
  1. How does a Soviet Coalition influence the German Revolution in 1918?

    The POD is Oct 24/Nov 6, 1917, when Lenin is shot and killed by a police patrol on his way to the Tauride Palace to convince the Bolsheviks to go through with the October Revolution. Thus Kamenev is the one who goes down in history, establishing Soviet Power at the head of a multi-party...
  2. No Nazism and no WWII in Europe - What does the Pacific War looks like?

    Like how I already detailed in this thread, I am brainstorming a TL where Hitler ne ver joins politics, an alt-Beer Hall Putsch results in the early Nazis being destroyed as a party early on in the 1920s, and Germany either becomes a non-Nazi right-wing military dictatorship, or the Weimar...
  3. No Nazism (and maybe no WWII) - What is the ultimate fate of the Second Polish Republic?

    Overall, most people on this forum think that should the Nazis either not exist or not succeed as a movement, the Weimar Republic would still fall to some kind of militaristic right-wing nationalist and revanchist regime (Notzis/Kaiserboos are not what I have in mind, these tropes are just lazy...
  4. AHQ : What would be the primary consequences of an even worse Barbarossa for Nazi Germany?

    Specifically, what if the only managed to arrive to the outskirts/limits of cities such as Rivne, Vilnius, Minsk, Odessa and others but never conquer them but don't manage to "go beyond them" and take the same territory they managed to do so in our world ? What would be the consequences with the...
  5. How long would the Soviet Union last without Socialism in One Country?

    Yes, I am aware that the policy was almost inevitable as a means for the USSR to survive. But let’s suppose whoever succeeds Lenin is extremely dogmatic and remains committed to a worldwide revolution. They refuse to establish diplomatic relations with bourgeoise regimes and continue to support...
  6. Nell_Lucifer

    What if Joseph Stalin and his inner circle die from bubonic plague in 1937?

    I have this tendency of finding obscure bits of information while looking through stuff that in most cases is not related to what I am searching for, this being the case, and post them here in the hope that it would start an interesting discussion. This is from 'The Soviet Biological Weapons...
  7. Nell_Lucifer

    Was the Soviet R-7 rocket a good design?

    While I am aware that the Soviet military considered the R-7 unfit as an ICBM, it nonetheless shined as a space launcher, however, was it a good, upgradeable design compared to what other alternatives were available during the 50s? I do get the impression that Korolev from the start designed...
  8. Could a Soviet victory in the west in 1919-20 lead to a more genuinely pluralistic USSR?

    The Soviet Union seems like it fell into an awkward position in its ethnographic balance, the ~50% range of the main ethnic group, since it was too Russian dominated to be viewed as really pluralistic and multi-national, and yet not so much so that like China, the main ethnic population...
  9. WI: Soviets Establish Secret Police Stations In USA

    With the recent Chinese police stations drama, it raises the question- could the Soviets have mitigated their defector problem by sneaking agents in, hiding police stations in America and other NATO countries, then sending KGB agents out from them to intimidate potential security risks? How...
  10. Somewhat more Russian football

    Part 1. World Cup 1974 Augusto Pinochet, one of the most controversial characters, if not world, then at least South American history, a tough dictator who killed many of his opponents, but imagine that if he somehow accidentally dies in an accident in the Chilean army. But the essence of this...
  11. Did the Soviet Union plan to annex Finland during the Winter War?

    Very quick question because I cannot find a definite answer to this, when Stalin first invaded Finland, did he had in mind to annex the entire state, to sort of restore the Grand Duchy of Finland in a red coat of paint as a new Finnish SSR? because it seems that after it was made clear that the...
  12. A Red Day In Selma: An Alternate History Of The Civil Rights Era And Cold War
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1

    This story is written with the permission of the Redditor who originally came up with this scenario, No Biscotti 711. Those of you who find the work in question that inspired this, please, no spoilers. Chapter 1: One Itchy Finger March 7th 1965 Selma, Alabama The previous demonstrations and...
  13. AHC : Soviet Moon Landing With Or Without Korolev Between 1968 and June 1969

    I am going to tag @CountofDooku because he is the first I have seen which is doing a USSR timeline, @nixonshead @TimothyC @SingularityG3 @Tshhmon @Juumanistra since you have timelines regarding space. I was thinking of what would need for the Soviets to reach the moon between those dates, not...
  14. WI: KGB saves the hostages from the Iranian hostage crisis 1979?

    Like the title implied. What if just like our tl the hostage crisis goes off on the American Embassy in Tehran, but before the American can react the Soviets/KGB manage to get them out and into west Germany. What would be the political consequences for this towards the Carter administration and...
  15. AHC: Make the communists win the Greek civil war.

    The Greek Civil War took place from 1943 to 1949. It was mainly fought against the established Kingdom of Greece, which was supported by the United Kingdom, the United States and France and won in the end. The losing opposition was governed by the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) and its military...
  16. No Korean War, but Stalin invades Yugoslavia and China Taiwan.

    A lot of historical reading over years has given me this idea, but the two articles I'm linking summarize my line of thinking fairly comprehensively. Taiwan: Yugoslavia...
  17. Alternative names for East Germany?

    Excluding Prussia, what could have been some alternate, other names that would have been used to represent east Germany? (Basically if it was referred to as something else rather than just East German Democratic Republic)
  18. AHC: Make Kaliningrad become independent following the collapse of the USSR while still being Russian majority

    Hello everyone! I have a challenge for you. Make Kaliningrad go independent following the collapse of the USSR while still being Russia majority, and being part of the russian SFSR prior to that.
  19. How could communist Romania have enlarged/increased its GDP?

    How could communist Romania from the 1950s to the 1980s have improved its economy and gdp? Perhaps becoming one of the largest economies in Eastern europe? (After USSR)
  20. Would the USSR have survived longer if gorbachev didn't try reforming it?

    Would the USSR have survived longer if gorbachev didn't try liberalizing and reforming it? What would change in our history? When would it have eventually collapsed?