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This is an old revision of the document! Eternals : Autobiography of Subject 8411179 ("Karl Stueck")

Session 1

Karl Stueck (1987-present)

I was born in East Berlin on April, 26, 1987 to a prostitute and an unknown suitor (To be revealed later). She took good care of me and tried her best to educate me in any way possible. After the Berlin Wall fell she went west to America in search of a better life, which she indeed found. I first learned of my “immortality” when I was among those “injured” in a train crash at Graniteville, South Carolina. I inhaled so much chlorine gas that I “passed out” and awoke later. At first I thought this was noting more than a folly until I was contacted by the “Trust” as my fellow eternal's called it after a run in with one of their agents after I was shot in a theater in Colorado in the summer of 2012. People called me Chubs because that's the noise I make when I belch and Pipo comes from an attempt to give a name to urine when I was 2, and 1999 was the year I came to America. I don't trust their organization that much but I am willing to work with them.

Session 2

Shooting the breeze with Prometheus and Apostolos

Prometheus: Very young one, aren't you? I can see that more of us are being born even today.

Karl: Indeed I feel strange among the senior eternals.

Apostolos: You and I both. Even with over six centuries under my belt, I'm still a sproutling compared with some of us.

Personal information

Birth Name: Karl Stueck
Birth Date: 26th April 1987 AD
Birth Place: East Berlin, GDR
Status at Birth:
Relation to other Eternals:
Current Pseudonym:
Past Pseudonyms:
Current Home:
Past Homes:
Current Occupation:
Languages Spoken:

See Also

shared_worlds/karl_stueck.1385639839.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/29 15:18 (external edit)

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