alexander ii

  1. What if Decembrist Revolt (1825) Succeeded?

    Would Became Constitutional Monarchy? Would Constantine Pavlovich Became Tsar? Would Russian Empire became Liberal? Would Became Westernization, Modernization, Industrialization in Russian Empire ? Would Narodnaya Volya never Kills Alexander II? Would Vladimir Putin still Became Power? Would...
  2. What if Decembrist Succeeded

    Decembrist won and became constitutional monarchy, liberal and westernized Lajos Kossuth helps against Austria Hungary Became Independence Probably Russia won Crimean War, Turkish War 1877-1878 and Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905 Alexander II Survived
  3. What if USSR Never Existed

    OTL was 1917 October Revolution. TTL Pugachev rebellion won and Overthrow of Tsarina Catherine II replaced Paul I, Tsar Paul I Survived until 1821 Replaced Nicholas I TTL Decembrist Won Nicholas I Killed replaced Alexander I. Alexander I until 1855 replaced Alexander II, OTL Tsar Alexander...
  4. WI Fascist Alexander II modernizes Russia

    what if Alexander II was a fascist and turned Russian Empire into a totalitarian one party state of greatly expanded secret police party equal power as the emperor and equal vote only for his party mirroring his political views but as requirement for election as votes of alteast half of voters...
  5. The Russian Century - a TL
    Threadmarks: Prologue: Period of Decline, 1825-1881.

    Hello to you all on this second day of the new year. I present to you the beginning of my newest (hopefully) non-ASB TL. The Russian Century Prologue: Period of Decline, 1825-1881. At the dawn of the nineteenth century, Russia devastatingly defeated Napoleon and became known as the saviour...
  6. Sevarics

    WI Tsesarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich survived?

    As the tin says, what if the firstborn son of Alexander II survives? For this to happen, let’s assume his trip to Europe doesn’t occur so he doesn’t catch meningitis at age 21. He was more liberal than his younger brother, OTLs Alexander III, so there is a good possibility that he continues...
  7. DBWI: Alexander II of Russia assassinations succeeded

    There were a number of unsuccessful attempts on his life from 1866 onwards. What if any of them succeeded?
  8. PC/WI: UK intervenes in the 1877-1878 Russo-Turkish war

    Is this plausible? Can the UK pull off something similar like they did in the Crimean War? And could the British-Ottoman alliance win?
  9. AHC: Alternate Russo-Turkish War and Alliances

    With no PoDs prior to May of 1876 (no changing the April Uprising in Bulgaria or the coup of Midhat Pasha), how can we get the following: the Ottoman Reformists and First Constitution enjoy longer term success Germany and Russia don't have a falling out, and remain allies in the longer term...
  10. GauchoBadger

    WI: Tsar Alexander II survives

    IOTL, Tsar Alexander II Romanov of Russia was assassinated by anarchists in 1881. He was planning to turn Russia into a constitutional monarchy. After his death, his successor Alexander III curbed any further plans for democratization. Alexander II's Russia was in an uneasily friendly...