Map Thread XX

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A pair of maps, courtesy of u/alex-leclerc from Reddit: one in which the US won the War of 1812, leading to more Southern slave states being created to counter the vastly expanded North; and one in which the British won, leading the US down a slaveocratic path and the Northeastern states seceding, forcing the capital to be relocated to St. Louis.
I'm the creator of these maps! Glad you enjoy them, I even posted the first one a little while ago here. There are a few things I want to fix with the second one, namely the status of Baton Rouge as Louisiana's capital despite being in West Florida.
Twelve CSA Successors Iserlohn.png

I will not let the “X Countries” format die, so here is something hyper-specific and based on a popular alternate history scenario: the CSA survives. This collection includes 12 (well, 11, but we’ll get to that) situations in which Confederate successor states (well, in most cases, again, we’ll get to that) exist, because, and that is my firm belief, any Confederacy which comes into being under pretty much OTL circumstances would eventually collapse. Also, for the record, all these scenarios have their POD between 1854 (after the Gadsden Purchase went into effect) and 1865, though I will not list specific points of divergence.

A1: Magnolia Republic

Capital: Jackson, East Mississippi

The Magnolia Republic did not emerge organically from the Confederated States, it was instead planted, like the eponymous tree. While the neighboring United States annexed the “Upper South” in the aftermath of the Second North American War, the remainder of the old CSA was first put under military occupation for several years. During that time American social physicists, with the feedback of some of the reform-minded Southerners, developed the model which they hoped would create a stable independent state in the area, and for that they partially looked to Brazil for guidance.

The Brazilians, another diverse ex-slaver society like the Deep South, actively encouraged interracial marriages between whites and former slaves, especially for the underclasses, but, to a lesser extent, also the elites. For the social physicists in charge of developing a new Southern society, they actively courted the unmarried yet fertile members of the elite and encouraged them to marry educated black men or women to serve as an example for the underclasses, offering stipends supplied by the US government as “compensation” for it. Then the lower classes meanwhile would receive tax benefits if they married outside their race, which would, for example a small-scale farmer, reduce their taxes to almost nothing. These financial incentives actually worked, though it took some time.

The Magnolia Republic gained formal independence in 1904 and in 1924 more than forty percent of marriages filed that year were interracial. In 1968 this system was phased out and the stipends paid to the upper classes ended in 1971, because at that point the majority of the populace was officially considered mixed-race, and the republic considered itself to have stable race relations.

A2: The Federation of Dixie-Louisiana

Capital: Savannah, National Capital District

The chaos of the Confederate Revolutions of the 1970s forced the hands of the great powers of the world. After much contemplation by the International Peace Council the United States, Germany, the United Empire, France, Mexico, Cuba, and China sent a force of peacekeepers to the Confederacy to establish order, taking control over several coastal cities like New Orleans, Charleston, Jacksonville, and Savannah in early 1977. The US itself also, with tacit IPC approval, directly occupied the Upper South, which had experienced far less fighting that the Deep South.

Over the next four years IPC peacekeepers would maintain a constant presence in the region until, after several years of negotiation, at a conference in Ottawa, a treaty was signed which would lead to the formation of Dixie-Louisiana and the cession of hostilities between the white minority which had ruled the Deep South and the black majority which sought freedom from white oppression.

The resulting federation would create ethnic homelands drawn along racial lines, with Savannah, designated as the capital of the new state, being under joint control and its inhabitants would be treated as citizens of either the Republic of New Africa or the Sovereign State of Dixie-Louisiana depending on their racial identity. Dixie-Louisiana is now an observer in the Caribbean League, the North American Compact, and the Francophonie.

However, despite this relative stability, ethnic clashes are still frequent and there are certain radical groups which propose to split up the country, mostly commonly by joining the regions of Tennessee and Red River over to the United States and Texas respectively, and to then have the regions of West and East Florida secede as a White Southerner ethno-state. Black separatist forces also exist, but are far less numerous and less well-funded, since there are elements in Texas and the US which also favor a white-supremacist viewpoint like these groups.

