
  1. WI: Terrorist attack during Bush's 2001 State of the Union?

    What if a terrorist, using a low-yield nuclear device or above extremely powerful bomb, attacked the Capitol during Bush's 2001 SotU, killing everyone inside. The designated survivor was Secretary of Veteran's Affairs, Anthony Principi. He seems like a boring, average kind of guy. Funnily...
  2. A more insidious 9/11

    This is gonna be grim, so just a heads up. I had this idea as a teenager at the time of the attacks. As horrific as they were, they were especially bad for urban Americans. For weeks after, any time I crossed the Golden Gate Bridge, or walked around the Financial District, I imagined hearing...
  3. Jim Jones attacks: FBI and CIA headquarters bombed same day

    Jim Jones, leader of the Peoples Temple and architect of the Jonestown massacre, was infamously paranoid about the FBI and CIA, regarding them as an existential threat to his "revolutionary" congregation. This paranoia was likely a contributing factor to his decision to relocate the Peoples...
  4. Chapman

    Congressional Response to alt-JFK assassination?

    To preface, I'm not sure if this was the best place to put this or not, so please do move it if it's not. Anywho, I'm hoping the lovely AH.com community would be willing and able to review some mock legislation I wrote up for a pet project of mine. The basic idea, as I've put out a few times on...
  5. What if the 1998 World Cup terror plot succeeded?

    How would the England national football team rebuild? How would political leaders take action? What would be the consequences? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1998_World_Cup_terror_plot
  6. Goats-&-Bolts

    W.I.: 9/11 attacks occur but Afghanistan is still Communist?

    There are many 9/11-related threads on this site, but I don’t think I’ve seen this scenario discussed. First, some background: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09592318.2014.945634?src=recsys&journalCode=fswi20 In the end, the Communist government lost the civil war in the 1990s in...
  7. WI: No 1983 Lebanon barracks bombing?

    How would the US’s relationships with Iran, Syria, and Israel be affected? Would the US keep forces in Lebanon without the loss of support caused by the bombing? Would Hezbollah’s formation be delayed or prevented?
  8. El_Presidente

    WI ETA did the Atocha bombings?

    So, at first ETA was suspected of being the one who did the bombing (and some fringe (usually right-wing) groups still say that they did it). As we all know Al Qaeda did it and the theory that ETA was behind it (to help the PSOE win the elections the theory says) turned out to be wrong. So...
  9. Service to Country

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This was Ronald Reagan's night. He had finally done it. 4 decades of making crappy films and less crappy speeches had been worth it. He was finally the Republican nominee for...
  10. What if the Queen was assassinated?

    What if the Queen was assassinated? What if Marcus Sarjeant had not just intended to startle the Queen at trooping the colour on the 13th June 1981 however actually kill her and was successful in killing her? How would this change British history and World history? What style of reign would...
  11. What if Operation Northwoods went ahead?

    In 1962 Operation Northwoods was proposed in response to Cuba being under communist rule. The false flag operation was a plan to commit terrorist acts within the United States and blame in on Cuba in order to rally the people and have justified military action in Cuba. Link:Operation Northwoods...
  12. How would China respond to a major Islamist terror attack?

    I don't know if this goes here or in political chat because it's so recent. If so, a moderator may move it. We all know that Xinjiang was once predominantly inhabited by Uyghurs, who are Muslims, but over the course of time Han Chinese settlers came to dominate. That sparked resistance from the...
  13. ajdb0614

    WI: The Boston Marathon bombs went off under the crowd stands

    Say that for whatever reason (perhaps an incredible stroke of luck), the Tsarnaev brothers are able to hide the bags containing the bombs under the crowd stands in Boston. They promptly go off more or less the same time as IOTL. Just... how high would the casualties be? What would be the...
  14. Zachariah

    WI: Aum Shinrikyo launched 9/11-style attacks?

    Know that there've been plenty of 9/11 threads, with a few of them addressing the question of alternative perpetrators. But no-one's ever explored this possibility before. So then, what if, instead of planning, orchestrating and launching the Tokyo subway sarin attacks, in five coordinated...
  15. Chapman

    WI Bioterrorism in the USA, 2004?

    The title says it all, really. What if there had been a successful, large-scale act of bioterrorism committed in the United States in early 2004? How would President George W. Bush have reacted, both domestically and abroad? Assuming it was an act of radical Islamic terrorism, would this have...
  16. Hard Choices (an alternate 9/11)

    "Most people say my Presidency began on October 11th, 2001. They're wrong, and not for the obvious reason. My Presidency began before I was even a candidate. It began in 1999 in the former Soviet Union with a man who just wanted to buy a new dishwasher and washing machine for his family."- The...
  17. Terror attack on multiple shuttles (Launch Complex 39), mid-1980's?

    This is sort of an AHC/WI/PC combination, or a more general discussion. How plausible would it be for at least two and possibly even three space shuttles to be irreparably damaged in some sort of covert terror attack (I don't know much about bombs, but some sort of planted firebombing, or...
  18. iVC

    WI: Aslan Maskhadov defects to Russian loyalists during in the first months of 2000

    It is well known that almost all the time of his tenure as nominal head of independent Chechnya Aslan Maskhadov was a pure hostage to either circumstances or his violent warlords. While initially he looked like a secular, civilized and intelligent politician, it quickly became clear that he...
  19. Federal Express Flight 705 hijacking successful

    In a TL when this hijacking attempt is successful, say that the hijacker has the nerve and the wherewithal to carry out a successful hijacking, say that he hates his employer even more, and ends up hijacking the plane and crashing it into the FedEx headquarters (he didn't IOTL because he wanted...
  20. Chapman

    WI: Kennedy Assassination as Act of Communist Terrorism?

    While Lee Harvey Oswald was largely pro-Soviet, his ultimate motives for assassinating JFK were nonpolitical in nature. But what if it had been determined that Oswald had in fact been a part of a larger, domestic, Communist terror group, and that this killing was done in the name of said group...