
  1. AHC: Have the Symbionese Liberation Army launch a successful coup against the US government by 2010

    Exactly as it says on the tin. I recognize it takes many butterflies to do so, but I've more or less given a 40+ year interval in which the Symbionese Liberation Army (tiny but infamous for capturing Patty Hearst in 1973 and brainwashing her into robbing banks) can get powerful enough to launch...
  2. AHC: Have the KPD seize power in Germany by 1933 instead of the NSDAP

    Okay, so our goal here is to have the German Communist power get into power in Germany instead of the Nazi party. The POD should ideally be in the late 1920s or even-earlier 1930s, but, for the sake of parallelism, they must seize power in 1933, though the day or even month need not be the same...
  3. Whiteshore

    WI: 9/11 carried out by far-left extremists

    Instead of Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda carrying out 9/11, it is far-left extremists (either communists or anarchists would do) who carry out 9/11 (or a roughly similar attack) against the "symbols of capitalism"? What is the impact of such an attack being carried out by far-left extremists...
  4. mazzil68

    Russian Republic signs peace with CP 1917.

    What would've happened if the Russian Republic, the successor of the Russian Empire signed peace with the Central Powers during WW1. Would the Bolsheviks rise up still? Would the Civil war still happen? Would Russia be stronger or weaker than the Soviet Union? Would the Entente win WW1 still...
  5. Chapman

    WI: The US invades Venezuela in 1977?

    For the purposes of a story i'm currently writing, I was hoping to get some insight on this. The essential idea is that, at the signing of the Torrijos–Carter Treaties in 1977, President Jimmy Carter is assassinated by hard-line Communist terrorists from Venezuela, Panama, and Cuba. In response...
  6. Whiteshore

    DBWI: The Communists won the Chinese Civil War

    As we all know, the Nationalists won the Chinese Civil War and took control of China with the exception of a truncated People's Republic of China in Manchuria. But what if the Nationalists lost the Civil War and the Communists won? What would said hypothetical Communist China be like? How would...
  7. Whiteshore

    DBWI: No division of China?

    As we all know, China was divided after the Second World War between the Republic of China in the South with it's capital in Nanking and the People's Republic of China in the North with it's capital in Beijing. While South China would become a thriving democracy and one of the main Asian...