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  1. WWE's NXT Japan: A Wrestling ATL
    Threadmarks: 1. NXT: Takeover Tokyo

    This is a reasonably realistic take on a probably (if I'm honest) unrealistic concept. Basically what if HHH had tried to push into Japan instead of the UK. I'm aware this probably wouldn't happen, companies like NJPW and Noah are much bigger than UK Promotions like Progress, RevPro and ICW but...
  2. Ready for Government: A British Politics TL

    (A timeline in a sick leave) Ready For Government: Some notes on my Twelve Years in Politics By Emily Fletcher Edited By Bolt451
  3. The Melting Island: An American's Travels in North Britain
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    This Journey started small. As technically all things do. The butterfly that started the hurricane might be a bit over dramatic but it started with a man reading a magazine at New York's MacArthur airport and ended with me, a fairly minor journalist travelling to another continent and meeting...
  4. AHC: Labour-Lib Dem UK Govt in 1992?

    Yes, it is time for Bolt going on about voting reform. Two parter: 1) Get a Labour-Lib Dem coalition or Labour W/ Lib Dem S&C Govt as the outcome of the 1992 election (or at least the next election after the 1987 one) 2) What would this government do, how would it go? PoD no earlier than the...
  5. AHC: What would it take for the USSR to survive

    So. I'm writing a TL atm and I've taken it as a given the USSR would collapse but I was wondering if folks thought this was the case. Would it take a bigger communist bloc? Would it take a series of different leaders? The challenge is for the Soviet Union to survive with as close a PoD to...
  6. What would a Gore Presidency look like?

    I'm writing a low-key alternate history (ish) story at the moment and one of the characters is from a world which diverges with Florida going to Gore in 2000. I've vaguely outlined the world and how it influences the day to day life of the character (who was only 10 at the time of the PoD) and...
  7. Was the collapse of Austria-Hungary inevitable?

    I'm writing something at the moment which ends roughly in a draw between The Western Powers (minus USA) and the Central Powers and its got me pondering were the ethnic tensions in Austria-Hungary too great for it to survive, even without Versailles (and Wilson) A lot of Central Power victory...
  8. The Republics of Britain

    Introduction 18th July 2018 Rose Harris stood staring across the hillside in front of her. Behind her she could hear the distant sound of cars as the towns of Holmbridge and further north, Chesterfield slowly came to life. Wind blew from the south, flaunting the rules of international borders...
  9. A (Relatively) Short History of Angland
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    (To people who've read the last attempt at this, the first 3 posts are going to be v. similar, but with the framing device cut out and a few minor edits) A (Relatively) Short History of Angland By Ardith Blaecley Published by Bricstowe Press 2019 To chart the history of Angland you must...
  10. What would a "Cleggmania" government look like?

    ...left me wondering. Lets say there was only one debate in 2010. It was the week before the election and Britain went into a high Electoral Calculus *"Boo! boo! Rhubarb! Custard!"* puts the Lib Dems on around 130 seats on the one poll they were in the lead. Lets say the Lib Dems get the best...
  11. AHC : Post War British National Govt or Grand Coalition

    So, without use of nuclear weapons. Have a scenario that results in a interbellum style National government form. For more points have a Lab-Con Grand coaltion form. (formed after war. none of this @Mumby -ish continuation of pre or during war government, Bob, I love you Bob) Points will be...
  12. A (Relatively) Brief History of Angland

    Ardith looked out the window next to her desk. There wasn't much to look at, most people on her street were at work. Those who were lucky enough to have jobs. She followed her line of sight to the road, then up the front of the building opposite, then to Lundenwic city centre looming in the...
  13. The Melted Continent: Travels through Post-Soviet Europe
    Threadmarks: 29th May: Glasgow

    The Melted Continent: Travels through Post-Soviet Europe By Cassandra Yates Originally Published on New American Horizons Netsite/:US/bus/NewAmericanHorizon Reprinted with the author’s permission by Bolt451 29th May Twenty Fourteen My flight from Idlewild had been uneventful. My budget...
  14. Is it possible for the USSR to survive after the Warsaw Pact collapses?

    I'm writing a TL at the moment and one of the things I was considering was the USSR retreating within its own borders to focus on the USSR and letting (or at least not trying to stop) revolutions occur in Warsaw Pact nations. How likely is this? Do you think the USSR could survive on its own?
  15. The Anglish Church: A brief Guide

    (Wrote this as background for a wider TL, figured I might as well post it here for your approval) The Anglish Church By Frey Bolt, For the Attention of Prof. Richards, The Right Hon Rev. Davie and the Kin of the Sideways Institute. Prime Timeline names in brackets where different...
  16. Saints and Schoolwork: An Anglo-Saxon Story
    Threadmarks: 1. Assignments

    Right. Trying something a bit different. --- Saints and Schoolwork by Bolt451 Ebba was woken by her cat jumping on her bed. Clearly her mother had let her in with the aim of waking Ebba up. She was startled but but soon realised what was going on. “Ashes, get off!” she grumbled. The big...
  17. AHC: Post WWII British Rail Diesels

    Yet Another "Bolt finds a page on Wikipedia and creates a thread about it" What would it take to get British Rail to bring in diesels (or even electric trains) following World War Two, earlier than OTL. Preferably in lieu of the standardised classes.
  18. AHC: Other Singapore style City States

    Suggestions for other potential City-States that are successfully industrialised and independent Points for creativity and unlikelihood :) Ones that come to mind: New York in a world with a collapsed United States. A Post 1900 PoD admittedly but a continuing independent Danzig? Any of the...