After an Axis victory, what would the inevitable Axis collapse look like?

Something I've wondered about, seeing a lot of TLs and discussions about an Axis victory in WW2, but few that take it all the way to its natural conclusion; Nazi Germany's eventual fall decades after the war (although far sooner than a thousand years). How it would come about, what it would look like, and what the consequences would be.

Though the war would probably never officially end; the best Germany can hope for is to fight the Allies to a standstill (and even that's a stretch), since they're never going to budge on their demand for unconditional surrender. So, eventually, once the fighting dies down (after the defeats of the USSR and Japan), the two sides would be left staring each other down while still being officially at war, like the two Koreas.

Of course, it would be a much more intense Cold War than the OTL one against the USSR (no one's going to negotiate with the country that went back on the Versailles Treaty, the Munich Agreement, the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, among others, and expect them to uphold it. Forget about WMD limitations or Outer Space Treaties), between two sides still officially at war, so there's a high chance, rather higher than OTL, that it would end in nuclear armageddon. But either way, Nazi Germany is a country that's far from sustainable.

Of course, there was their huge reliance on pillaging conquered enemies and slave labour. The "subhumans" from their wartime conquests, mainly Slavs from Eastern Europe and the USSR, would fill the role for a while. But they would soon die out, since plans called for them to be literally worked to death. The rump USSR could keep them going for longer, assuming, like in AANW, they're forced to send a tribute of a million young men and women per year to the Reich and see nearly none return, probably soon resulting in their utter political and demographic collapse and Germany rolling over them to the Bering. Italy would be liable to drift away, and in a proper Italo-German split, the Germans are liable to react violently. Already seeing southern Europeans as inferior, it wouldn't take much radicalization to not see them as human. But soon, Germany will run out of easy targets. And the Allies, likely much more close-knit than the OTL Cold War and post Cold War-era Western bloc, would close ranks to ensure that. Eventually, sometime in the second half of the 20th Century, the slave labour supply would likely dry up.

And unlike the Soviet Union, there is little to no chance of them moderating. The first generation born after the War will have never known any other way of life, and being fed from birth with propaganda, will likely be fanatical to an extent not seen in OTL. Almost entirely cut off from an Allied bloc that treats their country as the world's largest rogue state, they'll never be exposed to Allied media or social norms. Leaders will become increasingly hardline, media will never stop toeing the party line, and none would protest about how much worse they have it compared to the citizens of Allied nations because they'll never know anything different, unless they're in the highest echelons of leadership. While there might be a little more success at sowing discontent in their allies and puppets, they were often just as liable to irreversibly radicalize, and any that do start drifting away from Berlin would be met with violence far surpassing the Prague Spring.

There's also the fact that a decades-old Nazi Germany can't break into ethnic fragments like the USSR did. After the wars, and the worst genocides seen in any world, it would be left as one of the most homogenous countries, where, by design, nearly everyone looks the same, speaks the same, and has the same beliefs.

But despite what its people believe, it would be a country in bad straits by the late 20th Century. The barely-cold war with the Allies would be forcing them to stay in high gear, with constant skirmishes and undermining attempts. They would be forced to maintain a large military that eats up a huge chunk of their GDP (like OTL North Korea), to compete in a space race that they've been losing since at least the Moon landing, and being increasingly cut off from the world outside their puppet states by an Allied bloc that's growing to encompass the entire rest.

In all, a victorious Axis's collapse seems inevitable. But while they run a terribly inefficient system far worse than even the USSR, while doubling down on or just not having any of the factors that caused the USSR's collapse, it's hard to imagine how it would go.
The idea that the Axis would somehow be doomed to collapse if it won, is just plain determinism, which is a school of thought I very much disagree with. Just simply, it is difficult to predict with any certainty what would have happened if the Axis had won.

