Dominion of Southern America - Updated July 1, 2018


OTL the railroad was planned to go to San Deigo. However a combination of Bribery & other Chicanery changed the terminus to Los Angeles. ITTL I expect the Terminus to remain San Diego.

San Diego will certainly be a terminus, but don't count out the LA area yet; it is very close (relatively speaking) to the passes that would be used to get into the Central Valley.

?Will the US TC be Chicago -- Portland or Chicago -- Seattle?

Time will tell....;)

With the Railroad going to SD instead of LA, LA will remain a much smaller desert city. However the Crystal clear skies and ocean climate that attracted the Film Industry OTL will remain.

On the other hand, San Diego has an even better climate and crystal clear skies - in fact, one wonders why it didn't become the home for the film industry IOTL - maybe that railway terminus thing...

If the Film Industry ends up here again, there will be one major Butterfly.
OTL Britain spent millions of pounds world wide, promoting British English during the period 1950~1990.
They abandoned the effort in the 90's, unable to compete with American English being spread by Movies and TV.

Well, those are all good points, but still quite a ways in the future.

?Whe have to wonder what the Standard Accents will be in the US and DBA?

The most common Anglophone accent in the USA is almost exactly the same as what we consider the Standard US accent in OTL.

The accent of the mainland DSA is pure Southerner ala OTL South. The Caribbean islands that were British IOTL are pretty much unchanged in accent as well. The accents in the formerly Spanish Caribbean is a bit harder to describe...

The DBA controls the mouth of the Colorado. [need name for British City at Mouth]

Not the mouth, but where OTL Callville or Call's Landing used to be! That's the point of furthest navigation by ship up the Colorado, so that is where the main port will be for shipping in that region; though that also will depend on where the transcontinental railway will cross the Colorado.

?Wonder how this will affect the Grand Canyon? ?Will whe get a Alt Hoover Dam, or will whe get the proposed Grand Canyon Dam?

Good questions, one and all. Do you have any good links for the proposed Grand Canyon Dam?

Given that the Antilles are part of the DBA, ?will the DBA develop a Navy, Sooner/Larger than Canada OTL?.

Good question - I suspect the answer will be yes....


I've always wanted to see a TL were the Russians opened Japan :D.... had been kind of planning to do that in my TL, but maybe I'll have the British or possibly the French do it.

Glad to oblige - but don't let that stop you from your own version of a Russian opening of Japan.
Good questions, one and all. Do you have any good links for the proposed Grand Canyon Dam?

Dependes, which proposal? Because there have been several and each varied from the others because of the time they were proposed. Most never getting very far before being crushed by opposition.


Why, there is absolutely nothing there at the mouth of the Colorado. The whole upper bend of the gulf of california is desert shithole, and the OTL US didn't take it from Mexico for very good reasons.

As mentioned earlier in the thread LA will also be a smaller city due to its OTL water sources being in US territory here. This is also a problem for the Colorado - how can the Dominion propose any projects when the Americans control the upstream, and 90% of the water originates in American territory?

I tend to agree with both the points above, though on the second one I would note that an international project would work...


Another thought for the film industry, without LA to compete, would New Jersey remain the American media capital?

Probably not, though hard to be certain. Might move down to Virginia, or maybe if we're being parallelist, to the site of OTL Vacouver!;)
Another thought for the film industry, without LA to compete, would New Jersey remain the American media capital?

Most probably yes. The media industry would stay New York/New Jersey based. The only reason it moved to Southern California in OTL was because "independent" filmmakers needed to get around the Edison Trust laws that prevented them from pretty much producing and distributing in the East Coast. On the plus side Southern California also had the climate benefits of being able to shoot a film year round, and the proximity to the Mexican border, which proved useful for when one needed to go around certain restrictions. Furthermore it had lots of cheap land on where to build.

Nevertheless no one would be looking for a second option if the Edison Trust is not there to impede them from making films in the East Coast. If there is an equivalent in ITTL the look for the next best thing that has the same benefits as Southern California: good climate, isolated, near a neighboring country, lots of cheap land.

I think Colorado, as close as possible to the Dominion border would be a great replacement. Or something in the North West.
hopefully you would all be speaking something slightly more akin to the Queens English and have got more used to using the letter u....

Mind you the Ozzies have their very irritating inflections (and yes ok we have estuary English too)


Hooray for the Old Dominion!

Most probably yes. The media industry would stay New York/New Jersey based. The only reason it moved to Southern California in OTL was because "independent" filmmakers needed to get around the Edison Trust laws that prevented them from pretty much producing and distributing in the East Coast. On the plus side Southern California also had the climate benefits of being able to shoot a film year round, and the proximity to the Mexican border, which proved useful for when one needed to go around certain restrictions. Furthermore it had lots of cheap land on where to build.

Nevertheless no one would be looking for a second option if the Edison Trust is not there to impede them from making films in the East Coast. If there is an equivalent in ITTL the look for the next best thing that has the same benefits as Southern California: good climate, isolated, near a neighboring country, lots of cheap land.

I think Colorado, as close as possible to the Dominion border would be a great replacement. Or something in the North West.

I like the way you think!:D

As long as Virginia gets part of the market, I'm happy.

So, in wrapping up our various comments about future film industry, I think it is very interesting that the Edison Trust Law spurred a migration from New York/New Jersey of the film industry IOTL. This will not happen this way ITTL, of course, but then again, who is to say that the film industry would even start there. Once we get, in many decades, to the point of a film industry developing, we may see more than one center per nation, particularly with a split for Francophone vs. Anglophone movies. And possibilities for those locations include Virginia, San Diego, Vancouver, Colorado, just to mention some.


The 1830s saw further emigration from Scotland and from Ireland. Many people in both nations had become dependent on potatoes as their sole crop, in large part due to decreasing size of plots allowed to crofters and renters, upon which only the high density potato crop could provide an adequate harvest. The climate and diseases such as the taint and rot combined to produce a number of crop failures in a row. While the Reform Revolution in London had the promise to bring more equitable conditions to the poor farmer of the Celtic lands of the British Isles, its effects were neglible in these years in these regions.

The New World beckoned once more as a land of opportunity. Those who could afford it took passage to the new world, with many Catholics choosing to immigrate to the United States, whereas Protestants tended to travel to British Southern America. The poor of all creeds were more likely to gain passage to the United States through indenture, still a popular option for the manpower hungry nation. Both the British and the Americans had passed laws protecting Indentured Servants making the prospect much more attractive to prospective laborers. In British Southern America there was much less demand for this type of labor given the supply of slaves in that region.


Irish family saying farewell to emigrating loved ones.


Monument to emigrants from Scotland in the land they left behind.​