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A notoriously small country in Europe sandwiched between Switzerland and Austria. In some ways, the last remnant of the Holy Roman Empire, and therefore awesome.

Notable for:

  • Having two political parties, which are so indistinguishable in policies that they even have the same motto (USA please take note).
  • Heading back towards more absolute monarchy in recent years, just to buck the general trend.
  • Unlike practically every other micronation, instead of the capital having the same name as the country, it's called Vaduz.
  • Being a tax haven.
  • Is the world's largest manufacturer of false teeth. No, really. Apparently for no reason other than because it's amusingly random.
offtopic/liechtenstein.1242960414.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/29 15:16 (external edit)

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