1519 - “I am the most happy man in the world”
Eleanor, Queen of England was finding her third pregnancy far more extenuating than the precedent two. She was 20 and perfectly healthy but she was sure who she had not became so big in the past and not so early as this time, plus the baby was extremely active, at the point who the doctor and the midwife had strongly suspicions who she was carrying twins: well she had just started her confinement and she wondered how she would be able to survive to another month of that, not who she had been active at all in the last two months as the pregnancy and specially the dimension of her belly had forced her to remain in the bed most of time. At least here she was able to keep a reduced number of attendants, meaning who all favourites were with her and the ones among her ladies who she disliked were elsewhere, starting with the Countesses of Westmorland and Surrey. Eleanor tried to get up from her bed but was almost forced on the floor by an improvvise and intense pain: the Countess of Wiltshire quickly reached her for helping her to raise, and Eleanor accepted with gratitude before seeing with horror the pool of blood who was starting to form on the floor, fearing who something of bad was happening to her baby. The midwife, called by lady Anne Boleyn, arrived quickly and reassured the young Queen saying who an earlier childbirth was quite normal, if she was truly expecting twins, before telling to the Queen to keep her energy and concentration on giving birth to her child instead of over worrying about his health, as that could only made worse the situation. Ten hours later Eleanor was rewarded for her sufferances with the strong wail of her third child and second son, the Duke of York who her husband wanted, followed by a new set of intense pain, who signaled who she had been effectively carrying twins and so her ordeal had not yet ended. Another two hours passed before the birth of the second twin, another boy, and Eleanor was quite numb and totally exhausted while her attendants were washing and changing her and then finally put her in a freshly made bed with both babies in her arms, waiting for Henry’s arrival. Her husband arrived quickly, almost running, impatient to see her and their new babies and was only full of praise for her and their newborn sons, who were small but looked to be very healthy and strong. Henry was clearly overjoyed, babbling thanking and other nonsenses, almost unable to believe to have received two more sons at the same time and grateful who the succession to the Crown of England now was secure with three boys, then he announced the names of the boys: the elder twin would be Edward, Duke of York while the younger would be Edmund, Duke of Somerset, thus honouring both his grandfathers.
Eleanor smiled when her husband thanked her again for the great gift who she had made to him and England and added who she had made him the most happy man in the world, then the young Queen succumbed to the exhaustion and closed her eyes, falling in a deep sleep while everyone outside her room was celebrating the birth of her sons.
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Eleanor has gotten extremely lucky here…no doubt giving birth to twins in this era was extremely risky (and when her grandmother had twins, one of them was stillborn)
Eleanor has gotten extremely lucky here…no doubt giving birth to twins in this era was extremely risky (and when her grandmother had twins, one of them was stillborn)
True, but Isabella OTL had twins, she survived and had more children and looks like both her boys were born alive but died in infancy (as both have names, unlike Maria’s twin) so here is Eleanor the one who will have twins
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Congratz Queen Eleanor and King Henry.

Welcome to the world Edward and Edmund, may you have long, happy, and prosperous lives.
Lately I started to play a lot with freepik so I have a done a lot of portraits for the female characters of the TL… Hopefully I will find the time for starting to post them here tomorrow but for now I will leave here the link for the album if you want start to see them.

Portraits - Eleanor of Austria
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