
I'm contemplating whether or not I will have Finland and Poland stay part of Russia. I'm trying to learn how much loathing there was amongst the Finns and Poles toward St Petersburg.
The Nationalities Question


September 14, 1914 London, United Kingdom
King George V grants royal assent to the Irish Government Act 1914. A devolved parliament is established in Dublin.

May 5, 1915 Dublin, Ireland
First Irish election results in victory for Liberal Party.

September 17, 1915 London
Parliament bans discrimination based on ethnicity or religion

Calls begin to be made for devolved parliaments for England, Wales, and Scotland. Agitators are inspired by federal systems in America, Canada, and Australia.

September 2, 1918 St. Petersburg, Russia
Prime Minister Kerensky is troubled by the implosion of Austria-Hungary and believes Russia needs to deal with her ethnic strife before it falls apart. The Nationalities Commission is established by the Interior Ministry to figure out how to smooth over relations between Russia's ethnic groups.

July 7, 1919 London
Parliament passes Home Rule Act. Devolved parliaments are established in Cardiff, Glasgow, and London.

August 9, 1919 St Petersburg
Nationalities Commission completes its work. It recommends:
-Russia become a federal system so that different regions can pass their own laws and not have the people feel that St Petersburg is running roughshod over them
-To which end Zemstvos are to be given legislative in addition to administrative power and Gubernya governors will be elected by Zemstvos, instead of being chosen by the central government [1]​
-That the government softly push assimilation, as opposed to the harsh Russification policies of Alexander III
-Schools in minority areas are to have Russian language classes from 1st grade forward
-Russian language schools in minority areas should be funded by government
-The government should encourage movement of Non-Russians into Russia and vice versa to create a melting pot
-Propaganda should push idea of Russian unity
June 3, 1920
Provincial Democracy Act of 1920 is passed. Gubernya governments are to be modeled on national government with Zemstvos to be given full legislative powers similar to American state legislatures and ability to choose ministers including Governors.

January 2, 1921
Linguistic Education Act of 1921 is passed. Russian language is to be part of the school curriculum in all Gubernyas where more than 40% of the population doesn't speak Russian. Russian language schools, to be funded by government, will be established in minority areas.

May 1, 1921
Promotion of Unity Act of 1921 is passed. Funding is provided for propoganda to push Russian unity and to encourage people to move so as to create a melting pot.

I would like to thank Histor32, Polish Eagle, Mackus, and Up the Creek for their input
[1]IOTL Zemstvos were more like city councils in that they dealt with education, infrastructure, and social services.
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November 6, 1928
Yet another Republican, Commerce Secretary Herbert Hoover, wins the presidency over Labor candidate New York governor Al Smith. With the exception of William Jennings Bryan, America has now been under Republican control since 1860. With peace abroad and prosperity at home, Americans strongly support the GOP. The 20s have been a time of affluence and optimism. Henry Ford's Model T brings automobile ownership to masses, electricity lights up American cities, and the radio revolutionizes communication.

October 24, 1929 New York City
The Dow Jones Industrial Average falls by 12% in one day, an event known as "Black Thursday"

October 28, 1929

The Dow falls by 13% and would lose 11% the next day. These become "Black Monday" and "Black Tuesday". Panic begins, many stockbrokers jump out windows. The Great Depression has begun.

March 13, 1930 Washington DC
President Hoover, despite cries from many economists, yields to party pressure and passes the Smoot Hawley Tariff act. The act increases the rate of tariff as well as the number of goods covered by the tariff. The bill's supporters claim it will protect American industry and help the economy but soon other countries would respond with their own tariffs which devestates American business that export, further damaging the economy.

November 4, 1930
The Republicans lose their majorities in congress. Labor and the Democrats form a coalition.



The economy's free fall continues, unemployment hits 20% [1]. People lose their homes and have their savings wiped out by bank failures. Images of shantytowns (known as "Hoovervilles") and breadlines fill up newspapers. Hoover gets blamed. The worst hit people are the farmers who in the 1920s had taken on much debt and now see their incomes dwindle as farm prices collapse. Mother nature also hurts. In the South, the once prosperous cotton industry has been wiped out by the Boll Weevils. In the great plains, the dust bowl wipes out crops and brings more misery. Many Oklahomans pack up and leave for California, where they are derisively labelled as Okies.

June 27- July 2, 1932 Chicago, Illinois

The Labor Party holds its convention. The nominee is New York Governor Franklin Delano Roosevelt, a distant cousin of former President Theodore Roosevelt. FDR slams the President for his indifference to the nation's economic catastrophe and remarks "It's time to add Herbert Hoover to the breadlines he has created".

November 8, 1932
FDR defeats Hoover by 13 points. His best performance is in the beleaguered South and in the industrial centers of the North and Midwest. America has entered a brave new world with its first socialist minded President.

January 5, 1933 San Francisco, California
Golden Gate Bridge begins construction

January 20, 1933 Washington DC

Hundreds of thousands pack in to National Mall to watch FDR take the oath of office. The new president promises "Relief, Recovery, and Reform", and famously says "we have nothing to fear but fear itself".

January 22, 1933
Roosevelt declares a 4 day banking holiday.

January 25, 1933
The Emergency Banking act passes congress. It gives the Federal Reserve additional authority to provide currency to banks so they may meet their obligations, effectively creating deposit insurance.

January 30, 1933
Americans across the country line up at their local banks to redeposit their savings. The Dow Jones rises 15%, it's largest 1 day gain ever. The implosion of the American banking system has been arrested.

February 4, 1933
FDR issues executive order 6102, ending the Bimetallic standard and ushering in Fiat currency. Congress would pass a similar resolution a month later. British economist John Maynard Keynes lauds Roosevelt for ending what he called a "barbarous relic". The effect is to induce inflation as William Jennings Bryan did when he signed the Free Silver Act in 1897.

March 6, 1933
The Civilian Conservation Corps is created. It will employ young men in projects providing irrigation and preventing soil erosion. This is a response to the dust bowl and would be most famous for the trees it plants.

April 2, 1933
Congress passes the Banking Act or the Glass Steagall Act is it later called. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is created to insure deposits on a permanent basis. Investment banking operations are to be separated from commercial banking operations to prevent a return of the reckless behavior that is widely blamed for starting the depression.

September 3, 1933
Congress passes the Social Insurance Act Amendments [2]. It makes the existing social insurance system more generous.

October 17, 1933
The Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933 passes, creating a system of quotas and subsidies for farmers to prevent overproduction and help raise farm prices. It also establishes a system of Federal crop insurance.

January 3, 1934
FDR gives the President's Annual Report to Congress, or as he calls it, the State of the Union Address. He praises the work congress has done to improve the economy and he calls for further changes. He asks for a massive public works program to provide jobs to unemployed men, he calls for the creation of publicly owned corporations to manage flood control, irrigation, and provide for the development of hydroelectricity on the nation's rivers and provide power, particularly to rural areas that are still in the dark, he also calls for a 40 hour work week and a minimum wage. He also states his frustration that members of congress will have to be running for reelection at a time when the Depression demands full vigilance by government, he recommends amending the constitution to lengthen house terms from 2 years to 4 and lengthen senate terms from 6 years to 8.

January 4, 1934
The Senate Finance Committee receives a white paper from University of Pennsylvania economist Stanley Kuznets. It is an attempt to monetize the state of the economy with a measure of accounts known as Gross Income, or Gross Domestic Product as it we call it today. It lays bare the devastation caused by the depression, output fell by 35% between 1929 and 1932.

