franco-german alliance

  1. jhuro

    Could Germany and France reconcile if Alsace-Lorraine remains French?

    Let’s suppose that the Franco-Prussian war ends as IIRC Bismarck wanted it to - Germany is unified, but Alsace-Lorraine isn’t seized, and no French colonies are taken as spoils of war either. Would France still be a permanent enemy of Germany into the 20th century, or could a more amicable peace...
  2. 1848 Democratic Germany-France relationship

    Let's say in 1848 Germany unites on a mostly democratic basis BUT without Austria. Yes I know it's completely out of character for the Prussian king to accept the German crown but boom let's just say he developed a different personality and was up for the task. Also let's assume Austria has...
  3. VadisDeProfundis

    AHC: Franco German Friendship

    With a PoD no earlier than 1856, have a Unified Germany and a France governed by a republican government, be allied militarily(bonus points for economically and even culturally). Extra cookies and more bonus points if their eventual alliance grows into something like the later European Community...
  4. AHC: Have Germany Unify, but Then Force Germany and France to Work Together

    How could we end up with a TL where Germany still unifies (like IOTL or differently), but then is forced to cooperate and be allied with France in a World War (obviously not the same one that happened in our timeline, but a massive, industrialized conflict of similar scale)? Neither of them can...
  5. Electric Monk

    The German-French Entente (Or: Napoleon II Lives)

    This is part of a broader timeline that aims to satisfy both France and Germany as regards their holdings in Europe, to balance their relative power, and to form a "Continental Entente" between the two powers. We've seen a million German-wank or French-wank timelines, I want something a little...