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  1. TV WI: Star Trek TNG "Conspiracy"

    Folks who were regular fans of Star Trek: The Next Generation may remember an episode from early in the series called "Conspiracy" which involved a plot by a species of parasitic aliens to infiltrate the Federation. It was notable for its particularly gory content and somewhat un-Treklike tone...
  2. More Guns, Money, and Bullets: A crazier 20th century with the horde of people fleeing the scene. Moments later he was riding in the back of a taxi heading toward the outskirts of the city. *-*-* Carlos Ibáñez del Campo was not happy to be standing in the dry storage room of this little restaurant, not now, not under these...
  3. AHC: Cyberpunk for realz.

    Your challenge, should you choose to accept it is to find a plausible scenario in which the late 90's or early naughties are as cyberpunk as possible. This includes: -Japan being far more powerful than IOTL -More computers and internet everywhere -possibly more advanced computer tech -bigger...
  4. WI: The Sea Dragon succeeds Apollo?

    While working on my most recent ASB TL I have started focusing on a little known rocket design known as the Sea Dragon So let us suppose for a moment that Nixon when reviewing his options following Apollo decides that the cost of manned space travel is too high. He deems the shuttle to be...
  5. WI Truman does not accept the VP nod in '44?

    in the run up to the 1944 election the party leaders in the democratic party did not want Henry Wallace to be FDR's running mate as they thought he was too liberal. Roosevelt eventually agreed to replace him, and Harry Truman was selected. However he didn't want the VP slot, he had to be...
  6. WI the video game crash of the 80's never happened?

    As the title says, what if some development team at Atari turns out a real shitty game which the big wigs realize was a lazy excuse for a game and decide that it's entirely possible that such a thing could happen with a third party developer as well, so they decide to institute a system similar...
  7. Jet powered alternative to the V-22

    I found this interesting article on wiki about a german designed jet powered VTOL transport, and it got me to thinking. While the West German government found it's projected costs to be too high, I seriously doubt that it was more expensive than the V-22 wound up being. If you combine this...
  8. AHC: Greenland in the US

    Because we all love the idea of a vastly larger United States, how do we get Denmark to accept the US offer to buy Greenland? Bonus points, just for funzies and that rare Greenland wank, how do we then get the US to then somehow become part of Greenland rather than the other way round?
  9. League of Nations in a CP victory TL.

    I got this idea while reading the thread regarding the US in the LON. However I figured that this topic was distinctive enough to justify a separate thread. More or less I am wondering about the possibility of the League of Nations forming in a world where the CP wins. First I was wondering...
  10. Fascism without Naziism

    So I've recently had the thought, in a world where naziism never came to be or merely was an abortive political movement which faded into obsurity, what would fascism be like? How would it be viewed by the rest of the world, and would it be more or less successful?
  11. China in the middle east

    So I was recently reading a wiki article about the crusades and an interesting tidbit that I noticed was that apparently Michael VII approached song dynasty china in hopes of recieving military assistance against the seljuks. Obviously that did not pan out and the crusades eventually resulted...
  12. To welch on Yalta?

    So whenever the issue of either the W-Allies or Soviets taking more territory than they did OTL somebody inevitably brings up the results of Yalta. So my question to you is, what are the chances of either the W-allies or Soviets welching on the Yalta agreement? What would it take. I...
  13. To Wake Early: An American TL

    So this is my first proper TL, so I beg your patience with me as I am new to this process. The POD is that during the diplomatic crisis involving the recruitment of American volunteers to fight in the Crimean war in 1856, the UK minister to the US; John Crampton, is not replaced, but rather the...
  14. plausibility check: John Crampton reinstated as minister to US

    As it says on the tin, I was checking to see what the plausibility is of John Crampton being reinstated as British Minister to the US following the "American Volunteer Crisis" in 1856. IOTL Francis Napier received the post after the crisis blew over, I would like to see what the plausibility...
  15. German Collapse after a CP victory in WWI

    As inspired by the slew of other WWI threads, I pose this to you, what is the likelihood of a victorious Imperial Germany collapsing into turmoil in the years following a victory in the great war? Although many people view Germany as being the premier power in Europe in the years following a...
  16. Worst tanks of WWII

    Well, in the spirit of the bomber thread, let us revisit the anals of armored warfare to see some of the real stinkers that various nations engineers have turned out. Obviously any tanks which only got to the prototype phase don't count, so only tanks that entered production and actually saw...
  17. Cellmates: Hitler and Ludendorff

    On looking up some facts today I came across a tidbit regarding Erich Ludendorff and the beer hall putsch. Now in OTL he was not convicted for his involvement with it, but what if he had gone to the putsch and was arrested tried and convicted along with hitler. Also what if at the same time...
  18. different "bad guy" in WWII

    So most WWII ALT's revolve around how WWII as we remember it might have turned out, but what I want to know how you can make the conflict itself take a drastically different shape. So in stead of Nazi Germany against most of the rest of Europe, how about something different, like say poland, or...
  19. What effect would assasinating Bin Laden have?

    This has been inspired by the somali al-shabab assasination thread in chat. It has been often noted when discussing 9/11 and the series of events which lead to that horrible day that the US had several near misses during the late 90's when they tried to assasinate Osama Bin Laden. Although it...
  20. Deep Blue Fleet

    I dunno if anyone has ever heard about this, but I recently found out about this OVA called Deep Blue Fleet. It is an alternate history in which at the moment of his death Admiral Yamamoto is reincarnated in 1905 and is able to prepare Japan for WWII and allows the IJN to win the war in the...