iranian revolution

  1. Gnomepilled

    MEK kills the American diplomats

    In the late 70s the US backed People's Mujahedin, a group seeking the overthrowal of both the Shah and the Ayatollah seized control of the embassy. Before this they also attempted to kill the President of the United States. What if they killed the diplomats instead of holding them hostage. Think...
  2. Hossein Fatemi survives, what role does he play in the Iranian Islamic Revolution?

    Mossadegh's right-hand man and foreign minister, Hossein Fatemi, was executed after the 1953 Iranian coup. But if he was spared, I could see him playing a role in the opposition to the Shah like other members of Jebhe Melli. As a journalist and experienced propagandist, is he able to gravitate...
  3. T-Mag 3004

    AHC: Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi deposes Mohammad Reza Shah in a palace coup

    Hi again. (did I do that AHC thing right?) So about 3 weeks ago or so I posted my first thread about Iran and its Monarchy, that one was about WI. the Qajars had overthrown the Pahlavis in an alternate Iranian revolution, the replies I got were.. interesting, not really what I expected but the...
  4. T-Mag 3004

    WI: The Iranian Revolution was instead a Qajar restoration?

    Since my last thread in almost 3 years was a complete and utter failure, I've decided to try a subject I don't know a lot about, but very much intrigued me. For those who don't know, the Qajar dynasty ruled Persia from 1795 (having overthrown the Zand dynasty) until they were overthrown...
  5. AltoRegnant

    AHC: US Doesn't Provide Refuge To The Shah?

    Otl, after the iranian revolution, the USA, under Carter gave Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the ousted Shah, refuge. Which went over poorly with the Islamic Republic. But what if we didn't? What if we approved the revolution, at least on paper. This would keep us away from Saudi Arabia over the 20th...
  6. AHC: The Hippie Trails in Eurasia continue

    What if the Hippie Trails between Europe and Asia continued? The hippie trail (also the overland) is the name given to the overland journey taken by members of the hippie subculture and others from the mid-1950s to the late 1970s between Europe and South Asia, mainly through Iran, Afghanistan...
  7. Military regime in Iran (1979)

    Hi This is my first post in this forum, although I have read many threads before, so apologies if I make some mistakes. The topic that presently interests me is the Iranian Revolution, which happened exactly 40 years ago. I read that as the Shah was preparing to leave the country, his top...
  8. TrueFactsUnstated

    WI: Khomeini Assassinated in Najaf?

    The phone rings in the main office of the Presidential Palace in Baghdad. Newly “appointed” president, Saddam Hussein, answers it. “Hello”? “Salaam Saddam, it’s me”. Saddam instantly recognizes the soft spoken voice, and tries to conceal his annoyance. “What can I do for you, Mohammad...
  9. GauchoBadger

    WI: No 1979 Iranian Revolution; Effects on the world?

    According to an article by Business Insider, the death knell of the Pahlavi monarchy in Iran was Shah Mohammed Reza's lymphatic cancer, which he acquired in 1973. As his health got worse, Reza became more paranoid and feared that his regime wouldn't outlive him. His modernization program was...
  10. AHC: No Vietnam War, effects on US economic policy

    I'm currently working on a TL that involves a very different 1970s and 1980s economically, and one of the major PODs is that there is no Gulf of Tonkin Resolution and LBJ does not escalate in Vietnam. Regardless of the likelihood of this particular POD, I have a few questions about what would...
  11. AHC/WI: Soviets back a Communist Coup/Revolution in Iran during the 1970s

    Instead of letting an Islamist revolution just happen, could the USSR pull off a successful coup/revolution that puts the Communists in power? Who would they support? And can they pull it off? And if they do so how does this affect Iran? What does the US do? Would the Soviets need to go to war...
  12. Incanian

    The Zoroastrian Genocide (An Ayatollah timeline)

    After the Iranian revolution, Iran turned into an Islamist nation bent off radical thoughts. The Ayatollah had a lot of people executed. Whenever you have a revolution recently, you have to have a lot of superstition, and paranoia to keep what you dream of alive. Now Zoroastrianism used to be...
  13. Remitonov

    WI: Communist-aligned Iran

    Been looking through WI threads on post-1900s Iran on the CIA coup on Mossadegh, as well as the Iranian Revolution, and I was wondering in what ways could Iran be pulled to the Soviet sphere. There was already grounds for it, such as the Tudeh party, but there did not seem to be any leaders who...
  14. No Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan

    In 1979 the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan to stop it falling into the US sphere of influence. The war would prove expensive, damaging to morale and damaging to Soviet relations with the Muslim world, the US, Europe and China. The Soviets knew invading would be a mess, though they...
  15. Chapman

    Iranian Military Coup

    Beginning in October, 1977, following the death of Mostafa Khomeini, large scale protests against the Shah Mohammad Pahlavi began. The unpopularity of Pahlavi would only increase from there, and the Shah's complacency and refusal to deal with the revolution ultimately lead to his overthrow and...
  16. best way for Iran to be better-off country not lead by Islamists

    These days, most probably, Iran would be at the very least more secularized, more democratic, more respectful of religious minorities, and economically better off, if the Islamic clerics weren't in charge. At least on the level of Turkey (notwithstanding the present-day increased Islamization...
  17. Nightingale

    Secular Iranian Revolution: Khomeini is butterflied away, effect on 1980 US Elections?

    The secular opposition was actually in control of Iran's revolution before Khomeini stepped in. Butterflies resulting would be no Iranian Hostage Crisis, obviously, as the Iranians wouldn't be so fanatical. However, I saw that the oil crisis was caused by the protests that started even before...