WIP Map Thread

Catherine the Great doing better - Poland and Sweden turned into russian puppet, greek plan executed, France crippled and Germany split between Prussia and Austria with Russia working as broker (and protector of remaining small states)
00Catherines Will.png
My bet is some point between the 1300s and the 1500s, showing the birth of the Safavid Empire?

Also, cool map, will you later post it as a blank one for popular use?
Quite correct, the full blank map has been posted already here ;
Hi all,
Have been using lockdown to (yet again) enlarge my 16thC basemap. NB Dutch Coast fixed 27/02




Due to size restrictions, I was not able to go as far west as I wanted so;

Cape Verde Patch


Senegal Coast Patch


Iceland Patch

and for those who prefer a more modern map;

Dutch Coast 20thC v2




Rybinsk 20thC


Volta 20thC

By the way, all maps are colour indexed so, if you want to remove the cities, take out (replace with white) the 0,0,0, Black and the Gold and you should be 95% of the way there.
This is the reverse of a map I did a while back still in my test thread (which was the Hearts of Iron 4 Video Game Mod TNO's Russia semi-extrapolated onto the U.S. in the Kaiserreich fictional universe). This one instead approximates the situation of the U.S. in Kaiserreich to its counterpart in 1970s TNO. It's supposed to be just about the worst situation possible after the game's 1972 election, depicted through the lens of an intelligence briefing. I went for the TNO-standard "computer monitor, blue outline" aesthetic. Feedback is welcome, as I haven't made that many alternate history maps and I'm open to constructive commentary.

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Below is a sample section of a historical map I am re-projecting. The wider grid of grey squares indicates 10-degree intervals, and the map covers Alaska and the pacific north west. However, from the vertical longitude lines on the sections I have done, the map distortion is quite noticeable. This is the "resolution" I have used in previous re-projections of historical maps. I could instead go for sampling at 5-degree intervals, but this will of course create four times as much work.

Does anyone have any advice on how best to proceed?

Alaska and British Columbia.png
Europe 2076 - The Empty Continent


2026 Augusts 26th - There is sunshine over the city of Philadelphia for the first time since the war. Every so often, someone pokes their head from the rubble, suited up, listening for survivors. This was to be the last war, and all Philadelphians swore it. The state had officially abandoned thousands of people to their demise. Human spirit was working magic to bring survivors to safe harbors, but the Coast Guard would not pick up everyone who made their way south to Ocean City. Not every boat brought friendly faces, and cartels were already into the business of human trafficking up and down the coasts.

Flags and fabrics flew from posts, so if the winds blew the wrong way, people could get to cover: Peach Bottom and Limerick were still leaking, with Limerick in particular spewing steam when the sun heats the concrete during the day. Well over 4,000 volunteers recruited from across the region had died in the nuclear containment efforts, primarily older and disabled men, sometimes ex-felony convicts. Mass bird die-offs have become such a disturbingly common sight, remaining children no longer mention it with conscious recognition. Of the survivors in the Philadelphia Underground, many are beginning to become afflicted by cholera and trenchfoot as pumps begin letting groundwater penetrate structures. The Suburbs are now the frontlines of civil conflict: Kutztown is the base of the future Emperor of America. Checkpoints are the norm in the gov't held regions.

The Final Sarcophagus needs UN intervention, and the responses have been lackluster: The politicians in Kingston were in very real terms at one another's throats. Cuba committed to humanitarian intervention, but the US had Cuba a genocidal shower of nuclear fire, and it was genuinely up to the speaker whether it was a serious proposal or not. The North Korean Ambassador was assassinated on the street just three days before.

The ripples on the Delaware, and the end of a parabola meets the sun. Kingston is not the first nor the last city to be destroyed in a nuclear explosion, but this act of war would be the one to change the world fundamentally. Some very unhappy harbor seals, disturbed by a swallow dropped from some height, spook enough of the sailors aboard xxxxx to press the button once more. With the understanding Kingston was the last seat of American Governance, they decided the 'last thing they would do' is eliminate the country that brought the circumstances about, with no care for the lives they would take. And that's where our story begins.

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Question: How do you decide on a ''shape'' when making a fantasy map?
I’ve heard of some people using pictures of coffee stains or a scorched pan and then tracing outlines for the coastlines. Others take Earths coastlines and then distort them in some way. In my case, I’ve used parts of other’s maps in combination with just freehanding whatever has felt right. There is also a little Earth in there. If you look closely you can see Northern Scotland, Dalmatia, Norway, and a whole continent sized Greece
I’ve heard of some people using pictures of coffee stains or a scorched pan and then tracing outlines for the coastlines. Others take Earths coastlines and then distort them in some way. In my case, I’ve used parts of other’s maps in combination with just freehanding whatever has felt right. There is also a little Earth in there. If you look closely you can see Northern Scotland, Dalmatia, Norway, and a whole continent sized Greece
Ephemeral States of the British Isles.png

The place of some of the times is just a hold over, plus Im working on the info for the different countries as well as needing to put in the capitals and other city names.