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A country in southeastern Europe, historically consisting of the three principalities of Wallachia, Moldavia and Transylvania, and subject to a number of common cliches and misconceptions (vampires, werewolves, etc.). As Dr Pervez Hoodbhoy will point out, only a West European author would be as stupid as to have set a story involving a Wallachian prince in Transylvania. In reality, neither has much to do with either mystical creature. Even more common is the misconception that the Romanians are Slavs, even though their lingual group is even indicated in their name (hint: It's a Romance language).

Modern day Romania borders Ukraine in the north, Moldova in the east, Bulgaria in the south, Serbia to the west and Hungary to the northwest.


Banned ones:

See Also

Romanian Timelines and Scenarios

Romanian Points of Divergence

Useful Notes about Romania

Regions of the World