February 2, 1934
Roosevelt meets with congressional leaders to discuss lengthening terms. House minority leader Bertrand Snell (R-NY) is open to the idea, believing that it will benefit future Republican presidents, but he feels that FDR is being self serving in this proposal since if history is any guide, Labor is sure to lose seats in the November elections. He says he could support it with 2 conditions
1) It goes into effect after the elections of 1936 so that the 1934 midterm will still occur
2) Proportional representation is implemented, saying that "In the elections held in November 8, 1932, the Republican party received 38% of the votes cast for members of the House of Representatives, yet the GOP only received 25% of the seats. If we are to remove one check on presidential power in the form of elections held 2 years after the president is inaugurated, we must add another by ensuring that no president will receive a congressional majority so lopsided that they may simply pass whatever bills they please"
House speaker Henry Rainey (L-IL) is not so keen on giving up his massive house majorities and requests that proportional representation not be implemented until after the 1940 census, meaning it would go into effect for the 1944 election.
The 3 agree.

February 9, 1934
Congress passes the 24th Amendment, starting after 1936, members of the House of Representatives will serve 4 years, members of the Senate will serve 8. Congress also passes the Fair Representation Act, implementing proportional representation for the House of Representatives based upon Single Transferable Vote, to go into effect for the House elections of 1944.

June 12, 1934
The Reciprocal Tariffs Act is passed. It gives the President the authority to negotiate lower tariffs by foreign countries on American goods in exchange for lower US tariffs on goods from said country. This is meant to repair the damage caused by Smoot Hawley. By 1937, the US negotiated such agreements with Germany, Britain, and Russia.

November 6, 1934
Snell's gamble backfires, America's last ever midterm election sees Labor gain seats in the House and Senate, the first and last time that's happened to the party in control of the White House.

April 8, 1935
The Emergency Relief Appropriation Act passes, it creates several large scale public works programs.
Works Progress Administration- To employ the jobless building roads and other projects
National Youth Administration- To provide work study programs to the youth
Resettlement Administration- To facilitate the movement of impoverished farmers to places with more fertile soil, a personal pet project of First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt

September 1, 1935
The Public Utility Act of 1935 is passed. It establishes 9 Federally chartered corporations to provide electricity, natural gas, flood control, economic development and navigation for different parts of the country.
The 9 are:
The Tennessee Valley Authority
The Atlantic Seaboard Authority
The Great Lakes-Ohio Valley Authority
The Missouri Valley Authority
The Arkansas Valley Authority
The Southwestern Authority
The Columbia Valley Authority
The California Authority
and the Colorado Valley Authority [3]

September 30, 1935 Lake Mead, Nevada

Roosevelt dedicates the Boulder dam which is renamed as the Hoover Dam in 1947.

October 31, 1936
2 polls come out with very different results. One is a straw poll conducted by Literary Digest Magazine amongst 2.4 million people, it predicts Republican Kansas Governor Alf Landon will defeat FDR by 57-43. The other is by the newly established Gallup Corporation. It uses a much smaller sample, 50,000, but is scientifically sampled in an attempt to get a sample that most closely reflects the demographics of the electorate.

November 3, 1936
FDR easily crushes Landon and Labor makes further gains in congress.

April 7, 1937
Railroads are nationalized

May 27, 1937 San Francisco, California

President opens the new Golden Gate Bridge, it would be the largest suspension bridge in the world until 1964, and would allow people to simply drive from San Francisco to Marin County.

October 11, 1937 Washington DC
National Broadcasting Corporation is nationalized and renamed American Broadcasting Corporation or ABC.

March 3, 1938
Oil industry is nationalized under the state owned American Petroleum Corporation or APC.

June 17, 1938
American Telephone and Telegraph Corporation is nationalized. Western Electric is spun off although the government keeps Bell Labs.

June 25, 1938
Fair Labor Standards Act is passed. The longtime goal of labor unions of a 40 hour work week is achieved. A minimum wage is also established.

April 30, 1939 New York City

Roosevelt opens the 1939 World's Fair. Without a hint of irony, he states in his speech
"Often, I think, we Americans offer up a silent prayer that around the world, the years to come will break down many barriers to intercourse between nations—barriers which may be historic, but which so greatly, through the centuries, have led to strife and have hindered friendship and normal intercourse." [4]

[1] IOTL it was 25% but I'm assuming that the welfare programs started by Bryan create a countercyclical effect.
[2] The law that created medicare was known as the Social Security Act Amendments.
[3] There were many proposals to create more agencies modeled on Tennessee Valley Authority IOTL although, obviously none of them passed. I took this list from here
[4] He actually said this IOTL except he was referring specifically to Europe.
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August 5, 1914 Belgrade, Serbia
Austrian troops reach Sarajevo. Serbia is forced to accept Austrian occupation.

I probably might have missed something about Bosnia-Herzegovina being annexed by Serbia, but it's near ASB that Sarajevo would become it's capital.

December 25, 1914 Belgrade
Black Hand launches their "Christmas Offensive" [1]. Austrian army is besieged but ultimately puts down the offensive.

[1]This is based on the Tet Offensive as this all is an allegory to the Vietnam war.

At first I thought that it is an irony towards the Christmas Truce of 1914. Also, as the Black Hand is a terrorist organization, not a foreign army, I would rather call it the "Christmas Rebellion".

March 4, 1915 Prague
Emperor Franz Joseph flees to Berlin.

Why would Emperor Franz Joseph cowardly and dishonourably leave Vienna as long as there are no protests against him in Austria?

June 20, 1915
American, British, French, German, Italian, and Russian troops enter former Austria Hungary.

Since the land splitting has already been decided, why would the British, French and Americans feel the need to send troops in the former Austro-Hungarian state and where would they sent them? This is not the Boxer Rebellion.

Trentino and Trieste are to be given to Italy

Since it has great power status, why wouldn't Italy push for also gaining Dalmatia or even Slovenia?


I probably might have missed something about Bosnia-Herzegovina being annexed by Serbia, but it's near ASB that Sarajevo would become it's capital.

Why would Emperor Franz Joseph cowardly and dishonourably leave Vienna as long as there are no protests against him in Austria?

Since the land splitting has already been decided, why would the British, French and Americans feel the need to send troops in the former Austro-Hungarian state and where would they sent them? This is not the Boxer Rebellion.

Since it has great power status, why wouldn't Italy push for also gaining Dalmatia or even Slovenia?

To answer your questions in order:

Sarajevo was a typo which I fixed.

I did include protests in Vienna

Humanitarian purposes

The agreement is to draw the boundaries on Ethno-linguistic lines. Same reason Bohemia didn't go to Germany.
The Great War: Latin American Campaign


September 1, 1939
Brazilian troops roll into Uruguay. The Great War begins.

September 11, 1939 Montevideo, Uruguay
Brazilian forces seize the capitol.

September 15, 1939 Panama Canal
US expeditionary forces arrive. Miltary advisors are also deployed in Venezuela, Chile, and Peru.

October 11, 1939
The US Army submits requirement for a new type of troop transport vehicle. The requirements are:
4 wheel drive
A crew of 3 supported by an 80 inch wheelbase
A 47 inch track
A fold down windshield
A 660 lb payload
An engine producing at least 85 foot pounds of torque
And a curbweight of less than 1300 pounds

December 1939.
By now, all of South America has been seized by Brazil. Everything suddenly goes quiet.

