WI: The Lost Colony of Roanoke was never lost?

The Lost Colony of Roanoke is a famous story nowadays. The first English Colony in the Americas, with the first English born in America, Virginia Dare, and only to fail, with its colonists mysteriously disappearing, leaving behind the carved message “CROATOAN”

What if the Lost Colony of Roanoke wasn’t lost? What if it’s population didn’t disappear, and manage to survive until relief came to help?

How would this effect English colonization of the Americas?
How would this effect later colonies like Jamestown or Plymouth?
How would this effect try American Colonial Mythology
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That's actually OTL.

Croatoan Island was near Roanoke and had light skinned, blue eyed, English speaking "Indians".
Yeah I know. This is such a silly "mystery." The colonists got tired of dying and the Indians took pity on them.
I meant as a English Colony. I already know about the hypothesis about the Roanoke colonists assimilating into one of the nearby Natives.

What I was asking for this scenario, what if the Colony of Roanoke survived as a English Colony, decades earlier than Jamestown, and thrived


It's just that this kind of stuff is really specific. The personalities involved would certainly affect later history, but we don't know much about those people except that they preferred assimilation to death.

But you get an English presence in the New World about twenty years previous to OTL. Maybe tobacco gets introduced to England a little earlier than OTL. You'll have different colonial borders and names. As far as policies go? Well, the English controlled this area OTL, so broadly, having a tiny colony in a swampy area with very little mineral wealth probably won't produce huge changes.