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V-J has been a member of the board since late 2007. V-J was born, bred and indeed still currently resides within the North East of England, and has a normal life. V-J is immensely parochial, and frequently refers to people from outside the North East as “foreigners.”

Although V-J's academic background is in politics, he finds history much more fun. This has not prevented him, however, from knowing more about politics and political history than any sane person would ever want to know.

V-J has been described, albeit by himself, as a cross between Eddy Monsoon, John Shuttleworth, and Roy 'Chubby' Brown. He is possibly the only gay, Tory-supporting Newcastle United supporter in the known universe. V-J's hobbies and interests include public drunkenness, chewing tobacco, holidaying in Northumberland, starting fires and writing alternate history timelines. In this last activity he has had various success, having more ideas than he has enthusiasm to implement them.

He is also Minister for Cheesiness for the Territory the Sultanate of the Moon.


Creative writing

The Eagles of Avalon (Co-authored with Mettermrck)

(The Archive)

Following the life of Remus Macrinus, and charting the revival of the Empire in the West. Can Rome once again dominate the world? Only time will tell…


Building Jerusalem

John Smith's leadership of the Labour Party, from 1995 onwards. (All new, re-started thread!)

The Mildly ASB, slightly crazy somewhat implausible George Bush versus George Bush 2004 batshit mini-timeline

A moderately serious mini-TL written on the ASB board, charting George H. W. Bush's quest for the presidency against, er, George W. Bush.

offtopic/v-j.1301433834.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/29 15:14 (external edit)

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