Map Thread XIX

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Here is a map published in 1943 which compared the German occupation of the USSR with the equivalent happening to the US, in order to illustrate the scale of the invasion to American readers.

Did you make this or is this legit?
Hi, not sure if this fits here but I made two maps for the American Civil War in HOI4's Kaiserreich mod

With their flanks secure, the US can meet the CSA head on in the outskirts of the city and then make a fighting retreat to the city proper if need be. Marine and Infantry companies man the forward fortified line on both sides of the Potomac while Georgetown University, the Naval Observatory, the Washington Cathedral and the Bureau of Standards HQ have all been made into heavily fortified strong points by Marine Corps Combat Engineers. Two final defensive lines have been established along the length of Rock Creek and just forward of Arlington National Cemetery and several artillery batteries have been set up at the Lincoln Memorial, the Jefferson Memorial and near the Cemetery.
Facing the handful of US Battalions is several regiments of CSA forces, mainly light infantry supported by a Heavy Armour Battalion, Air Support and a Medium Armor Regiment while the overlay of red is the projected ground which they are likely to take, or so thinks US Command.

What’s the worst thing about fighting in the Rockies?
Is it the forests, where your life could be ended in a single moment by a bullet, a mine, by the howling impact of an artillery shell before you even saw any of it coming?
Is it the snow, which saps your strength as more and more of it falls and melts over the course of a week and leaves those tanks and trucks you were depending on for support bogged down in a thick soup of mud?
Is it the terrain itself? The imposing mountain peaks and sharp sudden falls that snap the bones in your legs if you’re lucky and caves in your skull if you're not.
Perhaps it’s the enemy itself? The Feds who had a good year to map out the terrain, dig their bunkers into the Earth so well that our big guns did next to nothing to them, and plan their little kill-zones around the only places they knew we could advance as we came to take Denver.
No, it’s none of these.

It's the air.

Air that leaves men who fought across the deserts of Arizona and Utah without complaint keeling over and heaving from exhaustion. Air that leaves you fatigued and immobile and useless, just a fraction too slow to leap to cover when the Feds open up with their guns and mortars and tear the replacements you’ve known for two days to pieces and leave them as crimson angels in the snow.
Air that you can never get enough of as you fight battles at elevations of four thousand feet in one week and nearly triple that the next. Your lungs beg for you to just stop, take a moment and just let them work yet there’s never any time to do it, not when the Captain comes to tell the company of their next objective and you’re left cursing MacArthur, Reed, Long and every other miserable sonofabitch who decided this war was necessary.
And then you die, with a whispered curse on your lips, because when in the hell would your lungs ever have had enough air to yell.
That was the worst thing about fighting in the Rockies.
That was Operation Glacier.

PSA forces, under the command of General Alexander ‘Sandy’ Patch continue their advance across the Western United States, aiming to take the temporary capital of the Federalist forces in Denver, Colorado under the banner of the widely encompassing and aptly named Operation Glacier. Facing them are US Mountain forces that are heavily dug in and camouflaged in the Rocky Mountains.
The key to the PSA advance strategy is the extremely liberal use of Artillery, leading to certain sections of the advance to be labelled a Free Fire Zone, as designated by intelligence gathered from the newly deployed and experimental Ranger Battalions supporting the flanks of the Armour and Motorised Battalions making their way down the few roads that cut through the mountains.
But even with all of this overwhelming use of heavy firepower, the US Forces bog the operation down for almost two months longer than anticipated with hundreds of casualties to go with every mile gained with Denver proving similarly difficult to assault in the months afterwards.
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Stunning work! I love the meticulously drawn lines of battle and arrows showing army movement. And the contour lines and city streets are incredible! Great job.

