india wank

  1. PC: The Kashmir issue is settled in the 1950s?

    I did some cursory reading on Wikipedia about the Kashmir dispute, and apparently the idea of organizing a plebiscite under UN supervision was raised by both India and Pakistan as a possible solution to the dispute. However, one side or the other rejected it on various occasions for this or that...
  2. Right on Time: A Independent India TL
    Threadmarks: The Battle of Panipat

    On the morning of January 14, 1761, palpable tension enveloped the Maratha camp at Panipat. The Marathas were aware of the dire stakes, and had prepared themselves for the impending clash with their Afghan adversaries. Victory was not merely an option but an imperative for their survival. As...
  3. sarsenapati

    Swarajya - Maratha hegemony in the Indian subcontinent, a timeline (1707-1828)
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    Swarajya : Maratha hegemony in the Indian subcontinent 1707 - 1828 Sangam Palace, Pune, as seen from the southern bank of the Mutha river. The Indian subcontinent during the 18th century was a wild and chaotic place. The slow collapse of the mighty Mughals saw a number of major...
  4. AHC : Ruppe as the dominant reserve currency

    A reserve currency is a foreign currency that is held in significant quantities by central banks or other monetary authorities as part of their foreign exchange reserves. The reserve currency can be used in international transactions, international investments and all aspects of the global...
  5. AHC : Rupee as reserve currency

    Your challenge is to have rupee replace the dollar as reserve currency
  6. sarsenapati

    An overview of the Second Zamindar Revolt of 1770

    [ This story is set in the same universe as my Maratha Empire timeline, which can be viewed here: It is presented as an in-universe history textbook chapter written in the 20th century. N.B. The...
  7. sarsenapati

    Bharari (The Whirlwind) - A Maratha timeline

    This is a Maratha Empire timeline featuring a longer-lived, ruthless and efficient Peshwa Baji Rao I and his allies and heirs. March 9th, 1751 "Saheb, the governor of Orissa has received confirmatory reports from all of the magistrates under him. The new revenue administration appears to be...
  8. Just in Time- An Independent India Timeline
    Threadmarks: The Battle of Panipat

    In the midst of January 14, 1761, an air of tension and desperation grips the Marathas as they muster their forces to break the siege at Panipat. They understand the immense stakes at play, realizing that victory is their only path to survival. The battle commences with a fierce clash between...
  9. What if Adi Shankaracharya had been accepted by Hindus as the leader of their faith (kind of like the pope in catholicism)?

    We know that the pope is the highest spiritual authority of Catholicism, so whatif Adi Shankaracharya got about as much authority in Hinduism like the Pope in Catholicism?
  10. The Adventure by Jayant Narlikar: the only Indian alt-hist short story

    So I was looking for a good alt-hist story centred around India when I came across this one by Jayant Narlikar, who's famous in India as an astrophysicist and author of science fiction, but not someone I'd expect to write alt-hist. Then I read it and found that it was actually science fiction...
  11. AHC/WI: Divided India Equal to Europe

    Despite both being continents with multiple kingdoms during the middle ages, Europe managed to overtake India through colonialism and industrialization with Britain managing to conquer the subcontinent in the 18th and 19th centuries. With a pod between 500-1500 a.d., how can we get the Indian...
  12. A Maratha victory at Panipat (1761)?

    Suppose that the Durrani army fails to cut its Maratha counterpart's supply lines, allowing them to continue to receive supplies and reinforcements. Thus, once battle is joined, the Maratha army scores a decisive victory and kicks the Afghans out of northern India. What happens next? Will the...
  13. Challenge: Reverse China and India's economic evolution. Indo-American Cold War in the 21st Century

    China and India were in a similar situation in 1950, both had just come out of a century of subservience to Western interests and both entered the second half of the century as backwater third-world countries, with the world's largest populations, experimenting Socialism(China in the...
  14. Hunarajas : An Hunnic India TL
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: The End of An Era

    Chapter 1: The End of An Era The Fall of the Gupta to the Hunas of Mihiragula had ended the Golden age of India. North India was now under the hands of Mihiragula and The Hunas. Indian Sources describe Mihiragula as a tyrant and a ruthless ruler. Under his reign , cities like Mathura , Ayodhya...
  15. Sarthak

    Effects of these PoDs in Pakistan and Beyond?

    I was rifling through the history of Pakistan and India during and after Partition and looked at these potential PoDs. Let's say....... [1] - In 1948 Jinnah agrees with the opposition parties and makes English the governmental language, whilst making each province (including east pakistan)...
  16. WI: Reverse Mughals

    Supposing we have an Indian Dynasty (speaking an Indian language and with a Dharmic state religion) invade and rule Iran for around the same time as the Mughals ruled India. When would be the most likely time for this to occur, and what would be the effects on Iranian culture? Would it be...
  17. Mughal resurgence after 1750?

    I'm quite aware that this is a very, very tall order. By the mid 18th century the glory days of Akbar and his successors were a distant memory. The Marathas were expanding in the south after decades of costly war, Delhi was sacked by Nader Shah in 1739 and the British would soon take over...
  18. How far could Mysore go?

    The Kingdom of Mysore was a powerful, wealthy and expansionist state located in southern India. At its apogee, under the reigns of Hyder Ali and his more famous son Tipu Sultan, it stretched from the Eastern Ghats to Malabar and from the Krishna River to the borders of Travancore and the...
  19. DBWI - Siddartha Gautama Becomes a Sage instead of Emperor ?

    Samrat Siddhartha Gautama is one of the most influential figures in Human history, Born as a Prince in Shakya Republic, He was prophesied to be either the Ruler of all India or one of histories greatest philosopher, Fearing this his father kept him locked up in his kingdom for most of his life...
  20. Effects Of Maratha India

    Maratha empire can be considered the last great Pan Indian Empire, they however collapsed due to wars across the regions from Afghans to Brits, so what if Marathas were more successful and were able to conquer most of South Asia, With minir PODs like Shivaji being alive longer and a stronger...