Zaragossa Upheld – A Portuguese timeline

Treaty of Zaragossa
The Treaty of Zaragoza laid down that the eastern border between the two domain zones was 297+1⁄2 leagues (1,763 kilometres, 952 nautical miles)[note 4], or 17° east, of the Maluku Islands. This left the islands within the Portuguese domain. In exchange, the King of Portugal paid Emperor Charles V 350,000 gold ducats. The treaty included a safeguard clause which stated that the deal would be undone if at any time the emperor wished to revoke it, with the Portuguese being reimbursed the money they had to pay, and each nation "will have the right and the action as that is now." That never happened however, because the emperor desperately needed the Portuguese money to finance the War of the League of Cognac against his archrival Francis I of France.

The treaty did not clarify or modify the line of demarcation established by the Treaty of Tordesillas, nor did it validate Spain's claim to equal hemispheres (180° each), so the two lines divided the Earth into unequal portions. Portugal's portion was roughly 191° of the Earth's circumference, whereas Spain's portion was roughly 169°. There was a ±4° margin of uncertainty as to the exact size of both portions, due to the variation of opinion about the precise location of the Tordesillas line.

Under the treaty, Portugal gained control of all lands and seas west of the line, including all of Asia and its neighbouring islands so far "discovered", leaving Spain with most of the Pacific Ocean. Although the Philippines was not mentioned in the treaty, Spain implicitly relinquished any claim to it because it was well west of the line. Nevertheless, by 1542, King Charles V had decided to colonise the Philippines, assuming that Portugal would not protest too vigorously because the archipelago had no spices.

Treaty of Zaragossa - Freepedia
Portuguese arrival in Selurong
On the 1540s the Portuguese would explore Luçõn and Manila which are under Bruneian control at that time and later they would build trading posts in order for them to have better communication with their Chinese trading partners, the first explorer from Portugal who landed in Luçõn and Manila named Pero Fidalgo and later converted the Kingdom of Caboloan and Samtoy in 1550 to Christianity which they would use as a base to China, the alliance of the Portuguese with the Japanese and Caboloan would be one of the factors that driven the other lowlanders to convert to Islam which is said to be one of the reasons why the Selurong Sultanate existed, the establishment of the Luçõn colony would be a victory to the Portuguese as it had solidified their victories in the treaty of Zaragoza.

On 1550 Bruneians would have a treaty with the Portuguese with Manila or Kota Saludong as a Portuguese concession and a Portuguese Vassal State and the Bruneians would retreat to Tondo.
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Francis Xavier
On 1546, Francis Xavier would initially go to Manila to start preaching, however, the populace would be against a new missionary promoting a religion that is unfamiliar to them which would cause some conflict in the population as the population is against Francis Xavier and Francis Xavier would reroute to Kaboloan in the north where he would meet both the Chinese and Japanese traders and the local population of Pangasinan who would convert to Christianity.

On 1547, Francis Xavier would leave some missionaries that accompanied him in Caboloan where they would propagate their religion while he would go further to Japan where he would start his own mission to convert a part of the population to Christianity.
Formation of Saludong(Tagalog) Sultanate
According to the legends the Saludong Sultanate was made because of Islam and their unity against the Portuguese influenced Catholics in the Kingdom of Caboloan and that their enemy tribes in the mountains, the Kingdom of Caboloan is now Christian and the Muslim religion would be the basis of the formation of the Tagalog Nationality of Saludong and the Islam religion was promoted by the Muslims from Borneo.

One of the first Sultans of the Saludong Sultanate is Sultan Sulayman I which was known in 1600 who is known as the first Sultan who is verified to exist which was said to be in the lineage of the Bruneians, the Bruneians sacked Tondo in the turn of the 16th century and started the islamization of Saludong which was organized by the Bruneians but the arrival of the Portuguese and them being a threat would further increase the Islamization of Saludong, the Saludong Sultanate would annex Kota Saludong in the 1570 which is a Bruneian concession from the Portuguese.

The relationship between the Lowlanders(Tagalogs) and the Highlander(Igorots) and the people of Caboloan would be intense due to the difference of their religion and the fact that the lowlanders hold control over the rich farmlands in the Island of Saludong.
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Gone Fishin'
This is interesting.

I'm sorry if you ever end up feeling like you're talking to yourself with your threads, but I think it just comes down to nobody being able to compete with you on detailed knowledge of the Philippines in the age of discovery. This change is pretty basic and straightforward, Portuguese Philippines. Proceed and elaborate larger effects on the country, the region, and the involved empires.
This is interesting.

