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Alternate History Geek

A forum user from the great and thriving metropolis of Worcester, Massachusetts, who is quite a bit further left politically than that state's average (something of an accomplishment, that), being an unabashed Communist. Will jump in to defend Communism whenever he sees someone criticise the concept (although it is to be noted that he is just as quick to tear apart numerous Communist leaders, with the possible exception of Tito). Has stopped posting timelines since he proved less than capable of making them non-ASB, and instead devotes his time to mapmaking and posting numerous challenges and WIs, frequently posting nothing further and standing by as other posters tear each other to bloody shreds over the issue. Originally, he strongly supported the idea that the mods and admins should be held fully accountable to the community's wishes, and was once kicked for calling Ian a dictator; since then, however, he has mellowed somewhat, and has stopped openly calling for Ian's ouster.


Prefers to be referred to as “Lord of Space and Time”, his former user title.


a.) Timelines


Orange Tempest: What if 2010's Hurricane Igor was much, much worse?


Tossed in the Sea of Time: An ISOT Timeline

2012 Massachusetts ISOTed to 1750

b.) Other stuff

AHG's Roll to Dodge, a clone of Dumanios' Roll to Dodge (on hiatus from 3rd January 2014 to 14th March 2014, then picked back up, shut down and had its own clone made, then THAT clone was shut down too and everyone went back to Dumanios' version; later, after Dumanios shut down his version due to lack of time in real life, a third version of AHG's Roll to Dodge was created, which ran for some time before shutting down due to lack of time in real life on AHG's part).

offtopic/alternate_history_geek.1412616096.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/29 15:14 (external edit)

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