Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes IV (Do not post Current Politics Here)

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(Sorry I can't make Nebraska yellow)

Alternatively Arizona or NE-2, the latter in case results in a tie so however the Progressives can win from there.
Wouldn't it be better if they used a popular vote? Of course California would dominate this so much more.

But why would ultra liberal California want to be in a union with 15 conservative states vs 9? Unless they need the resources
Wouldn't it be better if they used a popular vote? Of course California would dominate this so much more.

But why would ultra liberal California want to be in a union with 15 conservative states vs 9? Unless they need the resources

Dunno, mate. I didn't make it.
FXNG is the most common language of the FBNF, and pretty much the only significant one on the interspecies stage. Its prominence is due to a number of factors, most notably its early speakers' central location in trade networks and early establishment of universities, ensuring that it became the lingua franca of science - as well as the fact that understanding and replicating it is easier for Ëol - and, later, humans - than it is for many other FBNF languages. Presently, while virtually all FBNF speak FXNG, regional languages like XPK, PBZXF, and NKXZ retain a strong foothold.

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Setup Treeline
United Earth
Extraterrestrial Miners' Union
Zhang Yanming
Martian Central Council Elections, 2295 (L3 Group)
Kevin Moorhead
Earth Oceanic Conflict

New England Reconstruction District
"Nobody, least of all John himself, would deny that he made some mistakes in his Presidency. I mean, twenty-nine years in the office - and probably the most tense 29 years since the late 1700s. But the planet Earth was destroyed and thirty-seven years later the United States survives, intact and prosperous and safe, when the human race could very well have perished. And there were a lot of people who needed to be great in a very short period of time to make sure that happened, and John Glenn was one of them."

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Your Telenet data usage has exceeded your daily cap. Please type in your Emergency Control Code now if it is an emergency - note the provisions of the Bandwidth Access Act 2007 regarding unlawful ECC use. If you believe you are receiving this message in error, please contact your local Telenet office at 018-3527. Otherwise, your data cap will expire at 00:00 UTC or 00:00 VMST on Mars. Thank you for using PAS for your Telenet needs.
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Less well known than her husband and children in Japan, Yukiko Aikawa is a famous historical figure in her own right in the Virgin Islands, where she is deemed a national martyr. In 2014, an online survey with nearly 10,000 respondents deemed her the Greatest Woman in the History of the Virgin Islands. Although highly regarded for her activism and central role in the decolonization struggle, she is perhaps better known for her mysterious death --- widely believed to be a political assassination --- at the hands of a radical Nichiren Buddhist. Claims have been made regarding the involvement of the Japanese government in the murder-suicide knife attack, though Tokyo continues to deny all such accusations.

FXNG is the most common language of the FBNF, and pretty much the only significant one on the interspecies stage. Its prominence is due to a number of factors, most notably its early speakers' central location in trade networks and early establishment of universities, ensuring that it became the lingua franca of science - as well as the fact that understanding and replicating it is easier for Ëol - and, later, humans - than it is for many other FBNF languages. Presently, while virtually all FBNF speak FXNG, regional languages like XPK, PBZXF, and NKXZ retain a strong foothold.

View attachment 301926

Setup Treeline
United Earth
Extraterrestrial Miners' Union
Zhang Yanming
Martian Central Council Elections, 2295 (L3 Group)
Kevin Moorhead
Earth Oceanic Conflict

New England Reconstruction District

Fascinating and unique

I've always found my attempts at language infoboxes to be frustrating

Less well known than her husband and children in Japan, Yukiko Aikawa is a famous historical figure in her own right in the Virgin Islands, where she is deemed a national martyr. In 2014, an online survey with nearly 10,000 respondents deemed her the Greatest Woman in the History of the Virgin Islands. Although highly regarded for her activism and central role in the decolonization struggle, she is perhaps better known for her mysterious death --- widely believed to be a political assassination --- at the hands of a radical Nichiren Buddhist. Claims have been made regarding the involvement of the Japanese government in the murder-suicide knife attack, though Tokyo continues to deny all such accusations.