I'm sorry if you ever end up feeling like you're talking to yourself with your threads, but I think it just comes down to nobody being able to compete with you on detailed knowledge of the Philippines in the age of discovery. This change is pretty basic and straightforward, Portuguese Philippines. Proceed and elaborate larger effects on the country, the region, and the involved empires.

Acquiring a colony in Luzon would be beneficial to the Portuguese since it is near their own missionary and trade work with Japan and it can help the Portuguese reinforce to help the Christians in Kyushu there, I think Portugal is stupid to let that opportunity go.
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Villalobos Expedition

López de Villalobos was commissioned in 1541 by Antonio de Mendoza, the viceroy of New Spain and first colonial administrator in the New World, to send an expedition to the Philippines, then known to the Spanish as the "Islands of the West" (Islas del Poniente). They lay at the far western frontier of the division of the world between Spain and Portugal established by the treaties of Tordesillas and Zaragoza—in fact they lay over the line within the Portuguese area—and there was a need to establish a larger Spanish presence there as a base for trade with the Spice Islands and China. If possible, the goal was to extend Spanish control over the Moluccas in the Portuguese East Indies. López de Villalobos was chosen for the command because he was related to De Mendoza by marriage.

López de Villalobos's fleet of six ships left Barra de Navidad, Jalisco, in New Spain (now Mexico) with 370–400 men on 1 November 1542. His flagship (capitana) was the Santiago of 150–200 toneladas, formerly owned by Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo. He chose Gaspar Rico as the expedition's chief pilot (piloto mayor). The second ship—the fleet's almiranta—was the 120-tonelada galleon San Jorge, equipped with a cutwater (espolón) and under the command of Bernardo de la Torre and his pilot Alonso Fernández Tarifeño. The third ship of 90–100 toneladas is variously referenced as the San Anton, the San Antonio, the San Felipe, and the Siete Galigos ("Seven Greyhounds"). It was captained by Francisco Merino and piloted by Francisco Ruiz. The fourth ship of 70 toneladas was the San Juan de Letrán under Alonso Manrique, piloted by Ginés de Mafra, who had been a member of the 1519–1522 Magellan expedition. The fifth was the galley San Cristóbal under Pedro Ortíz de Rueda, piloted by Antonio Corço and powered by sails and 20 pairs of oars. The last was the fusta San Martín under Juan Martel, piloted by Cristóbal de Pareja and powered by sails and 14 pairs of oars. The large number of passengers included a unit of soldiers and a number of gentlemen, who brought black slaves and about 40 Indian men and women as servants. Martín de Islares acted as factor and interpreter; Guido de Lavezaris, later governor of the Philippines, as treasurer; Maestre Anes ("Master Hans"), previously part of both the Magellan and Loaísa expeditions, as chief gunner; and Gerónimo de Santisteban as head of the voyage's clergy, which included 3 other Augustinian priests and 4 or 5 deacons.

The fleet first encountered the Revilla Gigedo Islands off the west coast of Mexico, among which the sighting of Roca Partida was reported for the first time. On 26 December 1542 they sighted a group of islands in the Marshalls that they called the Corals (Corales), which most probably are those of the Wotje Atoll. They thought these to be the Islands of the Kings (Los Reyes) previously charted by Álvaro de Saavedra in his 1528 expedition. They anchored at one of the islets, which they named San or Santo Esteban ("St. Stephen"). They left on 6 January 1543 and that same day they sighted several small islands on the same latitude as the Corals, which they named the Garden Islands (Los Jardines), now the Kwajalein Atoll. On 23 January 1543, the expedition found Fais in the Carolines, which they charted as the Sailors (Matelotes). On 26 January 1543, they charted some new islands as the Reefs (Los Arrecifes) which have since been identified as the Yaps, also part of the Carolines.

According to Spate, Villalobos's crew included the pilot Juan Gaetan, credited by La Perouse for the discovery of Hawaii. Gaetan's voyage was described in similar terms in 1753 with the same sequence of islands and no identification of any others known by the time of the account. In 1825, the Portuguese geographer Casado Giraldes stated that the "Sandwich Islands"—i.e. the Hawaiian Islands—were discovered by Gaetan in 1542 and did not even mention James Cook.

From 6–23 January 1543, the galley San Cristóbal—now piloted by De Mafra—was separated from the other ships after a severe storm. It eventually reached the island of Mazaua, where Magellan had anchored in 1521. The area has since been identified as Limasawa in southern Leyte. Its history was subsequently recorded in 1667 by the Jesuit priest Francisco Combés.

