The Progressive Era


June 21-23, 1904 Chicago, Illinois, United States


The Republicans hold their convention. The extremely popular William Jennings Bryan has decided, as is custom, to not run for a 3rd term. That's a very lucky break for the GOP, also lucky is their swashbuckling nominee, Governor Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt of New York. Roosevelt intends to build a coalition through a combination of nativism to assuange the traditional WASP Republican base with reforms to win over traditionally Democratic voters. He calls for making it easier to change the constitution by eliminating the requirement for state ratification, he also calls for women's suffrage, direct election of both senators and presidents, and term limits for Supreme Court justices. Roosevelt also pledged to leave in place all of Bryan's reforms with the exception of tariffs which he wants to raise so as to protect American industry.

November 8, 1904

Roosevelt defeats Vice President Sewall. The Republicans are back in power after an 8 year hiatus. Progressives in all 3 parties: Republican, Democratic, and Populist easily are in control in both Washington and the states.

March 4, 1905 Washington DC
Roosevelt is inaugurated. He says that government needs to change to address the peoples' increasing demands for democracy and justice.

May 10, 1905
Congress passes the 17th Amendment to the constitution, eliminating the requirement for state legislatures to ratify changes to the constitution. Since the civil war, Americans' views on states' rights has greatly dimmed, particularly among southern blacks.

June 12, 1905 Sacramento, California
California becomes the 34th state to ratify the 17th amendment, giving the 75% of states needed. The Speaker of the state assembly says "the gentlemen of this body are officially the last state legislators in American history to be burdened with the duty of changing the constitution".

June 15, 1905 Washington DC
Congress rapidly approves 6 constitutional amendments
18th- Affirming the right to vote for all Americans over 21 regardless of sex, color, or creed. Women are now allowed to vote nationwide.
19th- Abolishing the electoral college in favor of direct presidential elections
20th- Senators now are directly elected by voters
21st- Supreme Court Justices are now limited to 20 years on the bench
22nd- Presidential inaugurations are moved from March to January, vastly shortening the lame duck period
23rd- Gives DC the right to vote in presidential elections as well as representation in congress and delegates governing power over the capital to a city council and mayor.

September 11, 1905
Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Arizona are granted statehood. They are likely to be Democratic strongholds but statehood for them came as part of the compromise with Democrats for giving suffrage to female voters, who are a GOP leaning group [3].

October 2, 1905
The Supreme Court rules that unequally sized legislative districts violate the Equal Protection Clause of the constitution, affirming the idea of one man, one vote. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes succinctly states the court's reasoning: "Legislators represent people, not trees or acres. Legislators are elected by voters, not farms, or cities, or economic interests" [1]

October 22, 1905
The National Parks Act is passed, giving the president authority to protect notable natural monuments from development

November 13, 1905 Mississippi
President Roosevelt goes on a hunting trip. His companions tie down a black bear and ask the President to shoot it, he refuses, calling it unsportsmenlike.

November 16, 1905

A cartoon in the Washington Post by Clifford Berryman depicts the bear incident. The depiction of the bear leads Russian born businessman Morris Mitchom to sell a line of stuffed animals named "Teddy Bears" causing a worldwide sensation.

January 20, 1906
The President signs a bill closing loopholes in the 1890 Sherman Antitrust Act.

February 26, 1906
Upton Sinclair publishes "The Jungle" depicting the appalling conditions in America's meatpacking industry. Despite his intention to direct focus on the abused workers, the public is more disgusted about how the food they eat is being handled. Sinclair famously quips "I aimed for the public's heart, I accidentally hit it in the stomach"

May 12, 1906
Congress passes the Pure Food and Drug Act, establishing the Food and Drug Administration which has the duty of ensuring the safety of America's food as well as ensuring that drugs are able to do the things their inventors claim.

