early modern era

  1. GameBawesome

    AHC: An Early-Modern Central Asian Empire

    Central Asia in the early modern period has always been kind of a footnote in history. It was divided between the Golden Horde and the Chagatai Khanate at first. The last notable empire to span from the region was the Timurids, the last Great Turko-Mongol Dynasty, but that eventually collapsed...
  2. TheWitheredStriker

    Independent Manchuria which speaks Manchu and is inhabited by Manchus

    An independent Manchuria is not an uncommon idea in althistory, but (admittedly) to my frustration, whenever someone takes a stab at the idea, whatever country they create is in no possible way, shape, or form "Manchuria": Manchukuo, ignoring the fact that it never would've survived, was an...
  3. TheWitheredStriker

    Bigger Dutch Republic / More Successful Dutch Revolt

    I recently became quite interested in exploring a more successful Dutch Revolt, which leads to an overall bigger Dutch Republic. I have many questions, but fear not, I have my own inputs too, as well as my own scenarios :) Prerequisites The first section we'll need to flesh out: how do the...
  4. Flavius Iulius Maiorianus

    How big of a threat would a united Germania be to Rome?

    Let's say for the sake of the scenario that the Western Roman Empire endures into the middle ages with its border on the Rhine. Maybe the Gothic migrations are handled better, and they either don't revolt or are defeated at Adrianople and scattered around the empire. My question is, if all of...
  5. TheWitheredStriker

    Cambodia either stays Hindu, or reverts to Hinduism

    The Khmer Empire fascinates me for several reasons. It was a highly prosperous and deeply developed empire, invented the first modern healthcare system, was larger than the Eastern Roman Empire, and remained Hindu in an era where basically all of its neighbours were Buddhist, being the only...
  6. TheWitheredStriker

    Doctrine of a Japanese Christianity

    I've been working on a Christian Japan timeline off-site for a little while now, and while I originally started it as a Catholic Japan TL, I recently began exploring the much more rarely explored idea of Japan instead being Protestant. This happened after I read up on the Chinese Rites...
  7. TheWitheredStriker

    WI: Ferdinand Magellan sails for Portugal?

    I don't think I've ever seen this one done before. Ferdinand Magellan was a Portuguese explorer who circumnavigated the world ... in service of Spain. His history in Portugal became rather turbulent: For the sake of this scenario, let's suppose Magellan and Manuel don't have a falling-out...
  8. TheWitheredStriker

    AHC/WI: A Moorish/Mudéjar state in North Africa AFTER 1492?

    Heya! I've been trying to find a way for the Moors to set up their own state after the collapse of Granada in 1492, when they effectively lost statehood. IOTL, I've found two attempts at the establishment of a Morisco/Mudéjar state: The Morisco Revolt from 1568-71. The Moors rallied after...
  9. TheWitheredStriker

    WI/AHC: Islamic Myanmar/Burma

    Random as it may sound, I would find it very interesting to toy around with the idea of Myanmar/Burma converting to Islam. In our modern day, Myanmar is considered to be a Buddhist stronghold, but back in the day, the circumstances for it to adopt Islam were certainly there: To its west were the...
  10. eliamartin65

    Snapshots from Other Worlds
    Threadmarks: Intro

    Inspired by @isabella's Scenes from Other Worlds thread, this will be a repository for family trees and snippets from possible TLs. The ideas presented here may or may not be expanded into full TLs. Enjoy.
  11. Crazymachines

    Peccavi: A History of The United States
    Threadmarks: Chapter One: Things Fall Apart

    Peccavi: A History of The United States Chapter One: Things fall apart "GOOD LORD, WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THERE!?" -Thomas Jefferson, upon seeing a fistfight break out among delegates of the US Constitutional Convention 1787: The Federalists, Led by Alexander Hamilton, lead the call for a...
  12. TheWitheredStriker

    AHC/WI: French Brazil, Portuguese Canada

    IOTL, Portugal briefly flirted with colonizing eastern Canada (Newfoundland & Labrador, Nova Scotia), while France attempted to take Brazil in the 1550's. I'm planning out a TL where I basically swap France and Portugal around: France gets Brazil, successfully throwing out the Portuguese, and as...
  13. Sarthak

    The Eternal State: An Ottoman Timeline
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: A Thunder In the East

    Author’s Note: With absolutely no thanks to my University for making my life rough, and pulling me away from my passion for Alternate History, I return to timeline writing! I’ve always wanted to write an alternate history on a different rise of the Ottomans that leads to a new path in history...
  14. TheWitheredStriker

    AHC/WI: Independent Southern Netherlands, Spanish Northern Netherlands

    So as I was contemplating life and philosophy, I suddenly came upon a random althistory idea that I felt the need to explore: What if the fates of the Southern (Belgium) and Northern ("Holland") Netherlands were to be reversed? As in, the Spanish successfully reconquer the Northern Netherlands...
  15. Oba Cahokia

    What if the Andalusian Independentist Conspiracy of 1641 succeeded?

    I recently found out about this yesterday and was wondering how this would play out if it worked? The Andalusian Independentist Conspiracy was a plan created Duke Gaspar Alonso Perez de Guzman and Francisco Manuel Silvestre de Guzmán to revolt against Spain and create an independent kingdom in...
  16. Ambassador Huntsman

    Nobunaga’s Ambition Realized: Dawn of a New Rising Sun
    Threadmarks: Intro

    Things to note before going into this timeline: 1. As this is a Japan-centric timeline, all Japanese names will be written in the traditional "last name, first name" format. 2. Kanji iterations of terms and names will be inserted alongside the English writing the first time it's introduced...
  17. John Zápolya remains king of Hungary?

    John Zápolya was a prominent noble who was elected king of Hungary in the aftermath of the death of Louis II at the Battle of Mohács. However, his hold on to power lasted less than a year, since Ferdinand I, who had also had claim to the crown, led an army that forced him into exile and...
  18. The Visconti Victorious 2.0
    Threadmarks: The Visconti Victorious

    In the fourteenth century, Italy's famed cities- the proud communes who had humbled the Hohenstaufen Kaisers- fell victim to the insidious, inevitable erosion of traditional institutions, and succumbed to the rule of tyrants. The Papacy had fled to Avignon and Imperial Germany collapsed into...
  19. The Sforza dynasty endures?

    What if Francesco II Sforza, the last member of his family to rule Milan, lived longer (say until the age of 60) and had an adult son at the time of his death? How would Italy be affected by a Lombardy that retains its independence instead of falling completely into the Habsburg orbit? What...
  20. Scenes from other worlds
    Threadmarks: Main index

    A little collection for my trees with with eventual snippets, characters’ stories and backstories and similar as I do not like making full TL but often I have more material than simple trees and I do not know where share it ... A surviving Yorkist Europe Thread Mary, Queen and Empress Thread...