A Blunted Sickle - Thread II

I don't see why not. He obviously has the right sort of ambition and temperament to get the job.
You mean he’s a slimy crook who would sell his own mother to the devil for preferment? Remember, this is an attempt to examine what happens in a particular set of circumstances, it isn’t a France wank.
Probably that for a while gerrymandering and under-representative constituancy size will be used across the empire to insure a ''hexagonal advantage''
The only place where "European descent" constituencies could probably be built is in Algeria, and even that is likely to be difficult.
In terms of President Chirac, I don't think that there is anything indicating whether this is a "weak" president like in the 3rd Republic or a "strong" president as in OTL 5th Republic. With the likely higher stability of France iTTL, a "weak" president is entirely possible...

Now managing to get TTL to have a President May of Great Britain and a King Louis the XX being the ones to take the salute, that would imply much less stability...
Yeah the Guignol de l'info actually helped him win the election it's crazy when you think about it.
Not that crazy. The Guignols has been one of the most influential political shows of the Nineties and 2000s in France, hitting everyone harshly and only sparing those who could roll with the blows. Chirac did so wonderfuly, Bayrou or Jospin... less so.


Not that crazy. The Guignols has been one of the most influential political shows of the Nineties and 2000s in France, hitting everyone harshly and only sparing those who could roll with the blows. Chirac did so wonderfuly, Bayrou or Jospin... less so.

Don't jump on me, Mods, not trying to start something but, out of curiosity, how do they treat Macron?
Don't jump on me, Mods, not trying to start something but, out of curiosity, how do they treat Macron?
As @Pempelune said, the Guignols became irrelevant between Sarkozy and Hollande. They had their golden age in the Chirac era, were hilarious when it came to Bush Jr., Bin Laden, etc., but they burnt themselves out and when the channel was bought out by a friend of Sarkozy, most of the writing team was fired and the new team afterwards was a sad joke compared to the snark and hard-hitting skits. During the 2000s? You cannot understand the perception of the US by the average French man or woman without knowing about the Guignols. Double-iou's image here was entirely defined and sculpted by them. They never managed to have such an effect with, say, Obama.

Deleted member 14881

I wonder what if the battle of France was delayed a year, they probably only get to the Franco-Belgian border and the war would be over by 1942 or 43?
I think that's very much best-case for the Germans - there is a strong possibility that the German economy would have imploded by this point, at which point Hitler would probably have been removed or murdered and a new government taken over. Said new government wouldn't be in any position to continue fighting a major war - by 1940 the German war economy really needed to be fed with the resources of fresh conquests or it would have starved to death.


Is this a preview of something alike in the main timeline?

Post #2461 in this thread from pdf ...

"The tentative plan developing is to essentially tear down the German government totally and rebuild it from the ground up - council elections in a year or two, leading to full self-government except for armed forces (provided by an occupying Anglo-French Army for a long time to come) in a decade or so. "
Narvik was not evacuated until France after was attacked so the Germans would have had at least an active front and it would suck up men/machines in a fight that did not favor them. Sea Power was what Northern Norway depended on, no railway link to the south, so its more a balanced fight with armor being little use and both sides mountain troops being equally good.
26th October 1941

Matters in the Ruhr are remarkably quiet – while the are some attacks by German stay-behind units, a combination of lack of petrol on the British side and lack of everything on the part of the German regular forces leads to what is virtually a cease-fire breaking out with the sound of church bells summoning the faithful being the loudest noise in many areas.

The first experimental Japanese Naval radar installation goes to sea on board the cruiser Haguro. This “21-Go” unit is in fact a license-built German Freya radar, and will be used to help the IJN decide whether or not they want to make wider use of radar at sea.

27th October 1941

Fighting in the Ruhr picks up slightly, with a small convoy of petrol barges having got through to Duisburg during the night. While still short of fuel and with next to no reserves, the shipment does permit Alexander's men to complete the destruction of Eighteenth Army, including the capture of Lindemann and his HQ.

At a meeting between Mackenzie King and Adélard Godbout to discuss the future expansion of the war industries in Quebec, Godbout is given a deeply censored version of the work of the MAUD committee. No details of the bomb itself are given (or even the fact that the British are trying to manufacture a bomb at all), but the requirements for vast quantities of electrical power by the factories needed to manufacture the weapon as well as the importance it holds for the British are discussed in detail. Critically this includes the effect that having the project based in Canada is likely to have on the British attitude towards the introduction of conscription in Canada, something very close indeed to Godbout's heart having come to power two years previously campaigning on this very issue – and explaining Churchill’s recent speech in Ottawa.

To his complete lack of surprise, King is also pushing at an open door on the issue of expanding electricity supplies in Quebec, as Godbout has long had a vendetta with Montreal Light, Heat & Power and the Shawinigan Water & Power Company having previously described them as “an economic dictatorship, crooked and vicious”. Given the vast quantities of power thought likely to be needed – the projected 400 MW demand of the metal refining process alone represents half of the available power in Quebec at the present time – neither man thinks it likely that private industry can provide the improvements in time. Accordingly, they agree that Godbout will introduce an emergency bill to the Quebec Legislative Assembly to nationalise all of the power providers in the province. This legislation will create a crown corporation, the Quebec Hydroelectric Board, which will have a monopoly on gas and electricity generation and distribution in the province of Quebec. This corporation is to have a mandate to rapidly increase the power generated in Quebec in support of the war effort, as well as to rapidly spread electrification across the province and more generally to serve its customers “at the lowest rates consistent with sound financial management”. Funding for this move is to be provided by the central government in Ottawa, in the form of a loan to be repaid over 40 years.


the English destroy the 18th army.
on the other hand the French they will not continue to push the German?
Slowly. 18th Army was pretty much gone at this point, this is really the last remnants giving up. Remember it's late October, the weather is rotten and they've advanced a long way past their supply lines so nobody is moving very fast.