July 12 1907
The Immigration Act of 1907 is passed. It sets quotas on immigration from certain countries. The bills backers do not hide that they are intending to reduce immigration from Eastern and Southern Europe. Roosevelt enthusiastically signs the law [2]

October 14-17 1907
A scheme by Charles Morse, President of the Knickerbocker Trust Corporation, F Augustus Heinze, President of the United Copper Company, and Augustus' brother Otto to corner United Copper's stock backfires. In 3 days, the stock goes from $39 to $10.

October 22, 1907
Panic spreads through Wall Street. Knickerbocker goes through a bank run.

October 24, 1907
The corporate body count continues to climb. JP Morgan, the nation's most powerful banker steps into action. He bails out the Trust Company of America and goes so far as to tell the manager of the Associated Press that he will pledge half his wealth to ensure the credit of the US.

November 2, 1907
Things calm down on Wall Street but a new crisis looms. The brokerage firm, Moore and Schiley, is nearing collapse as the firm had borrowed heavily and used stock of the Tennessee Coal, Iron, and Railroad Company as collateral. With TC&I's stock falling, it was worried Moore would collapse and trigger further panic. Once again, JP Morgan steps in and offers to have his US Steel Corporation buy TC&I.

November 4, 1907
President Roosevelt puts aside his monopoly concerns to allow the deal to go through.

November 5, 1907
Markets closed for election day

November 6, 1907
US Steel buys TC&I. Markets recover. The so-called Panic of 1907 ends. Calls are made for a federal agency to serve as a lender of last resort so that JP Morgan won't keep having to save the US economy.

November 3, 1908
Roosevelt is easily re-elected. The 18th amendment forces both Roosevelt and Democratic nominee Governor John Albert of Minnesota to campaign in far more places as every vote is now equally important. Albert campaigns in heavily Republican Georgia while Roosevelt campaigns in heavily Democratic Maryland, something that was unthinkable 4 years earlier.

December 23, 1909
Roosevelt signs the Federal Reserve Act. The bill, a response to the panic of 1907, creates a federal lender of last resort known as the Federal Reserve.

March 25, 1911 New York City

The Triangle Shirtwaist factory in lower Manhattan burns down. 146 workers, mostly immigrant women, perish. It is revealed how little regard management had for the safety of the workers. They even had the doors locked.

May 15, 1911
2 major companies: American Tobacco and Standard Oil are ordered to break apart in an antitrust suit. This is a massive victory for the antitrust movement.

July 15, 1911 Washington DC
The Workplace Safety Administration is created in response the Triangle Shirtwaist disaster. It has the authority to promulgate and enforce regulations ensuring workplace safety. A few businessmen complain about the cost but are ignored.

August 15, 1911
The Populist Party votes to rename itself as the Labor Party in solidarity with the British and Australian Labour Parties [4]

February 12, 1912 Boston Massachusetts
Roosevelt announces he will run for a 3rd term. The Democrats accuse Roosevelt of abrogating over a century of political custom and claim he has Monarchical fantasies, in private they are terrified about having to run against the very popular incumbent

April 15, 1912 Near Newfoundland
The RMS Titanic, the supposedly unsinkable ship, sinks on her maiden voyage from London to New York. 1600 people die and it is revealed that the ship only had lifeboats for half of the passengers and that another ship, the SS Californian, could've saved many but because her radio was shut off for the night, the Californian didn't stop to help. Stanley Lord, Californian's captain gives conflicting testimony on what happened that night, the US Senate Committee describes his behavior as "reprehensible". New rules are put in place requiring ships to keep radios on at all times and to have enough lifeboats for all passengers.

October 14, 1912 Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Roosevelt is shot in the chest by John Schrank while at a campaign event. Almost unbelievably, the bullet hit his steel eyeglass case and then a 50 page copy of his speech, saving his life. Roosevelt manages to speak for 90 minutes before going to the hospital. The Doctors determine that it was safer to leave the bullet in than try to remove it and as such he carried it to his grave. Roosevelt memorably opened his speech with this:

"Friends, I shall ask you to be as quiet as possible. I don't know whether you fully understand that I have just been shot; but it takes more than that to kill me. But fortunately I had my manuscript, so you see I was going to make a long speech, and there is a bullet – there is where the bullet went through – and it probably saved me from it going into my heart. The bullet is in me now, so that I cannot make a very long speech, but I will try my best."