May 11, 1940 Panama Canal Zone
Brazilians attack Panama. Americans are forced to retreat. The US begins to move large numbers of troops, tanks, and anti aircraft guns into Northern Mexico, hoping that they'll be able to hold on. The US also deposes the neutral governments of the Dominican Republic, Cuba, and Haiti. The Netherlands, France, and Britain send reinforcements to hold onto their holdings in the Caribbean. FDR announces he'll run for a 3rd term, saying that the nation can't afford to switch Presidents during such a crisis.

May 14, 1940 Bletchley Park, UK
A team led by Alan Turing design a device known as a Bombe, capable of decrypting the Brazilian Enigma code. The technology is shared with the Americans.

June 17, 1940 Mexico City, Mexico
Mexico City Falls. The US goes on a war footing. The draft is instituted. Food, rubber, gasoline, and textiles are rationed. Production of consumer durables grind to a virtual halt as production of aircraft and tanks ramps up. To pay for the war, taxes are raised dramatically, the income tax, previously only levied on the wealthiest is now burdened on the middle class, also, to conserve fuel, the tax on gasoline is raised to the 2017 equivalent of $1.50. The War Writers Board is established to create and disseminate propaganda to maintain morale on the home front. The FBI cracks down on pacifist and far right groups. All Republican presidential candidates drop out of the race and back FDR. At the government's behest, the American Federation of Labor and US Chamber of Commerce come to an agreement: Unions will not strike during the course of the war and in exchange, management will automatically recognize and bargain with any union formed by employees. In place of strikes, the War Labor Board is established to arbitrate any labor disputes.

June 19, 1940
Brazil's rapid advance is finally bogged down 100 miles north of Mexico City. The Exercito was forced to leave their armored vehicles in Columbia since they couldn't get through the Darien gap, the BAAC's forces are wiped out by American AA guns, and in open desert, soldiers are easy pickings for the fighters of the US Army Air Force.

June 20, 1940 Brasilia
Bureaugrad decides to call off the attempts to advance northward by land, saying that "There are 40 million of us and 140 million of them, we can't win a war of attrition". Instead the plan is to bomb the United States into submission.

June 21, 1940 Washington DC
With the nation gripped by panic and despair, President Roosevelt gives a speech:
"My fellow Americans, these are dark times. Not since British troops burned down the building from which I speak has our Republic and the ideals it holds dear been in greater danger. What goes on in the skies over this country in the next weeks, months, and years will shape history for a very long time to come. We must dig in our heels and defend every square inch of this nation. We must show Generalissimo Bureaugard what a free people are capable of. A number that must be remembered is 7. That is how many times greater our Gross National Product is than Brazil's. This means that when our factories are fully converted to war production, we will have the ability to produce 7 times as many bombers, 7 times as many fighters, 7 times as many tanks, and 7 times as many rifles. The years ahead will be ones of sacrifice and tragedy but I am confident that some day soon, the light of liberty will shine across Latin America and the world. Thank you and God Bless America"

June 22, 1940
Screen Shot 2017-10-28 at 11.55.27 AM.png

Brazil's Embraer [2] E 79 bombers have a combat radius of 2000 miles. This means they can hit almost all of the United States, except for Washington state and Northwest Oregon, including the city of Portland. They can also easily hit the Caribbean. In turn, America's B-17 bombers have a limited range of 900 miles, so from bases in the Caribbean and particularly from the British Island of Grenada, the oilfields of Caracas, the Bauxite mines of Suriname, and the Iron mines of Mexico. America's defense strategy leans not on retaliating for Brazilian attacks, since they are unable to reciprocate with attacks on Brazil itself, but on shooting down enough bombers and limiting US casualties to convince Brazil to give up. The US sets up numerous AA batteries around strategic targets, implements strict blackout rules, and orders newspapers not to publish the names of cities that get hit [1]. The protocol for civil defense sirens is established: multiple short blares mean "take cover", one long blare means "all clear". Also, the US is to make use of a new technology known as radar to track BAAF forces.

June 23, 1940 Los Angeles, California
The first air raid, consisting of 200 E 79s, hits the city of angels. 3,000 civilians are killed, and several aircraft factories are hit. 40 of the bombers are shot down by Curtiss P-36 Hawks

June 25, 1940

80 B-17s attack Veneuzlan oil fields.

June 31, 1940 Washington DC
The nation's capital comes under attack from the BAAF. A bomb hits the capitol rotunda, another lands on the north lawn of the White House.

July 10, 1940 New York City
Air raids hit the world's largest city. Landmarks such as the Empire State Building and Brooklyn Bridge take damage, but the Statue of Liberty is undaunted. New Yorkers take cover in subway stations. America's stock of AA guns and fighters mean that BAAF losses rise.

July 22, 1940 Charlotte, North Carolina
Waldo Semon of the BF Goodrich company discovers a cost effective way to produce durable synthetic rubber. This is vital as much of the world's rubber supply is under Axis control.

September 2, 1940 Washington DC
Brazilian bombing campaigns have now killed 50,000 Americans and laid waste to many major cities. A large cause for alarm is election day. The thought of millions of people out at polling stations where they are so vulnerable to attack is worrying. The Senate Judiciary Committee passes the 25th amendment to the constitution reading:
"In light of dangers to the public from aggression by the Republic of Brazil, the general election that is scheduled for the fifth of November ninety forty is hereby postponed to the fourth of November ninety forty one. All elections afterward are unaffected by this amendment". Leaders of both parties in congress assure Roosevelt that they will pass this amendment promptly should he ask for it. FDR refuses, saying that postponing the core of democracy would be a great moral victory for Beauregard.

September 10, 1940 Chicago, Illinois
A 300 aircraft strong attack on the Windy City ends in disaster for Brazil. 200 of them are intercepted or shot down. President Roosevelt had stated that the US had the capacity to produce 7 times as many planes as Brazil, and this was now clear. The predictions made that "the bomber always gets through" are shown to be extremely incorrect

September 30, 1940 Washington DC
As Brazilian losses rise, War Secretary Henry Stimson jokes that "the biggest worry for Americans should be BAAF planes falling out of the sky".

October 14, 1940
With losses of both soldiers and aircraft mounting and with the US showing no signs of backing down, Brazil suspends its mass bombing campaign. It has killed 70,000 Americans and left 3,000,000 homeless but it has not damaged the American spirit.

November 5, 1940
Roosevelt wins re-election with 82% of the vote against no major party opponents. Labor wins 370 out of 435 house seats in what will be the last ever First Past the Post congressional election.

November 13, 1940 St Petersburg, Russia
The Duma passes the Lend Lease act, allowing the US to use Russian military equipment in exchange for the US letting the Russians build military bases on her soil. Kerensky states that "Our comrades in the United States have our unconditional support in their fight against the destructive actions of Brazil".

January 20, 1941

The Willys company's proposal for the troop transporter goes into production. It becomes known as the Jeep.

December 8, 1941
After a surprise attack by Japan on the Pacific Fleet at Vladivostock, the Duma issues a declaration of war on the Japanese Empire.

December 9, 1941 Brasilia, Brazil
Brazil declares war on Russia.

March 30, 1942 Washington DC

Lockheed submits to the US Army Air Force a proposal for a radical new type of plane. It uses a turbine engine rather than a propellor one, it can go over 600 mph. It is known as the L-133. The USAAF accepts the proposal and demands a working prototype by January 1943.

July 4, 1942 Cambridge, Massachusetts
A new substance produced by Harvard researchers led by Louis Fieser is tested on the university football field. It is a sticky flammable substance known as Napalm. Dow Chemical receives a contract to produce it.

