space exploration

  1. bcasi

    Proper Motion: A Wandering Constellation
    Threadmarks: Testimonial: Valerie Alvarado, MSFC

    “Those were a tough couple of months. I say months - it felt more like a couple years. And just a lot of long nights. You can ask my husband, he’s getting ready for bed and I’m still at my desk, writing emails… “We were nervous, all of us were. It was like a big anvil cloud hanging over...
  2. Pipcard

    How ambitious can alternate space histories get?

    Some alternate space timelines try to be "realistic" and fit within expected economic and political limitations, being slightly more (or less) advanced in capabilities than OTL. Others push the boundaries of realism or outright break them altogether (as if an ASB intervened) to create...
  3. SingularityG3

    Glorious Dawn: The Two Paths of Spaceflight
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1 - Seeking Remote Globes

    Chapter 1 - Seeking Remote Globes “It is a plain road from the Earth to the stars, though mortal feet cannot tread it.” September 6, 1958 - South Atlantic Ocean The USS Norton Sound, having left the Californian port of Hueneme last month, now remains stationary amidst the frigid waves...
  4. Space Exploration without the Cold War

    If America had been the only superpower during the second half of the 20th century, how would space exploration have been like? I think the US would still have invested in satellite technology because it offers many advantages, like surveillance and communications, but manned space flight...
  5. SingularityG3

    Glorious Dawn : An Alternate Space Age
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1 - Piercing The Veil

    Welcome, everyone, to Glorious Dawn! This is an Alternate Spaceflight Timeline which should hopefully be factoring in the political landscape of the respective times, To keep everything as accurate as possible. If you see any historical inaccuracies don't be afraid to let me know, I'll try to...
  6. Borb

    Let There Be Fire
    Threadmarks: Prologue: An Ember Is Born

    Alright! Hello! The following is the hyper-evolved headcanon for a replica shuttle program I started work on 4-5-ish years ago in KSP that I realized about 3 months ago I could turn into an objectively banger alternate history with a strangely low amount of effort. That being said, I have 3...
  7. Pipcard

    JAXA+ | What if Japan had an unlimited space budget? | 2060-02-18 - Massive crewed missions to Jupiter, Venus, Mars, and more! [VIDEO]
    Threadmarks: 202X - Intro and H-Z rocket

    In response to the Japanese economy and space program losing its ambitions in almost every modern timeline, an alien space bat decided to give the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) an unlimited budget and resources for space development. The agency thus became known as JAXA+. The early...
  8. defconh3ck

    Proxima: A Human Exploration of Mars
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: The Dream is Alive

    Hi everyone! Today I wanted to bring to you a story inspired by my musings of Mars, and the nostalgia for the iconic Space Shuttle. It has been 10 years this year since the shuttle stopped flying, and I have not been able to stop thinking; what else could we have done? What if the Shuttle had...
  9. Rocketry and Space Exploration in a surviving Weimar Republic

    The PoD I had in mind was Hugo Eckener running for and winning the Presidency in 1932, though I'm sure there are plenty of other ways to save the Weimar Republic. So let's say it survives, and World War 2 is averted (I assume Japan won't strike against the US all on its own). Germany already...
  10. Modern Feudalism

    What might the culture of the modern world look like if feudalism was still the prevalent form of government? I'm talking about a society where the hereditary nobility and royalty still hold significant powers but the world's tech level is about the same as OTL. What would media and pop culture...
  11. The Militant Doberman

    AHC: A Ukrainian Moon Landing

    Here is something from October 2016: As you can guess Mr. Degtyarev statement was met with much jokes on the Eastern European side of the internet. At the same time, it isn’t as silly as it first appears as Ukraine does have a space-rocket industry (albeit one that OTL builds light/medium...
  12. AHC: Make Uganda's Space Program a Reality

    IOTL, Idi Amin's plan for a Ugandan space program was an absolute failure that consisted of only an attempt to train an astronaut on an obstacle course. How could a Ugandan government develop a functioning space program before 1990 with a POD after 1950? The minimum conditions for a space...
  13. Rockets Red Glare

    What if the United States had pushed hard on developing rocketry from the 20's on? Where would the US be by the time of WW2? Is it feasible that by 1945, missile subs could be prowling the waters of Japan? What about rocket assisted airplane take offs from carriers? An early bazooka? Air to...
  14. Christory

    AHC: Largest presence in space by 2018

    So, my challenge here is rather simple, basically what it says on the tin. Here's the specific conditions: - POD in 1901 or later - I'm specifically looking at the total off-world population in 2018, and the number of nations with space colonies - Mäps give extra points, either of Earth or of...
  15. Does the Soviet Union have proposals about conceptual missions to Mercury and outer planets

    I think that during the Cold War the Soviet Union may have drafted some conceptual proposals onsending their space probes to Mercury and the far outer planets like Uranus and beyond, but as I don't know Russian language so I would like to know that whether I'm correct that the CCCP has actually...
  16. AHC: Moon Base

    With no PoDs prior to the Apollo 11 mission in 1969, how can we have a manned base on the moon, or the start of one, within the next 50 years or as soon as possible?
  17. WI Pioneer I became the first to reach the Moon and beyond?

    What if NASA's Pioneer I became the first object to reach the Moon and beyond instead of USSR's Luna 1? Share your thoughts on this here.
  18. WI: USSR returned samples from Mars in 1979? has documented a planned Mars sample return mission in the 70s: What if the mission carried out and succeeded as planned?
  19. Would the nickname "Columbus of the Cosmos" still goes to Gagarin if he was just first in orbit?

    Suppose that Alan Shepard became the first man in space in March 24th of 1961 but Yuri Gagarin overshadows him by being the first to go into orbit on April 12nd. Would the nicknames like "Columbus of the Cosmos" or "Columbus of the space age" still goes to Gagarin, or would he received other...
  20. Could 26th September 1957 be a suitable launch date for Vanguard the first artificial satellite?

    On Wikipedia I read that the Vanguard TV3 satellite was originally planned to be launched on September 1957, but countless delays forced it to be postponed to December culminating in its Kaputnik embarassment. Let's suppose that in an alternate timeline most of the problems for the Vanguard...