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Lands of Ice and Mice : An Alternate History of Thule

A timeline with a medieval divergence, set in the Arctic parts of the northern hemisphere and focusing mostly on native cultures of the North American Arctic, written by DValdron and DirtyCommie. You can read the timeline here. Alternatively, you can read it more easily with the help of the chapter guide available below.

Premise and POD

The timeline concerns alternate advancements (mainly agricultural) among various Alaskan and Paleoasiatic peoples, primarily the historical Thule culture of early Inuits, triggered by ATL contact with the proto-agricultural Dena'ina hunter-gatherer culture from more southern latitudes of OTL Canada. It also covers how these native cultures, already advanced, but even more diversified thanks to the ATL developments, act once they come into contact with Europeans and Asians.


A Brief Introduction to the Lands of Ice and Mice

#1: An Emperor Is Crowned

#2: The Point of Divergence - 717 Common Era (Part 1)

#3: The Point of Divergence - 717 Common Era (Part 2)

#4: Tanapok aka Alpine Sweetvetch (Hedysarum Alpinum)

#5: Spring Beauty/Eskimo Potato (Claytonia Tuberosa)

#6: Roseroot (Rhodiola Rosea)

#7: Culture is a moving target...

#8: Thule Domesticates - Dogs

#9: The Arctic Is A Harsh Landscape (Part 1)

#10: The Arctic Is A Harsh Landscape (Part 2)

#11: The Arctic Is A Harsh Landscape (Part 3)

#12: The Three Lesser Gifts - Secondary Cultivation in the Thule First Agricultural Period

#13: Almost One of the Big Three - First of the Secondary Domesticates

#14: The Upside Down Bounty - Sweetvetch's Opposite

#15: The Gift From the Shorelines

#16: The Unsocial Gift - Thief Under the Soil

#17: The Sweet Taste

#18: Pycrete Technology

#19: Meat and Muscle - Caribou Domestication

#19: The Big Shaggy - Domestication of the Musk Ox

#20: Ptarmigan - Small Domesticate, Big Impact

#21: An Emperor Is Dethroned

#22: Arctic Hare (Lepus Arcticus) - From Vermin to Livestock

#23: Of Mice and Vermin

#24: Verminators - Thule Semi-domesticates

#25: Traders of the North Pole

#26: They called it Bruce !

#27: Of Ice and Men

#28: Three From the East

#29: The Sixth Button - The Origins of the Thule Bronze Age

#30: Copper Cultures

#31: Tins for the memory

#32: Alaska - Westward Ho !

#33: Three From Alaska

#34: The Invasion of Siberia

#35: Interaction Between the Thule Culture and the Tlingit (proposed by eschaton, declared canon by DValdron)

#36: The Thule So Far... (timeline recap from 2000 BC to 1450 AD)

#37: A Survey of Key Thule Domesticates (brief domesticated species recap)

#38: The History of Metalworking Among the Thule Culture

#39: Greenland Before the Norse Interchange

#40: Greenland 1431 CE, Just Before the Norse Eastern Settlement

#41: Greenland Vignette (Part 1)

#42: Greenland Vignette (Part 2)

#43: When Worlds Met - A Reconstructed Survey of the Norse Interchange

#44: Thule Agriculture in Greenland

#45: Thule Animal Husbandry in Greenland

#46: Sheep Among the Thule

#47: The Testament of Grandfather

#48: Thule Writing

#49: Letters to the Grandson

#50: Iron and the Norse

#51: Legacies - The Story of the Norse in Greenland

#52: Three Easy Hops

#53: Can We Get There Over the Winter Sea Ice ?

#54: Thule by Sea

#54: Are You Still With Me So Far ?

#55: The Thule Archipelago Subculture (Part 1)

#56: The Thule Archipelago Subculture (Part 2)

#57: Some Leftover Islands....

#58: One more big Island

#59: Architecture and Megalithic Works

#60: 1450 to 1580 Demographics of the Thule 'Mature' Era

#61: The Emergence of Thule States

#62: States of the East

#63: States of the West

#64: The Far Lands

#65: Iceland, Western Shore, 1515 year of our Lord

#66: Icelandic Production

#67: Reindeer in Iceland OTL

#68: Thule Population in 1600

#69: Roseroot and the Norse/Thule Interchange

#70: The Sea Harvest in the Midst of the Thule Revolutions

#71: The Sea Harvest - Beluga Whales

#72: Sea Harvest - Narwhals

#73: Sea Harvest - Bowhead Whales

#74: Seals and Thule Sea Harvests

#75: To Speak of Many Things

#76: Of Cabbages and Kings

#77: I am the Walrus, Literacy and Domestication among the Thule, Part One

#78: I am the Walrus, Literacy and Domestication among the Thule, Part Two

#79: I am the Walrus, Literacy and Domestication among the Thule, Part Three

#80: I am the Walrus, Literacy and Domestication among the Thule, Part Four

#81: The Siberian Thule

#82: The Emergence of Siberian Agriculture

#83: The Initial Impact of Agriculture

#84: The Caribou Cross Over

#85: The Musk Ox Goes West

#86: Warfare and the Siberian Thule

#87: The Siberian Exchange

#88: On Roseroot, East Coast Thule and Iceland

#89: Aleut and the Stellar's Sea Cow

#90: Information about the Stellar's Sea Cow

#91: The Greenland Plague

#92: Of Medicine and Magic

#93: Greenland - 1550 Onwards

#94: Labrador

#95: Labrador - 1570

#96: The Age of Arctic Discovery

#97: Trade in the Hudson Bay Region

#98: Authorial Footnote

#99: The Thule Trilogy of Diseases

#100: Winter 1611

#101: Winter 1611 (Part Two)

#102: Winter 1611 (Part Three)

#103: The Medicine Wars, and the Empire of the North Pole

#104: On the Cusp - a Survey of the Thule, circa 1600

#105: The Thule World, circa 1610

#106: Thule 1600 - The Coppermine Empire

#107: Thule 1600 - The Muskox Herders

#108: Thule 1600 - Baffin Island

#109: Thule 1600 - Ellesmere

#110: Thule 1600 - Greenland

#111: Thule 1600 - The Sea Thule

#112: Thule 1600 - Labrador

#113: Thule 1600 - Alaska

#114: Thule 1600 - Thule/Tlingit

#115: Thule 1600 - Siberia

#116: Thule 1600 - The Husdon Bay Empire

#117: The Thule in British Columbia

#118: On Thule/Japanese Trade

#119: The Rise and Fall of the Sea Settlements...

#120: Development of Thule/Japanese Trade

#121: Background on East Asia during the Early 1600's

#122: The Development of Japanese Sendou

#123: Disease Transmission in the Thule Lands

Maps - Maps of the alternate political geography of this timeline. Includes a nice glossary of place names.

Domesticated crops and animals - The keys to this unusual story about an alternate Arctic.

Artworks and illustrations - Visual media other than maps that offer glimpses into the intriguing world of this timeline.


Lands of Ice and Mice has won the "Best New Medieval Timeline" category in the 2012 Turtledove Awards.

See Also

timelines/lands_of_ice_and_mice.1526654982.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/29 15:18 (external edit)

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