WW II Insanity Options

Think either of these could be possible. The British might lose Iraq if they got too tied down on every other front, or if Spain and Turkey join the Axis and control the entire Mediterranean. Iran might join the Axis in these scenarios, too -- and/or if things go a lot worse for the USSR. Iran especially is very mountainous, and has a large population with many good reasons to hate Britain and Russia -- it could be a theatre for a long, bloody, costly, and slow insurgency. But then again, Iran was already under British/Russian occupation, and the Pahlavi dynasty's position was precarious.

Still -- I don't think Iraq or Iran are beyond the realm of possibility. If you want true insanity -- India joins the Axis!! Subhas Chandra Bose somehow wins over a majority of Indian Hindus, and his rebellion is somehow supported by the INC. He receives direct support from a somehow more successful Japan, and finds ideological support in Germany because they're both Aryans. Savriti Devi becomes an actually influential person. Gandhi is very confused. Muslims, Sikhs, and Tamils are shocked and horrified.
You would love my history podcast Things you dont know 4275 on You tube. I have an episode called political deals with the Devil that mentions bose.
When the large-scale discrimination of the first five years Nazi rule had not yet turned to genocide, a faction of the Irgun Zionist movement actually proposed an Alliance against the UK and Russia with the Reich. Nazi support for mass emigration to either Madagascar or Israel with a Quazi theocratic state
  • Cancelling the Spitfire and Hurricane in favour of turret fighters.
  • Cancelling the Lancaster after the failure of the Manchester.
  • Cancelling the Mosquito.
  • Selecting the Lerwick for Coastal Command instead of the Sunderland.
  • Continuing with the B-18 as the main bomber.
  • Selecting the P-39 as the main fighter for the USAAF.
  • Selecting the Brewster F2A as the main carrier fighter.
  • Continuing production of the Ju87 to end end of the war.
  • Putting the Fw200 in service as a strategic bomber.
  • Using the Me323 as the main means of transport.
The simple way to do this to forget the international dateline and go on the wrong day. That would most likely put the German attack a day early, so instead have the German planners adjust the date when discussing with Japan,but don't explain this to the Japanese who then figure they need to go a day early to allow for the dateline.
This sounds like something that could actually happen. It reminds me of that NASA lander that crashed because one subcontactor measured in inches instead of centimeters (or the other way around).
This sounds like something that could actually happen. It reminds me of that NASA lander that crashed because one subcontactor measured in inches instead of centimeters (or the other way around).
Wasn't that a cover story put out by the Martian Air Defence Team?
In 1939, Germany and the USSR follow their original Molotov-Ribbentrop borders, with the Polish border being slightly further west and Lithuania being a German puppet. The USSR creates a new Polish SSR. The Fall of France goes the way it did in OTL. When it comes time for Operation Barbarossa, it's even more devastating than in our timeline due to Lithuania being puppeted, and the USSR is in even worse shape by the end of 1941, although they hold on.
Meanwhile, Germany evacuates their 3,000 fighters from North Africa in 1943 instead of reinforcing it, making the air war more deadly for the allies. But here's the real kicker: The Germans unleash nerve gas on the allied forces on both fronts. They had a large lead in nerve gas compared to the allies. The Germans also invest heavily in anti-air missiles and jet fighters, and begin to field them in early 1944, making the air war even deadlier.
Despite the USSR being in a much worse position, they and the Wallies still begin to crush the Reich, but the war is much deadlier than in OTL. The Normandy invasion is a lot bloodier, and V1 and V2 rockets start hitting Britain armed with nerve gas.
Germany holds out until August 1945, when the nukes start falling on them. The allies have been dropping anthrax and other chemical weapons on Germany for years now, and the war is just generally much nastier. The nukes being used on Germany means that the invasion of Japan goes ahead. The USSR is in Berlin by January 1946, and they go on even more of a rampage than in OTL.
All in all, the war is just much bloodier for everyone involved, and Germany is utterly broken after the war. The allies are determined to punish them for their crimes.
Hitler is outraged by Britain's refusal to give up. Knowing he has to kick them out of the war before Spring 1941 when Barbarossa is due, he regroups in August and September then attacks by air and sea in October when the longer nights protect the slow barges from being spotted. Unwilling to accept failure he just keeps at it over the Winter, until the shattered survivors are evicted from France by Vichy-led forces.

OK it's a Sxxlion variant, but attacking in the winter after allowing Britain time to prepare and then refusing to quit adds an extra level of batshit.
Iceland resists the Anglo-American occupation of that country with acts of terrorism.

Short on Dollars to spend Britain launches its own version of operation Bernhard producing millions of forged American bank notes.
Italy going out of its way to ensure an independent Aromanian homeland in the Balkans regardless of the cost to its goals and aspirations :p

Coulsdon Eagle

Monthly Donor
Portugal declares for the Allies in 1940 and invades Spain.

At Mers-le-Kebir the British & French agree to move the French Fleet to a neutral port for the duration; they choose Kure.

Eire / Irish Free State decides 1940 is a good time to unite Ireland and invade Ulster.

Vichy France & Franco's Spain come to blows over the Moroccan borders.

After the Japanese attack on the US mainland by balloons launched from a sub, the US decides to scrap the B-29 programme and turns to the weapon of the future - airships.

In September 1939 the German-Americans invade Polish-American territory; Russian-Americans take on the winners in the next round.
Coulsdon Eagle's American-Poles/Germans etc fighting each other could be brought about by one or more American-German Nazi enclaves claiming to secede from the US. American-Polish (and expat Polish) militias decide that if the Government won't act, then they will.
Koreans mostly abandoning their native ways and adopting Japanese traditions, especially martial ones, and becoming patriotic defenders of the empire similar to some Ainu.
Not quite WW2, but despite being totally unprepared, France decides to take Cueta, Melila and Spanish Morocco during the Spanish Civil War.
This could influence the SCW or Franco's willingness to collaborate (if, indeed, he ends up in power), though I doubt he'd be much easier to deal with, but at least the prospect of returned African territories might interest him.