The Union Forever: A TL

It's good that the war finally (at least officially) came to an end in the Congo, I imagine the fighting there was no less bloody than OTL's Vietnam...perhaps even worse. Also, von Ritter's statement brings to mind a certain carrier-landing President's boasting after a conflict within the past decade and a half. Entirely coincidental, I'm sure :p.
So the rebels have most of the Swahili-speaking part of the Congo, and they also have many of the good mineral resources (meaning that this isn't as big a victory for Belgium as the PM says it is). I expect they'll stay separate even if the Commonwealth ultimately votes for independence - they're in a different cultural zone from the lower Congo where Lingala is the lingua franca, and the line of separation is actually a fairly natural one - and that they might move toward some kind of alliance with East Africa.

Good points. What would the primary language of the ICR be?
Good points. What would the primary language of the ICR be?


It's about time the Technocrats form a bloc.

Will technocrats expand further? I can see an alliance between India and the Commonwealth in order to stop them.

On some reason I don't see very bright future for Congo. We just can hope that Belgians and locals can handle troubles well enough. But I don't expect much. In OTL Belgians weren't very nice colonisers and I don't expect them being very differen ITTL.

In Asia is clearly beginning local cold war. India might have important part on this. How India is developed after Asian-Pacific War?

And manned spaceflight to Venus by Russians. :eek: Are they crazy or don't they know what kind of planet it is?

Indeed, tensions are rising between the TU and the rest of the world. Concerning the Republic of India, it too is concerned about the Technocrats and has been rebuilding since the end of the Asia-Pacific War. Right now it is strictly neutral. Further TU aggression could push it into alliances with the other nations but due to the peace treaty its military is somewhat limited at the current time.
It says pretty clearly in the text that it's meant to be a flyby mission. NASA actually planned something similar IOTL as an alternative to Skylab.

A flyby just means they're going to take a looksie. Pretty amazing if you ask me. They'll be able to take all kinds of readings/measurements. Hopefully they plan to send some surface probes. IOTL we didn't know how inhospitable Venus was until the 1960s, so hopefully they've kept up to that fairly well. Since space exploration isn't so polarized I expect they know plenty.

Y'all are correct that the flyby mission has no intention of landing on the planet. By 1985, the IEF and everyone else is tracking that Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system.
It would be only world war 2.

When and how did east Africa become independent enough to get it's own color instead of Dominion color?

East Africa became an independent nation inside the British Commonwealth in 1983. It other words it functions like Australia, New Zealand, Madras, South Africa, etc.
It's good that the war finally (at least officially) came to an end in the Congo, I imagine the fighting there was no less bloody than OTL's Vietnam...perhaps even worse. Also, von Ritter's statement brings to mind a certain carrier-landing President's boasting after a conflict within the past decade and a half. Entirely coincidental, I'm sure :p.

Well the body count was less than OTL's Vietnam. This is due primarily to the fact that the Congolese rebels did not have a super power benefactor like the North Vietnamese/VC did. Still, it was quite bloody. On von Ritter's statement, sure a lot of people thought it rang hollow. However, others point out that Germany did achieve one of its primary goals of keeping most the Congo Belgian to serve as a buffer state for German Cameroon.
Y'all are correct that the flyby mission has no intention of landing on the planet. By 1985, the IEF and everyone else is tracking that Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system.

I'd love to hear more about the mission objectives but I understand if you're unsure how to write that.

Also, is Chinese industry following a similar pattern to OTL re: providing cheap goods to most of the world? Also, ITTL it still has most of its OTL rare earth element mines, but it has lost a lot of its coal/mineral resources. So it wouldn't surprise me if they look for minerals outside their borders sooner than OTL. Any chance they'll try to sow technocratic movements in, say, Africa?
East Africa became an independent nation inside the British Commonwealth in 1983. It other words it functions like Australia, New Zealand, Madras, South Africa, etc.

Does EA (and do the all of the other commonwealth nations) recognize the British monarch?

If not, I could see the ICR joining EA in the future.
I'd love to hear more about the mission objectives but I understand if you're unsure how to write that.

Also, is Chinese industry following a similar pattern to OTL re: providing cheap goods to most of the world? Also, ITTL it still has most of its OTL rare earth element mines, but it has lost a lot of its coal/mineral resources. So it wouldn't surprise me if they look for minerals outside their borders sooner than OTL. Any chance they'll try to sow technocratic movements in, say, Africa?

Concerning the flyby mission, the IEF government is primarily wanting to do it for prestige purposes. American had the first satellite and was first to the moon. Germany had the first man in space and the first space station. The IEF wants to say they were the first to "visit" another planet. Concerning the other goals I'm sure there will be photography and atmospheric readings etc.

China's economy; it is an interesting beast. Without OTL's Maoist influences, China's economy is more decentralized to start with. Krulikist-Hengism continues to allow for private property but the state has a larger role in economic planning. Yes, China still produces cheap goods. And yes, China is always looking for more sources of raw materials to further its economic growth. China would love to spread some Technocratic movements to Africa but haven't found any willing candidates...yet.
China's economy; it is an interesting beast. Without OTL's Maoist influences, China's economy is more decentralized to start with. Krulikist-Hengism continues to allow for private property but the state has a larger role in economic planning. Yes, China still produces cheap goods. And yes, China is always looking for more sources of raw materials to further its economic growth. China would love to spread some Technocratic movements to Africa but haven't found any willing candidates...yet.

China's economic policy sounds a lot like Zhou Enlai's "Four Modernizations" or Deng Xiaoping's "Socialism with Chinese Characteristics". In fact it seems there's quite a number of parallels between OTL post-Cultural Revolution China and Technocratic China here.
Right, that makes total since. Yeah, the ICR having close ties to East Africa would make since from a cultural perspective.

British Congo is also Swahili-speaking and, by this time, has ties to East Africa going back well over a century. If the East African federation plays its cards right, it could become very big and potentially quite rich.
China's economic policy sounds a lot like Zhou Enlai's "Four Modernizations" or Deng Xiaoping's "Socialism with Chinese Characteristics". In fact it seems there's quite a number of parallels between OTL post-Cultural Revolution China and Technocratic China here.

In a lot of ways you are correct. Remember, in some ways Technocracy can be seen as a retooled version of Communism after it became largely discredited in the early 20th Century. Some differences from OTL Chinese economy include greater spending on R&D, the education system, and the Chinese space program.
Concerning the flyby mission, the IEF government is primarily wanting to do it for prestige purposes. American had the first satellite and was first to the moon. Germany had the first man in space and the first space station. The IEF wants to say they were the first to "visit" another planet. Concerning the other goals I'm sure there will be photography and atmospheric readings etc.
Cool. Will they be sending any landers?

China's economy; it is an interesting beast. Without OTL's Maoist influences, China's economy is more decentralized to start with. Krulikist-Hengism continues to allow for private property but the state has a larger role in economic planning. Yes, China still produces cheap goods. And yes, China is always looking for more sources of raw materials to further its economic growth. China would love to spread some Technocratic movements to Africa but haven't found any willing candidates...yet.

I'm sure these civil wars won't have any Chinese-made weapons making guest appearances...