In addition, the notion that Nazi Germany could not possibly reform, is just plain erroneous. States, even Nazi Germany, changed policy to align with the present situation. They may not have always picked the best option, but they did make an effort. A Nazi victory timeline would see a truly horrific scale of brutality, but it is also important to remember that administering conquered lands would be a nightmare for centralized control; therefore it is probable that local leaders will exercise a great deal of autonomy as they did in our timeline, meaning there will be a wide range of disparate policy, ranging from ethnic cleansing of the sort Gauleiter Albert Forster eagerly participated in, to the registration of non-Germans as ethnic Germans to satisfy economic necessity, which Albert Forster also did.
Hitler was notoriously hands-off on the matter, famously telling an objecting Himmler that if he had a problem with Albert's policy, it was his own to deal with. "Moderation" of Nazi policy to serve local officials' personal gain is, as a practical matter, a virtual certainty (although obviously most instances would not have any altruistic motive). Change of state policy in order to adapt to problems brought on by Generalplan Ost, are highly probable, since the settlement of the East with ethnic German farmers as envisioned is not feasible to be actually carried out in the way Hitler envisioned when he approved it. Quite simply, there are many plausible routes a Nazi victory timeline could go, and many of them do not necessarily involve collapse.
The notion that a victorious Nazi Germany is somehow doomed to become a North Korea 2.0 is just plain absurd, as well; the existence of private business, as cliché as this might sound, is not going to lead to the exact same economic situation as communism. Crucially, Nazism is not an ideology particularly concerned with economics, which would make it far more flexible than the USSR when it comes to dealing with economic downturns. The USSR effectively committed suicide with its dogmatic devotion to economic stagnation. Nazi Germany is unlikely to make the same mistake, since its state ideology does not dictate economic functions to anywhere near as high a degree.
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A lot depends on the nature of the victory. It's actually quite hard to come up with a more or less stable hold point.
So maybe British and former Netherlands, Belgian and French Empires largely hold together, with the Eastern Mediterranean and effectively all of Africa south Vichy and Spanish territories. Britain holds Egypt (presumably a fortified Halfaya as the western boundary, and Alemain line as the fallback defence). The axis give up on Egypt and eastern Med and Turkey because they are spending so much effort on Generalplan Ost, and can't spare resources to make Atlantic submarine warfare anything more than a dangerous nuisance. It's really a stalemate with border disputes because Britain can't muster enough forces to attack Europe through the French coast or Italy.
With no European access, the US beats up Japan, helps liberate former colonies where it suits their strategic goals and then gets bogged down in China while supposedly liberating it from Japan (I'm thinking the warlords create a geographically huge WW2 era version of Somalia).
The Soviet Union has meanwhile shrunk to a remnant east of the Urals. It delayed shifting factories there and lost the chance, and so can't effectively equip the ill-fed manpower it still had, but is too difficult to eradicate and is instead contained behind the Urals.
So now the Reich is largely free to murder and enslave people east of Poland. But the cost of the war and the constant drain on manpower in very unglamorous security roles and antiterrorist sweeps across occupied Ostland takes the shine off the victory. Veterans see Nazi favourites getting the best lands, while receiving little for themselves and minimal state help to get started.
Inequality grows, feeding resentment and anger, while the leadership becomes more remote and interested only in increasingly grandiose schemes. Disillusioned veterans of the blitzkrieg successes start uprisings leading to civil unrest, brutally stamped out, but now the Germans start asking "why are we being treated like subhuman slaves?".
Meanwhile, the supposedly vanquished empires are looking very successful to fringe axis members, who start becoming resentful of their former allies who now trample all over them and treat them and their people badly. Just give it time and some covert meetings and one too many outrages, and Spain and Italy and the Balkans are inviting in the allied forces to protect them from Nazi oppression. Before you know it, the whole rotten edifice comes tumbling down. After an extra 10 to 20 years of mass murder and suffering compared to OTL, Europe works itself free of Nazi tyranny and manages about 70 to 80 years of continental peace. Meanwhile, the US pulls out of China due to high casualties at the hand of supposedly weaker warlords.....but that's another story.
Honestly, post-war Germany reacting violently to a split with Italy (by invading Italy and its possessions in Greece, Albania and Yugoslavia) might push the Reich towards the tipping point.

