
  1. MittleGittle

    Holy Roman Order

    What if after the fall of The Western Roman Empire, some Legions and Religious Leaders form a Holy Roman Order? I don’t know how this would happen, but let’s just say it does.
  2. AltoRegnant

    DBWI: No Nicean Empire?

    The Nicean Empire was the root of western civilization. Based in southern France around the Greek colony of Nicaea, it was able to expand into covering much of the Mediterranean and western Europe. The celto-greek bedrock shaped countries like England, Germany, and Hispanya, etc even before the...
  3. AltoRegnant

    AHCWI: Rome Colonizes Jutland?

    The Roman Empire was very much a mediterranean empire, with its core hugging the shores of the great Mare Nostrum. However, it certainly wasn't against expansion away from the inland sea- Britain and bits of Crimea being the biggest examples. So i was wondering if there was a way for Rome to...
  4. Claudius Augustus

    Nero, last Julio-Claudian emperor allegedly had a daughter in 63 AC with his second wife, Poppea whom he named Claudia Augusta and who died shortly after the birth. Now, what if the child was born as a healthy, surviving boy? Probably he'd end up named Claudius Augustus as well, in honor of...
  5. What was a best use for Elephants in the ancient world?

    War Elephants have been a controversial subject. One the one hand, they're cool and terrifying proto-tanks that can rout entire armies out of fear. On the other hand, they're outrageously expensive to maintain in significant numbers, and many of the large nations of antiquity developed reliable...
  6. Teriyaki

    Gan Ying Makes It To Rome - 97 AD

    I've been watching documentaries lately during the quarantine and one video on youtube brought something interesting to my attention. It was mentioned that in 97 AD, an ambassador named Gan Ying was sent by the Eastern Han general Ban Chao to make contact with the empire known as Daqin. We in...
  7. WI: Arcuballista during the 1st Latin war.

    I have posted this elsewhere but i thought i would ask this here as well. the Romans are believed to have had a hand spanned Crossbow during the Late Empire thanks to Stone Relief's found at the time. some designs are believed to have been firable from one hand while mounted. i even managed to...
  8. Best case for ancient Iberian kingdom?

    Before the Second Punic War the eastern and southern coasts of what is now Spain were occupied by independent tribes referred to by Classical authors as the Iberians. Speakers of a non-Indo-European language (or languages), they had centuries of contact with Phoenician and Greek colonies. They...
  9. Sarthak

    Sons of Morrigan
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    Aed Catuvellaunii broke down to his knees as he stared at the remnants of what had been Fort Tamesas. Vespasian trotted upto him and dismounted his horse surrounded by three centurions. Aed made no move to stop them as he continued to stare in morbid fascination at the dead fortress. Vespasian...
  10. GauchoBadger

    No Concordat of Bologna (1516)

    The Concordat of Bologna, signed in 1516, was a cornerstone of French church policy prior to the Revolution. The French monarchy was able to negotiate for autonomy within its own territory on ecclesiastical issues such as tithing and the right of French church officials to appeal to Rome, while...
  11. A Greater Roman Empire?

    I've recently been getting into Roman history although I admit my knowledge is very spread out and doesnt go deep into many parts of their history. How big (if everything went as well as it could have) could Rome have gotten? I'm talking a fairly stable state, not just annexing swathes of land...
  12. WI: Brigantes remain as client to Rome. Effects on post-Roman Britain?

    Instead of being conquered by Rome as a consequence of a dynastic struggle in 70 CE, suppose the Brigantes tribe remains a loyal Roman client until Rome withdraws from Britain entirely. This tribe occupied perhaps the largest territory in pre-conquest Britain, in what is generally referred to...
  13. AltoRegnant

    WI Roman Ireland?

    Ireland is one of relatively few places Rome shared a long history of contact/raiding with that the Empire never conquered. The reasons are fairly simple as i understand them- Britannia was already a mess and adding a new one would suck, Ireland wasn't wealthy enough to justify it, and they...
  14. WI Drusus the Younger Lives (2.0)

    A couple of years ago we looked into a scenario - with input by @Matteo @SlyDessertFox @vandevere - on a scenario where Drusus, the son of Emperor Tiberius, kills Sejanus, head of the Praetorian Guard, for sleeping with his wife, Livia, before the latter two coukd conspire to kill him as OTL...
  15. What if Octavian keeps more legions?

    OTL by the end of the civil wars the number of Legions was well above 50. Octavian decided to drastically lower the number to 28. What if he decided to keep a significantly larger force? How big an army could he have maintained and how should he have used them? Even if this prowed too constly...
  16. AltoRegnant

    WI Hunnic Empire Never Rose?

    Attila's empire pushed several barbarian tribes west into the roman empire, with him himself being one of the first threats to Italy in a long time (other than annoyed Roman generals). So what if he never rose to power and started burning down east and central europe?
  17. ladyofnúmenor

    Semper Caesar: What if the plot by the Liberators failed to killed Caesar?

    710 AUC. The Ides of March Caesar's day to die had not come. Cassius had managed to convince the conspirators to kill not only Caesar, but Lepidus and Anthony too. Brutus could not stomach this. They were not meant to purge, as if they did, they'd be no better than Caesar. Brutus eventually...
  18. AltoRegnant

    DBWI: Anglo-Saxon Invasions Succeed?

    Otl, Britain was invaded by barbarians numerous times over the centuries after Rome retreated from the island. But the locals had learned from the Romans, and kingdoms like the Iceni and the Rheged were strong enough to repulse them. Eventually the Iceni were a le to establish hegemony over...
  19. AltoRegnant

    AHC: Make Gaul as Celtic As Possible Post Roman Collapse

    Gaul/France used to be a bastion of Celtic culture, but since the Romans and Germanic tribes, that has been lost to time. Your goal is to prevent that lost of Celtic identity, especially after the fall of rome, as much as possible with a POD between the crisis of the third century and 476...
  20. What if Carthage won the Second Punic War?

    Could Carthage have won the Second Punic War? What would have to be changed from our timeline? What would have been the impact on the world back then, and today?