September 21, 1942 Seattle Washington
Boeing's B-29 Superfortress makes its first flight. This bomber means the allies can attack much of Brazil from air bases in the Caribbean and the Falklands. Getting it into production is made a top priority. That is managed by October 1943

January 10, 1943
Lockheed's super high speed F-80 jet fighter flies for the first time. It is by far the fastest plane to fly in the Great War.

November 11, 1943
Brazil's hydroelectric dams have long been on the list of strategic targets. Using the mighty power of the Amazon river, they produced 70% of Brazil's electricity. And because of how it works, they only would need to hit a few to cause a cascading domino like collapse. But there were 2 problems. 1) They were out of range of allied bombers 2) torpedo nets protected bombs from hitting the dams. With the new B-29 having already proven itself in long range raids on Manaus and Macapa, they now had the bomber they needed. Barnes Wallis, a British engineer, also came up with a clever solution to the Torpedo nets; a bomb that skips on the surface of the water like a pebble being thrown across a lake.

November 12, 1943
The daring raid known as Operation Chastise goes forward and is a success. Several dams are breached and the rush of water topples dams downstream. 30,000 people are killed, entire villages are washed away and Brazil's electricity supply is cut in half.

February 20-25, 1944
The "Big Week": Massive raids by Allies inflict severe damage on the BAAF's forces. The new F-80, launched from aircraft carriers, is so fast that by the time Brazil's pilots get to their battle stations, they find most of their planes have been shot to smitherines.

March 3, 1944
Tallboy bomb designed by Barnes Wallis is used on the Venezuelan oil fields. The attack severely damages oil producing equipment and reduces production by 70%. This combined with surrender of the Ottoman Empire, which had controlled the Arab oil fields, means Brazil is in a crippling energy pinch.

April 6, 1944 Falkland Islands
British troops manage to liberate the Falkland Islands.

June 6, 1944

3 different landings are made on territory occupied by Brazil early in the morning. Russian and Italian forces sail from Cuba to Yucatan. French and American troops sail from Grenada to Carupano, Venezuela. German and British troops take off from the Falklands and land at Rio Gallegos in Argentina. The landings are successful and General Patton promises the troops that they'll be home by Christmas.

June 9, 1944 Caracas, Venezuela
French and Americans liberate Caracas and head further west to take the Venezuelan oilfields

June 15, 1944 Mexico City, Mexico
Mexico city is besieged by both the Mexican underground and by Italian and Russian forces. It is soon liberated.

June 19, 1944 Buenos Aires, Argentina
German and British troops liberate Buenos Aires

July 1, 1944

Napalm being dropped in Nicaragua [3]

Operation Chicago begins, its name is a reference to the 1871 fire that destroyed that city. Copious amounts of Napalm are dropped on Central America to literally smoke out Brazilian guerillas. It is estimated that 40,000 soldiers die, mostly from smoke inhalation. The destruction of wildlife make this one of the worst environmental disasters in history. Once the fires are put out by rain, Italian and Russian troops trek through the barren wasteland and liberate Central America.

July 4, 1944 Panama Canal Zone
With Italian and Russian forces on one side and French and American troops on the other, General Vargas surrenders. The Panama Canal is once again open and Brazil has been banished from North America.

July 19-21, 1944 Chicago, Illinois
The Labor party holds its convention amidst the shelled buildings of Chicago. Vice President Henry Wallace is kicked off the ticket in favor of Missouri Senator Harry Truman. The grimness of the 1940 campaign or coronation as it was nicknamed is gone. American politics seems to have returned to normalcy with 2 competitive parties and no fear that this could be the last election ever.

November 7, 1944
Roosevelt defeats Republican Thomas E Dewey by 8 points [4]. In the now-proportional house, Labor loses a staggering 140 seats, knocking them down to 230. The Republicans have 195 and the Democrats 10.

December 12, 1944 Brasilia
Beauregard and wife kill selves in murder suicide pact with their bodies being cremated.

December 20, 1944
Brazil surrenders. The War ends in Latin America. Resistance fighters form new liberally minded governments, the first priorities of which are free and fair elections, guaranteeing civil liberties, and land reform. They lead Latin America into an age of prosperity.

[1] That was a rule the UK implemented IOTL so as not to tell the Germans whether or not a place needed to be hit again.
[2] IOTL this company wasn't founded until 1969 but I can't think of another name for a Brazilian aircraft company
[3] This photo is from OTL Vietnam. It works because its in black and white and there's no 1960s aircraft shown.
[4] IOTL Voters were quite ungrateful to the leaders who brought their nations to victory. Winston Churchill and Charles De Gaulle both got booted by voters (though they'd return in 1951 and 1958, respectively), Harry Truman was one of the few who managed to hang on (and I guess you can count Ike).
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The Great War: Far East Campaign


September 18, 1931 Mukden, China
Japanese Lieutenant Suemori Kawamoto and sever soldiers bomb a Japanese owned railroad. This staged attack is used as a pretext for Japan in invade Chinese Manchuria

May 31, 1932 Tanggu, China
Tanggu ceasefire effectively cedes Northeast China to Japan.

July 7, 1937 Tokyo, Japan
Full scale invasion of China is launched. China's fragmented, dysfunctional, and corrupt forces are no match for Japan's despite the latter's being much smaller.

September 22, 1940
Japan invades French Indochina.

September 26, 1940 Paris, France
With Colonial French forces outnumbered by Japan's, and French Forces unable to quickly respond, Prime Minister Paul Reynaud is forced to watch as Indochina falls to Japan [1].

December 7, 1940 Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
In solidarity with their Brazilian allies, Japan launches a devastating attack on the Pearl Harbor Naval Base.

August 1, 1941 St Petersburg, Russia
Russians embargo all oil exports to Japan. This reduces her oil supplies by 50% [2]

October 9, 1941 Berlin, Germany
Chancellor Konrad Adenauer approves the Vienna Project. The project works to develop a terrifying weapon theorized by noted physicist Albert Einstein. The weapon uses the splitting of uranium atoms to produce the type of explosive force of which mankind has never seen. The leaders of the project are Kurt Diebner, Abraham Esau, Walter Gerlach, and Eric Schumann. Britain, Russia, and the United States, all of whom had been working on atomic bomb projects, merge their efforts with the Germans. A series of planned towns are build to develop the bomb. The workers cannot know what they are building.

December 7, 1941 Vladivostok, Russia

Japan attacks the Pacific fleet in a surprise attack in retaliation for the oil embargo.

December 8, 1941 St Petersburg
Alexander Kerensky speaks before the Duma in a speech broadcast on the radio. He opens with "Yesterday, 7 December, 1941- a day which will live in infamy- the Russian Empire was suddenly and deliberately attacked by the naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.". He ends with "I ask that the Duma declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, 7 December 1941, a state of war has existed between Russia and the Empire of Japan". On the same day, Japan invades British Malaya, Phillippines, and Thailand and installs puppet governments.

December 10, 1941
Russia begins strategic bombing campaign on Japan.

December 15, 1941
German controlled pacific islands are taken by Japan.

December 25, 1941 Hong Kong
Japan occupies the British colony of Hong Kong.

