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An user born on June 4 1994 who joined the site on March 29 2010. Notably pretended to be female for attention for around six months.

Evilprodigy is best known as the moderator of the new_world_colonial_game, now since departed despite a failed attempt by mats to make a new one. Recently, a new NWCG was started by Meepy, but Evilprodigy forced him to change the name into “here be dragons”.

Evilprodigy can be seen mostly in the Shared Worlds forum and the Nation Games subforum, frequenting many nationgames and known for 99.99% of the time choosing an eastern nation, he claims he does this because, “Europe is filled with alot of backstabby inconsistent diplomacy with too many nations crashed together in too small a place to function without going to war or getting paranoid about another war. Eastern nations get to avoid this for the most part due to culture of the people living there and less player activity.”

Evilprodigy is known for playing as the Ottoman Empire, Byzantine Empire, Muslim Spain/Iberia, Japan, and The Vijayanagar Empire due to most concentration of historical knowledge being centered around these nations in particular.


Iron and Longships - A Vinland TL - What if the Vikings had stayed in Vinland for longer and launched a real colonization effort ?

offtopic/evilprodigy.1417217458.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/29 15:14 (external edit)

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