Thanks very much! It's based off of two different playthroughs I did about a year ago of the US and the PSA and using some heavily modified (and incredibly detailed!) maps done by the United States Geological Survey from the 40's.
Was wondering how would people feel if we make this month make a Bmunro map ,and either recreate or create a new map in the bmunro style. Just as a way to give respect to everyone for the fantastic scenarios and ideas that are made into masterpieces.
Hi, not sure if this fits here but I made two maps for the American Civil War in HOI4's Kaiserreich mod

With their flanks secure, the US can meet the CSA head on in the outskirts of the city and then make a fighting retreat to the city proper if need be. Marine and Infantry companies man the forward fortified line on both sides of the Potomac while Georgetown University, the Naval Observatory, the Washington Cathedral and the Bureau of Standards HQ have all been made into heavily fortified strong points by Marine Corps Combat Engineers. Two final defensive lines have been established along the length of Rock Creek and just forward of Arlington National Cemetery and several artillery batteries have been set up at the Lincoln Memorial, the Jefferson Memorial and near the Cemetery.
Facing the handful of US Battalions is several regiments of CSA forces, mainly light infantry supported by a Heavy Armour Battalion, Air Support and a Medium Armor Regiment while the overlay of red is the projected ground which they are likely to take, or so thinks US Command.

What’s the worst thing about fighting in the Rockies?
Is it the forests, where your life could be ended in a single moment by a bullet, a mine, by the howling impact of an artillery shell before you even saw any of it coming?
Is it the snow, which saps your strength as more and more of it falls and melts over the course of a week and leaves those tanks and trucks you were depending on for support bogged down in a thick soup of mud?
Is it the terrain itself? The imposing mountain peaks and sharp sudden falls that snap the bones in your legs if you’re lucky and caves in your skull if you're not.
Perhaps it’s the enemy itself? The Feds who had a good year to map out the terrain, dig their bunkers into the Earth so well that our big guns did next to nothing to them, and plan their little kill-zones around the only places they knew we could advance as we came to take Denver.
No, it’s none of these.

It's the air.

Air that leaves men who fought across the deserts of Arizona and Utah without complaint keeling over and heaving from exhaustion. Air that leaves you fatigued and immobile and useless, just a fraction too slow to leap to cover when the Feds open up with their guns and mortars and tear the replacements you’ve known for two days to pieces and leave them as crimson angels in the snow.
Air that you can never get enough of as you fight battles at elevations of four thousand feet in one week and nearly triple that the next. Your lungs beg for you to just stop, take a moment and just let them work yet there’s never any time to do it, not when the Captain comes to tell the company of their next objective and you’re left cursing MacArthur, Reed, Long and every other miserable sonofabitch who decided this war was necessary.
And then you die, with a whispered curse on your lips, because when in the hell would your lungs ever have had enough air to yell.
That was the worst thing about fighting in the Rockies.
That was Operation Glacier.

PSA forces, under the command of General Alexander ‘Sandy’ Patch continue their advance across the Western United States, aiming to take the temporary capital of the Federalist forces in Denver, Colorado under the banner of the widely encompassing and aptly named Operation Glacier. Facing them are US Mountain forces that are heavily dug in and camouflaged in the Rocky Mountains.
The key to the PSA advance strategy is the extremely liberal use of Artillery, leading to certain sections of the advance to be labelled a Free Fire Zone, as designated by intelligence gathered from the newly deployed and experimental Ranger Battalions supporting the flanks of the Armour and Motorised Battalions making their way down the few roads that cut through the mountains.
But even with all of this overwhelming use of heavy firepower, the US Forces bog the operation down for almost two months longer than anticipated with hundreds of casualties to go with every mile gained with Denver proving similarly difficult to assault in the months afterwards.
This is amazing! I love Kaiserreich and would LOVE to see more of this type of stuff. Great work!
Authors note: This is not meant to be an ideal America. This is meant to be the exact opposite of the ideal- a world where America is unquestionably the big bad. Do not take this map as a condonation of anything that takes place within it.

The Long Point

It was wonderful to find America, but it would have been more wonderful to miss it.”

-Mark Twain

America today is a nation of contradictions. It is a nation of unrelenting power yet extreme fragility, of celebration of the enlightened figures which birthed it, yet of the hatred of anyone who dares not accept their place in the rigid social hierarchy of the United States. America’s place as top dog is strenuous at best, with the European war machine slowly turning from revolution at home; in the frigid tundra of Siberia or the mountains of Switzerland, to abroad; threatening the American powerhouse’s control over their lengthy list of imperial territories. From Alaska to the Antarctic, California to the Congo, this unique fusion of the British and the French stands ascendant, even as the cracks continue to become more prominent in the once-great imperium.

