spain, Austria plus Southern Germany). Russia and Prussia would probably be neutral as the former fell apart and the latter was dismembered by the Catholic Bloc.

Amongst all of this chaos, the Papal States becomes more politically involved in Europe and manages to turn the tide of secularism in most of Catholic Europe/South America. The Papacy manages to bring back some of the old medieval holy orders and gives official monetary/theological backing to those that still exist. The Holy Orders are often nations within themselves and whatever land that they're occupying becomes the de-facto territory of the Catholic Church.

TL;DR Catholic Diamond Dogs working on behalf of the Papacy to spread the One True Faith™ to the heathens in Africa and the MidEast.

Consider this to be my personal nightmare world where the Enlightenment crashes and burns. :p

Deleted member 108228

I got a map idea for your idea

An idea for the nationalist chapter: an expansionist, American black nationalist Liberia that was initially carved out from Liberia and various British and French territories post-*Great War[1], empowered by an influx of blacks recolonizing the place after the fall of the Confederacy, and justifying its wars of expansion and hierarchical system on the idea that they are getting reparations for those who sold them into slavery[2]. Naturally, a tremendously unpopular state, except perhaps with the United States, which has its own mixed bag of reasons for supporting Liberia[3].

[1] I'm imagining a bland Trent Affair PoD, with a Confederate victory that doesn't end well for anybody on either side of the Mason-Dixon in the long run.
[2] I don't think this is too much of a stretch, given OTL Liberia's dicey relationship between black ex-Americans and the locals.
[3] Namely, that they feel some responsibility to Liberia given their own history, but also because they themselves are racial separatists and are afraid that Liberians would go back to America if the regime ever fell.


  • Liberian Republic of Free Blacks.jpg
    Liberian Republic of Free Blacks.jpg
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Deleted member 108228

Hierarchy of the Liberian Union of Blacks

Freed 'Slave Rebels'

Normal 'Freed Slaves'

'Slaves Transferred'


Collaborators of the Liberation of Blacks

Collaborators with the Slavers

Former Slaver-Blacks
Another idea: a nationalist socialist (distinct from Nazism) state that squares that circle because it’s a post-colonial state that views capitalism as part of a white (and Jewish, because of course they’d buy into the conspiracies) plot to control the world. So of course, they have to maintain their national purity and *socialist values. Probably ends up looking similar to North Korea, but isn’t the OTL DPRK.
Another idea: a nationalist socialist (distinct from Nazism) state that squares that circle because it’s a post-colonial state that views capitalism as part of a white (and Jewish, because of course they’d buy into the conspiracies) plot to control the world. So of course, they have to maintain their national purity and *socialist values. Probably ends up looking similar to North Korea, but isn’t the OTL DPRK.

Could be some place in the Arab world, where, historically, pro-fascist, ultranationalist and anti-semitic movements did gain some prominance.
Could be some place in the Arab world, where, historically, pro-fascist, ultranationalist and anti-semitic movements did gain some prominance.
Isn't that OTL South Yemen?

That could be a basis, but I was thinking of a political paradigm where nationalism and socialism/communism aren’t seen as fundamentally opposed. In fact, given the idea that anti-colonialism is nationalism and vice versa, nationalism might be seen as essential to socialism/communism, perhaps in opposition to feudal/monarchist capitalism? It might require an earlier PoD offing Marx. Or that could be the paradigm in the local area.
Last edited:

Deleted member 108228

An idea for the nationalist chapter: an expansionist, American black nationalist Liberia that was initially carved out from Liberia and various British and French territories post-*Great War[1], empowered by an influx of blacks recolonizing the place after the fall of the Confederacy, and justifying its wars of expansion and hierarchical system on the idea that they are getting reparations for those who sold them into slavery[2]. Naturally, a tremendously unpopular state, except perhaps with the United States, which has its own mixed bag of reasons for supporting Liberia[3].

[1] I'm imagining a bland Trent Affair PoD, with a Confederate victory that doesn't end well for anybody on either side of the Mason-Dixon in the long run.
[2] I don't think this is too much of a stretch, given OTL Liberia's dicey relationship between black ex-Americans and the locals.
[3] Namely, that they feel some responsibility to Liberia given their own history, but also because they themselves are racial separatists and are afraid that Liberians would go back to America if the regime ever fell.

Would this class system work like this:

Hierarchy of the Liberian Union of Blacks

Freed 'Rebel Slaves'

Normal 'Freed Slaves'

'Slaves Transferred'

Collaborators of the Liberation of Blacks


Collaborators with the Slavers

Former Slaver-Blacks
Would this class system work like this:

Hierarchy of the Liberian Union of Blacks

Freed 'Rebel Slaves'

Normal 'Freed Slaves'

'Slaves Transferred'

Collaborators of the Liberation of Blacks


Collaborators with the Slavers

Former Slaver-Blacks

I have my own ideas for this.
That could be a basis, but I was thinking of a political paradigm where nationalism and socialism/communism aren’t seen as fundamentally opposed. In fact, given the idea that anti-colonialism is nationalism and vice versa, nationalism might be seen as essential to socialism/communism, perhaps in opposition to feudal/monarchist capitalism? It might require an earlier PoD offing Marx. Or that could be the paradigm in the local area.

Then perhaps a long the lines of a more 'evolved' version of Blanquism?
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