Especially if Germany is already deploying millions of men in occupying and "cleansing" Czechia, Poland and former Soviet Union, while also maintaining the Atlantic Wall, occupation of France, Low Countries, Denmark and Norway, while also trying to create an air force and navy that can challenge the Allies (victorious Nazis WOULD try it - and would horribly fail) and doing the Space Race.

Italy is a modern country with 43 million people in 1939, with modern military forces (even if not as strong as the Wehrmacht), and covered with mountains. Blitzkrieg won't work in Italy. Crushing Italians with chemical weapons is risky as Italians might be able to retaliate in kind against southern Germany. Occupying the defeated Italy would have Afghanistan and Vietnam vibes at best (including US and British weapons that somehow end in Italian hands).

Oh, and the formerly Italian Balkan colonies (that are ALSO full of mountains and, in the case of Greece, can be supplied with Allied weapons by the sea, so perfect places for guerilla) might have disliked Italy but that doesn't mean they'll give a warm welcome to the newer (and worse) occupier.

German young men might have been brainwashed into thinking that the Anglos and former Soviets are Jewish puppets that want the death of the Reich, the Reich needs the Lebensraum, and Slavs are subhumans anyway, so being conscripted in anti-guerilla duties in the Ostland is a necessary evil.

Would they accept, though, to die against the Italians who were, just months ago, painted as allies and brothers, because of an obvious ego spat between leaders ?
Would German mothers accept to see their sons coming back from Turin or Naples in body bags ?

On the other hand, Germany not reacting violently to an Italian split would likely lead to Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Finland deciding to go their own way too.

And an Italian split would happen.
Italy would have lost its African colonies, and suffer from Allied embargo, for limited gains in the Balkans. So Italian elites and population wouldn't be happy with their situation. They wouldn't want to remain in total war mode against Britain and the USA when they have nothing to gain from it (in 1940, Italy had hoped for gains in Africa against Britain and France, but post-war this ship has sailed) when it hurts their economy and standards of living. They wouldn't care one bit about German colonization of Russia, as it brings nothing to Italy.

So inevitably, Italy would try to become a neutral country which can freely trade with everyone, and which only has a normal military budget (enough to defend itself) instead of following Germany into an arms race for world domination which consumes their entire GDP.
And when that happens, if Germans let it happen they accept to lose their other allies too (as Finns, Romanians, Bulgarians and Hungarians too would prefer to be normal countries and not sacrifice their well-being for Nazi arms race). It wouldn't lead to Nazi collapse but still damage Nazi economy and more importantly prestige.
If Germans react violently, they find themselves biting more than they can chew.
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We make the equation that the Axis = Evil with the axis = doomed even if it wins very readily. Were their pre war economic plans bonkers? Yes. Were their pre war plans entirely predicated on going to war as quickly as possible? Also yes. Does that mean they would have stayed the same even after winning? Actually, not necessarily.

So, say the POD is churchill dying in the mid 30s. A different government takes over after chamberlain and believes victory to be impossible, and continuing the was to be needless slaughter. Without british backing, the french resistance remains disorganised and ill equipped, a mere irritant. As part of a peace with honour (because as yet no one realises no peace witht he nazis is honourable) they and their allies get access to oil. as a result,t he japanese have less need to start a pacific war, so the US wont be dragged in to a war, and if it is, Germany just doesnt declare war.

With added resources, time, and manpower, the nazis launch a surprise attack ont he soviets, who are recieving nothing from britain and the USA. This time, there is enough to take moscow and with it the rail and transportation hubs for the soviet armies collapse. over the course of several years, the soviets are driven back over the urals (maybe a rabidly anti soviet US government even SUPPORTS the nazis).

