world war ii

  1. A nonaggression treaty between Britain and Japan in 1934 — how does this affect later conflict?

    Reading Clement Leibovitz’ In Our Time: The Chamberlain–Hitler Collusion, I noticed that there could very easily have been a nonaggression treaty between Britain and Japan as early as 1934: How would a Britain–Japan nonaggression pact have affected future developments in the Pacific and Asia...
  2. Wings

    Into the Fire - the "Minor" nations of WW2 strike back
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: A meeting in Paris (1929)

    French Ministry of the Navy, Hotel de la Marine, May 5th, 1929 It is a mildly hot day as French Minister of the Navy Georges Leygues stares at the pile of papers before his desk. The reorganization of the French naval force is in full swing, and there is still much to be done. Indeed, a...
  3. Spain sells Philippines to Japan in 1896 - impacts on World War II(and 20th century)

    According to the Spanish diplomat F.E. Reynoso, in 1894 the Japanese offered to buy the Philippines from Spain for 40 million pounds sterling. However, according to Reynoso this offer was not accepted.[20] According to the scholar C.E. Russell, in 1896 Spain was rumoured to have offered to sell...
  4. Hitler declares he will not bomb English cities.

    This occurred to me last night as I was preparing for bed. Assume that Hitler - who actually seems to have greatly admired the British - makes a declaration shortly after the Battle of Britain starts. Namely, the Luftwaffe will not deliberately target British cities as long as the RAF does not...
  5. Wings

    France Fights On (English Translation) - Thread II - To the continent!

    Link to thread I
  6. AlfLandonFan

    Right Time, Right Place: An Alf Landon Presidency Without Huey Long
    Threadmarks: Prologue: The Election of 1940

    This will be a timeline I work on alongside another timeline, Deadlocked. I am not a buff on the Great Depression or WWII, so any corrections are greatly appreciated. The timeline will also be updated less frequently than Deadlocked for the same reason. One more notice, as you can tell by my...
  7. Gillan1220

    What other allied countries, territories, or dominions would have taken part in Operation Downfall?

    Most Operation Downfall scenarios either have the U.S. invade from the south while the USSR invades Hokkaido even with the lack of sealift. My guess is Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and other British/Commonwealth territories or Dominions such as the Raj, Malaya, and Rhodesia would...
  8. Social-Democratic Austrian government-in-exile from 1934

    Having read a little about the Spanish Republican government-in-exile from 1939 to 1977, I have over the past couple of days asked what if there had been an analogous Social Democratic Austrian government-in-exile formed in the aftermath of the Austrian Civil War and the First of May...
  9. JCC the Alt Historian

    WI: No Hindenburg Disaster. How does this affect the airship industry?

    We all know the story of the Hindenburg disaster, on May 6, 1937, the German rigid airship named the Hindenburg caught fire as a result of a gas leak while it was trying to land and crashed in Manchester Township, New Jersey on May 6, 1937 and resulted in 36 deaths. This in turn would cause the...
  10. What if Stalin got it together during Operation Barbarossa more quickly?

    Stalin's initial response to Operation Barbarossa was far from good. At first, he refused to believe an attack was happening. When it became clear that it was, he assumed it was being carried out by rogue Wehrmacht elements against Hitler's orders. Once he could no longer deny that Hitler had...
  11. Long-term implications of Inglourious Basterds

    I'm sure you're aware of the Quentin Tarantino alternate history movie Inglourious Basterds, but just in case you're not, it's about two plots to assassinate the upper echelons of Nazi Germany's leadership. These plans, while put on a collision course, end up succeeding, with most if not all of...
  12. What if Himmler and Göring were killed on July 15 1944?

    The famous 20 July Plot nearly happened on multiple earlier dates. One of these was July 15, where the plan was called off at the last moment because Hitler was called out of the room. However, Himmler and Göring were there. What if Stauffenberg had been unable to intercept the bomb and Himmler...
  13. What if Hitler vetoed Operation Citadel

    While it's often been claimed that Germany lost World War II because of Hitler's interference in military planning and he should've left things to his generals, the reality was more complicated than that. There were times when Hitler was right and his generals were wrong, and one of these times...
  14. Could Japan have joined the Allies in World War II?

    While Japan was officially allied with Germany and Italy, in practice it was more of a co-belligerent. It generally didn't try to coordinate with its European Axis counterparts, and the two countries were known to work at cross purposes even after they officially became allied. For example...
  15. Wings

    Fantasque Time Line (France Fights On) - English Translation
    Threadmarks: 001 - Death of a countess

    Preamble All of you may know the Fantasque Time Line, which we commonly know as France Fights On. You can find it here. However, there has to my knowledge been no english translation of this work. I've contacted @Loïc M. , one of the authors of the FTL, to be able to translate this work so that...
  16. The_Persian_Cat

    WI: George VI was killed during the Blitz?

    Hey all, So, George VI refused to leave Buckingham during the Blitz, opting instead to stay in London with his subjects. On 13 September 1940, the King and Queen were very nearly killed, when a German bomb exploded in the courtyard at Buckingham Palace while they were still there. What would...
  17. A World War II Without Hitler?

    I would like to pose the following for discussion. Much has been said about how World War II might have been avoided if Adolf Hitler and the Nazis had not come to power. Let us assume the following therefore. POD#1 - Adolf Hitler dies during World War I, one of the many nameless dead of that...
  18. WI: Stalin arrested or killed in 1941

    (Got the idea from this thread) When it became clear to Stalin that the Germans were invading the Soviet Union, his response was... less than admirable. He lashed out in anger and fear, then shut himself up in his dacha for three days refusing all outside contact. Once Molotov and some others...
  19. Italy joins Allies, what Happens to Greece?

    In a "Mussolini joins the Allies" scenario, what does Greece do during the war? Would Italy still invade under the pretext of preventing Greece from joining the axis? Would Britain prevent Italy from attacking and Greece supports the allies? Or would Greece join the axis as a fascist state...
  20. The_Persian_Cat

    WI: Nazi Hinduism?

    Okay, I know this sounds bad, but hear me out. This isn't a post comparing Nazis to Hindus, or Nazism to Hinduism, or anything like that; that would be ridiculous and hateful. Now, then. The Third Reich had a very interesting relationship to religion. While there were Christian Nazis, many felt...