February 19, 1942 Darwin, Australia

Japan bombs Darwin

March 9, 1942 Batavia, Dutch East Indies
Japan annexes Dutch East Indies

May 2, 1942 Rangoo, British Burma
Japan seizes Burma from Britain

June 7, 1942 Midway Island
US turns back Japanese attempt to invade midway island

Summer 1943
It dawns on the allies how difficult it will be to take back Japan's ground. The soldiers will not surrender unless Hirohito orders them to, they will fight to the last man. All the campaigns to take back islands such as Iwo Jima and the Philippines are slow and bloody.

April 19, 1944
Japan launches operation Ichi-go. The offensive's goal is to connect the territories of Northeast China with those of Southeast Asia and to capture allied air force bases. Chiang Kai-Shek's incompetence is revealed and Georgy Zhukov takes over as commander of Chinese forces.

July 9, 1944
Britain captures Mariana islands

August 1, 1944
France takes Tinian islands

August 10, 1944
Germany takes Guam

December 31, 1944
Ichi-go ends in success for Japan but with the allies winning back Pacific Islands, they still are able to attack easily.

March 6, 1945 St Petersburg
Kerensky is shown a report on a planned land invasion of Japan. It says it will take 2 years and cost millions of lives. It is agreed to instead use the atomic bomb to force a surrender.

April 12, 1945 Warm Springs, Georgia

Franklin Delano Roosevelt dies at 63. The nation mourns the man who led America during the crises of Depression and war. Vice President Harry Truman is sworn in as the 33rd President of the United States.

March 9, 1945 Tokyo
334 Russian operated B-29s firebomb Japan's capitol. 100,000 die in the deadliest air raid of the war, including atomic bombings.

July 5, 1945 London, UK
A shocking election result. Winston Churchill's conservatives lose in a landslide to Clement Attlee's Labour party.

July 16, 1945 Siberia
The Vienna Project is a success. The test bomb detonates and yields an explosion equivalent to 20 kilotons of TNT.

July 17, 1945 Rangoo
Allies take back Burma

August 6, 1945 Hiroshima, Japan

A Russian Petlyakov Pe-8 bomber takes off from Korea and drops an atomic bomb on Hiroshima. 71,000 people die and 69% of the city is levelled. Japan refuses to surrender

August 9, 1945 Nagasaki, Japan
Another A-bomb is dropped, this time on Nagasaki.

August 15, 1945 Tokyo, Japan

Japan surrenders, de facto end of war.

September 2, 1945
Peace treaty is signed on the Russian battleship Petropavlosk. Russians now occupy China, Korea, and mainland Japan. America occupies the Philippines, once again. General MacArthur orders his troops in the Philippines to redistribute land from large landowners to tenant farmers, intending to create a class of small farmers who will uphold democracy in the postwar Philippines. The new government in Thailand does the same. MacArthur's Russian counterpart Rodion Malinovsky does the same and goes further by seizing the assets of the Zaibatsu corporations that had dominated Japan's prewar economy. New constitutions in all 5 countries are drafted to guarantee human rights and representative democracy.

June 7, 1947 Nanjing, China
China holds democratic elections. Zhang Qun [3] of the Liberal Democratic party becomes the first Prime Minister of the largest country in the world.

April 3, 1948 St Petersburg
Duma passes massive initiative to assist the postwar recovery. Loans are given to damaged nations, including the United States, to rebuild industry, homes, and infrastructure from wartime damage.

[1] France seems to have a new Prime Minister every other week, IOTL Paul Reynaud was the last nontraitorous PM before the Nazis invaded Paris
[2] Obviously, ITTL the US won't be supplying 80% of Japan's oil.
[3] China's premier in 1947 and served for many decades afterward in Taiwan's government IOTL. He had some political reform ideas but they were blocked by Chiang Kai-Shek
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Great War: Middle East Theater


May 4, 1941 Tehran, Iran
Ottomans invade Iran to seize Persian oil fields. The great powers are too busy in Southeast Asia to cohesively respond.

July 7, 1941 Kuwait City, Kuwait
Kuwait is annexed

October 11, 1941 Kabul, Afghanistan
After a bloody battle, the Ottomans take Afghanistan. The British and the Russians, both of whom have territory which borders Afghanistan are alarmed. They begin to provide arms and training to local tribes.

December 10, 1941 Sevastopol, Russia
Ottoman Navy Submarines and Ottoman Air Force attack the Black Sea Fleet in the Crimea. The Russians are crippled. They retaliate with air raids on Constantinople.

July 10, 1942
Sheikdoms on the Southeast tip of the Arab peninsula are invaded.

January 3, 1942 Cairo, Egypt
Ottomans take Egypt and shut down the crucial Suez canal.

January 20, 1942 Tripoli, Libya
Ottoman attempt to take back Libya is repelled.

February 2, 1942 Sofia, Bulgaria
Ottomans take Bulgaria. Greece, Yugoslavia, Albania, Macedonia, and Romania re form the Balkan league.

March 3, 1942 Athens, Greece
In the suburbs of the Greek capital, the Ottomans are defeated by the BL.

June 5, 1942 Constantinople, Ottoman Empire
BL forces take Constantinople, the Ottoman capital is moved to Damascus

November 12, 1942 Kabul
British and Russian trained militias begin a Jihadi insurgency. Bridges, communications lines, and railroads are targeted.

December 5, 1942 Cairo
Italian forces liberate Egypt and reopen Suez. The Italians also take Ethiopia.

January 1, 1943
Russian and British forces launch a joint offensive on Afghanistan. The Ottomans have been badly weakened by sabotage attacks and are quickly routed.

February 3, 1943
Iran is liberated

February 10, 1943
Massive bombing run on Arabian oil fields

April 1, 1943 Damascus, Ottoman Empire
Ottomans surrender. The empire is to be broken up into a series of small democratic states with separate nations for Sunnis, Shiites, and Kurds. The Arabian oil fields however shall be turned into an international zone.
Postwar Order


October 1, 1945 Washington DC
Truman signs the Reconstruction Act of 1945, it allocates money to repair the damage from the war. The goal is to eliminate the deficit in housing by the year 1950. It is achieved by the end of 1948.

January 1, 1946
President Truman addresses the nation on the first New Year's Day after the war. He states his hopes for a prosperous and peaceful second half of the 20th century where "the resources that were once used for war could now be used to battle ignorance, famine, and disease".

February 2, 1946
The International Monetary Fund is created to "promote global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world." A new currency system, designed on the ideas of John Maynard Keynes, is created. All countries will peg their currencies to a new clearing currency called Bancor [1]. Bancor will be used to conduct all international monetary transfers and is a basket of major world currencies, the basket to be adjusted regularly

March 1, 1946 London, UK
Parliament passes the Colonial Land Act. This breaks up the large landholdings in the British empire and distributes it to the people who had farmed it. Prime Minister Clement Attlee says that it is needed to modernize the colonies and ensure that the subjects of the empire are capable of supporting and governing themselves. France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, and the Netherlands eventually follow suit.

December 25, 1946

It's a Wonderful Life hits theaters

January 1, 1947 Washington DC
The Atomic Energy Commission is created, it is entrusted with researching and developing peaceful uses of nuclear fission.

February 20, 1947 London, UK
Attlee announces British India will be granted self government by Summer 1948 at the latest.

March 21, 1947 Washington DC
Congress passes the 25th amendment, limiting Presidents to 2 4 year terms. The public, having had 14 years of Teddy Roosevelt and 12 years of Franklin Roosevelt, wants turnover in the Oval Office

July 18, 1947 London
Parliament passes the Indian Independence Act. It grants dominion status to India, Balochistan, and Pakistan with the Princely States to be given over later. The new countries would subsequently declare themselves fully independent.