America first found herself a nation with her own worries in the Third Silesian War (Or, if one is less educated; or American, the French and Indian war). While the battle in Europe a far more interesting endeavour in its own, the situation in the Americas would soon become as influential, if not more, than any miracle of the house of Brandenburg. The French, the long-time enemies of the British, found themselves engaging in proxy war after proxy war with their friends along the channel, as both native tribe and Frenchman alike descended upon Albionese America.

Similarly to how the rest of the conflict went outside of Europe, the British came out victorious. France found herself torn away from her New World territories, with Quebec under the British heel and Louisiana under the rule of Spaniards. However, this victory would come at a price. Policing the world from the French would come at a heavy toll- stealing from other nations often leads to stealing from one’s own people. Discontent slowly brewed in the American colonies. Sure, they weren’t speaking French or inventing new types of cheeses, but they had to pay taxes- and the two had stiff competition as a negative concept. Why should they have to pay, after all? It was the British who had dragged them into this war- a war that they had no choice but to join. They were being taxed for some stuck-up lords in London who didn’t care what the colonials had to say about how their own homeland was to be governed.

It should not have been surprising to the British when the Americans revolted. To them it was just common sense- it was a basic fact that the king was a terrible tyrant and a moron who needed to be dealt with and thrust from the continent, exiled from his imperial holdings and never to return. In 1775, the continental congress, a union of the 13 old colonies of the British Empire in America declared that the empire was a corrupt institution which the good people of America would have no part in, delivering a list of 27 complaints and grievances, giving a final slap-in-the-face to her abusive boyfriend as the 13 colonies found themselves free of the British yoke.

They would soon be joined by what were once their enemies.

The French were never going to be happy under the British. The French had fought a long and hard battle to keep the Normans out of France proper, and now in Canada, in the northern section of New France, they were going to thrust the Rosbifs out of their new homes as well. While the Americans may not have been the ideal candidate for the allies of the Quebecois, they weren’t about to complain when the it was a choice between American and Brit.

The fate of French Americans, and indeed the world, would be decided at the battle of Longue-Pointé, in Quebec. The entire garrison of the province of Montreal (a meagre 800 troops) faced off with the notorious commander Ethan Allen, who crushed the entire force and saw the complete collapse of British Canada. Britain wasn’t about to take back their gains from the French, either- they still had to clean up the more developed and profitable 13 first. Unfortunately for them they would never achieve this goal, as morale was quickly crushed with the fall of so much land so quickly to the revolting Americans. Many of the loyalists fled, either back to Britain, or to found their own ventures, either inland where they believed that the Rebels could not get to them, or to Africa, where they sought to colonise the damp swamps of the Congo from the barbarian hordes which inhabited the Dark Continent.

Meanwhile, America was working out what to do with all of its vast land. The original 15 states (the original 13 colonies, with Quebec and Vermont added on) weren’t about to merely settle with what they had- the entirety of the British holdings in the mainland of North America was not enough- it could never be enough. America was big, but it had even bigger dreams- of having a grand empire stretching from sea to shining sea, to manifest their destiny across the continent and act as the Bulwark against Britain and a shield against Spanish Suppression of their colonies. America dreamed of being some grand titan of the world, some grandiose exporter of freedom which cared not for the tribulations of the forces of the New, or old, world.

It was again from the French that the Americans would get their next parcel of territory. The French had recently followed in the footsteps of the American Eagle and deposed their own king, too- and they had decided to make more pragmatic choices about much of the land they owned. Having essentially bullied the Spanish into relinquishing the occupied New France (bullying the Spaniards was a hobby the Americans would soon also become well acquainted with), and then almost instantly realising there was no real place for New France in the current situation France was in- it was either falling to the British or American, and god knows Napoleon was not going to let the British get more American colonies. And so, he struck up a deal with the US- they would get the land, if they made all inhabitants citizens of the republic and accepted all French refugees if they lost the war.