Japanese Virgin Islands, eh?

Is that where they dump all their NEETs and hikimoris?
For my first infobox of 2017, I'm putting in a low-effort one showing what the results would be if the final polls were correct in 1948:


  • The vote totals came from the final Gallup poll taken in 1948 which had Dewey leading Truman 49.5% to 45.5%.
  • To get Thurmond and Wallace's totals, I split the difference between the combined major-party vote IOTL and in the poll. In this instance, both totals lost 0.15%- basically changing nothing.
  • Unlike OTL, owing to the swing from Truman to Dewey, Thurmond acted as a spoiler in one state- Virginia, which Dewey won by 0.31% of the vote while Thurmond took 9.7%, most of which probably would have went to Truman.
Sundown In America

COMAP is the seventh most used reference resource on the Net, and considering that we're limited to American politics since 1930, that's quite impressive. 300,000 people download our client software every year, to browse our tens of thousands of articles. And all that with a fortieth of the staff of Grolier.
But we can't do this alone. There are countless officeholders who need articles. After all, for every House, Senate, and Gubernatorial race, hundreds come here to look up the candidates - according to the OMB, enough to possibly swing twenty House races and two Senate. Wouldn't it be great to provide that service for voters in state and local elections?
Here's another reason. Take the article on VISTA Director Bill Clinton. A week ago, all it had was his name, age, and tenure. It didn't say anything about him being a Rhodes Scholar, or heading the Humphrey 1972 campaign in Texas, or narrowly losing the 1978 Democratic primary for Governor. Nor did it say anything about his efforts to expand VISTA efforts in the Mississippi Valley, or his calls to create a larger "AmeriCorps".
Now, if you're researching Bill Clinton, isn't that good information to have? And if you're thinking about voting for him in the 1988 Arkansas gubernatorial elections, in which he is running, isn't that good information to have?
If every COMAP user contributed just one article, we would only have to make this announcement once a year. But not everyone can or will write one, and that's fine. Enough people, hopefully, will.
This year, please consider writing an article on a state legislator, low-level government official, or any other politician without one.
Jimmy Wales
Head of the COMAP Public Article Submissions Project

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Sundown in America
Presidential Elections (Jeffersonian Method) - Part IV (1840)

Well, us insomniacs need to beat back boredom somehow.

There isn't much to say about this one really; the electoral vote is much closer now with a sizable number being tied to the popular vote, Van Buren gaining (73) and Harrison losing that same number. While that is more than double Van Buren's OTL electoral net, it isn't enough to upend Harrison's victory.



Vietnam stayed on Earth. At the time it seemed like a truly insane path to take for a tropical nation facing both the Deluge and a nuclear winter, but to those in power it was the only option. Despite colonization successes decades earlier in cooperation with the Arabic sphere, Vietnam's massive state-owned salvation arks were far from ready due to years of unchecked bureaucratic corruption in the Office of Colonization, and there were few contingencies in place to deal with widespread capitalist greed and incompetence. The government's final decision was in large part due to the work of the Ministry of Planning and Investment's Joint Disaster Research Committee, which stood fast by its prediction that within a hundred years Earth's atmosphere would be breathable again- if never again pure. Many Viets who could afford to leave did, by the millions, aboard foreign arks or private spacecraft, depending on how long they'd spent bleeding the country dry. Those who did come back (most did, eventually) were not welcomed with open arms but instead made to face their reckoning by a nation broken and hardened in the Fall.