November 5, 1912
Roosevelt wins again, defeating New Jersey Governor and former President of Princeton University Woodrow Wilson.

February 17, 1913 Washington DC
Congress shortens the work week to 45 hours and bans child labor.

October 10, 1913 Culebra Cut, Panama Canal Zone
A telegraph from the White House triggers an explosion that demolishes the Gamboa Dike. Culebra Cut is flooded and the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans are joined together

January 7, 1914
Alexandre La Valley, a floating crane, becomes the first self propelled vessel to cross the canal

August 3, 1914
The SS Cristobal becomes the first ship to cross the canal

August 15, 1914
The Panama Canal officially opens. By allowing ships to get between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans without going around South America, it makes shipping much easier. The project took 10 years and cost the equivalent of $6.5 billion and was an engineering marvel.

December 12, 1914
The National Municipal league adopts proportional representation in its model charter

November 2, 1915
Voters in Ashtabula, Ohio make it the first city in America to use proportional representation. By 1930, it would be used in most cities and a half dozen state legislatures. Its backers believe that it will reduce corruption and make politicians more responsive to voters.

November 7, 1916
Roosevelt re-elected again

January 6, 1919
President Theodore Roosevelt dies of a pulmonary embolism at age 60. Vice President William Taft is sworn in. Taft refuses to run for president in his own right. Many people are in mourning over one of the most transformational presidents in American history.

November 2, 1920
Senator Warren Harding (R-OH) wins the presidential election. But the results for 2nd place bring a shock. The Labor ticket of California Governor Hiram Johnson and Wisconsin Senator Robert M LaFollette gets more votes than the Democratic ticket of former Indiana Governor Thomas R Marshall and North Carolina Senator Furnifold M. Simmons. The Party of Thomas Jefferson had fallen to second tier status. The same happened in congress where Labor overtook the Democrats in the number of seats.

[1] Earl Warren used that exact quote in the case of Reynold vs Sims in 1965 which established One man one vote IOTL. I'm assuming that this left wing America means much more liberal supreme court justices
[2] Roosevelt was IOTL a blatant xenophobe. During World War 1, he questioned the loyalty of German-Americans and Irish-Americans.
[3] The right tilt of female voters was the case IOTL and is a big reason why it took until 1920 for women's suffrage to happen and until the 1960s, women were more Republican than men.
[4] I vastly prefer that name and actually the Populist Party was formed as a merger of the Union Labor Party along with Farmer's Alliance and the Greenback Party
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Programming Note: For the sake of simplicity I am keeping all the presidents from 1920 to 1960 the same as OTL the only difference being that FDR and Harry Truman will be members of the Labor party. I am however going to have LBJ win the 1960 Labor primary mostly because I think that, despite Vietnam, he is one of the greatest president's in this country's history with a record on racial equality that rivals Abe Lincoln.
this is awesome:
19th- Abolishing the electoral college in favor of direct presidential elections

I think that for America's constitutional wish to balance federal and state power the best type of presidential election is that in which electors are attributed for each candidate at state level by proportional representation.
The Tsar, the Kaiser, and the people


April 12, 1903 Kishinev, Russia
Rioters start a pogrom against the city's Jewish community. The Tsar orders troops to protect the Jews, restore order, and arrest the perpetrators. [1]

July 2, 1906 St. Petersburg


Tsar Michael has a problem. He is very much in love with Alexandra "Dina" Kossikovskaya, the lady in waiting to his sister Olga, but she is a commoner, meaning any children they had would not be eligible for succession. Michael asks the Duma to change the law. Georgy Lvov, the Cadet speaker of the Duma says he will have the law changed if the Tsar agrees to cede his power to declare war and accept treaties without the permission of the Duma. Michael Agrees. [2]

July 30, 1906 Berlin, Germany
Prince Wilhelm is found dead with his wrists slit open in his bathtub at age 47. He had long suffered from mental illness and depression [3]. He had been breech born where he exited his mother's womb bottom first instead of head first. The resulting Erb's Palsy caused him to have a left arm that was 6 inches shorter than the right. Empress-Consort Victoria feels guilty given how she made him feel bad about his arm. Wilhelm's son, who is also named Wilhelm becomes next in line for throne.