A3: The Federal Republic of the Southwest

Capital: Dallas, Texas

When the Confederated States of America chose to dissolve themselves due to the failures of the national government in 1881, just fifteen years after the end of the Southern War of Independence, some states immediately ran to their former compatriots in the United States, some briefly existed as independent states before rejoining. Not so however the Southern states west of the Mississippi. Texas, Louisiana, and Arkansas had banded together in that complicated time to form the League of the Southwest and in 1894 the three governments, together with the Oklahoma Territory, announced that they would form a new union to replace the two they had left in the decades before.

This Federal Republic of the Southwest would consist of four states, Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas, and Matagorda, as well as the autonomous state of Oklahoma, and would offer greater coordination between its member states than the Confederacy did, but less than what the USA demanded after the increased centralization of the Lincoln administration. The Southwest would however enjoy decent relations with its two neighbors, the USA and Mexico, but until the 1970s it would be plagued by widespread systemic oppression of its black and Hispanic minorities, though in recent years non-white legislators (from states other than Oklahoma) have been elected to national office and things are slowly but surely improving in the country.

Economically however the FRoSW is heavily dependent on fossil fuel production and is deemed the biggest per capita polluter in the Americas, not aided by the fact that Texas’s agriculture in particular heavily relies on cattle ranching, leading to an additional high methane output.

B1: The Free Negro Republic

Capital: Douglass, Coosa (OTL’s Birmingham, Alabama)

The Global War, which had ravaged almost every nation in the world, did not spare North America. What began as a conflict between the Triple Entente of France, Austria-Hungary, and Russia (with the aid of Serbia) and the Alliance of Nations, consisting of the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Greece, Belgium, and Sweden-Norway quickly escalated and drew in further nations. The Japanese Shogunate honored its obligations to France and Russia, the Ottoman Empire joined the Alliance of Nations to shake off Entente influences within its borders… And in North America the two biggest states, the United and the Confederate States, ended up joining, too.

The United States, in part due to its German and Italian immigrant populations and in part due to economic links with the British Empire, joined the Alliance, while the Confederacy, despite strenuous relations with Russia, joined the Entente thanks to its leadership’s sympathies for the aristocracies of France and Austria-Hungary. While the USA and the CSA joined relatively early in the war, in 1915, Mexico would also join the Alliance of Nations in 1917. The North American theater would be just as bloody as the Western European front, but it would see the most drastic shift of the post-war world.

Ultimately the war was “won” by the Alliance of Nations, but outside of some minor territorial concessions and some colonies swapping hands, little changed. Sure, Poland gained independence, albeit as a German client state, and Austria-Hungary lost some lands than France did, but among the imperialist powers of Europe and their possessions, there was not much immediate change. In North America meanwhile the industrial might of the United States crushed the Confederacy, plain and simple. US and Canadian troops managed to occupy the South, with Mexico also managing to conquer some land in the southwest.

At the separate New York Peace Conference, the Confederacy ended its existence. The United States annexed all of Virginia, Tennessee and North Carolina (now called Albemarle), as well as parts of Arkansas, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, and Florida (namely Key West). Louisiana and Arkansas, as well as Oklahoma, would become US client states. Mexico would end up annexing the Confederate Arizona Territory, as well as parts of Texas, and both it and the US would occupy the rump Third Republic of Texas for the foreseeable future.

The Deep South, the Confederate heartland, would however be turned over to its black population, which narrowly made up the minority in the remaining areas. White-owned farms would be divided into smaller homesteads, and many Black Virginians would end up moving south to take partial ownership over some of these homesteads. The states in that area would be abolished and new smaller states came to be in their place, named after either local geographic features or prominent historical figures among the black community. The national capital, Douglass, for instance, was named after the famous orator Frederick Douglass, who late in his life wrote extensively about what a post-Confederate South might look like.

This black-run state, named the Free Negro Republic, would enjoy good relations with its neighbors and war-time benefactors. While heavily agricultural, its beaches and historic sites have allowed a small yet noteworthy tourism sector to develop. The politics of the republic tend to lean left-wing, however a focus on family and faith (be it Christian, Muslim, or American Voodoo) is pervasive in FNR society. In certain aspects, the FNR also imitated Haiti, especially in regards to land ownership laws, but it is far more stable than its Caribbean cousin, whom it still respects and the FNR is often among the first countries to send aid to Haiti during times of crisis.

