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The United States of Ameriwank Timeline

1809 - 181?


Leopold I and his Sicilian and Neapolitan troops begin rallying the Italian countryside to resist the French. This includes Naples which is under direct French occupation. Rioting in the city leads to the February Massacre in which 48 Neapolitans are killed in a French crackdown on the city. The massacre leads to massive rioting in the city which leads to a direct attack by Leopold's forces. The Battle of Naples is extremely bloody but the Napoleonic puppet king Joachim Murat is captured and executed by Leopold himself.

Battle of Cassino sees organizes Neapolitan defenders defeated soundly by French soldiers.

Naples falls to French soldiers in March, the majority of Neapolitan defenders, including Leopold I, scatter into the Italian countryside where they begin the “Sotterraneo” or underground war.

August rumors of the capture and execution of Leopold I in the Italian countryside lead to mass uprisings in Rome and Naples. In the August Massacre in Rome 200 Romans are killed and French troops allegedly threatened to attack the Vatican in an attempt to quell the violence.


French leadership in the Department of Brenta within the Kingdom of Italy is executed by revolting citizenry. This marks the beginning of major underground war activity in northern Italy and Napoleon's decision to send 40,000 more troops to reinforce the increasingly dangerous Italian front.

The Bavarian Scandal reveals that United States of the Rhine members Bavaria, Saxe, and several others are in talks with Austria to form an anti-Napoleonic alliance. This leads to the dissolution of the USR and the creation of the Confederation of the Rhine which leaves only 15 states.

Leopold I leads an organized attack on Bari which captures the southern port in October.

Leopold I leads a joint British-Italian attack on Naples which frees that city for a third time in November.


French General Pierre Dupont's invasion force collapses at Cellole in southern Italy ending direct French threats to Naples.

timelines/ameriwank_napoleonic_wars.1294721483.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/29 15:18 (external edit)

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