September 13, 1906 Crimea
Michael and Alexandra marry.

August 21, 1907 St Petersburg
Alexandra gives birth to a son. They name him George after Michael's late brother.

June 15, 1908 [4] Berlin

Kaiser Frederick III dies of a heart attack at age 76. Kaiser Wilhelm II is coronated at 30. He is substantially more conservative than his grandfather and proves much less willing to defer to the Reichstag.

January 12, 1912 Berlin
Germans go to the polls. The result is the nightmare scenario for Germany's elite for the last 4 decades. The Social Democrats become the largest party with 110 out of 397 seats. The Social Democrats had gotten the most votes in every election since 1890 but because of constituencies that hadn't been redrawn since 1871 to account for population changes, they never got the most seats. Panic shakes through the Imperial palace and rumors spread through the public that the Kaiser will dissolve the Reichstag and create a military dictatorship. Frederick III's liberal reign gave the German people an expectation of democratic governance, and the idea of it being taken caused outrage.

January 14, 1912 Berlin
Protestors demanding that the SPD's leader, August Bebel, be allowed to form a government without Wilhelm's interference are shot at by police outside the palace. Anger grows.

January 16, 1912
The General Commission of German Trade Unions declares a General Strike. Factories run idle, railroad cars don't move, coal stays in the ground, even teachers refuse to go to work.

January 18, 1912
US President Theodore Roosevelt and British Prime Minister H.H. Asquith each send telegraphs urging the Kaiser to respect the will of the people.

January 20, 1912
After a week of chaos and international condemnation, the Kaiser gives in. The Reichstag is convened and quickly passes the following changes to the basic law
  • Declarations of war and peace treaties now require the assent of the Reichstag
  • All members of the government could now simultaneously be members of the Reichstag
  • The Secretaries of State now required the confidence of the Reichstag. They were accountable for the conduct of their affairs to the Reichstag and to the Bundesrat
  • The Reichskanzler was now responsible for all political actions of the Emperor
  • The Emperor's rights to appoint, promote or reassign military officers were now limited by requiring the co-signature of the Reichskanzler or the Minister of War responsible for the contingent. The Ministers of War were now accountable to the Bundesrat and Reichstag for the management of their contingent [5]
When asked about his change of heart, Wilhelm replies "As another king once said "I changed from a conservative to a liberal overnight"", referring to King William II of the Netherlands, who signed a liberal constitution in 1848 in response to unrest elsewhere.

February 1, 1912

August Bebel- First Social Democratic Chancellor

The Now-Chancellor August Bebel forms a coalition with the Progressive People's Party, the Polish Party, and the Centre Party, the former is sympathetic to many socialist causes and the latter 2 are attracted to Bebel's support for minority rights.

February 12, 1912 Beijing, China
The Emperor of China is overthrown and a new republican government takes over. 268 years of the Qing dynasty and almost 4,000 years of Imperial rule in China come to an end. China, home to almost 24% of the world's population, was once the greatest power the world had ever seen but the 19th century saw it decline relative to European powers, most notably Britain. China allowed herself to become dominated by western powers in a series of "Unequal Treaties".

February 28, 1912
Russia dissolves Port Arthur and moves the Pacific fleet to Vladivostok, safe from the new Nationalist Government in China. [6]

May 9, 1912 Berlin, Germany
All the Bismarckian laws outlawing socialists are repealed and an amnesty is granted to those jailed under them

June 10, 1912
Proportional Representation is passed.

July 4, 1912
Women are granted the right to vote

September 15, 1912
Discrimination based on ethnicity, race or religion is banned.

