late antiquity

  1. Kurd Gossemer

    King of Kings by the Grace of God: A Christian Persia TL
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: Dreams are Made, Winding Through My Head

    “Shapur… Shapur my son, I ask of thee to once again free my flock.” It was that same ethereal voice again that Shapur had been hearing louder and louder in his dreams, it was a powerful but still very gentle voice and it reminded the monarch of the archery lessons with his father Ardashir...
  2. Ingenuus

    Earlier Slavic migration and close Slavic contact with Latin-speaking culture

    When thinking about the profound Greek influence on Slavs, it came to my mind that strong Latin marks on Slavic culture would also have a fine appearance. We saw plenty of fusions of great cultures on the Eurasian homeland, and it was never boring. But due to a one-hundred-year time range...
  3. Collondi

    The Two Eyes of the World: A bigger Sassanid Persia
    Threadmarks: 1. the (re)birth of the Persian Empire (part 1)

    Hi, welcome to my first alt-history fic. This will be primarily focused on Persia, but for those of you Rome fans there will be plenty of focus on the Roman Empire too. This TL is partially inspired by this thread which I recommend you read. You may notice me in that thread, arguing that Rome...
  4. Flavius Iulius Maiorianus

    The Western Flame Burns On: A Majorian timeline

    Hello there. I've been fascinated by the Roman Empire since I read Rick Riordan's Heroes of Olympus series in middle school. My interest was reinvigorated by Oversimplified's First Punic War videos. And while most people imagine a surviving Roman Empire to be polytheistic and filled with...
  5. Flavius Iulius Maiorianus

    Question(s) about surviving Western Roman Empire

    I'm thinking of writing a timeline about a surviving Western Roman Empire. The PoD would be Majorian's fleet not getting burnt by traitors, allowing him to reconquer North Africa. Because of the extra revenue, he's able to keep some of his army around, so Richimer can't kill him. He survives and...
  6. Gigalouis

    Late Antiquity without Aetius

    Thinking about how to let the events of the collapse of the Roman Empire in an original way thought, why not remove Flavius Aetius? Given that even in his youth he was involved in a political struggle, it could end unsuccessfully for him. Let's assume, Aecius for some reasons leaves the...
  7. What if the Hunas went west?

    In real history, the Alchon Hunas (not to be confused with their possible relatives who invaded the Roman Empire c. 440) were a Central Asian tribe who invaded India between around 480 (after a previous Huna incursion had been defeated c. 460 by Skandagupta, the last important ruler of the Gupta...
  8. Blue Heaven Encompassing Earth: A Late Antiquity Timeline

    With thanks to @Practical Lobster and Chris Stewart of the History of China podcast and Chehrazad and Zam from Inelid Qaghanate § Background In the year 628, Khusro II was overthrown and killed by various factions of the Eranian nobility, including his son Sheroe...
  9. If Justinian's Reconquest Never Happened

    The resurgence of Roman power under the reign of Justinian and the military efforts of Belasarius was an impressive feat, and for a time restored Roman power in the West. Yet what would have happened if these military campaigns never occured? For an opportune point of divergence, let's say that...
  10. TheWitheredStriker

    AHC/WI: Bilingual Byzantine Empire (Greek/Latin) without Italy and/or North Africa

    Consider these two maps of the Roman Empire in 330, plus some important info on the first three Justinian emperors. We can discern the following: The Eastern Roman Empire is a mostly Greek-speaking empire since forever (read: Alexander the Great), but its northwesternmost territory is...
  11. Khosrow II doesn't flee to Syria?

    Khosrow II, the last of the "great" Sassanid shahs (the quotes are because he was actually pretty terrible), began his reign under very inauspicious circumstances: his father, the destructively paranoid Hormizd IV, had been murdered, the empire was locked in a long, bloody and fruitless war with...
  12. WI Arcadius is given the west and Honorius the east.

    Theodosius decides in his will to give Arcadius the WRE and Honorius the ERE. I would expect that the more doited Arcadius would not interfere with Stilicho and allow a strong court culture, likely stopping Alaric from entering Rome, while Honorius would try to oust powerful figures such as...
  13. TheWitheredStriker

    WI: Leo I Thrax becomes sole Roman emperor

    From: WI Emperor Leo I declined to name Majorian as Western Roman Emperor in 457 AD? Leo I (Valerius Leo) was indeed a very influential emperor in the west. In fact, there were three instances where Leo was sole Roman emperor (461, 465-67, 472-73), and he was the one who appointed Anthemius as...
  14. Peroz I defeated the Hephthalites in 484 A.D.?

    Peroz I was Shah of the Sasanian Empire from 459 to 484. He fought three wars against the Hephthalites during his reign, and while they were all defeats, the last one was especially catastrophic since it ended with his death and that of several prominent nobles in a battle near Herat, after...
  15. Lady Visenya

    Diocletian returns to power in 308 AD

    Allegedly, the men of the legions wanted Diocletian back and begged him to return to the throne at the summit of Carnuntum in 308 AD. What if he'd, assuming this was true, acceded to their request? Sure, he only had a few years left in him, but what would the fallout of Diocletian rejoining...
  16. Frederick II of the HRE

    The Crisis of the Fifth Century
    Threadmarks: Portal page

    The Crisis of the Fifth Century by : Frederick II of the HRE The Fall of Rome Start of the Crisis From the Battle of Adrianople and the death of Valens until the death of Gratian Rise of Magnus Maximus From the elevation of Magnus Maximus until the ascension of Victor The Reign of Victor From...
  17. WI: Kushan Empire conquers Parthians, cerca 127-150 CE

    Kanishka the Great, ruler of the Kushan Empire, oversaw the realm's greatest expansion during the first half of the 2nd century CE. He secured the entirety of the Indus Valley and expanded across northern India perhaps a far as Pataliputra on the Ganges. At the beginning of his reign his...
  18. In Sheets of Blood - A Late Antiquity TL
    Threadmarks: In Sheets of Blood

    In Sheets of Blood A Late Antiquity Timeline Chapter I: A Vandal King Chapter II: Bonifacius, Aetius and Rimini Chapter III: Vandal Carthage Chapter IV: Magister Militum Bonifatius Chapter V: Bleda the Hun Chapter VI: Theodosius II Chapter VII: The Isaurian War
  19. WI: West Africa becomes Christian, 300-600 CE

    Suppose for whatever reason that Christian missionaries successfully evangelize in the Senegal-Niger watershed in the time period stated in the thread title. The empire of Ghana coalesced during this time period and commanded great wealth from trading in gold, copper, and salt. Does...
  20. ladyofnúmenor

    Rex Italiae
    Threadmarks: Chapter I: The 'Fall' of Rome

    476-477 AD As Orestes and his brother Paulus lay slain, blood dripping from their corpses, Odoacer could only ponder the future. By no means did he intend to destroy Rome, but if the Foederati and the Italians wished him to be their King..he would not deny them. Securing Ravenna and placing...