Alternate Electoral Maps

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Connally vs Ted Kennedy 1980, Rip to the EC. (From a game of President Elect 1988)
Kennedy: 292 EV, 46% PV
Connally: 246 RV, 53%


And now the 2012 Election.


Pelosi - 272 EV (48.8%)
Boehner - 266 EV (47.6%)

Pelosi only wins this election because of 40k votes in Wisconsin, I had to calculate the Tennessee results by hand.


And now the 2012 Election.

Pelosi - 272 EV (48.8%)
Boehner - 266 EV (47.6%)[/B]

Pelosi only wins this election because of 40k votes in Wisconsin, I had to calculate the Tennessee results by hand.

Always interesting to see the effects of split ticket voting compared to the OTL presidential election. Nevada and North Carolina both stand out.

It would be interesting to see this done with say 1988 (ie a time when the Republicans were sweeping the actual presidential election but the Democrats dominated the House). But I'm guessing those numbers aren't as readily available.


Always interesting to see the effects of split ticket voting compared to the OTL presidential election. Nevada and North Carolina both stand out.

It would be interesting to see this done with say 1988 (ie a time when the Republicans were sweeping the actual presidential election but the Democrats dominated the House). But I'm guessing those numbers aren't as readily available.

I am compiling the results from each election into a spreadsheet.
Always interesting to see the effects of split ticket voting compared to the OTL presidential election. Nevada and North Carolina both stand out.

It would be interesting to see this done with say 1988 (ie a time when the Republicans were sweeping the actual presidential election but the Democrats dominated the House). But I'm guessing those numbers aren't as readily available.

They are. The earlier (think pre-1950s) elections tend not to have statewide totals already listed, though.


Another update, yes I realise I have only done a few more states, I decided to include the District-wide results in my spreadsheet, and it took a while to add that in.


Gillet - 100 EV
Clark - 67 EV


Gone Fishin'
Does anyone have any thoughts on the Primaries map? Am I wrong in thinking that Jackson could gain those states, or would he have taken different ones?

John McCormack: 299 EV OR 256 EV, 50.2%
Gerald Ford 239 EV OR 282 EV, 48.5%

I was not sure if the Conservative Party of New York should count for the Republicans, because most of the time the Conservatives buddied up with the Republicans. Due to this, I used the no Conservatives for the map, but it is possible that Gerald won.
Bugger I completely forgot to put them in, didn't I :eek:

Sorry, I was trying to map out a Jesse Jackson rivals Clinton for nomination in '96 (Clinton still wins), however I'm not sure what states Jackson could have picked up in the primaries.

Why would Jackson run in 1996 when Clinton was going to win?
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