Map Thread XIX

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Here is a little worlda I decided to make. There is not much lore to it; Imperial Japan's conquering spree in WW2 goes much further. Plenty of countries/regions do have an idea they are built around, though, if you want me to explain.
Huh. I am guessing this is all very cost inefficient for the Japanese. I am imagine like in WWII and during the war in China when Japanese soldiers would need to find food for themselves. Having the whole map colored yellow does make it a bit different separate and categorize everything mentally. Also, didn’t the Japanese Navy also have occupation zones during WWII? Though as it was during WWII and in Indonesia, I am assuming any place the Navy took (I wonder if they had an equivalent of Marines, to be used for their own banana republics) was simply swallowed up as part of Japan proper. If Indonesia a part of Japan proper? I can see it happening with Australia if they clear out the Europeans and colonize the area, but Indonesia being metropole rather than colony brings in far too many people.
Here' s a map of the Caribbean where the Ostend manifesto was successful. Following an American-Spanish war in 1854-1855, the USA acquired Cuba and Puerto Rico.
In addition, the British took over and kept the Bay Islands in 1844. Then the French, as on my previous maps, kept Ste-Lucie and Tabago. The advantage of a US cuba and that in addition to an easier assimilation of the population to the Anglo-Saxon culture, is that the Americans have naval bases off the Caribbean; they have in some guantanamo almost half a century ago compared to OTL. In addition, they bought the Providence and San Andrés islands from Colombia and built the canal in Nicaragua.
And in terms of the Civil War, I will see Cuba in the hands of the Confederates and Puerto Rico remain in the Union.

caribbean map.png
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Here' s a map of the Caribbean where the Ostend manifesto was successful. Following an American-Spanish war in 1854-1855, the USA acquired Cuba and Puerto Rico.
In addition, the British took over and kept the Bay Islands in 1844. Then the French, as on my previous maps, kept Ste-Lucie and Tabago. The advantage of a US cuba and that in addition to an easier assimilation of the population to the Anglo-Saxon culture, is that the Americans have naval bases off the Caribbean; they have in some guantanamo almost half a century ago compared to OTL. In addition, they bought the Providence and San Andrés islands from Colombia and built the canal in Nicaragua.

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You've marked Dutch as green in the key, and orange on the map, BTW.

1531- 1537

Italian War of 1536–1538

The third war between Charles V and King Francis I of France began with the death of Francesco Sforza, Duke of Milan in November 1535. Sforza left no heirs but Emperor Charles V was in Italy when Sforza died. Charles' representatives took charge of the Duchy, encountering no protests from the people of Milan. However, there were objections from France.
Francis I believed that Asti, Genoa and the Duchy of Milan were rightfully his and recovering Milan for France remained his primary goal.
When Charles annexed Milan, Francis I invaded Italy. In late March 1536, a French army advanced into Piedmont with 24,000 infantry and 3,000 horse. It captured Turin in early April 1536, but failed to take Milan. Meanwhile, pro-French supporters in Asti rose up, expelling the Imperial garrison.

Charles V invaded Provence in response to this, advancing to Aix-en-Provence, taking it in August. A French Army blocked the roads leading south to Marseilles. Charles withdrew via Spain rather than attack heavily fortified Avignon.

The French army in Piedmont were joined by 10,000 Italian infantry and a few hundred horsemen whilst marching on Genoa.
In preparation for his invasion of Italy, Francis' ambassador to the Ottoman Empire obtained, in early 1536, a treaty of alliance. By the end of 1536 an Ottoman fleet was off the coast of Genoa ready to coordinate with the French. Arriving in August 1536, the French found the garrison of Genoa had recently been reinforced and an expected uprising did not materialize. The army moved past Genoa and marched on into Piedmont, capturing Carignano, Pinerolo, Chieri and Carmagnola, towns between Turin and Saluzzo. The Ottoman participation in the war was not significant but curbed the options for Charles V. Ottoman troops had landed in Otranto in July 1537 but were withdrawn within a month when it was obvious that Francis could not link up from Lombardy. However, the prescence of Ottoman troops in Apulia and a large Ottoman fleet in the Strait of Otranto did generate fear in Rome that a large-scale invasion would follow.
Fighting a two front war, Ottomans in the east and French in the west, did not appeal to Charles, consequently, by 1538, Charles was ready for peace.

The Truce of Nice, which ended the war in June 1538, provided little resolution to the long conflict between Charles and Francis; Turin was left in French hands, hostilities had ended, under pressure from the Pope, leaving a cautious entente and neither monarch satisfied with the outcome.