The germans now have a core territory in Germany, Austria, chunks of Poland and Czechoslovakia. They have settlement areas in poland, czechosolavakia, and the baltics, taking over cities and country estates deemed suitable for good aryans. They are installed as a ruling elite; they even attract ambitious individuals from the netherlands and norway, as good aryans, to be latter day lrods of the manor. Then, beyond that, lies the plantation zone. The area is divided up into fiefdoms, handed over to industry, to science, to agriculture. These are basically huge slave plantations, with 'subhumans' living in concentration camps and used as free labour in mines, on fields, in factories; worse, they are used as test subjects in a zone controlled my mengele. They are kept half starved, probably drugged, even lobotomised and fit only for reptetitive manual work. Food and goods are cheap, because the labour costs little. The individual fiefdoms are alloted soldiers to oversee them. I imagine any good looking 'subhumans' are hand picked to live horrific lives as 'pleasure women'; maybe they are bred with good looking male 'subhumans' in some horrendous attempt to breed attractive, docile, subservient unpaid prostitutes. It would fit the nazi view of other races as bestial. On the same note, I can see them selectively breeding humans for specific slave jobs. Beyond that zone, is the military zone. Here german youths are taken to be 'blooded'. Slaves are released for them to hunt down. they sally forth from the urals defences to pillage and burnt he rump soviets. but the image they show the world is of the rosy cheeked blonde woman with pigtails, in bavarian dress, smiling in the arms of her alpha male husband in a piquaresque home with cheap consumer goods and plentiful food.

this is a hellscape vision of a post war world, but one that fits with nazi mentality and world views. By having all the hard work be done by slaves, they can give out their peoples cars, and free up theirs people for their peoples holidays. companies get free labour. the peolpe whoa re neither subhuman nor aryan are slowly encouraged to leave or to have small families, diminishing their numbers; they are the menial workers in cities.

The rest of the world wouldnt see the horrors, and jsut as we today buy clothes made by children in sweatshops of phoens made by political prisoners, so the world would buy the cheap goods made by slaves and the food tilled by lobotomised serfs. The true horror is that the world would adapt to live with this disgusting reality.
One thing is sure, the Nazi leadership would have too much of an overwhelming and universal approval in Germany for large scale civil strife among those who lived to see the war, maybe things will change after another generation is born and grows to adulthood, but there’s a good 20 years of unconditional support for the German state and system even if it collapses economically
Surely they'd have had to "moderate" in that the Holocaust could hardly have happened twice?
Sadly, that's probably untrue.
The nazis needed enemies to maintain control and to distract people from other problems. There was no shortage of people on the Nazi hate lists as it was [1] and they would have found it easy enough to find room for more - left handers, redheads, did a nazi salute a bit crooked, looked at me in a funny way, upset my friend, had something I wanted etc.
When you've stooped so low already, very little remains unacceptable.

[1] One of the of the justifications for the assassination of Heydrich was that he was planning to start a slavic holocaust, which meant that any retaliation for the attack couldn't be worse than what was planned.
The problem with this kind of topic is that it is wide open to interpretation. Because there is no obvious way for Germany to win and basicly no way for Japan to defeat the US it is very hard to set the starting point to work from.
Germany could be a Nuclear wasteland or it could be in stalemate with Germany or it could have control of France and England or any or a myriad of other options and all of these change how Germany would “fall”.

This is why posts that start from ASB or close to ASB events are very hard to discuss and tend to be unpopular on this particular forum. As almost anything could be argued so it is impossible to have a good conversation as you have not solid starting point to base conclusions from.
The problem with this kind of topic is that it is wide open to interpretation. Because there is no obvious way for Germany to win and basicly no way for Japan to defeat the US it is very hard to set the starting point to work from.
Germany could be a Nuclear wasteland or it could be in stalemate with Germany or it could have control of France and England or any or a myriad of other options and all of these change how Germany would “fall”.

This is why posts that start from ASB or close to ASB events are very hard to discuss and tend to be unpopular on this particular forum. As almost anything could be argued so it is impossible to have a good conversation as you have not solid starting point to base conclusions from.
Germany in control of England would never, ever, ever happen.
The problem with this kind of topic is that it is wide open to interpretation. Because there is no obvious way for Germany to win and basicly no way for Japan to defeat the US it is very hard to set the starting point to work from.
Germany could be a Nuclear wasteland or it could be in stalemate with Germany or it could have control of France and England or any or a myriad of other options and all of these change how Germany would “fall”.

