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Century Hawk

An important ship in Wars, a parody of Star Wars' Millennium Falcon.

The Century Hawk is described as being a Sudanases light freighter (Sudan being the equivalent of Corellia) and is commanded by Captain Floid Lonely and his first mate, Chewy.

The Century Hawk featured in Episodes 4, 5 and 6. In Episode 4 it was mentioned as having 'Red Bull Wings' that could deploy for a speed boost by pouring cans of Red Bull into the engines, but this was abandoned after Thande realised that none of the non-Britons, not having seen the original adverts, got the joke.

All the technobabble referring to the Century Hawk's malfunctioning hyperlink drive is modified chemistry jargon (orbital hybridiser, etc.)

stories/century_hawk.1413343715.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/29 15:19 (external edit)

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