August 14, 1947 New Delhi, India
India becomes a self governing dominion under Prime Minister Rajaji [2]

August 15, 1947 Karachi, Pakistan
Pakistan becomes a self governing dominion under Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan.

August 16, 1947 Quetta, Balochistan
Balochistan becomes self governing dominion.

November 1, 1947 St Petersburg, Russia
Alexander Kerensky's Labour party loses to the Constitutional Democrats led by Nikolai Voznesensky [2]. Kerensky announces his retirement, Tsar Michael II awards him the Order of Saint Vladimir, the US congress makes him an honorary citizen.

December 23, 1947 Murray Hill, New Jersey
John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley at Bell Labs, owned by AT&T, demonstrate a working transistor before their colleagues, the computer revolution is born.

January 1, 1948
The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade goes into effect requiring a reduction in trade restrictions.

January 4, 1948 Rangoon, Burma
Burma and Ceylon (Sri Lanka) become independent from Britain

January 30, 1948 New Delhi, India
The man who led India's fight for independence, Mahatma Gandhi, is assasinated by a Hindu nationalist.

May 3, 1948 Washington DC
The National Science Foundation is founded. It's job is to allocate grants to universities and other organizations to facilitate scientific research.

June 3, 1948
Congress passes the worker representation act, requiring that workers have representatives on company boards. This is in response to a wave of labor strikes. It is quickly copied by many countries.

June 15, 1948
Tax brackets, minimum wages, overtime thresholds, and other taxes and entitlement payments are linked to inflation.

September 21, 1948
Alaska and Hawaii become 50th and 51st states

November 2, 1948

Harry Truman manages to win re-election. This is despite numerous polls predicting his loss to Republican Thomas E Dewey. The Chicago Daily Tribune even printed a headline "Dewey Defeats Truman". Truman, at a train station in his home town of Independence, Missouri, is shown a copy of the paper and a photo of him holding it up becomes famous.

March 31, 1949 Ottawa, Canada
Newfoundland becomes part of Canada

July 27, 1949 Hatfield, UK

The De Haviland Comet takes its first flight. It is the first commercial jetliner.

December 27, 1949 Jakarta, Indonesia
The Dutch East Indies gain independence and become Indonesia

June 17, 1950 Addis Ababa
Ethiopia is released from German and British control

March 15, 1951 Tehran, Iran
View attachment 351813
Iran votes to nationalize its oil industry, with strong backing from MP Mohammed Mosaddegh which had been owned largely by the British Anglo-Persian Oil Company. This starts a diplomatic crisis with Britain which proceeds to blockade Iran's oil refineries

April 28, 1951
The Shah appoints Mosaddegh as Prime Minister after he is nominated by a 79-12 vote by the Iranian parliament beginning Iran's era of democracy under constitutional monarchy.

June 4, 1951
London and Tehran resolve their standoff with a compromise of a 50/50 split of oil profits between Iran and Britain [4]. With rapidly growing global demand for oil, prosperity is brought to Iran which modernizes rapidly.

July 20, 1951 Berlin, Germany
Kaiser Wilhelm II dies of a heart attack at 69. His son is coronated as Kaiser Louis [5]

September 17, 1951 Paris
France partitions Indochina into Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia, and grants them independence in response to growing unrest among the locals.

October 15, 1951 Los Angeles, California

I Love Lucy debuts

October 25, 1951 London
British elections see Winston Churchill return to Downing Street.

December 24, 1951 Tripoli, Libya
Libya becomes independent from Italy

January 3, 1952 Warsaw
The atomic weapons treaty is signed. The US, Russia, Britain, and Germany are to be limited to 20 warheads each with a maximum of 100 kilotons. Peaceful uses of nuclear explosions for earth moving and mining are to be done under strict international supervision. Atmospheric nuclear testing is banned. First uses of nuclear weapons require votes by elected legislatures.

January 9, 1952 Washington DC
In his State of the Union address, Truman calls for a Peace Corps, saying that these "Missionaries of democracy would help spread ideals of freedom and justice in the third world nations that are transitioning from despotism and colonialism to rule of law and government by the people and help eradicate disease and illiteracy". The idea had been pitched to him by a young Boston congressman named John F Kennedy.

February 2, 1952
Truman announces he will not run for another term despite being constitutionally allowed to. In private he does not want to have to run against General Eisenhower.

February 6, 1952 London
King George VI dies. His daughter Elizabeth, who had been in Kenya with her husband, becomes Queen.

February 12, 1952
General Dwight Eisenhower announces he will run for the GOP nomination.

July 25, 1952 Washington DC
Puerto Rico becomes a state

September 15, 1952
Eritrea is given from Italy to Ethiopia

November 3, 1952 St Petersburg, Russia

Vosnesensky's center right government falls in elections to the Labor Party led by Zalman Shazar [6]. Shazar becomes Russia's first Jewish prime minister. Labor managed to overcome anti-semitism and got large turnout from the large Jewish communities in Ukraine, Belarus, and Poland.

November 4, 1952

Eisenhower defeats Labor candidate Adlai Stevenson by 11 points. The Republicans take congress for the first time in 22 years.

June 30, 1953 Bowling Green, Kentucky

The Chevrolet Corvette goes on sale. Sales are far below expectations as it is too slow with its 6 cylinder engine. The company comes close to killing it off before putting in a V8, a legend is born.

December 8, 1953 Warsaw, Poland, Russia
President Eisenhower gives a speech to the United Nations [7] known as "Atoms for peace" where he calls for the development of peaceful uses of atomic energy.

May 14, 1953 Washington DC
The Peace Corps Act brings Truman's dream to fruition.

January 14, 1954

Joe Dimaggio and Marilyn Monroe marry

August 31, 1954
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration or NASA is created with the purpose of space exploration.

April 6, 1955 London

Winston Churchill announces he is stepping down as Prime Minister. He is replaced by his Deputy and former Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Anthony Eden.

June 29, 1955 Castle AFB, California

The Boeing B52 Stratofortress, the first ever all jet heavy bomber, enters service.

September 30, 1955 Chomane, California

Actor James Dean dies in a tragic car accident.

October 5, 1955 Paris, France

Citroen debuts its revolutionary DS luxury sedan at the Paris motor show. It is front wheel drive, uses wind cheating aerodynamic design, and instead of a suspension system using steel springs and shock absorbers, it uses spheres of hydraulic fluid.

January 1, 1956
Anglo-Egyptian Sudan gains its independence. It is divided into Arabic North Sudan and Black African South Sudan.

March 20, 1956
Tunisia becomes independent from France

April 7, 1956
Morocco becomes independent from Spain

June 29, 1956
President Eisenhower signs the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956 which creates the Interstate Highway system.

September 9, 1956 New York City, New York

Elvis Presley makes first appearance on Ed Sullivan show.

November 6, 1956
Eisenhower is reelected, again over Adlai Stevenson, this time by 15 points. The Republicans expand their congressional majorities

March 6, 1957
Ghana becomes a commonwealth dominion of Britain

August 31, 1957
British Malaya becomes independent

October 4, 1957
Russia launches Sputnik, the first manmade satellite. It is hailed globally as a triumph of science and engineering.

November 3, 1957 St Petersburg
Shazar's government is ousted by the Cadet party.