This is why posts that start from ASB or close to ASB events are very hard to discuss and tend to be unpopular on this particular forum. As almost anything could be argued so it is impossible to have a good conversation as you have not solid starting point to base conclusions from.

This reminds me of a YouTube channel I was listening to about the plausibility of man in the high castle actually happening: in it the Nazis had reverse Sealion and launched a successful
Land invasion of the US and occupied it and also had colonized mars. The colonization of mars was deemed more plausible then Germany successfully launching a sealion against the US.
Germany in control of England would never, ever, ever happen.
Hence I think the most likely axis victory scenario is that Britain either never joins the war or exits after dunkirk. Remove lend lease and add extra axis assets and add more opportunity for the axis to pick their time and it's not foregone that they cant knock out soviet infrastructure. Rejig German command, narrow the mission objectives, you could see the soviets take serious casulaties and lose key assets. Theres also no guarantee that the rest of the world gets behind the soviets if they're not allies of convenience. If the nazis can subdue the soviets, they can plug the holes in their economy with slave labour. They wouldn't care if their vast slave tended farms weren't feeding everyone in their control, because they only care about the aryan elite. Vile ideologies can last if they're prepared to grease the wheels of history with blood and no one stops them. Mao was responsible for millions of deaths, did horrible things and illogical things, but the descendants of the china he created still exist. Stalin worked millions to death for his plans, and the Soviets endured for decades. Rome committed genocide, functioned on slave labour, and watched people murder each other for fun and endured for hundreds of years. The mongols killed so many people they changed the global climate, but they lasted a couple of generations. Bad people dont always get what's coming to them. A victorious Germany would have huge reserves of free labour, have captured vast resources, and would have a captive market in its fascist circle, probably including spain and Portugal too, and south American fascist governments. Maybe it would last until the 90s. Maybe longer. Maybe it implodes in a year.
I always had the sneaking feeling that after an Axis victory, Germany and Japan would turn on each other.
Hitler and Himmler both explicitly said that some time in the future Germany would have to defeat the subhuman hordes of Asia for final domination of the world.
I hate self-promotion but I can't resist whenever this topic pops up, since 2014 I've been writing a massive A-H novel series that is just about this topic: an apocalyptic final war between Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, it'll probably take, no joke, some decades to release because I have other projects in the making, it is way too long, and I change aspects of it every day heh.
The problem with this kind of topic is that it is wide open to interpretation. Because there is no obvious way for Germany to win and basicly no way for Japan to defeat the US it is very hard to set the starting point to work from.
Germany could be a Nuclear wasteland or it could be in stalemate with Germany or it could have control of France and England or any or a myriad of other options and all of these change how Germany would “fall”.

This is why posts that start from ASB or close to ASB events are very hard to discuss and tend to be unpopular on this particular forum. As almost anything could be argued so it is impossible to have a good conversation as you have not solid starting point to base conclusions from.
It really does depends what this "victory" looks like, all of the initial Axis plans working? or they still defeat the allies but are unable to complete all of their objectives the way they wanted?
Germany in control of England would never, ever, ever happen.
Nazi Germany did not wanted to annex England at any point, they heavily admired the British Empire, wanted to emulate them, and saw them as a proof of Germanic-Aryan racial superiority, in fact the UK would be the only non-Germanic speaking territory that would remain independent from the Reich, it would be a weakened and diminished client state, but still not a part of the Reich.
There's certainly a chance that it could carry on past the present day, but I'd consider it rather unlikely. Change is possible as well, but I'd consider it unlikely mainly because I see few things that would motivate the leadership to change how things are run over the decades. Administering the lands they've directly annexed likely won't mean letting the locals administer it, since nearly all of them would be exterminated (and the few taken in to be raised as "German" would have been young enough to forget they were ever anything else). Overall, given the likely circumstances over the next few decades, I see little to no pressure to moderate, and with the way children were raised in the Party and the ever-present propaganda machine, a lot more pressure to turn even more extremist. Hitler's likely successor Hermann Goering would probably run things similarly to his predecessor, but he probably won't last much longer than Hitler himself. Once he's gone, I'd say Himmler's likely in line for the top spot, and things are liable to get rather worse under him.