B2: Worker’s and Farmer’s Confederacy of Southland

Capital: Montgomery, Alabama

The year was 1931 when, after several years of heavy protests by the relatively young labor movement, the Confederacy of old fell. Texas and Virginia declared independence, though Virginia would vote to (re-)join the United States in 1942. The remaining states of the Confederacy, finally represented by the average worker, both black and white, created a constitutional convention. The result was the declaration of the Worker’s and Farmer’s Confederacy of Southland.

Southern workers from the industrial areas were able to finally advocate for better working standards, while small-scale farmers were given the land they had been farming for centuries. The rule of the quasi-aristocratic elite of the South was broken. Even black Southerners were given more rights, though full legal equality would only be achieved in 1951. Even today there are a handful of “Sundown towns”, mostly in Florida and Arkansas, in which white-supremacists live and where the state doesn’t have the ability to ensure racial integration and black safety, but for almost 90 years now Southland has seen decent living standards for all, something which was barely believed possible in the region before that fateful year…

Southland is fully integrated into global politics, has seen a rise in tourism, mostly to Florida and Louisiana, and in 2014 made international headlines by being the last Anglophone country of North America to legalize same-sex marriages, three years after Texas.

B3: Socialist Confederation of Southern Republics

Capital: Atlanta, Ogeechee

The Confederated States of America were seen as the sick man of the Americas and thus the 1905 economic crisis was seen by many as the nail in the Confederate coffin. The widespread economic disparities, combined with the very recent abolition of slavery and the subsequent failures of the indentured servitude system led to both the white and black lower classes of the Confederacy to establish a solidary unseen at that point in North American history. Combining that with the rising popularity of far-left thought among certain sections of the Confederate intelligentsia there was now enough fuel for the fire that would burn away the Old South…

In the summer of 1909 groups of protestors stormed several state capitols, courthouses of major cities, and other government buildings. A general strike struck down the economy and members of the militias and state guards joined hands with the protestors. While there was violence, with many dead, in 1911 a “people’s council” drafted a new constitution, one outlawing racial discrimination, collectivizing farmland, and establishing factory councils which were to democratically run the few factories the South possessed. The Socialist Confederation of Southern Republics was born.

While the United States looked at the SCSR first with worry, the government of the new socialist state made one thing clear: while it would advocate for greater worker’s rights, it would not try to spread the revolution into neighboring states. This, combined with the renaming of its southern neighbor, actually helped to calm the nerves of America’s political establishment, and while left-wing groups in the States would often look to the SCSR for guidance, especially in rural areas, no revolution came for the US.

While having a socialist neighbor did help the USA to shift leftwards on the political spectrum, the two countries are still dissimilar in terms of economic policies, but at the very least socialism, even more than one hundred years after the Southern Revolution there at least is no animosity, but rather peace and, especially in environmental and foreign policy matters, cooperation.

C1: The Christian Republics of Dixieland

Capital: New Gilead, Dixieland Capital Territory (OTL’s Atlanta, Georgia)

The legacy which the Great War left on southeastern North America, now known as the Christian Republics of Dixieland, cannot be understated. While not experiencing fighting on the home front, the bloody occupations of Spanish Cuba and Puerto Rico, the trauma of Confederate soldiers fighting in the trenches alongside their French allies against the Germans, an increase in black protests against segregation, and then the fall of Russia, despite only being an ally of convenience, to “godless” communism led to fears taking over many Confederate minds. Religion became more of a focus in their lives.

In 1919 the Christian Nation Party was founded and in the 1921 elections made massive gains in the Confederacy’s congress. The 1926 economic crisis led to Texan independence protests, since the people there did not want to subsidize the rest of the nation with their booming oil-based economy. In 1929 the Christian Nation Party won the presidency. Texas declared independence soon afterwards, begging the US and Mexico for help to guarantee its borders.

In 1931, ninety years after the formation of the Confederacy, congress passed an amendment to the Confederate constitution to abolish it, and then reforge it under the cross. The Christian Republics of Dixieland were born. The new constitution would stress certain facts which dominated Southern life even before then: white supremacy, the importance of limited franchise, and an agrarian economy. But it also ended certain things which the Confederacy stood for, too. While the CSA had a small Jewish population, the new constitution forbade the religion completely. Political parties were formally abolished but instead a national council would vet candidates for national office, and state-based institutions would do so on the local level, to ensure the “purity” of politicians. Property rights for women were restricted more heavily than before, making it nearly impossible for women to inherit, even if they were the sole child.