The Palaiologos dynasty died out in 1533, Montferrat was seized by the Spanish who, in 1536, gave it to Federico II, Duke of Mantua.
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Charles of Gelre allied himself with Christian III of Denmark and Balthasar of Esens, enemies of his enemies, Charles V and Enno II of East Friesland. Balthasar now held Harlingerland as a fief of Gelre and, supported by Duke Charles he raised troops, defeating Enno at the Battle of Jemming in 1533. The same troops fought the Habsburgs in East Friesland during 1532-34.
In 1534, the Danish Count's Feud spilled over into the Low Countries. Charles of Gelre and Christian III offered each other mutual assistance whilst Charles V supported Christopher of Oldenburg.

Charles V gathered a fleet to lift the siege of Copenhagen, and sent men from the Palatinate to clear enemy troops from East Friesland and Groningen.
The Habsburgs occupied Groningen and defeated the Gueldersen and their allies in the Battle of Heiligerlee in 1536. Before the Dutch fleet was ready, Copenhagen fell to Christian III and peace was concluded.
Charles of Gelre signed the Treaty of Grave after this, ceding Groningen and Drenthe to Charles V.

Conflict in Bohemia was complicated by the Reformation and the subsequent wars of religion. Adherents of the Reformed Church (Hussites) opposed the Roman Catholic Habsburgs, who were supported by Bohemian and German Catholics. The Lutheran Reformation of 1517 introduced another dimension to the struggle: much of the German population of Bohemia adopted either Lutheran and Calvinist Protestantism. The Hussites split, and one faction allied with the German Protestants. In 1537, Ferdinand, in a concession to the Bohemians, recognized the Compacts of Basel, and accepted moderate Utraquism. The reconciliation, however, was of brief duration.
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The Musso War
The Milanese reeve of Como had been raiding the valley of Chiavenna since 1521. In 1525 his forces were defeated at Morbegno but he remained in control of Chiavenna. The Three Leagues sent a delegation to negotiate peace with the city of Milan, but, en route they were captured by the reeve in September 1525.
In spring 1526 another delegation, supported by France and Venice, were able to secure their release, but only after ceding the Tre Pievi north of Lake Como.

In 1531 Milan attacked again, capturing Morbegno and defeating the League forces. The Three Leagues called on the Swiss Confederacy for help, religious conflicts in the Confederation meant only the Protestant cantons supported them. The Catholic cantons insisted that help was dependent on the Leagues converting back to the old faith. The Protestant and League forces were able to drive the Milanese out of the Valtellina and a peace treaty was signed the next year, Chiavenna and the Valtellina remained with the Three Leagues; the Tre Pievi with Milan.
The Valtellina would become strategically important to Spain in the future.

The Second War of Kappel
This was an armed conflict between the Protestant and the Roman Catholic cantons of the Swiss Confederacy.

Tensions had not been resolved after the First War of Kappel two years earlier. Provocations continued and the Catholic party accused Zürich of territorial ambitions.

Catholic cantons refused to help the Three Leagues in the Grisons during the Musso war against the Duchy of Milan. Zürich declared this a breach of contract between the Confederacy and the Three Leagues, declaring an embargo against the five alpine Catholic cantons, in which Berne also participated. Mediation failed this time and in October 1531, Catholic cantons declared war on Zürich.

A force of about 7,000 soldiers from the Catholic cantons met an army of 2,000 men from Zürich in the Battle of Kappel. Zürich's army arrived at the battlefield in scattered groups and exhausted from a forced march. Catholic forces attacked and, after a brief resistance, the Protestants soon broke.
After the defeat, the forces of Zürich regrouped and attempted to occupy the Zugerberg.
Berne and other Reformed Cantons marched to rescue Zürich. A Reformed army marched up the Reuss valley to outside of Baar. The Catholic army was now encamped on the slopes of the Zugerberg. The Zürich-Berne army sent 5,000 men to encircle the army on the Zugerberg but they army marched slowly due to poor discipline and looting. They were attacked by a small Catholic force driven off.

This destroyed much of the combined Zürich-Berne army. Already faced with increasing desertion, it retreated, leaving Zürich unprotected. Zürich pushed for a rapid peace settlement.