December 4, 1912
Work week shortened to 45 hours

August 13, 1913 Passug Switzerland
Chancellor Bebel dies of a heart attack at 73 while visiting a sanatarium. The Kaiser, who had grown fond of him, orders all flags at half mast. Thousands of people pay their respects. Hugo Hasse is voted in as the new Chancellor.

November 7, 1917 St Petersburg

Alexander Kerensky 1917

What happened in Germany repeats itself in Russia. The Labour Party, led by 36 year old lawyer Alexander Kerensky, wins the Duma elections. The Labour party made their desire to transfer power from the Monarch to the Duma a centerpiece of their campaign.

November 8, 1917
Tsar Michael, fearing the republican sentiment of some of Labour's members, meets with Kerensky. Kerensky states his desire for increased power for the Duma, an end to ethnic discrimination, more protections for workers, female suffrage, and proportional representation. He assures the Tsar that he supports the monarchy. Kerensky adds that because the people overwhelmingly supported constitutional changes by voting for his party, trying to block them will result in unrest. Michael is impressed by Kerensky's idealism, intellect, and patriotism and thinking of the unrest in Germany 5 years earlier and in Russia itself 20 years earlier, not to mention the civil war in Austria Hungary, he agrees to the constitutional changes. He quips to Kerensky "I have a lot more free time now". This transfer of power from the Tsar to the Prime Minister becomes known as the October Revolution, as Russia was still on the Julian calendar and it was October 26 in the Old Style.

November 10, 1917
Kerensky starts the new session of the Duma. The Duma passes and Michael signs the following changes to the constitution:
-Ministers are now responsible to the Duma
-Any law passed by the Duma must be countersigned by the appropriate minister
-Ministers may now be members of the Duma
-Changing the constitution now requires a 2/3 majority vote in the Duma
-Duma districts must abide by one person, one vote
Michael also appoints Kerensky as Prime Minister. Russia's era of Parliamentary Democracy has begun.

November 24, 1917
Proportional Representation implemented

December 1, 1917
Women's suffrage is placed in the constitution

December 5, 1917
Ethnic discrimination is banned

February 14, 1918
Russia switches from Julian to Gregorian Calendar.

May 4, 1918
Welfare benefits expanded, to be paid for by an increase in income tax for the wealthy

[1] IOTL Nicholas II actually granted clemency to the perpetrators. A good reminder that the Holocaust was only the most horrific in a series of state sponsored antisemitism.
[2] IOTL, Michael was willing to be exiled by his brother to be with the woman he loved. This agreement is not so outlandish
[3] Wilhelm was not diagnosed with mental illness but he was known for his erratic behavior and instability which had a big part in starting World War 1
[4] This is exactly 20 years after Frederick died IOTL
[5] I stole this list from Wikipedia, IOTL they were passed in a last ditch attempt to save the Empire, instead there was a revolution which created what we now know as the Weimar Republic.
[6] You'll see why I included this later
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I think that for America's constitutional wish to balance federal and state power the best type of presidential election is that in which electors are attributed for each candidate at state level by proportional representation.
The President does not govern over states, he governs over the people who live in states. Therefore, he should be directly elected by those people.


In fact, with Teddy Roosevelt remaining President he most likely wouldn't have made his very health-damaging South American expedition and would most likely have lived longer than in OTL.
I'm trying to keep things simple and I think 14 years as President is long enough, thank you very much.
Actually, if Crown Prince Wilhelm died the next in the line of succesion would be his 24 years old son, the OTL Crown Prince Wilhelm.


July 27, 1908 Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
President Afonso Pena is deposed in a coup d'etat. A military junta takes over, led by the 45 year old General Rafael Beauregard, the son of confederados who had fled the American south after the confederacy's defeat in the civil war [1]. Beauregard declares himself the new president and immediately suspends the constitution, bans all opposition political parties, has leftists and trade unionists arrested, and creates a new secret police called the National Information Service or SNI to check any dissent. Beauregard also sets to work on a program of industrialization and military expansion. He says that the people have been liberated from the shackles of the corrupt republic.