And the rights of the country’s black population, which were already very limited, were further curtailed. The few free black men and women who were not living in indentured servitude, working as tenant farmers for white large-scale landowners or toiling away on construction sites or mines, were stripped of their property. Black churches were shut down due to being seen as “perversions of the faith”, forcing black Christians to perform their religious services in explicitly public spaces, where the state could observe what they were preaching. When in other countries birth control and family planning became commonplace, Dixieland placed death penalties for doctors performing abortions or pharmacists selling contraceptives, all while also forcefully sterilizing criminals, the mentally ill, homosexuals, and political agitators.

In short Dixieland turned from an unpopular, racist state into a quasi-theocratic and still racist state, almost a pariah, with very few nations willing to engage with it in a meaningful manner. However due to connections to movements like the British-Israel World Federation, as well as its strong agricultural sector, Dixieland has managed to survive its relative isolation to this day, albeit with one of the lowest standards of living for the average citizen in the western hemisphere, especially when compared to its Anglophone siblings of the USA, Texas, and Canada.

C2: Southron Republic

Capital: Montgomery, Alabama

There are few countries in the world as despised as the Southron Republic. After the Confederate Civil War, which ravaged the southeast of North America from 1897 to 1904 and thus lasted longer than the bloody conflict which created the CSA, the states of the Deep South, excluding Louisiana, stayed together in order to keep the reprehensible institution of slavery around, while all other former Confederate states, whether they ended up rejoining the United States or staying independent (albeit then drifting into the US’s orbit) abandoned the practice.

However, the Southron Republic couldn’t even manage to achieve this goal which served as its raison d’être for long. In 1912, after several years of boycotts by the global community, the Southron Republic officially abolished slavery (except as a form of punishment, which is also reprehensible). But the deeply racist society of the South couldn’t just give its former slaves full rights, of course not. Instead, it took a page from the southern parts of Africa, taking bits and pieces of policies practiced in Britain’s dominion of Drakesland and the Boer states, and adding in some of the laws practiced by the Republic’s immediate neighboring applying to North America’s indigenous population. The result was a set of policies known as the White Kingdom Doctrine.

It involved the creation of black “homelands”, with non-whites no longer being allowed to live outside of these homelands, but allowed for them to work outside of it, but treated essentially as foreign labor. As a result, non-whites were also completely disenfranchised from voting on a national level and, due to the fact that black workers were severely underpaid and economically underdeveloped led to them being chronically underfunded, too. The White Kingdom Doctrine would remain in place until 1994 and the Southron Republic was dissolved in 1996. South Carolina would join the United States, while Alabama, Mississippi and Georgia would become the US-aligned Free People’s Republic of Yazoo. Florida meanwhile would maintain its status as a white supremacist state to this day, ostracized by most nations.

OOC: Yeah, while most of the states for this project exist in the present day, I couldn’t bring myself to write this apartheid state surviving beyond the year 2000. Sorry not sorry.

C3: The Citizen’s Republic of Texas

Capital: Austin

The Second Inter-American War, which ended in 1911, saw the end of the Confederated States of America, which were born in the first Inter-American War which had started exactly 50 years before. However, the United States would not fully be able to reabsorb its southern twin. While the US focused its occupation of the Confederacy by seizing first Tennessee and New Orleans, the Confederate state of Texas managed to hold out, seeing only sporadic fighting along its borders. In fact, this surprised many observers during the conflict, since while Confederate armies in the eastern theater tried pushing into US territory, Texas and its regiment stayed put.

The question why that was the case was soon answered. Texas’s government was willing to negotiate with the US administration and made a simple case for itself: the Texan people were merely hoping to reestablish their independence, that, regrettably, the union of Texas first with the United States and then the Confederacy, was a mistake, and that an independent Texas would still be a friend to the USA. The McKinley administration, aware of how much of a strain it would be to occupy Texas in addition to the rest of the South, thus agreed to Texas’s terms.

They stipulated that Texas would be allowed to keep the Confederate territories of Davis and Cimarron, and that Texas would be allowed to annex the portion of Arkanas southwest of the Red River and Louisiana outside of the Mississippi River delta and the Florida Parishes. This would lead to Texas annexing lands inhabited by mostly white Southerners and would result in fairly defensible borders. McKinley agreed.

