AHC: Soviet space probe reaches Mercury or outer planets

With a post-1900 PoD make the Soviet space program to successfully send a space probe to either Mercury or the outer planets.
With a post-1900 PoD make the Soviet space program to successfully send a space probe to either Mercury or the outer planets.
The Soviet sit back and do the math and realize their Moon rocket isn't going to work. They then put their money into developing unmanned interplanetary probes
USSR actually had a semi-decent space probe program OTL. Venera probes were fairly successful in exploration of Venus, but Mars probes failed almost completely which basically sums it. Perhaps if Mars missions in 1970-s were a success there would be more ambitious projects. Soviet problems though - highly unreliable electronic components - made this rather unlikely. You need better electronic technology in USSR to successfully fly anything to outer planets but that requires a better economy which leads to rather general PODs :)
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