However, America’s hunger could not be satiated with only all of this new land. She wanted more. So much more. And the age of revolution- the springtime of Latin America- would be the perfect opportunity.

The Spanish would not come out of the era of Napoleon with their empire intact- they would soon find their entire holdings on the American mainland stripped away as the people rose in revolt against their Madridian monarchs who ruled over them from across the sea. While there were definitely echoes of the American Revolution in the dissolution of New Spain, the Americans were not pleased at the new development- they desired to stand tall over the entire continent, not be relegated to their measly corner. Similar to how Napoleon was to conquer Europe, America wanted to spread her almighty talons across the vast expanse of Columbia, and to rule with an iron fist over her puppets, her clients which grovelled before her like a subject grovels before a king.

It was under Jefferson that the Empire of Liberty would make its first expansion. Believing that America was under the right to enforce liberty and justice for all, they stormed into New Spain, establishing several territories, which are recognisable today as several states (or autonomies)- Chihuahua, Sonora, Anhac, Mexico, Yucatan, and Guatemala. It was mainly a preventative measure- many of the rebels in New Spain envisioned an empire- and the New World was going to be firmly democratic, if the Americans could help it.

One state which rose from the ashes of the old order like a phoenix was Gran Columbia. Under Simon Bolivar, the Columbians revolted against the Spanish, the United States of the south looked to be a promising venture. Bolivar’s grand crusade against the Spanish lead him to ride throughout the continent, burning through the entire continent and destroying Spanish influence from Panama to La Plata. The Columbian Washington’s dominance over the art of war gave great hope to the Americans- maybe, just maybe, they would not be alone in the world. Perhaps they would soon see a sister state rise to complete dominance over its continent as America had grown to rule hers. Maybe in the future these brothers in arms would soon sail across the Atlantic and bring the fight to the empires of old, and completely crush and supplant the old monarchic states they were born from.

Then Bolivar died, and it became quite clear that the Americans would have to do it themselves.

Sure, the Americans were overextended. But America could be overextended. They were the greatest nation that ever existed, god damn it, and they were going to enlighten the masses whether they wanted to be or not. By 1840, America had pacified the last breakaway states of New Granada, and began attempting to work out what exactly to do with all of their new land across the Darien Gap. Their answer? Complete dominance of two continents. They seized Alaska from the Russians, then went and completely collapsed the Empire of Brazil, seizing the Amazon (as effectively a nature reserve), and dissolving Brazil into many of its parts. Peru and the Plate soon too fell under the sphere of the eagle, or found their land directly incorporated into the empire. No nation was safe, none could catch a break from the complete and utter imperial dominance that the Americans desired to establish across the Americas.

American ideology took a sharp turn for the “what the fuck?” in the 1860s. While the conservatives were reeling in Europe, as a series of Liberal and Leftist revolts left the monarchies running for cover, America became a stagnant pool- ripe ground for the mosquitos of reactionarism to flourish, to grow unrestricted and slowly infect the bastion of the rights of man that America had been. A hierarchy of races began to form- the Anglo, the Frenchman, the “pure-blood” Spaniard ontop, ruling over the “half-breeds”, the African, the American Native, the Asian. This terrible scourge of freedom swept the minds of the American people like a plague, with the elections a haunting show of the country backsliding into the oppressive hatred for the rights of man which had caused the creation of the country to begin with.

It was with a stroke of luck for these hateful demons that they were able to successfully impose their will over the millions of people living in the sphere of the United States of America. Thaddeus Stevens, a popular radical who championed freedom for men of all walks of life, for the abolishment of forced labour which had been enforced on the Blacks and the Hispanics, of liberty and freedom for the clients of the Empire, of A More Perfect Union where man could be free from the forces which the revolution had tried to rid the new world of so many years ago, found himself at the wrong end of a pistol barrel, an assassination to usher in a new age. He died in October, merely a month before he could have won the election.

In his stead, a man with a similar last name but radically different opinions would come to power. Alexander Hamilton Stephens was not a man who would be kind to the social movement. He was absolutely not going to give any illusion of a horizontal society, and he wasn’t too big a fan of the abolishment of slavery- a concept which had been at the forefront of even the more lenient liberals at the time. Stephens and the rest of his cronies soon set at work destroying the very institutions which had defined the founding father’s vision for the union- and became a foreboding warning of darker days ahead.