In retrospect, though the JDRC's report was directly responsible for the short-term extinction of the vast majority of the rural Vietnamese population, in the end its decision preserved the Vietnamese people from the fate that befell the nations that left their mother planet. To the shock of most world leaders and the billions of refugees they'd launched into the unknown, space and the extraterrestrial planets proved to be just as inhospitable to human life as post-apocalyptic earth was. Mankind had vastly overestimated its own adaptability and, more importantly, its terraforming abilities. Wars in space turned out to be not so different from the ones that had just finished on Earth; one by one nations perished lobbing designer viruses and giant rocks at each other over inaccessible mineral deposits lodged in frozen rocks strewn across the solar system. A few of the Great Powers barely survived, some through their vast material wealth, and others through their abundance of human resources. In the end, nobody won... except Vietnam.

While the Americans and Germans and Russians and Chinese were busy killing each other above, on Earth the resurrected State Planning Commission of Vietnam was busy building. Today, the Republic of Vietnam (which dropped the 'Socialist' from its name in 2099) is the most populous sovereign human nation on Earth- and possibly in the entire solar system, if one does not consider the cyborg monstrosities the Nigerians and their satellites have become humans- with a stable population of 140 million citizens: 65 million of which live in the Saigon Arcological Reclamation Community, one of two designated "Human preservation municipalities" in the Republic. The SARC is also the temporary home of the Sovereign Organization of the United States of America (SOUSA)- not affiliated in any way with the lunar-based United States of America- while it is pursuing negotiations with Vietnamese government for the eventual reclamation of the North American continent.

While the Americans and Germans and Russians and Chinese were busy killing each other above, on Earth the resurrected State Planning Commission of Vietnam was busy building. Today, the Republic of Vietnam (which dropped the 'Socialist' from its name in 2099) is the most populous sovereign human nation on Earth- and possibly in the entire solar system, if one does not consider the cyborg monstrosities the Nigerians and their satellites have become humans- with a stable population of 140 million citizens: 65 million of which live in the Saigon Arcological Reclamation Community, one of two designated "Human preservation municipalities" in the Republic. The SARC is also the temporary home of the Sovereign Organization of the United States of America (SOUSA)- not affiliated in any way with the lunar-based United States of America- while it is pursuing negotiations with Vietnamese government for the eventual reclamation of the North American continent.

What happened to the Nigerians?
Presidential Elections (Jeffersonian Method) - Part V (1844)

Birney won his single elector in New York by a rather close margin; it was at the apportionment of either the 32nd or 33rd elector where he managed to pick it up, and he didn't come close anywhere else. I should have, but didn't, do the calculations for if Birney's support had gone to Clay, the candidate he was considered a spoiler for; however with it Clay would have won at least the state electors of New York and Michigan for a gain of (4), meaning he would be (6) short of a majority. I might do another calculation later if anyone is curious to see if Clay manages to close that gap and win.

Presidential Elections (Jeffersonian Method) - Part VI (1848)

And now we finally have what we have been waiting for; an ahistorical victor.

Unfortunately the nature of the background politics is a bit murky, so I really couldn't grant any level of confidence to the result I have displayed; it ultimately came down to a coin flip. I assumed that Van Buren would endorse Zachary Taylor and hope that other Free-Soilers would follow suit, but the sentiment of abolitionists at the time was strongly against him given his status as a slave-owner, a weakness that not even his soft support for the Wilmot Proviso was able to cure. Even ignoring that, and assuming that every Free Soil congressman in the House decided to support Taylor, this coalition would only control (12) out of the required (16) delegations, whereas the Democrat's themselves had (15) and would be able to act through William Butler once he was confirmed by the Senate. If in the unlikely event the OTL trend of House results were to continue, it wouldn't be long before the Democrat's had an unquestionable majority of the delegations.

Noting that Van Buren's actual pull would be minimal, I flipped a coin for each Free Soil Representative on whether they would vote for Taylor or Cass; virtually all of them went for Cass (flipping only Wisconsin), which was enough to give Cass the majority. More likely though the Free-Soilers would have abstained from voting entirely, which would mean at least of year of Acting President Butler before the election itself is resolved (with Cass favored, though Taylor would have an outside chance if the Whigs manage to score a number of victories in the 1849 Congressional elections).

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