The peace that ended the war forced the dissolution of the Protestant alliance, giving Catholicism priority in the common territories.
Only strategically important places such as the Freiamt or those along the route from Schwyz to the Rhine valley at Sargans (and thus to the alpine passes in the Grisons) were forcibly re-catholicised. The treaty confirmed each canton's right to practice either the Catholic or Reformed faith, defining the Swiss Confederation as a state with two religions.

The political situation in Savoy gave Berne the opportunity it had been seeking to take the lands around Lake Geneva that it had claimed for years. Savoy was not in a position to resist and they were absorbed into Confederation lands.

Münster rebellion
An attempt by radical Anabaptists to establish a communal sectarian government in the German city of Münster, then part of the large Prince-Bishopric of Münster.

After the German Peasants' War an attempt to establish theocracy was made at Münster, in Westphalia between 1532–1535.
Pamphlets were published that denounced Catholicism from a radical Lutheran perspective, but soon started to proclaim that the Bible called for the absolute equality of man in all matters including the distribution of wealth. The pamphlets were distributed throughout northern Germany and called upon the poor of the region to join the citizens of Münster to share the wealth of the town and benefit spiritually from being the elect of Heaven.

With many adherents in the town, at the elections for the magistracy, the Theocrats had no difficulty taking possession of the town, deposing the mainly Lutheran magistrates.

Anabaptist disciples entered the city and introduced adult baptism in 1534, well over 1000 adults were soon baptised. The Lutherans who left were outnumbered by arriving Anabaptists and rebaptism became compulsory. The property of the emigrants was shared out with the poor and a proclamation issued that all property be held in common.

The city was then besieged by its expelled Bishop, most of the residents of Münster were starving as a result of the year-long siege.
After lengthy resistance, the city was taken by the besiegers in June 1535.
and John of Leiden and several other prominent Anabaptist leaders were captured and imprisoned. In January 1536 John of Leiden, Bernhard Knipperdolling and one more prominent follower, Bernhard Krechting, were tortured and executed in the marketplace of Münster. Their bodies were exhibited in cages, which hung from the steeple of St. Lambert's Church. The bones were removed later, but the cages hang there still.

The city was under Anabaptist rule from February 1534, when the city hall was seized, until its fall in June 1535.
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The Count's Feud
This was a war of succession that raged in Denmark in 1534–36.
The Count's Feud takes its name from the Protestant Count Christopher of Oldenburg, who supported the Catholic King Christian II, deposed in 1523 in favour of Frederick of Holstein, over the election of Christian III, a staunch Protestant who had already implemented Lutheranism as the state religion in Schleswig and Holstein in 1528.

Eight years after Christian II fled abroad, he tried to regain his Kingdom. However, in October 1531, most of his fleet was wrecked off of Norway. Christian II surrendered to Frederick I, in exchange for his surrender, Frederick promised him a safe retreat. Frederick did not keep this promise and captured Christian II, locking him up in Sønderborg Castle.

After Frederick I's death in 1533, the Jutland nobility proclaimed his son, then Duke Christian of Gottorp, as King under the name Christian III.
Count Christopher organized an uprising against the new King, demanding that Christian II be set free. Supported by Lübeck and troops from Oldenburg and Mecklenburg, parts of the Zealand and Skåne nobilities rose up, together with cities such as Copenhagen and Malmø.
The peasants of Vendsyssel and North Jutland to rose up against the nobles, manors were burned down in northern and western Jutland. Count Christopher was proclaimed regent on Christian II's behalf by Zealand and, in August 1534, accepted the same position in Skåne.
An army of nobles was defeated at the Battle of Svenstrup in October 1534. Christian III, however, forced peace on Lübeck, freeing up troops to fight the rebels.
Royal troops pursued the peasants all the way to Aalborg, where they took refuge behind the city's fortifications. On 18 December the city was stormed and plundered over the following days.

Swedish King Gustav Vasa sent a Swedish army to the aid of Christian III, which invaded Skåne at Loshult and advanced toward the town of Væ. A Swedish army, later, invaded Halland, which was devastated. The stronghold of Helsingborg Castle supported Count Christopher. In January 1535, the Swedes and supporting nobles advanced on Helsingborg. Its commander turned coat and opened the castle to the Swedes, who set fire to Helsingborg and reduced the town to ashes.