The Citizen’s Republic of Texas, as this third incarnation of an independent Texas would be known, has been a very unequal place ever since. While non-whites were granted the right to vote in 1984, majority minority neighborhoods are often underfunded, including to its election infrastructure, leading to very low voter turnout outside of the white majority. International news outlets with a left-of-center ideological bent frequently cover stories of Texan police officers brutalizing non-white citizens for petty offenses with no consequences for the assaulting officers. However Texas does enjoy a comparatively decent integration into the global system, despite its rampant inequality.

D1: The Free State of Florida

Capital: Tallahassee

“Forty acres and a mule”, these words have greatly shaped the history of North America following the American Civil War. With slavery ended in all the rebellious states and the end of slavery in the loyal states not far away, the Lincoln administration had to contemplate how this proposal by William Tecumseh Sherman would be implemented. While some considered to turn over all the white-owned land in the former Confederacy to the black populace which had worked it in the past decades, this was ultimately only done partially. Mississippi and Louisiana saw sizable tracts of land divided among black farmers, while in Tennessee and Arkansas laborers working on the Memphis-Little Rock railroad were given land deeds near the line.

The majority of black landownership would however happen in the ex-Confederate state with the smallest population. Several organizations for freedmen suggested that Florida could become a homeland for the black population of the United States, seeing it as both sufficiently isolated from the remainder of the United States and due to the value of fruit plantations as a foundation for a national economy. Thanks to sufficient backing from the federal government in 1876, after eleven years of military occupation, Florida was spun off into an independent state. Its white population quickly left the state, while many freedmen and their families, mostly from Virginia, arrived. While in 1860 Florida had a population of just under 140,000, it increased to 310,000 by 1886 and 790,000 in 1906.

In the present-day Florida has a population of just under 10 million and is 85 percent black. It boasts a sizable agriculture sector, being the biggest producer of citrus fruits, green beans, and sweet corn in North America. Fishing, phosphate mining, and tourism are also key parts of the Floridian economy, with most tourists coming from the United States, with whom Florida is still closely linked.

D2: Traitor’s Coast Military District

Capital: Mobile

The Traitor’s Coast Military District is the last remnant of the Reconstruction era which shows the scars of the American Civil War. While most of the rebellious South was turned into new states, with varying degrees of territorial reorganization, the two states of Alabama and Mississippi were completely dissolved. All lands north of 32° 22′ north latitude were turned into the state of Yazoo, increased slightly in size by the addition of Georgia’s Dade County, and Yazoo would be one of two states within the United States with a predominantly black population (the other being South Carolina, which just received a new state constitution but was left intact otherwise).

The southern parts of those states, as well as the Florida panhandle, were turned into what in 1869 would officially be named the Traitor’s Coast Military District. Governed as a territory with a strong military presence, it would serve as the reminder to the white Southern population of the consequences of rebelling against the government. In 1892 the territory’s towns and cities were allowed to elect their own city councils and mayors again and in 1922 the district was allowed to elect a non-voting representative for the House of Representatives. However even to this day the Traitor’s Coast still does not have full self-governance and cannot elect voting members of Congress, nor take part in presidential elections. People born in the district are treated as US nationals instead of citizens and must immigrate into the US proper to run for office outside the district, with non-white nationals from there being given preferential treatment in the immigration process. US citizens living in the district are allowed to vote as if they were living abroad, meaning that they cast their ballot for the constituency they last resided in prior to their move to the district.

OOC: This is the second successor state of the CSA which isn’t from a timeline where the Confederacy won “enough” to gain recognized independence and the first and sole one where it is part of the US itself. This is double-cheating but hey, this is my project, so I can break the rules I set out to follow!

D3: The Commonwealth of Southern States

Capital: Biloxi, Mississippi

Richmond’s territorial ambitions proved to be its undoing. In 1879, just fourteen years after the Confederacy had narrowly won its war of independence from the United States, it declared war on the Kingdom of Spain in order to conquer Cuba. At that point news of an admittedly small-scale insurrection on the island had reached the government in Richmond and the expansion-hungry elites of the South saw an easy opportunity to expand. But it turned out, they were wrong.