February 28, 1958 Washington DC
In response to the widely publicized financial woes of Former President Truman, congress passes the Former Presidents Act. This provides ex-presidents with pensions, secret service protection, and reimbursement for office expenses. The first beneficiaries are the two living Presidents: Truman and Herbert Hoover [8]

May 13, 1958 Paris, France
Amidst a bloody war for independence in Algeria, Charles De Gaulle, who led French troops in the Great War, stages what amounts to a coup d'etat to rid France of its chronic political instability. A new constitution is drafted changing France from a parliamentary to a semi-Presidential democracy.

May 26, 1958 Shippingport, Pennsylvania
The first nuclear power plant is commissioned.

June 13, 1958 St Petersburg, Russia
Tsar Michael II dies of a stroke at 79. His 61 year reign was the longest of any Tsar and had seen Russia transition from despotism to democracy and become a global superpower. His son is coronated as George II.

October 2, 1958
Guinea becomes independent from France

December 14, 1959 Nanjing, China
Construction begins on the Three Gorges dam, which will be the largest dam in the world.

[1] IOTL the dollar served this role in what was known as the Bretton Woods Agreement, the problem was that the US was forced to run trade deficits to provide liquidity to the world, this broke down in the late 60s and Nixon was forced to end it in 1971.
[2] Served as chairman of Soviet Planning Committee IOTL, his disagreements with Stalin led to his execution in 1950.
[3] I'm saving India from license raj
[4] IOTL Mosaddegh proposed this, inspired by the agreement between the Government of Venezuela and the Creole petroleum corporation in 1948, despite America's support for this, the British refused
[5] His first son also named Wilhelm died during the Nazi invasion of Belgium IOTL. I'll have him die ITTL too.
[6] IOTL he was Israel's minister of education and served as their President from 1963 to 1973. He was born in Minsk.
[7] I'm guessing the UN ITTL wouldn't be in New York since Russia, not the US was the clear victor in the Great War
[8] Yes, he was still alive, and in fact he outlasted Kennedy.
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January 20, 1912
After a week of chaos and international condemnation, the Kaiser gives in. The Reichstag is convened and quickly passes the following changes to the basic law
  • Declarations of war and peace treaties now require the assent of the Reichstag
  • All members of the government could now simultaneously be members of the Reichstag
  • The Secretaries of State now required the confidence of the Reichstag. They were accountable for the conduct of their affairs to the Reichstag and to the Bundesrat
  • The Reichskanzler was now responsible for all political actions of the Emperor
  • The Emperor's rights to appoint, promote or reassign military officers were now limited by requiring the co-signature of the Reichskanzler or the Minister of War responsible for the contingent. The Ministers of War were now accountable to the Bundesrat and Reichstag for the management of their contingent [5]
When asked about his change of heart, Wilhelm replies "As another king once said "I changed from a conservative to a liberal overnight"", referring to King William II of the Netherlands, who signed a liberal constitution in 1848 in response to unrest elsewhere.

Wilhelm must have had one of his psychic warnings; the "chill feeling" that hinted to him that something was wrong and needed to be changed.
The era of Kosygin and LBJ


February 3, 1960 Cape Town, South Africa
British Prime Minister Anthony Eden receives a chilly reception from that country's white minority ruled parliament when he says that:
"The wind of change is blowing through this continent. Whether we like it or not, this growth of national consciousness is a political fact."
But despite the boos from South Africa, 1960 is a watershed year for decolonization. Britain grants independence to Nigeria, Somaliland, and most of Cyprus. France loses Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad, Cameroon, the Republic of the Congo, Ivory Coast, Gabon, Mali, Senegal, Mauritania, Niger, Togo, the Central African Republic, and Madagascar. Belgium gives up its infamous Congo colony. All these countries transition to democracy thanks to land reform creating a strong middle class.

July 3, 1960 Washington DC

Frances Oldham Kelsey, a reviewer at the FDA denies an application for the drug Thalidomide.

September 8, 1960

Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho debuts

November 8, 1960 Washington DC

Labor is back in power. The ticket of Senate Minority leader Lyndon Johnson of Texas and Hubert H Humphrey of Minnesota defeats Vice President Richard Nixon and Henry Cabot Lodge. Labor wins a small majority in congress. Johnson is the first southerner to become President since Zachary Taylor of Virginia in 1848.

January 15, 1961 Detroit, Michigan

Chevrolet unveils their new full size car, the Nova, at the Detroit Auto Show. The myth that it didn't sell well in Spanish speaking countries because it has a name that translates as "Doesn't go" is easily debunkable but still shows up in business textbooks as an example of not doing enough market research.

February 2, 1961 Washington DC
Retirement age is lowered from 70 to 67.

March 11, 1961

Major reform of healthcare system known as Medicare is passed. The previous system only provided for workers, not for their spouses or children and only covered hospital treatment. This system is truly universal and covers routine checkups and prescription drugs. It is funded by a new payroll tax. At the signing ceremony, Johnson presents the first 2 Medicare cards to Harry and Bess Truman.

April 12, 1961 St Petersburg, Russia

Yuri Gugarin becomes the first man to go into space and first to orbit the earth.

April 27, 1961
Sierra Leone becomes independent from Britain

May 5, 1961

Alan Sheppard becomes the first American in space

May 25, 1961 Houston, Texas
LBJ promises that America will put a man on the moon before the year 1970. This begins the Apollo program.

October 1, 1961
Kamerun becomes independent from Germany

November 15, 1961
Jane Jacobs publishes The Death and Life of Great American Cities. It is a scathing criticism of modern urban planning.

September 27, 1962
Rachel Carson publishes The Silent Spring, documenting the harmful effects of the pesticide DDT.

October 5, 1962
The Beatles release Love Me Do.

December 9, 1961
Germany gives up German East Africa, which becomes Tanzania.

December 19, 1961 New Delhi, India
India annexes the Portugese coastal enclaves of Goa, Daman and Diu

March 19, 1962
Algeria gains independence from France with the end of the Algerian war

July 1, 1962
Rwanda and Burundi become independent from Germany

August 5, 1962 Los Angeles, California
Starlet Marilyn Monroe dies from an intentional drug overdose at 36.

August 6, 1962
Jamaica becomes independent from Britain

August 14, 1962
Work begins on an ambitious plan to industrialize Alaska. It includes construction of the Rampart dam and a series of railroads into the northern part of the territory.

August 31, 1962
Trinidad and Tobago gain independence from Britain

October 5, 1962


Sean Connery stars as James Bond in Dr. No [1]

October 9, 1962
Uganda becomes independent from Britain

October 10, 1962 Washington
The Kefauver-Harris Amendment unanimously passes congress. It strengthens requirements for drugs to receive FDA approval. It is a response to the scandal over Thalidomide which turned out to cause horrific birth defects. The United States was only spared from the drug by one foresightful woman at the FDA who was given an award by President Johnson.

November 7, 1962 St. Petersburg

The Labour party wins back control of the Duma. Russia's new Prime Minister is Alexei Kosygin

January 1, 1963
Russia changes its official name from "Empire of Russia" to "Tsardom of Russia". Kosygin says that the Empire name had imperialistic undertones.

February 19, 1963
Betty Friedan publishes The Feminine Mystique which begins the Second Wave feminist movement.

April 3, 1963
Russia gets universal healthcare.

May 5, 1963
The Duma passes a law requiring employers provide paid sick leave, maternity leave, and vacation time.

June 10, 1963 Washington
Johnson signs the Equal Pay Act, requiring that women be paid the same as men who work the same job.

July 5, 1963 St Petersburg
The death penalty is abolished.

September 4, 1963 Congo
Construction begins on the massive Grand Inga Dam.