Economically speaking, I would argue that most of the Nazi leadership's arrogance, obsessions, and apparent immunity to introspection are all factors that don't bode well for the coming decades, but that there is perhaps more chance of things going better there. But I'd still like to point out that by the end of the century, the leaders would have been born and raised in the system, repeating their own version of reality until they believe it themselves, and being largely isolated from the world outside the Axis. I would think their chances of successfully reforming the system wouldn't be very high; that's not really the kind of environment that can produce a Gorbachev. For all their failures, one thing the Nazis did much better than the Soviets was indoctrination.
Honestly, post-war Germany reacting violently to a split with Italy (by invading Italy and its possessions in Greece, Albania and Yugoslavia) might push the Reich towards the tipping point.

Especially if Germany is already deploying millions of men in occupying and "cleansing" Czechia, Poland and former Soviet Union, while also maintaining the Atlantic Wall, occupation of France, Low Countries, Denmark and Norway, while also trying to create an air force and navy that can challenge the Allies (victorious Nazis WOULD try it - and would horribly fail) and doing the Space Race.

Italy is a modern country with 43 million people in 1939, with modern military forces (even if not as strong as the Wehrmacht), and covered with mountains. Blitzkrieg won't work in Italy. Crushing Italians with chemical weapons is risky as Italians might be able to retaliate in kind against southern Germany. Occupying the defeated Italy would have Afghanistan and Vietnam vibes at best (including US and British weapons that somehow end in Italian hands).

Oh, and the formerly Italian Balkan colonies (that are ALSO full of mountains and, in the case of Greece, can be supplied with Allied weapons by the sea, so perfect places for guerilla) might have disliked Italy but that doesn't mean they'll give a warm welcome to the newer (and worse) occupier.

German young men might have been brainwashed into thinking that the Anglos and former Soviets are Jewish puppets that want the death of the Reich, the Reich needs the Lebensraum, and Slavs are subhumans anyway, so being conscripted in anti-guerilla duties in the Ostland is a necessary evil.

Would they accept, though, to die against the Italians who were, just months ago, painted as allies and brothers, because of an obvious ego spat between leaders ?
Would German mothers accept to see their sons coming back from Turin or Naples in body bags ?

On the other hand, Germany not reacting violently to an Italian split would likely lead to Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Finland deciding to go their own way too.

And an Italian split would happen.
Italy would have lost its African colonies, and suffer from Allied embargo, for limited gains in the Balkans. So Italian elites and population wouldn't be happy with their situation. They wouldn't want to remain in total war mode against Britain and the USA when they have nothing to gain from it (in 1940, Italy had hoped for gains in Africa against Britain and France, but post-war this ship has sailed) when it hurts their economy and standards of living. They wouldn't care one bit about German colonization of Russia, as it brings nothing to Italy.

So inevitably, Italy would try to become a neutral country which can freely trade with everyone, and which only has a normal military budget (enough to defend itself) instead of following Germany into an arms race for world domination which consumes their entire GDP.
And when that happens, if Germans let it happen they accept to lose their other allies too (as Finns, Romanians, Bulgarians and Hungarians too would prefer to be normal countries and not sacrifice their well-being for Nazi arms race). It wouldn't lead to Nazi collapse but still damage Nazi economy and more importantly prestige.
If Germans react violently, they find themselves biting more than they can chew.
You said it better than I could have. I would definitely believe that Germany and Italy would start drifting apart after the war, with Germany having made enormous gains and Italy having lost more than it gained (an Axis victory where the Western Allies keep fighting until exhaustion probably wouldn't change much in the Middle Eastern and African theatres; Italy is definitely losing everything outside of Europe), and their ideologies starting to diverge too.

Nazi Germany already considered southern Europeans to be inferior. It would probably take about a generation, but I imagine a war of extermination could potentially be sold to the Reich's population by the likely time of Mussolini's death (probably around the 60s or 70s, after which their moderation and drifting away from the German sphere starts quickly picking up). If they get bogged down I could see them breaking out the WMDs.