First of all, the local population of Cuba was not receptive to a nation speaking a foreign language and also still practicing slavery trying to annex them. Sure, they did not want to be ruled by Spain as a colony, but ownership by the Confederates was also unappealing. Secondly, Spain’s navy in particular proved to be a tougher nut to crack than the Confederate military expected. Thirdly Spain was more than willing to negotiate with the Cuban revolutionaries. A few weeks after the declaration of war by the CSA, the so-called Little War on Cuba had ended, with promises to end slavery in two years, the ability to elect members to the Cortes Generales also in two years, and of self-governance in six years. This was more than enough to get the Cubans to lay down their arms against the Spanish… and to turn them against the Confederates.

Spanish and Cuban forces landed in southern Florida in the winter of 1879, capturing Key West and several towns. Furthermore, Spain successfully destroyed most of the Confederate navy in a battle north of Havana in early 1880. With its navy crushed, the Confederacy had effectively lost the war, but initially they were at least still trying to repel Spanish forces from Florida. But this would not happen. The following months saw secession notices from Tennessee and Texas and widespread protests elsewhere. When the CSA sued for peace and reluctantly ceded southern Florida to Spain, legitimate insurgencies against the ineffective-deemed governments.

This prompted the United States to step in and ultimately annex the entire Upper South, as well as the southern portions of the Mississippi River, including the delta and thus New Orleans. The rump Confederacy was reorganized into the Commonwealth of Southern States, which would become closely integrated into the US system, however its large black population led to the United States abstaining from re-annexing the Deep South. In fact, the US even encouraged former slaves from Virginia in particular to migrate south.

Today the Commonwealth is an economic satellite of the United States, supplying the USA with agricultural products and cheap labor for factories in the Upper South and on farms in the Great Plains, there acting as seasonal labor which supplements Mexican migrants. There has also been evidence that the US directly influenced Commonwealth politics to guarantee American interests in the country.
1940 La France Continue (1942).png

A map of Europe by October 30th 1942 from the timeline 1940 - La France continue la guerre (France fights on)
The front of the Peloponnese and the Greek islands has reached a standstill. Sicily has fallen into Allied hands and the Soviets have finally managed to stop the blitzkrieg, although Kiev remains in danger and Odessa is under siege.
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This started as a thought experiment about the United States being divided according to ancestry groups, and morphed into a full Soviet-style communist America.

The Union of Socialist American Republics (USAR) is constitutionally a federation of 13 Socialist American Republics (SARs), whose borders are based on ancestry groups. Most of the larger native American reservations have been reformed as Autonomous Socialist American Republics (ASARs), together with other smaller ancestry groups, and are subordinated to a SAR. Outside the ASARs, each SAR is divided into districts centred around, and named for, their most economically important city. Some SARs consist of a only single district. Each SAR also has its own flag, which is a modified version of the national flag with its spade, pickaxe and cog emblem surrounded by 13 stars for the 13 SARs plus one larger star for the union and communism itself.

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This started as a thought experiment about the United States being divided according to ancestry groups, and morphed into a full Soviet-style communist America.

The Union of Socialist American Republics (USAR) is constitutionally a federation of 13 Socialist American Republics (SARs), whose borders are based on ancestry groups. Most of the larger native American reservations have been reformed as Autonomous Socialist American Republics (ASARs), together with other smaller ancestry groups, and are subordinated to a SAR. Outside the ASARs, each SAR is divided into districts centred around, and named for, their most economically important city. Some SARs consist of a only single district. Each SAR also has its own flag, which is a modified version of the national flag with its spade, pickaxe and cog emblem surrounded by 13 stars for the 13 SARs plus one larger star for the union and communism itself.

That's awesome 😎
Cheers!! As I said it started out just to see what the US would look like divided up in a similar way to the Soviet Union's SSRs, but I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out :extremelyhappy:
That's just a detail I thought of but ... most of the Las Vegas Strip is actually no in the municipality of Las Vegas, it's its own non-incorporated place named Paradise. It's just a nonsense proposal but I think it's a great occasion to include a Socialist Autonomous Republic literally called "Paradise" ^^'. Love your map either way! It looks really cool!

suffer not a free wales to border england. the welsh agenda ;)
an m-bam of a post break up insular isles or whatever ireland wants to call it.

some bits are more realistic than others, there's like a sliding scale from scotland to say ""dumnonia"" or kent. the balkanisation of england is based off of growing movements for independence from a neoliberal tory england, and extrapolating that to areas that dont yet have such a movement but suffer from the same regional inequality and have the poorest bits of the uk in them. rump england in the middle-south is meant to be the bit of england thats a contiguous block of affluence/ proper infrastructure.

free berwick is also there as an easter egg


  • the welsh adgenda.png
    the welsh adgenda.png
    16.5 KB · Views: 743
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This started as a thought experiment about the United States being divided according to ancestry groups, and morphed into a full Soviet-style communist America.

