Table of Contents

Weekly Flag Challenge Rules

This is the official set of rules for the Weekly Flag Challenge.

Only members on the overseer list may edit these pages.

Weekly Flag Challenge: New Challenges & Previous Winners - This is where you discuss the contest and post your entry.

Weekly Flag Challenge: Discussion & Entries - This is where you find the latest challenge announcements, and declarations of winners. DO NOT POST DISCUSSION OR ENTRIES IN THIS THREAD.

The Cycle

The Weekly Flag Challenge works like the Eurovision Song Contest. The winner of a round chooses the theme for the next round and sets it up.

1.) New idea

The previous winner thinks of an idea for a Weekly Flag Challenge. Restrictions on challenges:

2.) Announcement

The previous winner announces the next challenge in the “New Challenges & Previous Winners” thread.

3.) Entry submission

Entrants submit designs in the “Discussion & Entries” thread. Restrictions on entries:

4.) What happens if not enough people enter

If the round closes and there are less than two entries, the round organizer is allowed to extend the round by up to seven more days.

5.) Voting

When the submission period is over, the round organizer makes a poll thread entitled “Weekly Flag Challenge #[round number] voting”.

6.) Winning

When the poll closes, the entry with the most votes wins.

7.) The cycle starts anew


1) Why are there two threads?

By having a separate thread for new challenges, it makes it easier to tell when a new challenge has been posted.

2) Why are entries anonymous on the voting thread?

Contrary to popular misconception, this is not strictly to prevent voters from finding out who made which entry. We are perfectly aware that members can look into the other threads and find out the authors.

It is actually related to the halo effect, a verified psychological effect in which fame and reputation (or lack thereof) can bias selection behaviour. By excluding any visible indicators of the contestants, we aim to reduce this effect and produce fairer results based only on the quality of the entries. This technique does rest on the assumption that in judging the flag entries, voters will be satisfied with viewing the flag entries alone and not go out of their way to go to another thread to search for the identity of every entry's artist. However, there is no evidence that anyone has ever done that, nor that anyone would feel this is necessary to make a voting decision.

3) Why are winners of a round forbidden from entering the next round?

To prevent winners from choosing a challenge theme they can win easily, and then winning it easily, starting a cycle that locks others out.

4) I tied with someone else in first place. In the next round, are we both forbidden from entering?

Not necessarily. Only the member who thinks of the next challenge theme is forbidden from entering. If there are tied winners and only one of them thought of the challenge theme, the other member is still able to enter. However, if they both thought of the challenge theme, they are both forbidden from entering.

5) I won a round but then deferred the theme selection to a Volunteer. In the next round, am I forbidden from entering?

No, you can enter. The restriction only applies to the member who thinks of the next challenge theme.

6) Why is there a size limit on entries?

Before we had a size limit, some entrants would submit very large images. The size differences made it difficult to compare entries, the images sometimes went off the screen, and the images could not be viewed properly when browsing on mobile devices. A size limit was created to prevent these issues.

Guide for Winners

If you won the Weekly Flag Challenge, see this page for an easy guide on what to do, including templates.

Guide for Volunteers

If you are a Volunteer, see this page for an easy guide on what to do.

Changing the rules

On the discussion page, anyone can recommend a change to the rules list. If enough members agree that the proposal has merit, a poll will be conducted on the the Alternate History Maps and Graphics subforum. It will include the proposal and two options (FOR and AGAINST). It will close after four days and the option with the most votes will win. The rules on this page will be adjusted accordingly.


We try to keep this competition friendly, so there are only two punishable offenses: Plagiarism and editing the official wiki pages without permission. First you will be warned, then you will be banned from the contest.


Director: Transparent Blue
Archivist: Petike


Banned entrants

See Also

WFC Guide for Winners

WFC Guide for Volunteers

Weekly Flag Challenge

Alternate History Media

Alternate History Topics Section Main Directory