After Aalborg, Royalists fought the Battle of Øksnebjerg on Funen, where Count Christopher's army was decisively defeated. Both Copenhagen and Malmø, however, were able to hold out until 1536, when they were forced to capitulate after several months' siege. With this, the Count's Feud was officially over.
Christian III's rule saw the rise of royal absolutism in Denmark, and greater repression of the peasants.
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After the attempt by Suleiman the Magnificent to capture Vienna, in the siege of 1529, Ferdinand launched a counter-attack in 1530 to regain the initiative.
An assault of Buda was driven off by John Zápolya, the vassal King of Hungary, but Ferdinand was successful elsewhere, capturing Gran (Esztergom) and other forts along the Danube river.
Suleiman, in response, led an army of over 120,000 troops to besiege Vienna again. Suleiman advanced rapidly, Ferdinand feared forces would not be assembled in time to stop him.
After Suleiman crossed the river Drava at Osijek, Suleiman turned westwards into Ferdinand's Hungarian territory.

Ferdinand withdrew his army to defend Vienna, leaving only 700 men with no cannons and a few guns to defend Kőszeg (Güns). In order to make decisive gains, Suleiman had to take the city quickly.
Kőszeg was not a place of importance, an insubstantial obstacle. Many stronger places had yielded without a fight. Ibrahim Pasha, Grand Vizier of the Ottomans, did not realize how lightly defended it was. After taking a few minor places, Suleiman joined Ibrahim Pasha, when the siege had already started.
A large Imperial army, reinforced by Spanish troops and led by Emperor Charles V, was gathering in support of Ferdinand at Regensburg.
The Ottomans met stiff resistance, Suleiman had hoped that the Imperial army would come to relieve Kőszeg, feeling a larger engagement would be to his advantage, however, it remained in Regensburg.
The Ottomans attacked again and again, bringing down parts of the walls, mines were sapped by countermines but Ibrahim Pasha could secure no surrender.
Several mines succeeded in blowing holes in the fortifications but the defenders held out for more than twenty-five days, without any artillery, against nineteen full-scale assaults and an incessant bombardment.

Suleiman withdrew at the arrival of the August rains, returning homeward instead of continuing towards Vienna. Delayed nearly four weeks, a powerful army had been collected in Vienna, which Suleiman did not intend to face. During their retreat, they suffered defeat at the battle of Leobersdorf.
Although he stalled at Kőszeg, Suleiman strengthened his possessions in Hungary by taking several forts. After the Ottoman withdrawal, Ferdinand reoccupied, mostly devastated, territory in Austria and Hungary. Nevertheless, a peace treaty was signed in 1533, in Constantinople, confirming the right of John Zápolya as King of all Hungary, but recognizing Ferdinand's possession of western Hungary.
This treaty did not satisfy John Szapolyai or Ferdinand who began to skirmish along the borders. Ferdinand tried to strike a decisive blow in 1537, sending an army to take Osijek, violating the treaty. The siege failed and led to the Battle of Gorjani, which was a disaster for the Austrians, with an Ottoman relief army routing them.
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In the Mediterranean, a Christian offensive tried to eliminate the Turkish fleet in 1535. A fleet captured Tunis, expelling the Ottoman fleet from the Western Mediterranean.
However, this worked to Ottoman advantage in the east where the combined fleets were turned against the Republic of Venice's possessions in the Aegean and Ionian Seas.

In the east, the Ottoman Turks took Baghdad from the Safavid dynasty under Tahmasp I in 1534, gaining control of Mesopotamia and naval access to the Persian Gulf. Baghdad was taken without resistance, as the Safavid government fled and left the city undefended.
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My only criticism of a lot of these maps is how heavy they are on the subdivisions. While I think they are aesthetically pleasing in some cases, I think going overboard with them hurts more than helps a map. A lot of places simply don't need them, after all.

Yeah, I'm very much guilty of that. The Jurchens on my map for example really not only didn't need them but I'm not happy with their subdivisions either though from what I've seen, that's the only place in all the maps that has subdivisions that it shouldn't.

Then again, if internal borders don't turn your map grey, it should go away.
My only criticism of a lot of these maps is how heavy they are on the subdivisions. While I think they are aesthetically pleasing in some cases, I think going overboard with them hurts more than helps a map. A lot of places simply don't need them, after all.
That's a good point and for some countries I've added them because I feel showing the federal system is necessary. Though others I add just to break areas up.
Hermit State.png

Based off Logan production video "What if Germany Won WW1? Kaiserreich Lore Part 3 "
Britain is now a hermit state led by Oswald Mosley.
@bobhope - quick question that fabulous second map (with some towns and cities) is there a 20th Century version - maybe just of the north west/ benelux plus surrounds

noticed that no antwerp or amsterdam and Holland is a bit moist still
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