For you see, the reactionary scourge- the vertical extremists which sought to see the Americans at the top of the world, perched on a mountain of corpses- would not settle with merely the American continents. They sought to expand their reach, to bring the loyalists in the Congo who had fled the US in allegiance and servitude to the king back into the fold, to reign in blood in the dark jungles of Africa and to destroy the ideals of Marxism which had conquered the continent of Europe. Many greatly known European reactionaries fled to America, who so dearly wanted to return to their homeland and crush the peasants who had thrown them out of their own country.

The colonisation of Africa was a brutal affair. Bickering between the Americans and the British, who didn’t quite want to see their own territories on the landmass taken over, and the emigre states which saw millions of people flee Fortress America for the dark continent to create free and functional society. Tribal resistance to all 3 of these factions caused even more bloodshed as bloody campaigns of pacification were waged against the natives of Africa who simply wanted to be left alone. A new age was dawning on the United States- and indeed, the world- a world of dog-eat-dog, of brutal survival of the fittest where the Blue Flood of America sought to spread its tentacles like some form of crustacean monstrosity across the world, holding Australia, Japan, and Korea in its grasp as it began taking over “uncivilised areas” or just British colonies to rid them of their “leeches” (which is to say, anyone who wasn’t white). America has decayed from its height, it’s grand shining ideals of liberty, and sunken into an abyss of hatred of their fellow men. The sun of enlightenment was to be eclipsed by the wings of the bald eagle.

However, there may be some light. The revolution’s newest victim, the UK, has made the Americans very, very nervous. With the UK’s fall, the reds have fully taken the entirety of Europe, and their hegemony over north Asia and Europe allows large enough resistance to the point where an invasion would be no piece of cake for the Americans. The two behemoths continue to expand their influence over the rest of the world, unabated by the opinions the people of the world have to think of their ruthless expansionism.

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Authors note: This is not meant to be an ideal America. This is meant to be the exact opposite of the ideal- a world where America is unquestionably the big bad. Do not take this map as a condolence of anything that takes place within it.
I will take it as a condolence but not a condonation ;)
This is a zoogeographic map of the distribution of an alternate genus of giant rats (Auromys) inhabiting the alternate volcanic archipelago of the Aurora Islands, in front of the South African atlantic shore.

View attachment 562715

The Auromys giant rats would have evolved from an African rodent ancestor which would have rafted to the primitive single volcanic island a few million of years ago and due to the isolation and lack of competition would have evolved into a gigantic form, becomig the top predator of the island. After the collapse of the central Great Caldera, the primitive island was split in several new islands which continued to change due to volcanic activity. The different subpopulations of the primal Auromys became isolated between them and evolved into new separate species.

At the moment of the arrival of the European explorers by the mid-16th century, there were at least twelve different species of giant rats inhabiting the Aurora Islands. However, the introduction of invasive species like feral cats or dogs decimated the extant species until the South African administration passed laws of protections of the giant rats during the first half of the 20th century. It was too late for at least one of the species, the Juliana Island giant rat, which was declared extinct in 1932.

The remaining eleven species have been also more or less affected by the human settlement: the subspecies of the North Eliana giant rat inhabiting Lacena island (Auromys nigra lacenae) was already extirpated by 1890, and the other subspecies inhabiting Verena island (Auromys nigra verenae) is believed to have been reduced to 20 or 30 adults; the Orianna giant rat is reduced to three separate tiny subpopulations and its risk of global extinction was so high that the local government established a semi-wild breeding population in the uninhabited Lorena island; the status of the two species of Arilena island, the most populated and developed island of the archipelago, is critical as well, in fact the lowland species has not been sighted since 1982 and might be extinct; and finally the Eudora island species is currently extinct in the wild but started to be reintroduced. As a positive note, the Alina island species, which was believed to be extinct since 1947, was rediscovered in the central hill of the island in 2011 and despite its low numbers, the tiny population seem to be relatively safe.