Although he was attempting to reach Cebu, López de Villalobos ignored the advice of his pilot to lead the ships north of Mindanao. Instead, on February 2, the fleet reached northeastern Mindanao, exposed to the weather coming from the open ocean and separated from any Chinese or Malay traders. Stuck in place, they repaired their ships after the voyage. Bernardo de la Torre or López de Villalobos named Mindanao Cesarea Karoli (Latin: Caesarea Caroli) in honor of the Habsburg emperor Charles V, who was also king of Spain as Carlos I. The fleet stayed there for 32 days while suffering extreme hunger and attempting to find supplies.[citation needed] They resorted to eating grubs, unknown plants, land crabs that sickened the crew, and a phosphorescent gray lizard which killed most of those who ate it. Villalobos ordered his men to plant corn[which?] but it failed. On March 31, the fleet left for Mazaua in search of food but could not make progress due to the lack of wind.[citation needed] After several days, they reached Sarangani, where they lost six men while raiding a local village for supplies. During this period, either Bernardo de la Torres or López de Villalobos named Leyte and Samar the Philippines (Felipinas) in honor of Charles's son the crown prince Philip (later King Philip II).

On August 7, a Portuguese ship arrived with a letter from Jorge de Castro, governor of the Moluccas. De Castro demanded an explanation for the presence of the Spaniards in Portuguese territory, in response to which López de Villalobos drafted a letter dated August 9. His letter repeated the Spanish claims to the islands, saying they were within the Demarcation Line of the Crown of Castile under the relevant treaties.

On August 27, the San Juan left for New Spain under De la Torre, directed to explain the expedition's difficulties and request additional supplies and reinforcements. A second letter from De Castro arrived in the first week of September; López de Villalobos's reply dated September 12 repeated the same claims as before. The San Juan—having passed the Volcano Islands and possibly the Bonins without being able to replenish its water—returned in mid-October without completing its mission. López de Villalobos again attempted to depart for Cebu or Abuyog on Leyte with the San Juan and San Cristóbal, his two remaining ships,[citation needed] but again failed to make headway against unfavorable winds. The natives refused to provide any supplies even for sail, fearing Portuguese retribution.

In April of 1544, he sailed for Ambon Island and then Samar and Leyte. De la Torre having died, the San Juan was refitted for another attempt to reach New Spain under Yñigo Ortiz de Retez using a southerly route instead. This left on 16 May 1545 and hugged the coast of New Guinea—which Ortiz de Retez named—until August 12, when the ship was forced to turn back once again. It reached Tidore in October. Repulsed by hunger, hostile natives, and further shipwreck, López de Villalobos finally abandoned the remaining goals of the expedition. He and his crew members sought refuge in the Moluccas but, quarrelling with the Portuguese, were imprisoned.

Some 117 of the crew survived, including De Mafra, Juan Gaetan, and Guido de Lavezaris. Juan Gaetan's account of the Villalobos voyage was published in 1550–1559 by Giovanni Battista Ramusio, an Italian historian, in his Navigations and Travels (Navigationi et Viaggi). De Mafra produced a manuscript on Magellan's voyage and had this delivered to Spain by a friend. They[who?] sailed for Malacca, where the Portuguese put them on a ship for Lisbon. Thirty—including De Mafra—elected to remain instead. His manuscript remained unrecognized for many centuries until being rediscovered in the early 20th century. It was published in 1920. The survivors who had left Spain or Portugal and returned home were individually circumnavigators of the world, although the expedition itself did not accomplish that.

Villalobos Expedition – Freepedia


If the Miguel Lopez de Legaspi expedition still happens here the Spanish would be forbidden from colonizing Luzon as it is now a Portuguese discovery or colony, so the outcome here is that the Villalobos expedition will be either a foot note or not recorded in history or Visayas and Mindanao becomes a Spanish colony with the name Philippines.
The Francis Xavier legend does not exist here, as he is the one that created missions in Luzon.
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The outcome of the failed voyage
The failure of the Villalobos expedition and the establishment of settlements and missions of the Portuguese in Luzon would stop the Castilians from finding a new colony in the East Indies now that the Portuguese have secured their hold and hegemony in the East Indies due to the help of Saint Francis Xavier in Luzon, however, the Portuguese would be forced to stay in the East of the line stated in the Treaty of Zaragossa in Brazil which will limit the expansion of the Portuguese in the Americas.

Due to the failure of the Villalobos expedition and the establishment of settlements and missions of the Portuguese in Luzon, the Castilians would seek a unification with the Portuguese via dynastic and via marriage of the heirs of Portugal, however, this would be a failure as Maria Manuela and later her line via Don Carlos, her son with Philip II would die in 1568.