
  1. What if the British never Colonised Burma?

    What if Britain never colonized Myanmar and it remained independent like Thailand? What if in this scenario, the Konbaung Dynasty survived and modernized Myanmar with British help instead? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Konbaung_dynasty In this scenario, the Myanmar is transformed into the...
  2. The heirs of Alaungpaya-a Burmese chronology

    Hello everyone, I have been frequenting this site for a few years, reading and making some comments, but now I have decided to try to publish my personal chronology. I hope it will be appreciated and that anyone who wants to read it will like it. I decided to deal in particular with the history...
  3. TheWitheredStriker

    WI/AHC: Islamic Myanmar/Burma

    Random as it may sound, I would find it very interesting to toy around with the idea of Myanmar/Burma converting to Islam. In our modern day, Myanmar is considered to be a Buddhist stronghold, but back in the day, the circumstances for it to adopt Islam were certainly there: To its west were the...
  4. TheWitheredStriker

    WI/AHC: Surviving Bengal Sultanate

    Since lately I've been pretty fascinated by the Bengal Sultanate, and in one of my new TL projects I'd love to try and keep it alive. The effects on the region could be very interesting, especially if the Sultanate expands into Assam and develops closer ties with Burma (which might even go...
  5. The First Anglo-Burmese War ends with a draw?

    Despite ending with a peace treaty that permanently crippled Burma's economy (and thus its ability to defend itself), the First Anglo-Burmese War was an extremely expensive undertaking for the British as well, driving the EIC to the brink of bankruptcy. So, was there any way British finances...
  6. Southeast Asian Tigers - The Economies of Kra

    So I am working on this project where Burma, Thailand and Malaysia undergo rapid economic transformation and become tiger economies. The divergences mostly happen after 1948. All your help would be appreciated ^^. For Burma, I'm thinking of perhaps not assassinating Aung San. He was the face...
  7. AHC: Independent Burmese Kingdom

    Between 1800-1900, how can the kingdom of Burma avoid becoming a colony of the British empire? It's probably going to be difficult with the late pod so it's fine if you need to go back another century for the pod. Also. could Burma become successful enough that when the 20th century arrives...
  8. Munich Shuffle: 1938-1942
    Threadmarks: Munich Shuffle 1938-1942 - Hendon

    September 17th 1938 – Britain – Disaster at Hendon After the Anschluss in March of 1938 there may have been hopes that Hitler might be satisfied with his gains and concentrate on consolidating them, at least for a year or two. There was a brief panic about the possibility of a German attack on...
  9. GameBawesome

    AHC/WI: Karen Empire?

    (Karens are women seeming to be entitled or demanding beyond the scope of what is normal. What if the Karens of the nation rose up and formed their own Karen Empire that takes control of the world and... April fools, now let’s get serious with this scenario, please don’t ban me, it’s just a...
  10. Myanmar's 8888 Uprising succeeds?

    More information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/8888_Uprising This WI was predictably inspired by the military coup and subsequent protests still happening in Myanmar right now. What would it take for the Tatmadaw to be forced out of power in 1988? Could they somehow be forced to accept the...
  11. AHC: Developed Burma/Myanmar

    Like the title says, the challenge is to make Myanmar, also known as Burma, as an developed country by modern times. The POD is Burma's Independence from the British in 1948.
  12. Have Thailand be partitioned between Britain and France as colonies POD 1825-1914

    The Point of Divergence is 1825 AD and you have to achieve the goal before 1914 AD. Your goal here is to have Thailand be Partitioned between Britain and France as a part of their colonial empire rather then a buffer state like our Timeline. Will the French add East Thailand to French Indochina...
  13. Duke Andrew of Dank

    AHC: Another Christian majority nation in Asia.

    I was thinking about how the Philippines is the only Christian-majority nation in Asia. As well as how it contrasts to the number of Christian-majority nations in Africa today. With that in mind, what would it take for another Asian country to get a majority Christian population?
  14. WI: Naresuan killed in 1593

    There are multiple accounts of how Burmese crown prince Mingyi Swa died during the 1593 Burmese invasion of Siam, but the most dramatic involve him being killed in single combat with his old rival, Naresuan. Regardless of how he died, it resulted in the disintegration of the First Toungoo Empire...
  15. GauchoBadger

    WI: No Chinese invasion of Burma (1760s)?

    So, what would be the effects of Qing China deciding not to conquer the Konbaung Kingdom of Burma in the mid-1760's while the latter is engaged in a destructive final war with the Thai? Could Burma end up decisively destroying and crippling Ayutthaya for good with no chance of a Taksin figure...
  16. GauchoBadger

    WI: “Indochina” referring to Burma and Yunnan?

    Is it possible for there to be an ATL scenario where the toponym “Indochina” refers to the overland region of Burma and the Yunnan region of China (mainly the eastern Tibeto-Burmese speaking regions), rather than the regions of OTL Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia? Perhaps through an upsurge...
  17. RedTerra

    Impact on Asia if Operation Downfall Happened (No Japanese Surrender)

    So there's been quite a few Operation Downfall timelines and discussion, the invasion of Japan had they not surrendered. But I haven't seen many discuss the impact on East and Southeast Asia as a result of a longer war. And thus I'd like to hear people's thoughts on it. My knowledge is limited...
  18. haider najib

    Could japan realistically conquer british raj?

    During ww2 the japanese offensive u-go sought to capture northern burma, forcing the allies back into india. The japanese command seemed to have some weird reasons to invade india, so if the japanese won a decisive victory at imphal, and broke into india what would happen? I honestly doubt the...
  19. lerk

    Burma Wank

    With a POD no earlier than April 12th, 1937 (the day Burma was separated from the Raj), make Burma have an Asian tiger economy with no or little ethnic conflicts.
  20. ramones1986

    AHC: Prospective alternate settlers of Irrawaddy Valley

    Before the migration and expansion of the Bamars (the dominant ethnic group of Myanmar/Burma) from Yunnan to the Irrawaddy Delta region and Indian Ocean coastline, the Irrawaddy Valley was settled by two different ethnolinguistic groups: - In the upper section of the river valley, the Pyu...