The zoologists believe that a 13th species existed in Adara island before the European arrival, but the accidental introduction of the neighbouring species of Lara island (today called the Great Caldera giant rat, as Lara is the main remainder of the collapsed, submerged caldera) caused the extinction of the yet to be described Adara island giant rat because of direct competition (the Great Caldera giant rat is the largest species of all the Auromys species).

Related to this previous map, now the phylogenetic map of the radiation of the Auromys species after the collapse of the original single Aurora island (in light blue, the supposed extension of the original single volcanic island):


The phylogenetic studies show that before the split of the original island, at least three clades existed in the population of Auromys:

- The Eastern Clade was characterized by more elongated forms with darker fur. When the Great Caldera started to collapse, the most basal forms were trapped in Eudora island and evolved into the current Eudora Island giant rat, which is larger than the other species of the clade. The population that moved eastwards to the Eliana group diverged in two extinct forms (the primitive North form and the extinct Central one) whose competition led to a slighter reduction in size and the adaptation to the suboptimal habitat in the southern half of the island. When Lacena and Verena finally split from Eliana, the subpopulations trapped there evolved in the modern Northern subspecies. The Central species eventually disappeared under the pressure of the other two modern Eliana species; however a closely related form survived in Juliana island until 1932.

- The Western Clade was characterized by more rounded forms with light fur. In this case, the split of the clade seemed to be quite symetric, and like in the case of the eastern clade, the species isolated first (the Mira Island giant rat) retained the bigger size while the species which later evolved in the Arilena group reduced their original size. It is not clear if the Melina Island giant rat evolved first in the area between the two other Arilena giant rats and later moved to the prehistoric Melina peninsula before the final split of this island or rather was just a subpopulation of any of the two closely related Arilena species which got trapped in Melina when the island formed. The Melina species is significantly smaller than both the Arilena species today.

- The Southern Clade had forms somehow in the middle of the two other clades, but with longer fur. The first split of the Alina species was later than in the other two cases, so in this case the difference in size inside this clade are not that big. The original Orianna species diverged in two forms: the Northern one eventually evolved into the modern form which finally outcompeted the Southern one, which survived in Selena island after it got disconnected from main Orianna island. It is not clear if some form or subspecies ever inhabited Lorena island in prehistoric times, where the modern Orianna species has been able to thrive today after human introduction.

Finally, the Great Caldera giant rat is not related to any of these three clades and it is now the more distinctive form in the genus: it is the bigger rat, it has the shortest and lightest fur and its form is the more elongated with the broader cranium and longer claws. It has been speculated that it might form this own species before the other clades separated, living in the proximity of the high elevations of the former Great Caldera while the rest of the population prefered the then lower woods around it. The population might split in two or three species or subspecies in Adara, Lara and surrounding central islands; it has been assumed that at the time of the collapse of the Great Caldera, the later Lara island was unfit for sustaining stable populations of big animals, so the ancestors of the species would have probably survived in Adara island and later moved to Lara island when the new orographic situation stabilized. Paradoxically, the forms inhabiting Adara island were later wiped out by the modern Great Caldera giant rat from Lara island, but it is still not clear when and how the Great Caldera giant rat recolonized Adara island and replaced the local forms (which could have been a different species or just a primitive subspecies).
Out of curiosity, does anyone either have or remembers the thread for that picture of North and South America with their nations swapped?
As the first timezone ISOT map got a good response, I've decided to continue with the series. Here's the second map of UTC+01:00, which I think will end up being one of the most extensive in the series.

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Traditional Canada color is Charlottania, Traditional US color is Appalachia. In the Northeast, Charlottania has legal dominion over those small countries of New England (+New York and Haudenosaunee). Florida is Charlottania's Swampland folly, and it's only switched from basically a series of military outposts, small plantations, and runaways of various kinds hiding in swamps, to a tourist trap dominated by business interests.
Grey states are everyone else, the Anahuac Federation, Cuba, The Bahamas, etc.

I had written a write up earlier, but computer crashed before I could post. In retrospect, as much as this is US and Canada swapped places there are elements of French, Argentine, and Australian history to this USA
So is Charlottania a french speaking state or is it British?
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