The Union of Socialist American Republics (USAR) is constitutionally a federation of 13 Socialist American Republics (SARs), whose borders are based on ancestry groups. Most of the larger native American reservations have been reformed as Autonomous Socialist American Republics (ASARs), together with other smaller ancestry groups, and are subordinated to a SAR. Outside the ASARs, each SAR is divided into districts centred around, and named for, their most economically important city. Some SARs consist of a only single district. Each SAR also has its own flag, which is a modified version of the national flag with its spade, pickaxe and cog emblem surrounded by 13 stars for the 13 SARs plus one larger star for the union and communism itself.

It would make more sense to divide the "Midwestern SFAR" into a "Midwestern SAR", "Great Plains SAR" (including a "Norwegian/Scandinavian ASAR" instead of the "Viking SAR") and a "Cascadian SAR".

It's still pretty cool!
CS of A.png

"For Dixieland I take my stand
We live and die for Dixie,
Hurrah, hurrah,
And conquer peace for Dixie."

And conquer peace they did. Until everything changed when the Tea Nation attacked. The British helped the CSA in their little war, but as the Confederate economy committed sudoku, the British came with an ultimatum: "submit or become minced meat."

Now the CSA is the dominion of Dixie, its states rearranged as punishment for the rebellion 100 years ago, and generally a harsher Reconstruction. The blacks were moved to Georgia. And I mean all blacks.

I for one do enjoy seeing the world burn. The little maps show: 1. A worlda version of the bigger map, 2. the british invasion, 3. ethnicities/ancestry.
It would make more sense to divide the "Midwestern SFAR" into a "Midwestern SAR", "Great Plains SAR" (including a "Norwegian/Scandinavian ASAR" instead of the "Viking SAR") and a "Cascadian SAR".

It's still pretty cool!
I did consider splitting off the Pacific northwest into a Cascadian SAR and downgrading the Norwegian areas to 1 or 2 ASARs (as I wanted to keep the total number of SARs at 13). I didn't though as Washington and Oregon are just as German-American dominated as the rest of the Midwest, so it would be too much of a divergence from the concept of basing the SARs on different ancestry groups for Cascadia to be separated.

I wasn't 100% happy with using the Midwestern name as like you say it covers more than just the Midwest, but stuck with it as the majority of the population is in the Midwest and all other names I came up with (ie Freedonian SFAR, Great American SFAR, Central SFAR) weren't great!
This started as a thought experiment about the United States being divided according to ancestry groups, and morphed into a full Soviet-style communist America.

The Union of Socialist American Republics (USAR) is constitutionally a federation of 13 Socialist American Republics (SARs), whose borders are based on ancestry groups. Most of the larger native American reservations have been reformed as Autonomous Socialist American Republics (ASARs), together with other smaller ancestry groups, and are subordinated to a SAR. Outside the ASARs, each SAR is divided into districts centred around, and named for, their most economically important city. Some SARs consist of a only single district. Each SAR also has its own flag, which is a modified version of the national flag with its spade, pickaxe and cog emblem surrounded by 13 stars for the 13 SARs plus one larger star for the union and communism itself.

Viking SAR is based. California too, same for Utahn. Hot shapes. Appalachian one is bordergore lol
I wasn't 100% happy with using the Midwestern name as like you say it covers more than just the Midwest, but stuck with it as the majority of the population is in the Midwest and all other names I came up with (ie Freedonian SFAR, Great American SFAR, Central SFAR) weren't great!
Maybe "Heartland SFAR"? It's mostly synonymous with "Midwest" but it's more of a cultural than geographical identifier. Plus it's more poetic-sounding.

By the way, looks like the Nashville district is missing a label.
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