December 12, 1963
Kenya becomes independent from Britain

January 11, 1964 Washington DC
The Surgeon General releases a report documenting that smoking greatly increases the risk of lung cancer.

February 3, 1964
Congress passes the 26th amendment to the constitution, lowering the voting age from 21 to 18.

April 14, 1964

1964 World's Fair opens in New York

April 17, 1964

Ford debuts the Mustang

June 24, 1964 Pretoria, South Africa
12 black activists including Nelson Mandela are imprisoned. The sentence is widely condemned. LBJ calls it a travesty of justice and an arrogation of the rule of law and morality.

June 25, 1964 Washington DC
Johnson huddles with his advisors. The worry is that Africa is on the brink of a race war or an ethnic cleansing of nonwhites.

June 26, 1964
LBJ calls Kosygin to discuss the South African crisis. Kosygin says that a military intervention is warranted to bring freedom to what is the world's only remaining dictatorship.

June 27, 1964
Johnson issues an ultimatum to Pretoria. They are to release the 12 imprisoned activists and hold a free election where all races can vote or they are to face attack by the US and Russia. The US moves bombers and fighters to neighboring Botswana while the Russians move destroyers to near the coast of Cape Town.

June 28, 1964 Pretoria
Prime Minister Hendrik Frensch Verwoerd responds to the threat. He says he will not allow "those n*****s" to run his country under any circumstance.

July 3, 1964

The ultimatum expires. B-52 bombers begin air raids on South African military bases and communications and industrial centers. The Russian navy begins shelling Cape Town.

July 6, 1964
Nyasaland becomes independent

August 5, 1964
American tanks cross the border into South Africa. The ANC launches acts of sabotage to cripple the South African military.

August 14, 1964
The Prime Minister shoots himself in the forehead as American troops move closer to the capital. The world's last dictator is dead

August 15, 1964
The Americans take South Africa's parliament and officially deposes the government.

August 18, 1964 Glassboro, New Jersey

Johnson and Kosygin meet at Glassboro State College to discuss the occupation of South Africa. They announce that all political prisoners are to be given amnesty and constituent assembly elections are to be held under universal suffrage to draft a new constitution.

September 12, 1964 Washington DC
Congress legalizes birth control pills and has them covered under medicare.

October 1964 Tokyo, Japan
Tokyo hosts the 1964 Summer Olympics. They symbolize the new Japan, one that is peaceful and increasingly prosperous.

October 20, 1964 New York City
Former President Herbert Hoover, who led America during the Great depression, dies at age 90.

November 3, 1964
With a rapidly growing economy and massive victory in South Africa, LBJ is reelected in a landslide over Republican Nelson Rockefeller of New York.

January 24, 1965 London
Former Prime Minister Winston Churchill, wartime leader and 50 year institution of British politics, dies at 90.

February 17, 1965 Washington DC
Congress mandates paid maternity, sick, and vacation leave.

May 10, 1965 Pretoria
The constituent assembly elections are held. The ANC is the overwhelming winner. South Africa's new constitution guarantees civil liberties and democratic governance.

June 2, 1965 Washington
The 27th amendment is passed, the Equal Rights Amendment, it ensures the equality of men and women before the law.

August 7, 1965
Congress legalizes first and second trimester abortions and required they be covered by medicare.

October 5, 1965
LBJ signs the Immigration and Nationalities Act of 1965, greatly liberalizing US immigration laws but because of rapid economic growth in other countries, it does not result in a flood of new immigrants.

October 22, 1965
LBJ signs the Highway Beautification Act. The bill requires regulation of outdoor advertising near federal highways. This bill is a pet project of FLOTUS Lady Bird Johnson.

November 11, 1965
Northern Rhodesia and Southern Rhodesia gain independence from Britain.

February 2, 1966 Washington
No fault divorce becomes federal law

May 19, 1966
The Supreme Court rules that the death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment.

May 26, 1966
Guyana becomes independent from Britain

June 30, 1966 St Petersburg
The Duma repeals anti-sodomy law. Kosygin says "I think homosexuality is wrong but I do not think we need to put people in prison for it"

September 2, 1966
Duma liberalizes divorce laws.

September 30, 1966
Bechuanaland becomes independent from Britain, renames self Botswana.

October 4, 1966
Lesotho gains independence from Britain

November 30, 1966
Barbados becomes independent from Britain

February 10, 1967 Washington DC
Congress passes the 28th amendment to the constitution which clarifies the procedure for filling a VP vacancy and allowing for a president to be relieved of his duties if he self declares or if his cabinet declares that he is incapacitated. This is a response to Eisenhower's well known heart problems.

March 12, 1967
Congress passes the Disabilities Act, banning discrimination against people who are disabled and requiring they be provided with accommodations.

July 7, 1967
Kosygin is handed a shocking report. It shows that rapidly rising emissions of carbon dioxide are causing a greenhouse effect. If this is not stopped, temperatures could rise by 1 degree by the year 2000. Impacts could include cities being flooded by melting ice caps, more severe hurricanes, and more frequent droughts [2].

August 2, 1967
Kosygin addresses the Duma on the issue of climate change. He warns that it is a serious threat requiring major intervention. He calls for international cooperation to reduce carbon emissions.

December 1, 1967
The Duma takes the first serious steps on global warming. A moratorium is placed on all new coal plants and all burning of coal is to be banned after the year 1980.

February 29, 1968 Washington DC
Congress establishes the Environmental Protection Agency in response to the climate change threat. It has the authority to regulate all sorts of pollutants and set energy efficiency standards for everything from automobiles to washing machines. Also, the Electricity Authorities are required to get at least 50% of their energy from non fossil fuel sources by 1985. LBJ warns that more serious actions are needed especially by other countries.

March 12, 1968
Mauritius becomes independent from Portugal

May 8, 1968 China
Construction ends on the Three Gorges Dam. It produces 22,500 MW of clean renewable electricity, the largest in the world, and is a shining symbol of China's rapid progress.

July 27, 1968 Washington DC
Congress decriminalizes homosexuality.

September 6, 1968
Swaziland becomes independent from Britain.

October 12, 1968
Equatorial Guinea gains independence from Spain.

October 22, 1968 Washington
The Gun Control Act of 1968 increases regulations on gun ownership in response to rising gun death rates.

November 1, 1968
Rampart Dam is completed.

November 5, 1968
On election day, the Republican candidate, Michigan Governor George Romney defeats Vice President Hubert Humphrey. The campaign is called one of the most uneventful and boring in US history. It is a sign of the consensus across the political spectrum. Romney becomes the first President to be a member of a Church of the Latter Day Saints. LBJ remarks privately "Who would've thought we'd get a mormon before a catholic or a jew or a negro?".

[1] Obviously, with no cold war, the plot is very different from OTL.
[2] I'm assuming that more funding for scientific research and faster global economic growth brings about a consensus on Climate Change sooner than IOTL
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I hope you guys liked my TL. I really enjoyed writing this. It allowed me to articulate several PODs that I had in my head and combine them together. I focused a lot on the US mostly because of my relative ignorance of other countries.
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I hope you guys liked my TL. I really enjoyed writing this. It allowed me to articulate several PODs that I had in my head and combine them together. I focused a lot on the US mostly because of my relative ignorance of other countries.

It was definitely a great and interesting timeline, tough I would have loved to see it to our present time. Even with a small ignorance of some countries of the world, it was definitely a cool timeline and I would love to see more TLs from you and also more TLs from other users on this subject or at least parts of it.