January 3, 1910
The congress approves the first 5 year plan. Its centerpiece is an elaborate series of new dams on the Amazon for irrigation, flood control, and most importantly, as a source of cheap hydropower which Beauregard hopes to use for new factories. Brazil's economy grows rapidly, GDP per capita grows by 5% annually over the next 30 years. By 1930, per capita incomes had gone from 20% of the US level to 35% and 50% by 1940.

August 31, 1912
Plans have been drawn up for the new dams. There is however an obstacle, many farmers live in the basins that will be flooded. The Government's response is to send SNI thugs to remove them by force without any compensation or warning. People who resist are beaten and in many cases killed, innocent women are raped, and the agents help themselves to whatever the people own. This becomes known as Black Saturday. The people are forced to work on coffee plantations as virtual slaves

June 4, 1918
Mass protests in Rio are dispersed by police. 100 people are killed. The government cracks down on resistance groups.

April 3, 1920
The Government issues the Racial Hygiene Decrees. Nonwhites are barred from owning property. Nonwhites and whites are barred from marrying each other and going to the same schools, or using the same libraries, train cars, and even drinking fountains.

July 23, 1922
Beauregard becomes increasingly paranoid and contemplates building a new capital to be far away from his enemies. In a magazine, he reads about a Swiss architect named Le Corbusier who has drawn up a planned city for 3 million known as Ville Contemporaine. The brutalist buildings satisfy his ego. He calls Corbusier and brings him to Brazil right away.

September 1, 1922

Corbusier completes his proposal, it will be called Brasilia. The street layout is shaped like a bird or one of those new airplanes. In the middle is much greenspace and government offices on the wings are homes for civil servants. The centerpiece will be a massive new Presidential palace.

November 10, 1922

The location of the new city is selected. It will be in Central Brazil, isolated from the metropolises on the coast. A new Federal District is carved out of Goias state.

December 20, 1922 Federal District
Construction begins on Brasilia.

May 14, 1926 Brasilia
Brasilia officially becomes the new capitol after 41 months of construction. Prison labor is used, workers are forced to work in humidity for 16 hours per day. Dozens die from malaria and heat exhaustion.

March 2, 1933
With the country mired in the Great Depression, the government plans new public works to stimulate the economy. The most notable is the Auto-estradas, an elaborate network of high speed 6 lane freeways. Also, slum clearance projects begin, the flavellas are torn down and the people living in them are moved to brutalist new high rises where they are out of sight and out of mind.

April 14, 1934
Beauregard decides he wants a new automobile that will be cheap, economical, and reliable for the Brazilian middle classes but fast and durable for his new Auto-estradas. He establishes a government contract for a car that can carry 2 adults and 3 children and travel at 62 mph but still be cheap.

August 30, 1934


It becomes clear no private car company is able to do it so Beauregard establishes the Carros dos Povos (CP) company [2]. The state owned enterprise sets to work on a design from one clever engineer named Fernando Porshas. The car is rear engined so that there's more traction with the heavy motor pushing down on the drive wheels, the engine is air cooled for reliability and simplicity, and torsion bar suspension is used for greater ride comfort and increased interior space. A new town in the Amazon valley is built for the new factory, corporate headquarters, and to house assembly line workers and company executives.

April 23, 1937

The new car is unveiled. It is given the unimaginative name of Type 1 [3]. Hundreds of thousands of people sign up for a savings scheme to buy the car. The international motoring press as well as major automotive executives predict it will bomb.

[1] To be clear, this guy is totally made up by me, although Brazil has had many military coups IOTL, it's just that none of them have brought about a fully Hitler like figure
[2] That is what google translate said is the translation of People's Car in Portuguese, I apologize if it's incorrect.
[3] This is actually what the car was officially called. "Beetle" was just a nickname that didn't become official until the 1960s


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Can you also cover Britain? Hope that the Liberal reign continues at least well into the 1930s, as this would totally change Britain's social progress.


Can you also cover Britain? Hope that the Liberal reign continues at least well into the 1930s, as this would totally change Britain's social progress.
How would you like Britain's social progress to change? I think Britain has done just fine.
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